Down South Strong

Down South Strong

👙 Health & Fitness Coach for Women 40+ Helping clients discover a stronger, healthier and sexier body from the inside out



🤔If you don’t get enough sleep during the week, you can make it up on the weekend.

🔥MYTH! 🔥

💡This kind of “oversleeping” on the weekend can actually cause you to continue your sleep deficit.

That’s because sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday mornings can make it harder for you to fall asleep on Sunday night.

🛌Which, in turn, sets you up for starting the week with less than optimal sleep!

Most of us need about 7 hours of sleep at night, but only 27% of us actually get that much!
�You probably already know that not getting enough sleep is linked with health problems like a weaker immune system, high BP, and even an increased risk for diabetes.

Plus, it can cause an increase in stress hormones.

⏰A better bet than playing catch-up on your sleep: try going to bed early enough during the week so that you get at least 7 hours of sleep.


🤔 I should focus on cardio if I want to lose weight.


If weight (or fat) loss is one of your goals, exercise can definitely help – but nutrition plays the biggest role in your results.

Your body burns stored fat when you create a calorie deficit, eating fewer calories than you take in.

That being said, exercise is very important for your overall health, plus it will help you burn more calories every day.

It also can help you keep muscle as you lose weight … and maintain your results once you hit your goal.

The most effective plans for body composition change take YOU into account, from your overall health and wellness and your likes and dislikes, to your mindset and lifestyle.


🔥What’s the #1 enemy of your goals?🔥

I’m talking about the absolute biggest roadblock standing in your way.

There are so many to choose from:
-Not having enough time
-Lack of support
-Not knowing what to do
-Your genetics
The list goes on and on!

😲But what if I told you that none of those things are actually your enemy? (Seriously!)

The #1 thing standing in between you and your goals is:


We get in our own way in so many ways. Here are just a few:

*You haven’t made reaching your goals a true priority. This means you let your healthy habits slide when you’re stressed/tired/something more fun comes along.

*You have imposter syndrome. You don’t think you are worthy of your goals, which makes it easier to quit.

*You haven’t set yourself up for success. It’s super easy to get discouraged and quit when you don’t have a plan, support, accountability, etc.

*You think you don’t have the willpower. EVERYONE (and I mean EVERYONE) struggles from time to time. But when you know WHY your goal matters to you, it’s easier to overcome those struggles.

*You let one “slip” derail you. No one is perfect 24/7. The people who reach their goals get up after a slip-up, dust themselves off, figure out what went wrong, and get back at it!

💡BUT… knowing yourself and being aware of the ways that YOU tend to get in your own way, will help you to become even STRONGER.

What would happen if the next time you sabotaged yourself, you took some real time to think about the reasons why – without beating yourself up for it?

Your mindset makes all the difference!

Taking some real time to explore it – whether you do it by journaling, working with a coach, or talking with a trusted mentor or friend – can help you reconnect with the reasons your goals matter to you.

Because when your mindset is right, you can overcome just about any obstacle that is standing in your way!

I specialize in helping clients overcome mindset blocks both in-person & virtually:
> Strength training
> Weight loss (or gain)
> Exercise Therapy
> Overall Health & Wellness Improvement
> In-Person Sessions Held at Legit Fitness in Hudson


I want to let you in on a little secret…

From the outside, it might LOOK like most of my healthy habits are pretty dialed in. But this wasn’t something that happened overnight.

Just like you, it took me time to figure out what “worked.” And it’s always a work in progress.

Basically, it goes like this:

When I notice something that makes me feel better/fitter/stronger, I start doing it – a little at a time until it becomes part of my routine. (sounds so simple right?!)

For example:
> I noticed I had a lot more energy if I worked out in the morning.
> My stomach is happier and my digestion is better if I focus on whole clean foods that I prepare myself instead of drive through or packaged foods.

I find it funny when people tell me I’m so disciplined … because to me it doesn’t really feel like that.

It’s more automatic than anything else – because I’ve created these simple habits.

Building these types of healthy habits, especially from scratch, can be a challenge. I get it!!

But I can help you with that!!

I specialize in helping clients both IN-PERSON & VIRTUALLY!!
* Strength training
* Weight loss (or gain)
* Exercise Therapy
*Overall Health & Wellness Improvement
***In-Person Sessions Held at Fit in Hudson.

Talk to me about what you want to accomplish and together we will design a plan that works for you and your lifestyle.


It’s totally normal to feel like you need a nap in the afternoon.

That’s because your body’s natural rhythms are set up to peak during the night and the afternoon.

BUT … there are things you can do to ward off that sleepiness before it happens … and ways to cope with it if it does strike!

