Inner Light Clarity

Inner Light Clarity

Tracy Beeson | For those seeking ease and fulfillment for just being themselves!


I love working with athletes. When they focus on their mental game, it shows on the field ⚾️

Photos from Inner Light Clarity's post 07/10/2024

Your emotions are telling you something.

Let me say that again so people in the back can hear...


When you ignore your emotions, you are ignoring your reality.

You supress them.

You repress what caused them.

And it very well may lead to depression. Anxiety. Overwhelm. Discontentment.

I challenge you to embrace your emotional reality. Stop denying this part of you.

And if you find that hard- I get it. I have been there. And I work with A LOT of people who need to make some subconscious shifts in order to:

✨Trust themselves to be able to handle emotions.

✨ Give themselves permission to feel emotions.

✨ Believe they can be safe and loved, even if they have emotions.

Follow me, I'd love you to join my community of people that are looking to improve themselves and their lives one simple step at a time 💓


I'm tired of all the social stigma around the most important things!

Not allowing ourselves to have and express emotions is making us sick.

Not discussing money and salary is keeping us complacent.

Not discussing politics is keeping us divided.

Not discussing healthy bodily functions is keeping us toxic.


Let's listen to the conspiracy theorists. They have a different perspective.

They have their own perspective, and I value that over the imposed reality any day.


Sometimes are struggles are mental.

And sometimes we mentalize our struggles.

But when you get out of your head and into your body, you untap the potential to:

✨Be present



It might not feel good at first. But when you allow yourself to feel into the rough moments, you also untap the ability to feel all that joy, connection, and happiness that is waiting for you.

Photos from Inner Light Clarity's post 07/03/2024

Sometimes I think we might over conceptualize happiness. What it is. What it takes to feel it. Then we glorify it and strive so hard we might miss it present in our very lives.

I love my podcast guest's from this week's approach to happiness. Back to basics. Keep it simple.

These are things we can start doing more of today.

Find your happy, and please take the time to be present for it


Well, this probabably isn't the first time you're hearing this.

And it won't be the last.

Because this is some truth right here!

Remember, there is loving yourself on a conscious level. Becuse you know you should- and on a rational level you know you are loveable and worthy.

But if I could ask your subcosncious- would it still be aligned? If I looked at the way you spoke to yourself, allowed other people to treat you- would that indicate self-love? What about your habits and action steps to meet your goals?

Without self-love we self-sabotage. Really reflect. And know if you aren't there yet, that is okay. Awareness is step number 1.


Look around.

How does your space reflect what is going on inside of you?

It's okay- we've all been there. Please don't beat yourself up or feel bad.

Just recognize what is coming up.

And decide what you want to do about it.

Then- here is the hard part....


You got this 💪


You all are in for a TREAT! Take a listen to today's episode with local wellness practitioner Cyndi Rai of Happiness Hives. She is an absolute weath of knowledge on what it takes to live a happy and healthy life and holds nothing back in this personal and powerful talk.


How are past traumas affecting you in the present?

You do not need to allow the past to define you anymore.

Address your subcosncious beliefs (the stories you made up to make it make sense).

Address your nervous system.

And let yourself heal. DM me if you want to learn more. I am a trauma-informed transformation therapist that believes wholeheatedly healing is possible for everyone.

Do you want it?

Are you ready to leat go of the past?

Photos from Inner Light Clarity's post 06/26/2024

Kids drivng you nuts?

I know summer is here, and it can feel so overwhelming.

But while the kids are being kids and your nervous system is taking a toll- you have an opportunity to make a choice.

Am I going to accept this as the way things are? Or do I want something differnet in my life?

✨More peace.

✨More connection.

✨Less stress and frustration.

This work doesn't have to be hard. Learn from parents who have gone before. Learn from parents who have found fast and efficient ways to heal and improve themselves and their lives.

I'm one of those parents. If you want to fast-track the healing by re-wiring your subconscious- I'm here for you. Message me. Let's connect. I'd love to know what you're struggling with.


I hear people say it is hard to overcome people pleasig tendencies.

That is because the approaches often used ARE HARD.

🎊Celebrate with me🎊 , because you can LET IT BE EASY 🎉

Common approach --> Become aware, journal, meditate, go to therapy, try doing it differently, succeed for a while, go right back to your auto-pilot

My approach --> Become aware, decide you actually want to change and are willing to re-align your life with a new you, re-program your auto-pilot, show up differently, be the next version of yourself

Seriously! We do not have to keep cycling through the same behavior! Follow me and learn more.

I used to people please too and I want to help you to move out of that dymanic and into your power!

Photos from Inner Light Clarity's post 06/19/2024

I had the pleasure of being a part of an amazing young woman's journey of releasing past trauma and learning how to ground herself in the present moment.

