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“Balanced Bliss” May 2025 — Fit & Healthy Journeys 09/01/2024

Balanced Bliss May 2025. Join us for an amazing and transformative adventure in the Rain Forests of West Cork, Ireland

“Balanced Bliss” May 2025 — Fit & Healthy Journeys Balanced Bliss West Cork May 2025


What Is Forest Bathing (Shinrin-Yoku) ?

Forest bathing, also known as shinrin-yoku, began in Japan in the 1980s as a preventive healthcare practice to combat stress, insomnia, and depression. It involves slowing down and connecting with each of your five senses. The experience of seeing, hearing, smelling, and touching is different in a calming a green environment. This is becoming a big thing here in Western Society. This is what I do daily on my morning walk and it’s available to everyone and actually costs nothing.

What Forest Bathing can do for you

Spending time in nature goes beyond just helping you relax. Forest bathing boosts your immune function, lowers your blood pressure, reduces your stress hormones, activates your "rest and digest" nervous system response, and enhances your overall mental health, improving conditions such as anxiety, depression, anger, and fatigue. Have you ever went on a walk within the trees and felt poorly afterwards despite how you felt at the begining?

How to Forest Bathe

Forest bathing is taking a slow, mindful walk in the woods where you really pay attention to the sights, sounds, and smells around you. It's all about being totally in the moment and soaking up the forest's vibes. Listening to the wildlife (birds and animals) and wind whistling in the trees, seeing the sunlight filter through the tree tops, smelling natures many and different fragrances, feeling the textures of a tree bark while hugging a tree or that gentle breeze on your face. Enjoy your Forest Bathing session.
Photo: Forest, Lough Hyne, West Cork.

Sunrises and Sunsets — Fit & Healthy Journeys 08/04/2024

Sunrises and Sunsets — Fit & Healthy Journeys Yesterday I found myself captivated by the natural beauty of the sunset over Hauser Lake as I returned home from a delightful presentation by my friend Sherilyn on natural herbs and their medicinal benefits.

Fun in The Sun (with protection) — Fit & Healthy Journeys 07/28/2024

Fun in The Sun (with protection) — Fit & Healthy Journeys Summer is the time for outside fun and frolics and when being outside you need to keep yourself safe from the sun.

My Six Essentials When Taking a Trip — Fit & Healthy Journeys 07/21/2024

My Six Essentials When Taking a Trip — Fit & Healthy Journeys Whether you are taking a quick solo weekend trip or a soul searching retreat to Anywhere here is my list of must haves.


Happy 4th July. Hope your day is filled with fun and friendship Take a moment to reflect on this holiday and what it means to and for you.


Take a Hike Part 2
There is nothing like the feeling of deciding to go on an exciting or new hike. Adrenaline surges in anticipation of an amazing adventure. However, as with all things in life, safety first. It is important and smart to consider the safety aspects of your hike before, during and after your hike.

For every new hike there are two important things to consider as you make your plan.

1. Check out the details of your chosen hike in regards to level of difficulty, elevation ratings and terrain to ensure that you have the ability to complete it successfully in terms of skills and fitness level. There is an app for that:) I use All Trails but there are others out there as well and Apple is coming out with their version soon.
2. To be successful on a hike especially it is a first time, or a new hike always go with someone who is an experienced hiker

Before going on your hike here are a few things to consider
1. Check the weather forecast to ensure that you will be able to complete the hike successfully. If weather is expected, wear appropriate clothes. Rain doesn’t have to stop a hike but plan accordingly.
2. Check when sunrise is if you start early and sunset if you start later so you can be done before the dark
3. If your hike starts in a state or public park, make sure to know the opening and closing of same
4. Make sure that you have all the equipment you need in good working order, batteries of phone fully charged and a backup battery. Lots of water to keep hydrated during hike and some good nutritious snacks in a waterproof backpack preferably to save your back and shoulders. A first aid kit, a whistle, some form of animal protection are essential parts of your hiking kit. More on that later.
5. Have a tank full of gas or your electric car fully charged to leave safely when hike is complete
6. Inform your family, friends or roommates of your hike, route and approximate time of completion
7. Do not share any of your hike plans on social media until you have completed your hike and are safely back.

During your hike
1. Keep your keys and electronics in a waterproof bag and wear bright clothing so you can be spotted easily if you get lost.
2. If at any time feel unsafe from weather conditions, terrain or level of energy know when to turn back. The trail will always be there tomorrow.
3. Drink lots of water to keep hydrated especially if it’s hot and wear protective gear to avoid sunburn, windburn etc.
4. If hiking a loop be aware of where the half point is so you know the fastest way back to your car and keep on the designated trail to avoid getting lost unless it is The Lost Man Trail:).