Some of the basics you probably already know… eating a healthy balanced diet … staying hydrated … and also doing your best NOT to sit staring at a screen all day!

Another biggie that can cause that mid-afternoon slump is drinking too much coffee in the morning.

Here are a few more helpful tips for powering through that slump.

First: Get in a workout if you can! And if you can’t, stand up, go for a walk, move around, and stretch. Your body CRAVES movement.

Second: Brew a cup of green tea. It contains phytochemicals that can help you wake up without giving you the jitters.

Third: Turn on some music … and switch tasks if possible, to give your brain a new challenge.

Fourth: If you can, take a short catnap to recharge. This is my personal favorite!! Set an alarm for 25 minutes and turn off all other ringers and notifications. Have some cold ice water ready to go as soon as the alarm goes off. You will be amazed at how great you feel about 15-20 mins later.

What have you found to help the most with the afternoon slump?


❓Which should I do first: strength training exercises or cardio?

💪🏻🏃‍♂️This is a hot fitness topic and the answer depends on a few different things, but the quick response is …


💪🏻That’s because strength training requires more anaerobic effort – aka quick, powerful bursts of energy.

Doing strength training first means you’ll have more energy to perform them properly and safely… giving you better results from your efforts.

🏃‍♂️Cardio, meanwhile, requires more aerobic effort – aka moderate, sustained energy, that isn’t as taxing on your system.

But the real-life answer comes down to your goals & personal preference.

👉If you like doing cardio first, then that’s A-OK. Do it first. The most important thing is that you actually WORK OUT!


🤩When I eat better, I feel better.

Confession: It took me a while to figure out.

But I’m so glad I did because I have more energy to do all the things I love to do (not just the things I “have” to do!).

When I mean I “eat better” – here are some of the foods I’m talking about:

Whole grain carbs, fresh fruits and vegetables, grilled, baked or air-fryed lean meats, and even some salted almonds sprinkled in.

✅Not only do those foods help me feel better, but they are the basis of delicious, filling, and satisfying meals.

It’s not just about food choice, though. I also aim to get a MINIMUM of 35 minutes of exercise in each day. This helps to keep my mind clearer, and while it may seem counter intuitive, helps me to fight off fatigue.

What are some of your “musts” for energy?

Let me know in the comments!


❓I get this question ALOT!! What is the best way to stick to my fitness/nutrition goals?

I have a multi-part answer to this question, to help you set yourself up for SUCCESS!

Let’s dive right in:

1- Make sure the changes you’re making have REAL meaning to you – and that you’re excited to feel the payoffs of those changes!

2- Have an action plan that works with your lifestyle – so you know what to do and when to do it. (A coach can REALLY help with this one!)

3- Don’t do too much, too soon.

4- Have realistic expectations (i.e., losing 4 sizes in 4 weeks = not realistic).

5- Set performance goals (vs. using the scale or other metric outside your direct control): aim for X number of workouts a week, X servings of vegetables, X minutes of cardio.

6- Get support. Having a cheerleader will help you find the fastest, most rewarding path to your goals. (Again: A coach is a huge resource here.)

What is YOUR biggest stumbling block in reaching your goals?
Tell me about it ….


I am always trying to work towards becoming a better coach!!

This month I completed my certification as a Specialist in Exercise Therapy!

While I have helped many client through the years with various types of rehab, I decided now would be a great time to get certified.

What does an Exercise Therapy Specialist do?

I work in partnership with the clients doctor & physical therapist and can help to rehabilitate clients after an illness, injury, or accident. I can help clients with both chronic and isolated issues to help them move better and improve their quality of day to day living.

I have first hand experience working one-on-one with clients that have had: stroke, cancer, knee and shoulder surgeries, spinal fusion (pre & post surgery), diabetes (I & II), and heart disease, including bypass surgeries.

If you or someone that you know could benefit from working with someone outside of physical therapy, let's chat about it! Per session rates are typically less out of pocket with me vs traditional PT appointments.

Photos from Down South Strong's post 20/05/2024

Want to know a cool trick?

When you focus on the actual muscle you’re working on during your workouts …. You could get even BETTER results.

It’s because you’re building that “mind-muscle connection” - and it’s pretty powerful!

FOR EXAMPLE: When I do leg extensions, I do my absolute best to stay focused on the quads (the muscles on the front of my legs)

Studies show this actually helps more of your muscle fibers fire, which can boost how effective your workouts are! The main goal here is about technique, not about breaking new lifting records necessarily.