I interviewed her on my podcast this past week, and I wanted to share her steps to leaving disassociation behind her.

This is so powerful. There is so much simplicity- and truth- to the ways she found herself at home in her body.

All of us could become more present with these steps.

Don't think this isn't for you.

You might not know you are disassociating- but have you ever "checked-out"?


"Grounding is being in the body, presence involves the mind and consciousness."

Join me for an enLIGHTening conversation with one of my very first clients.

Karlee used to struggle with disassociation and shares her journey to presence in detail. From the first realization that was disassociating to her first experience feeling grounded- we left nothing undiscussed!

Find out the subcosncious balances she shifted to be able to access presence whenever she wanted and hear her advice on first steps to getting back into your body.

Podcast link in the bio.

Photos from Inner Light Clarity's post 06/16/2024

A couple of years ago when I was first trying to get on social media- I made a post of me diving into lake Coeur D'Alene. It went "viral" (for my small reach, anyways!), and I got a ton of new followers.

The problem was they were disengaded and never wanted any of my content but me diving into the lake. But then winter came- literally and [social media] figuratively.

I think I need to fix my engagement in order for IG to show my content to more people.

Will you help me test this theory?

I just went through and removed a bunch of followers. So if you're seeing this I know you (and hope) you are real. And interested in my message!

I would be so incredibly grateful and appreciative.

Thank you in advance for helping me in my mission to reach more people and help more people change their lives


Sick and tired of being sick and tired?

I know it isn't an easy reminder to hear, but if we are fighting illness, we need to maintain our power.

Expecting someone else to fix you is giving your power away.

Even maintaining the belief that you are broken is giving your power away.

Our mindset and our perceptions are the most powerful tool we have to reduce stress and allow our bodies the environment needed for healing.

So you are trying to get your exercise in.

You are taking the meds.

You are waiting for your next appointment so you can talk to your doctor about what needs to be doen next...

I am no medical professional, but I can tell you that you do not need to talk to your doctor nearly as much as you need to start being kind to yourself.

Forgiving yourself for mistakes from the past.

Loving yourself enough to have slef-care routines that matter.

Respecting yourself enough to stop the vicious cycles of junk food, alcohol, and distraction.

Follow me if you want to start putting yourself first. I would love to share my story of transfroming from a burned out widow struggling with alcohol dependency to a thriving and happy mother of 4 living independently and following my passion.

Photos from Inner Light Clarity's post 06/12/2024

Growth and change are OPTIONAL.

Transformation is ACCESSIBLE.

A multi-directional approach is ESSENTIAL.

To get somwhere, you need a vehicle, fuel, and your own willingness to get in

Where do you want your healing journey to take you? Are you ready to go?

When you want change, commit to it. And follow me!



Don't follow me.

Not until you are actually ready for change.

When you are ready to step into your new way of being.

Release the past.

Embody next-level you.

But if you're not ready for that, you aren't ready for subcosncious work.

If you aren't ready for that you won't be ready to re-wire your nervous system.

But if you are...

STEP #1: Make a conscious decision that you want to make some changes

STEP #2: Follow this account

STEP #3: Be inspired by , and

I'm serving up for your future and ideas for your

If you're still with me, I'm so glad you're ready to access your

Let's go! Sky is the limit ✨


Let's not pick-and-choose which of Einstein's discoveries and theories we base our lives on.

"Concerning matter, we’ve been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Matter is spirit reduced to a point of visibility. There is no matter."

We. Are. Energy.

We cannot ignore our energy bodies and expect to access our potential.

Embrace energy.

Use energy.

Have energy.

Photos from Inner Light Clarity's post 06/06/2024

I grew up working hard and always feeling like I fell short. I felt like I would never be enough.


I addressed the root-cause beliefs that caused me to deel that way.

If you are addressing the symtoms of this social disease, please stop.

If you are hustling to try to prove yourself. Please, stop.

If you are putting on masks and showing up inauthentically so that you wioll finally feel like you are enough. Please. Stop.

Skip all that work. You can have peace. You can feel complete. You can feel worthy. And it all begins INSIDE of you. Stop trying to change the outside.

Please comment if you are ready to learn about creating real change.


We've all heard this definition of , but does it stop us?

No! Society tells us what to do and how to do it.

And how is listening to society working out for you?

Einstein said, "One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike. We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us. It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware.”

I say we use what is hidden from us. The things we don't completely understand. ALL the tools and gifts we have been given.

To access the peace, abundance, and joy we desire.

Let your desire for something bigger guide you there. Follow me to learn more.

Photos from Inner Light Clarity's post 06/04/2024

Stop spending your time and money fighting the ! We are all aging. Everyday. All the time.