After your hike
1. Check your clothes for any ticks etc.
2. Eat a snack before your drive home.
3. Change out of any wet clothes, and change out of your hiking boots.
4. Complete your hiking trail app notes and when home safely share on social media if that is your thing.
5. Congratulate yourself for completing the hike, review any challenges you may have had and how you handled it so next time you are a better and stronger hiker as a result.

Hope this sets you up for a successful hike whether you are doing a local hike like Grasslands, or Tubbs Hill; or a MAJOR mountain hike like Kilimanjaro or anything in between.

Happy Trails


Over the next several weeks we will explore “Hiking” as a wonderful activity. There will always be a hike or two on the agenda for our retreats. ​As we enter the summer months we have the perfect weather for hiking and it is an activity that everyone can enjoy no matter their fitness level. Today lets explore why I think hiking is a great activity for the whole family.

1. For for me, hiking is the perfect way to get out of my head and into my body. This provides clarity especially when I’m stressed, overwhelmed or overthinking.
2 It helps me distance myself from my phone and social media and all the pressure to “keep up with the Jones” and release the stress and pressure from it.
3 It is the perfect time to slow down. I take deep breaths as I walk and inhale fresh air and exhale any negative stuff going on.
4. There is of course a physical benefit to hiking. It keeps me fit and adventurous. There is nothing that compares to the feeling of accomplishment after a particularly strenuous or challenging hike. These challenging hikes make you stronger and more resilient.
5 You get to see the magnificence and ever changing beauty of nature as you explore new trails and revisit old ones. Some of you may have heard me say it's like walking in an art gallery every day I hike as no two days are the same.
6 It allows me to be more mindful of what surrounds me. You can see the subtle beauty in the details of a tree root growing out of a crack in a rock or the simple beauty of a tiny flower beside a dead tree.
7 You can hike alone or with like minded friends. It is a great way to catch up with old friends or to quietly contemplate. There truly is something for everyone in hiking.
What are your reasons for hiking?

What Exactly Are Our Retreats About? — Fit & Healthy Journeys 06/16/2024

Thinking about going on a retreat?

What Exactly Are Our Retreats About? — Fit & Healthy Journeys Retreats offer a break from everyday life while simultaneously providing skills to bring home with you to improve on your daily life. Fit and Healthy Journey’s retreats strive to give you a closer connection with both your body and the world around you.


The Harmonies of the Emerald Isle retreat has sadly drawn to a close but fear not for we are gearing up for future retreats in the coming year. From the moment our retreat members set foot in Ireland we had an amazing time. Our first night was short but sweet with a quick dinner and introductions. The next morning we enjoyed a crisp walk down from Farran manor(where we stayed for the week) down to the Kilcrea Friary and Castle which are two beautiful examples of 15th century architecture. We enjoyed a relaxing day with a restorative yoga practice before attending a cooking class led by Sharmin a chef who was trained and later taught at the Ballymaloe a world famous 100 acre organic farm and cooking school.

Monday was our longest day with a beautiful trip to The cliffs of Moher in the Burren National Park. Despite the morning rain we were still able to see the majesty of the Cliffs from both a cruise along the base of the cliffs and from above with a short walk from the visitors center. After enjoying a picnic crafted by Sharmin, we headed out to explore the Burren and visit the Poulnabrone Dolmen, a portal tomb believed to be constructed near the year 5000. We wrapped up the evening with some Thai food shared together around manor table.
Tuesday brought excitement in the form of a traditional Irish breakfast followed by an intimate yoga experience at Liss Ard Estate just outside the town of Skibbereen. Despite the rain, we braved the cold waters of Lough Abisdealy for a cold plunge, paired with a sauna followed by a magnificent lunch created by their expert chef. After making a quick visit to the Drombeg stone circle we returned to the manor for the night.
Wednesday we relaxed in the morning, did some gentle yoga and rock painting and then headed off to Blarney Castle in the afternoon. Many climbed all the way to the top and kissed the Blarney stone to gain the gift of Gab. Everyone explored the castle grounds, finding many gems including Blarney house, a manor house constructed in 1874 and the poison garden, a garden dedicated to plants with deadly traits. After exploring the grounds, we took a quick trip to the Blarney Woolen Mills, an Irish family business which focuses on providing ethically sourced products designed and created by Irish makers. The store is located in one of Ireland’s oldest and most authentic Irish woolen mills. We then traveled into Cork City to Arthur Maynes restaurant. Located in what used to be a pharmacy, the decorations of the restaurant and bar showcase the medicines, cosmetics, and apothecary accoutrements from the past 120 years.
Thursday quickly became our most popular day. After a quick stop in the popular tourist town of Kenmare, we traveled out onto a piece of the Ring of Kerry to a not well known nature reserve known as Gleninchaquin Park. Located on a working sheep farm, this slice of heaven contains many walking trails as well as a spectacular water fall and famine house. We picnicked beneath the waterfall after a stunning hike where half the group explored the top of the waterfall on a moderately difficult hike and the other half of the group explored the base of the waterfall and famine house on an easier hike. We then traveled to Gougane Barra, a picturesque valley and forested area which contains Ireland’s most photographed church. Located on an island in the lake, St. Finbarr’s Oratory is a spiritual retreat and destination for yearly pilgrimagesduring a spectacular thunder storm. Gougane Barra is also home to Ireland’s Top Toilet… those who know… know.
Friday was our catchup day where we wrapped up everything we didn’t get to on during the rest of the week. Some returned to Blarney castle to explore the gardens and the shops. We all met for lunch at the local Pub known as the White Horse where we enjoyed fish and chips and some Bailey’s and Irish coffees… shhhhhh, don’t tell anyone. We wrapped up the retreat with a farewell dinner and a brief history of Ireland told by Donald McCarthy. Pictures from the retreat were consolidated into a video for one last hurrah as we remembered all the fun times from the week. A picture may speak a thousand words, but our memories from this week will last a life time. Until next time "slán" Goodbye Ireland