Warm up the muscle you are focusing on first. During the warm up imagine seeing the muscle extend and flex while you are slowly pumping blood into the muscle. This will help your brain connect to the muscle being worked

💡Is this something you already do during your workouts? If not, try it next time and let me know how it goes. ⬇️⬇️⬇️


🔥 Transparency Alert: This year, my goals have changed a bit. Instead of working on weight loss I am more focused on getting stronger this year. Each week I am gradually increasing the weight that I move on each lift so that I can become stronger overall.

😜 Starting a new plan can sometimes be challenging! You have good days where you feel like a million bucks and want to do ALL THE THINGS, other days are bad where you don't feel like doing anything at all!

So, how do you stay consistent when it comes to sticking to a plan (in or out of the gym)?

My top two suggestions for staying consistent and motivated:

I always remind myself WHY it’s important to me. Here is my “WHY”: I turned 46 this year and after the age of 35 our bodies start to lose muscle mass at a rate of 1% per year if we are not doing anything to hold onto it. I have retired parents and a spouse that I may, one day, have to care for. If I am not physically strong enough to help them with day-to-day tasks, we may have to hire a stranger to come in and help out. Not only is that expensive, but we all know how difficult it is to find quality help that can be trusted.
Besides caring for them, I want to be physically independent! I want to be able to get up and down off of the toilet on my own, hike, off-road trails, and camp in cool spots. I have to be mobile and strong in order to do those things.
Having a proven-plan. When you have a proven plan from a qualified coach that has a successful track record, you can feel confident that what you are doing will in fact work!
Having a PLAN also helps me to stay motivated because it is basically a plug and play system, I don’t have to think about it. I just show up and do what is written.

✅ This is a goal that I set for myself this year so that I have something to focus on, a plan that I can actually track measurable progress on, and a process that will help me feel and LOOK amazing!!

If you are ready for a plan of your own or if you are struggling to find the motivation to do something different, REACH OUT TO ME!

I have a few more spots open for in person training at Legit Fit, Hudson. Let’s get you started.


How to choose a gym.
When choosing to join a gym remember, you will be investing your time, money, and energy into it so you need to be sure it will be a good fit for you and your training goals.

While you can always turn to social media for recommendations, it is still important to do your own research as your goals may not be the same as the person making the recommendation.

1- Convenience & accessibility: Location is important. If it is convenient for you to visit, you are more likely to go frequently.

2- Aesthetic: This is one time that you SHOULD judge a book by its cover, or actually by what is inside. Visit the location and ask for a tour of the facility. Visit during the time and days that you think you would typically visit. Get a feel of the staff, of the cleanliness of the facility, and of the typical traffic inside.

3- Equipment, amenities, programs: Get to know what they offer. Will you want to join group classes? Will you be working on your own or will you need a trainer? Will the equipment provided help you to reach your goals?

Legit Fit in Hudson takes cleanliness to the NEXT level!! They have state of the art equipment to accommodate a full line of fitness goals: bodybuilding, crossfit, weight loss, strength training, and wellness.

If group training is your jam, they have a weekly schedule of group classes to choose from.

A great staff and AMAZING owners that will treat you like family, shake bar, and a large choice of healthy grab-n-go meals. ANNNDDD as a member, you get 24/7 access.

PLUS, I offer one-on-one personal training there!!

Make plans to drop in to take a tour & snag a FREE 3-Day Pass during staffed hours:
Monday-Thursday 9a-9p
Friday 9a-5p
Saturday 9a-3p

Photos from Down South Strong's post 14/05/2024

For those of you that are new here, I am Kim Watson-Pitts! I help my clients become the STRONG badass babes they are meant to be by showing them how to properly manage their weight with food and movements that fit their lifestyle without giving up delicious foods or putting in long hours at the gym.

While it is SIMPLE.... it is not EASY!!

I help you get out of your own head and provide you with a system that makes feeling great in your own skin again a reality!

Your goals are your own! And I am not here to tell you what your body should LOOK like. I am here to help you become the best version of yourself from the inside and out so that you can do more of the things that you love, with those that you love, and have all the energy to get it done.

Throw all of the diet stigma out the door and let's chat about HOW you want to FEEL this year!! Drop me a DM!


One ingredient that’s missing in a lot of fitness/wellness programs is accountability and support.

It’s having someone to help motivate you along the way!

Actually … that’s more like three ingredients, right? But they all fit together.

These ingredients are SUPER important, especially after a couple weeks of starting a new program, when your enthusiasm starts to wear off.

It’s also important when your results are stalling out a little, and you could benefit from an outside eye so you know what to do next.

The ingredient I’m talking about is working with an experienced coach with a PROVEN process.

Hiring a coach is exactly what I do when I’m working toward a goal I’m committed to achieving!