So you have decided you are going to but saying it and letting go of the programs that keep you feeling old and invalid are two entirely different things.

The best anti-agining remedy ever created is deep and embodied acceptance.

You don't have to lie to yourself.

You don't have to try to convince yourself.

You don't even need to spend a ton of time journaling, going on retreats, or healing your internal family system (though all are beneficial- if you WANT to).

You just need some updates to your subconscious programming.

I could actually help you in a short one hour session embody all of these things.

I know we just met- so I'm not expecting you to sign up for that just based on my word! But I would love a follow so you can hear from my clients and experiences how powerful this work is.


Okay, maybe not EVERYBODY...

Just people who are actually ready to create meaningful and lasting change in their lives.

Like this post if that is you!

Photos from Inner Light Clarity's post 06/02/2024

The Enneagram is a powerful shortcut for self-discovery.

But how to you work to intregrate and heal what you learn?

I love knowing my client's Enneagram type so that we can address the fears, leverage the motivations, and course-correct the maladaptive stories.

Are you ready to take your healing to the next level? Then it is time to align all the deep knowledge and understanding you have on a subconsicous level.

Follow me to learn more about the power of your subconscious mind.

Photos from Inner Light Clarity's post 06/01/2024

The Enneagram is a powerful shortcut for self-discovery.

But how to you work to intregrate and heal what you learn?

I love knowing my client's Enneagram type so that we can address the fears, leverage the motivations, and course-correct the maladaptive stories.

Are you ready to take your healing to the next level? Then it is time to align all the deep knowledge and understanding you have on a subconsicous level.

Follow me to learn more about the power of your subconscious mind.


There are just some old wives tales that are taking waaay too long to die already. This idea that we are victims to our heredity is one of them.

We create our reality.

Our bodies were built for health and well-being.

Sure, we have generational trauma that many people are on a mission to heal and overcome, and that is important work and so necessary.

But that isn't genetic determinism, which is the most disempowering and harmful self-fulfilling prophecy in our modern culture.

How many people have been so stressed and worried about getting cancer that they stress-ate, peaked their cortisol, and allowed their body to be in a constantly heightened state of fight or flight- thereby creating a perfect environment for cancer to thrive.

Have you heard of epigenetics?

It is the science that proves that we are not bound by our genes. Arm yourself with this knowledge and allow yourself to overcome- and not become what you have been told your family struggles with.

You have the power to reject the "curse of heredity" by putting your mental and physical health first. Create the environment for health to be your story.

Photos from Inner Light Clarity's post 05/29/2024

You are leaving the most powerful tool you have in the toolbox!

If you want to put what you learn in therapy into action.

If you are ready to super-charge your take-aways from coaching.

If you are ready to stop ruminating on the past.

Forgive with ease.

Embrace conflict.

Speak your truth.
Then it is time to leverage the IMMENSE power of your subconscious mind.

Comment below what you are going to use this power for. Declare it! Own it!


Your life, your choice.

And if you want to stop beating yourself up, but you can't quite figure out how...

There is a way.

And it will change your life by automating what you want in place of runminating on what you don't want.

Comment "yes" below to learn more!


If you are living in a reactionary way, you are leaving so much magic on the table. Very few people were raised knowing their true potential.

Their potential to be anything.

Their potential to create anything.

Their potential to change ANYTHING. Anytime. If there. is something in your life that you are not in alignment with, you have the power to cut that right out.

You can change. Expand. Create something entirely different.

THIS is your birthright. This is your power. This is God's gift to you so that you can be a gift to the world with the magic that you create.

When people are dying they regret not taking chances and making changes. They don't say how happy they were that they played it safe and stayed small.

Do something for that future self now that they will thank you for. If nothing else, bring awareness to the fact that you have this power. And allow yourself to begin dreaming.


Knowledge and information might now be more abundant that hydrogen itself in our world.

Yet people are suffering more than ever.

There is more pain, more division, and less community than ever before.

Why? How could this be?

I think it is the sheer amount of information we are bombarded with ON THE DAILY.

Some of it is GOOD.

Some might even be the very answers that we seek!

But we need to take the time to integrate it. Make the conscious subconscious. Align our lessons on a soul-level.

Let your learning become part of you. Seek not to learn more, but to integrate and embody that which you know to be true.

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Sometimes are struggles are mental.And sometimes we mentalize our struggles. But when you get out of your head and into ...
Well, this probabably isn't the first time you're hearing this. And it won't be the last.Because this is some truth righ...
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579 W. Hayden Avenue
Hayden, ID

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 1pm
Wednesday 9am - 1pm
Friday 9am - 1am
Sunday 9am - 5pm