Lenoir-Rhyne Environmental Stewardship

At Lenoir-Rhyne, we have always believed in combining conservation with responsible economic develop


Join Lenoir-Rhyne University Asheville in celebrating World Soil Day!!

During the day: There will be satellite events held by various groups across Buncombe County to help educate our communities on the importance of soil biodiversity and sustainable soil management. Satellite events will vary providing many options for activity types.

*Current satellite event options*

- Home Composting Workshop in Leicester (12/4) https://fb.me/e/1qy7NuyqF

-Soil Sanctuary Tour in Black Mountain (12/5)

-Vermiculture Workshop in Montford (12/5)


In the evening: All satellite groups and the public will be invited to come together in Asheville for a film viewing to celebrate the wonders of soil followed by a short panel discussion. We are showing the film at Lenoir Rhyne University at 36 Montford Avenue in downtown Asheville. We will begin welcoming folks at 5:00 pm for the screening to start at 5:30 pm. The event should be wrapped up by 7:00 pm.

REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/world-soil-day-avl-2021-tickets-163423424863?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=escb

EV Charging Station Refresh at LR-Asheville: A Small-part of the Infrastructure Build-out for the… 11/29/2021

Lenoir-Rhyne University Asheville had new EV charging stations installed at their campus (Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce). Learn more about the installation and EV's in this blog written by Master of Sustainability Studies student, Ryan Barry.


EV Charging Station Refresh at LR-Asheville: A Small-part of the Infrastructure Build-out for the… Musings from the Reese Institute for Conservation of Natural Resources at Lenoir-Rhyne University-Asheville

Timeline photos 11/25/2021

To round out our waste education series, we live you with our favorite saying - WHEN IN DOUBT, THROW IT OUT!!

If you are unsure if a product/material is recyclable or not, it is best to throw it in the landfill bins. This way the recycling stream is staying as clean as possible!

Timeline photos 11/24/2021

Once again those pesky plastic bags making an appearance in the blue bins!

Timeline photos 11/23/2021

What mistake do you see?! This one may not be as obvious as yesterday.


❌Pizza boxes contain food grease from the pizza that is a contaminant in recycling streams! The only part of a pizza box that may be recyclable is the top if it is grease-free.

💚Though pizza boxes are not recyclable, they can be composted!!

Did you know this?! What other things do you think are recyclable but are now wondering if they are?!

Timeline photos 11/22/2021

Now that you're all pros on how to on Lenoir-Rhyne's campus, we are going to challenge you to SPOT THE MISTAKE!!

This bin looks fairly good, except for the plastic bag of recyclables someone put on top.

Again, please do not bag your recyclables!

As one last reminder before we jump into some "spot the mistake" quizzes, here is what can be recycled in the blue bins at Lenoir-Rhyne!

Interview with Keith McDade- sustainability 11/21/2021

LR's sustainability guru extraordinaire Dr. Keith McDade was interviewed recently by Mark Lieberman on WPVM FM 103.7. Watch the video to see Keith take a deep dive into why Sustainability is crucial to the existence and resilience of the earth and its inhabitants.


Interview with Keith McDade- sustainability It’s not all in the hands of international and national policy makers and legislators. There is a growing movement among companies and non-profits all over t...

Timeline photos 11/21/2021

As one last reminder before we jump into some "spot the mistake" quizzes, here is what can be recycled in the blue bins at Lenoir-Rhyne!

Timeline photos 11/20/2021

The biggest challenge when it comes to keeping our recycling contaminant-free!


When recyclables are bagged, the workers cannot see what is inside them and must throw them onto the floor to go to the landfill. This is not only for their safety (in case there was something sharp in the bag), but also to keep the recycling stream free of any unwanted trash.

Simply use an old cardboard box to put your recyclables into and empty it out when you take your trash!

Did you know this?! If not, or even if you did, please share this with your friends so we can help educate one another.

Timeline photos 11/19/2021

Did you look at the signs today???

Timeline photos 11/18/2021

Tips to help us improve our recycling rate!

♻️ DO NOT BAG your recyclables (it will be thrown in the trash)
♻️ Read the signage on the dumpsters to know what is and is not recyclable
♻️ Keep recyclables clean and dry
♻️ Keep any food or trash out of the recycling bins

Timeline photos 11/17/2021

Need help figuring out what is and is not recyclable on our Hickory campus?! CHECK OUT THE SIGNS!!

Signs are located on all dumpsters outside of residents and on top of roll carts and stationary bins.