What Are The Differences Between A Retreat And A Vacation? — Fit & Healthy Journeys 05/05/2024

Harmonies of the Emerald Isle Retreat happing next week!! Considering joing us next time?

What Are The Differences Between A Retreat And A Vacation? — Fit & Healthy Journeys The word retreat comes from the Latin verb 'to pull back, to withdraw. Going on a retreat is like hitting the pause button.


Still time to sign up .

Join Cyndi and myself for a wonderful yoga practice on Thursday May 2nd. Register early as space is limited.

Things to Do Before You Go On Your Retreat — Fit & Healthy Journeys 04/28/2024

Things to Do Before You Go On Your Retreat — Fit & Healthy Journeys As you prepare for your retreat there are certain things you should do to make sure you you get the most out of it and have that amazing experience that you deserve.


Join Cyndi and myself for a wonderful yoga practice on Thursday May 2nd. Register early as space is limited.


I planted a tree today. Thanks to my All Trails App. AllTrails has pledged to plant a tree for everyone who records a trail activity of at least an hour onto its app over the weekend of April 6-7.


Happy Easter

Gougane Barra — Fit & Healthy Journeys 03/31/2024

Gougane Barra — Fit & Healthy Journeys Gougane Barra is located in a beautiful part of the South West of Ireland, ideal if you are looking for some of Irelands scenic countryside to visit.

The Wild Atlantic Way — Fit & Healthy Journeys 03/24/2024

Ready to explore This?

The Wild Atlantic Way — Fit & Healthy Journeys This is a 1,500 mile long costal road on the west side of Ireland.


See the time spring forward on this Waterford Crystal Clock available at the Blarney Woolen Mills, part of the retreat adventures.



Not just the people of Ireland are friendly. A conservation with a stray cat while on a beach hike

The Irish Language “Gaelic” — Fit & Healthy Journeys 02/25/2024

The Irish Language “Gaelic” — Fit & Healthy Journeys While English is the most common language spoken in Ireland, the Irish have their own language known as Gaeilge or Irish to English speakers. Irish is one of the most historic written languages in the world and is often said to have a poetic flow.


Ready for dinner in the dining room of the manor. Sharing stories and forging friendships. Be part of our inaugural retreat.


As the day breaks, a little mist, the reflection of lights on the shimmering lake creates a wonderful mystical moment. Slow down, take a breath and see the beauty as it unfolds.

Valentine’s and the Emerald Isle. Did you know? — Fit & Healthy Journeys 02/18/2024

Valentine’s and the Emerald Isle. Did you know? — Fit & Healthy Journeys Everyone knows of St. Patrick’s contributions to Ireland but most don’t know of another Saint with his own holiday that has a connection to the Emerald Isle.


"It's not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters"
Happy Valentine's to everyone in my life.


Your Irish adventure is calling. Yoga, culture, cuisine - journey for the soul



Find your peace in Ireland's green spaces. Nature's embrace is waiting.


Step into history. Ireland's castles await your exploration.Blarney Castle a must to see and experience.

A Outline of Your Retreat- Join us for the Full Experience! — Fit & Healthy Journeys 02/04/2024

A Outline of Your Retreat- Join us for the Full Experience! — Fit & Healthy Journeys Our retreat will be the perfect combination of relaxing and exciting day trips. Each day will be specifically tailored to maximize our time in Ireland and feel relaxed and rejuvenated on our return home.

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About Us

Located in Ramona California just 11 miles from Poway, Fitness Xpress for Women offers an all inclusive 30 minute circuit training workout in a clean and spacious gym. Our specially designed women’s and teen’s fitness programs are for those who want to stay fit and know the importance of balancing exercise with a hectic lifestyle.

We offer a wide variety of different programs and classes to help YOU achieve your health and fitness goals.

Health Coaching is also available to help with your weight loss program in combination with your training for optimal results in reaching your goals.

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