Having someone there to give you the support, accountability, and coaching is a LIFE-CHANGER.

It’s rare to have someone just as invested in your goals as YOU are!

A coach can eliminate trial and error, keep you on track with your goals, and help hold you accountable to follow-through on your plan.

PLUS ... they can help address all the other factors affecting your results, from workouts and nutrition to stress and sleep and more!

Let me be your BIGGEST cheerleader!!
Book a call with me to discuss your goals and to see if we would be a good fit to work together!!
(All one-on-one personal training sessions held at Legit Fitness, Hudson.)

Follow this LINK to BOOK A CALL > >


Truth is, had I not developed an allergic reaction to acrylic last year, I would be a mix of both!!! The hubs just shakes his head at me every time I come in from being in the yard. Not only are my nails a mess but I have dirt on my face and twigs in my hair…


It’s totally normal to feel like you need a nap in the afternoon. But there are things you can do to ward off that sleepiness before it happens AND how you can cope if it does strike!!

Our body’s natural rhythms are set up to peak during the night and the afternoon.

So here are a few things that you can do to power through that slump:

FIRST: Get in a workout if you can! And if you can’t go workout, stand up, go for a walk, move around, and stretch. Your body CRAVES movement!

SECOND: Brew a cup of green tea. It contains phytochemicals that can help you wake up without giving you the jitters. I actually brew a pitcher each week specifically for my afternoon pick me up.

THIRD: Turn on some music… and switch tasks if possible to give your brain a new challenge.

FOURTH: If you can, take a short catnap to recharge! 20-25 mins tops will help you sleep off the heavy eyelids and refresh for the afternoon.

Practicing healthy habits each day can help you to avoid the slumps altoegher such as eating a healthy balanced diet … staying hydrated … and also doing your best not to sit staring at a screen all day!


I do it because I want to LOVE my body!

Most of us 40+ gals grew up admiring the stick thin Victoria Secret Angels & chasing those low rise jeans sported by the likes of Brittney Spears and Christina Aguilera!

Society taught us to starve ourselves in an effort to have the “perfect body” and while today’s society is full of “self-love no matter your size”, many of us still struggle with those insecurities from many years of hating ourselves for what we ate.

I am on a mission to help my gals drive that negative self-talk out of your head, learn how to give yourself some grace, and learn to love the “season” that your body is in.

You have to find your reason “WHY” when it comes to working out, following a healthy eating plan, or attempting to lose body fat.

It’s what keeps you going when your motivation is low.

So today I am sharing my favorite reasons for working out consistently:

💪 I want to LOVE my body: Working out is a privilege denied to so many!! I want to continue to be independently mobile and in order to do that I know that I must strength train regularly to combat the loss of muscle mass later in the years.

👊I want to be able to help care for my spouse and my aging parents. At some point they may not be able to physically care for themselves. If I am weak or unable to move well myself, then I will be of no use to them.

🙏 I want to live my BEST life!! In order to do that, I need to FEEL great in my body. Working out keeps my metabolism in check, allows me to eat more of the things that I love, and let's be honest… makes me look good nekey!!!

If you are struggling with willpower or motivation, THIS is where you need to start.
I can help you with that!

I specialize in weight loss, strength training, exercise therapy, and overall health and wellness.

DROP ME A DM and let’s talk about what you want to accomplish and how we can work together.


Today I am sharing with you what I personally do to keep my nutrition dialed in, so I feel energized to get through my busy day AND maintain my weight.

After talking with my clients, I know many people feel overwhelmed and confused about exactly what they should do.

So they just kind of “make it up” as they go – oftentimes not having a real plan in place.

My game plan works for me because it fits my goals and routine – so while a couple of the details might not work for you … they might give you a few ideas to help streamline your own game plan!

Every Sunday I create a plan for the rest of the week, with 1-2 different breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.

You might be surprised to learn I don’t create a full meal plan, but instead have more of a template that works no matter what!

Breakfast is either greek yogurt with granola or egg with sweet potatoes, lunch is a base of warm salad greens or spanish rice then I add my protein of choice (chicken, lean ground beef or ground turkey), and I do the same for dinner, I batch cook my veggies (this week its shredded cabbage & shredded carrots) then add my protein of choice based off of what I feel like eating.

I always keep my proteins bagged in the fridge ready to go so all I have to do is pull out what I need for each meal.

My freezer is one of my hardest-working appliances in my kitchen because I freeze so many leftovers for use later.