Here are some things that are recyclable:
♻️ Plastic bottles (soda, juice, and water)
♻️ Cartons (milk and juice)
♻️ Paper and cardboard
♻️ Aluminum cans
♻️ Plastic tubs (large yogurt containers, butter)

Here are things that are NOT recyclable:
❌Starbucks hot or cold coffee cups
❌Berry clamshell containers
❌Sushi trays
❌Chick-Fil-A cups or wrappers
❌Candy wrappers or chip bags

Timeline photos 11/16/2021

Let's start with the benefits of recycling!

♻️ Reduces waste sent to the landfill
♻️ Conserves natural resources by reusing materials already extracted
♻️ Increases economic security by keeping materials domestic
♻️ Saves energy
♻️ Creates jobs in the United States

What other benefits of recycling can you think of?

Timeline photos 11/15/2021

♻️🐻Happy America Recycles Day!!!💚🗑️

We want to use this week to help educate our campus on what is and is not recyclable here in the City of Hickory.
Be on the lookout for tips and tricks to recycling right.

Timeline photos 11/14/2021

SDG #17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Timeline photos 11/13/2021

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Timeline photos 11/13/2021

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Timeline photos 11/13/2021

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Timeline photos 11/12/2021

SDG #13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Coming back around to COP26, this is exactly what these world leaders have gathered to address during this conference!

This goal hopes to create resilience to climate disasters, understand risk management from climate disasters, educate the public on climate change, and use the UN's framework to work toward a world that does not pass 1.5 degrees of warming.

How might students engage in local change on our campus to address climate change?

Timeline photos 11/11/2021

SDG #12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Overconsumption is a huge issue contributing to an unsustainable world. Take a moment to think about the last thing you purchased:
- Did you really need that item?
- Have you ever thought about how it was made?
- Were the workers who made it paid and treated fairly?
- What materials are in the item, and where might they have come from?

One way to quickly address this sustainable development goal is USING WHAT WE HAVE! And if you do need something try to find it second-hand before buying new.

Timeline photos 11/11/2021

SDG #11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

This includes safe and affordable housing, safe and affordable transportation, inclusive urbanization, protecting culture, preparing for natural disasters, and reducing the environmental impact of cities.

Did you know that cities contribute a lot to the United States' carbon footprint?! Our Master of Sustainability Studies students is learning all about this in their Visions for Sustainable Communities class this Spring.

Is your city sustainable? How might you make your city more sustainable?

Timeline photos 11/11/2021

SDG #10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

This includes reducing income, social, economic, and political inequalities while eliminating discriminatory practices.

Have you ever experienced inequality? How might you have wished this experience was different? What policies or programs can be put in place to ensure this happens?

Lenoir-Rhyne is lucky to have https://www.lr.edu/student-life/diversity-inclusion/multicultural-affairs to ensure that we are reducing inequalities on our campus!

Timeline photos 11/11/2021

SDG #9: Build resilient infrastructure promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

One way the United States is currently addressing this sustainable development goal is through the bipartisan infrastructure bill that was just passed by congress.

Innovation is another strategy at the forefront of the COP26 conversations as a need to create a world that will keep us under 1.5 degrees warming.

What are some exciting innovations you have seen that are addressing sustainable development?

Timeline photos 11/10/2021

SDG #8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, and decent work for all.

Gross domestic product per capita (GDP) is used to help measure the growth percentage, and the goal is to sustain at least a 7% cent GDP growth per year in developing countries through 2030 (SDG, 2020).

Some other aspects of this goal are:
- promoting youth employment and education
- ending modern slavery
- protecting labor rights
- increasing safe working environments

Timeline photos 11/10/2021

SDG #7

Timeline photos 11/10/2021

SDG #6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all

The goal is to achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030.

97% of the United States population is using safely managed drinking water, however, countries like Chad, only have about 5.5% of their population using safely managed drinking water (SDG, 2020).

Safely managed drinking water service - one located on premises available when needed and free from contamination (SDG, 2020).

What are some ways you help conserve water?
Taking shorter showers? Turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth?

Timeline photos 11/07/2021

SDG #5: Gender Equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Women only make up 25.6% in national parliaments, 36.3% in local governments, and 28.2% in managerial roles (SDG, 2021). Additionally, 1/3 of women have been subjected to physical and/or sexual violence at least once since the age of 15 (SDG, 2018).

We need to continue to amplify women's voices and fight for gender equality in our organizations, businesses, high education institutions, and governments.

More information: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal5

Timeline photos 11/06/2021

SDG #3: Quality Education -
Ensure inclusive and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Participation in pre-primary learning has increased 8% since 2010 (SDGS, 2019). However, the COVID-19 pandemic has wiped out twenty years of education gains, leaving an additional 101 million children falling below the minimum reading proficiency levels (SDGS, 2020).

Solutions will start with improving school infrastructure in low-development countries by providing drinking water, electricity, and hand-washing stations on site (SDGS, 2020).

This sustainable development goal is a reminder that education is a privilege and we should be grateful for the opportunity we have to study here at Lenoir-Rhyne University.

More information: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal4


Timeline photos 11/05/2021

SDG #3: Good Health and Well-Being - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages

This goal focuses on supporting reproductive health, maternal health, child health, health workers, and health coverage.

Many regions around the globe have felt the impacts of COVID-19 including a shortened life expectancy, lack of proper data, short supply of health workers, and overburdened health facilities.

Prior to the pandemic, the most progress had been made in maternal and child health, increasing immunization, and reducing communicable diseases.

Mental health and health risks associated with poor environmental conditions are increasing and could pose an additional concern to human health.

To help move toward SDG #3, we can make we are keeping ourselves physically and mentally healthy, and educate others on ways to do the same.

More information: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal3

Timeline photos 11/04/2021

SDG #2: Zero Hunger: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture

2.37 billion people are without food or unable to eat a well-balanced diet on a regular basis (SDGS, 2020). The global COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this issue, leaving many more without food.

There are many solutions to this problem from minimizing food waste, using innovative agricultural technologies to grow more nutritious food, and leveraging local and seasonal growth of food.

One way you can help end hunger is by planting edible plants and ensuring that the food you are purchasing is being eaten before it goes bad.

Find more information about SDG #2 here: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal2

Timeline photos 11/02/2021

SDG #1 NO POVERTY - End poverty in all its forms everywhere

The global poverty rate is projected to be 7% in 2030. In 2015, the global extreme poverty rate was 10.1 percent, falling 0.8% in 2017. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 global pandemic has created many setbacks in further progress toward lowering the rate of extreme poverty (SDGS - UN).

Check out more information about SDG #1: https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal1

Timeline photos 11/01/2021

The COP26 summit has commenced in Glasgow, Scotland!
COP stands for Climate Change Conference.

COP26 is bringing together stakeholders to accelerate action towards the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

If you missed the last COP, it was held in Paris (2015) and quite momentous. At COP21 every country agreed to limit global warming to below 2 degrees celsius, and the Paris Agreement was formed.

This year, leaders hope to achieve four main goals
- Secure global net-zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach
- Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats
- Mobilise Finance
- Work together to deliver

What are you most excited to see or hear at COP26?

Check-out live updates by following https://twitter.com/COP26

Timeline photos 10/26/2021


Please read the campus signage to know what is and is not recyclable on campus! If you have any questions, comment below and we can help you out.

First, and foremost, NEVER BAG YOUR RECYCLABLES!!!

Next, please see below for some of the commonly recycled items that CANNOT go in the blue bins:
❌Cold or hot Starbucks coffee cups
❌Chick-Fil-A cups
❌Chip bags
❌Candy wrappers
❌Plastic bags (must be recycled at grocery stores)
❌Plastic utensils
❌Pizza boxes
❌Plastic berry containers

What other items are you unsure about?! Let us know and we will answer your questions :)

Timeline photos 10/25/2021

Join SEEDS tonight behind the greenhouse to decorate pumpkins and mingle with other SEEDS members!!

🟠 Bring your best pumpkin design ideas🟠

The event will start at 6 pm and go until 8 pm tonight.

Photos from Lenoir-Rhyne Environmental Stewardship's post 10/21/2021

It's not too later to register for next week's WNC Air and Water Quality Conference sponsored partially by Lenoir-Rhyne University Asheville.

Thursday, October 28th will be the water quality portion, while Friday, October 29th will explore the air quality topics. You can review the schedules of both days in the post below.

Register using this link: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ein1e624fc73141c&oseq=&c=&ch

Timeline photos 10/20/2021

The last tip of the season is to avoid purchasing individually wrapped candy. Instead, you can buy candy from the bulk sections of the grocery store and put individual paper bags or boxes to distribute to visitors.

Timeline photos 10/19/2021

Don't be selfish this Halloween! Take only the treats that you know you'll be able to eat, and then share the excess with those in your community.

Timeline photos 10/18/2021

Pumpkins contribute to a lot of the waste being sent to the landfill in the month of October. Let's avoid that by composting or sending your pumpkins and gourds to a local pig farm. They can be composted or donated only if they are unpainted and do not have other crafting supplies attached to them. ​

Timeline photos 10/17/2021

Don't want to buy a new costume, or make your own?! Try trading costumes with a friend, family member, or neighbor. This is a great way to get extended use out of those costumes kids don't want to wear year after year.

Timeline photos 10/16/2021

Another idea for trick-or-treating is to avoid buying plastic treat bags and buckets and instead opt for a pillowcase, Tupperware you have in the cabinet, or a reusable tote/backpack.

Don't those seem like they hold more candy anyways?!

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