I also keep some extra easy to cook sides such as 90 second rice pouches and whole wheat wraps on hand so if I am wanting something a little different, I have room for it and it only takes a few minutes to prepare.
I specialized in helping my clients with:

💥 In person or virtual coaching
💥 Weight loss
💥 Strength training
💥 Exercise therapy (pre & post surgery, rehab)
💥 Overall health, wellness, & mobility

Drop me a DM to discuss your goals!


Want to know one of the BEST ways to get more fast energy –– especially if you sit a lot for work….

…..GET UP and MOVE!

It’s true: Spending a little energy can actually help your body create MORE of it.

Even something as simple as going for a short walk or turning on some music for a quick dance session.

Here are three ways moving can help you:

1️⃣It helps your body create energy at the cellular level – in the mitochondria of your cells, which are like your body’s mini energy plants.

Exercise can help them create MORE energy immediately… and regular exercise can actually create MORE mitochondria.

2️⃣Moving your body boosts oxygen circulation, which helps your body use its energy more efficiently.

3️⃣Your body releases more feel-good hormones when you exercise, helping to boost your mood and your focus!

The key to HOW to work out is to listen to your body!

This does NOT have to be a high-intensity session – the idea is to just move at a low to moderate pace for 10-20 minutes. It could even be throwing the ball for your dog.

Who knows … after a short walk, you might even WANT to do something more :-)

But that is not the goal of this movement session – the goal is to just bring you a little shot of energy.

Sometimes all you need is just a little boost.


🤔🤷‍♀️Q: Do I really have to exercise to lose weight?

✅A: If one of your goals is to lose body weight on the scale, most of your results will come from what (and how much) you eat.

🏃‍♂️But exercise is definitely a BIG part of the process!

🏋️‍♀️First, it helps you maintain (and even build) muscle as you lose fat. The more muscle your body has, the more calories you will burn at rest = this means you can afford to eat a little more!!
🏋️‍♀️We lose 1% of muscle mass each year after the age of 35! Muscle is what helps us to get up and down off of the toilet, in and out of our car, climb stairs, and even pick up the littles or help aging parents. So even if you are not looking for shredded abs or buff biceps, these reasons alone are enough to build muscle.

Plus, regular exercise is strongly correlated with maintaining your weight after you’ve reached your goal … to help avoid that dreaded yo-yo.

💪Even more importantly, your workouts carry a long list of health benefits, including a lower risk of many illnesses & diseases, improved mood, better brain health, reduced risk of falls, and so much more!

If you are ready to get off of the merry-go-round of fad diets and want to learn EXACTLY what your body needs in order to lose weight and feel amazing in your body again, DROP ME A DM and let’s talk about what you have tried and what you would like to accomplish.

I customize my training programs and will meet you where you are! Beginner to advanced, I GOT YOU!!


To cheat or not to cheat… that is the question.

Cheat days are a hot topic in the wellness/fitness world!

While they might help some people reach their goals, for others they can get in the way.

The fact is, no one should follow a super strict diet 24/7, 365 days a year.

However, oftentimes when people hear “cheat dayl” it can turn into a full weekend of gorging on “forbidden” foods such as sweet treats, take out foods, and random goodies and this could potentially get in the way of progress.

Now, I do encourage “CHEAT MEALS” with my clients when they are following a regimented nutrition plan to reach certain goals such as weight loss or even weight management.

Eating a cheat meal once or twice a week will give you something to look forward to and I look at it as almost like a “reward” for staying on track all week with my healthy food plan and workouts.

It can also help to stave off any cravings you may be having for the less-than-healthy foods that you have been trying to avoid.

Being “allowed” to have a cheat meal also gives you some flexibility in your plan. They can be scheduled for date nights, family dinners, holidays, and birthdays so that you do not feel like you are missing out on all the fun. Let’s be honest, we are social creatures by nature and most all social events surround food.

Hopefully this helps you learn how to work in cheat meals and still progress towards your ultimate goal.

I help clients both in person and virtually to lose weight, get stronger, and gain control of their health.
💥 In person or virtual coaching
💥 Weight loss
💥 Strength training
💥 Exercise therapy (pre & post surgery, rehab)
💥 Overall health, wellness, & mobility

Drop me a DM to discuss your goals!


❓Could my nightly glass of wine be making me tired the next day?

In a word: yes!

1. Alcohol might help you feel relaxed at night, and even make you feel drowsy. But it can interfere with a good night of sleep.

2. Hours after you drink it, alcohol can raise the levels of stress hormones in your body, boosting your heart rate and revving up your body, making you wake up.

3. Drinking alcohol can also contribute to sleep apnea and other breathing problems by making your throat muscles more relaxed when you sleep … plus, it can make you have to get up to go to the bathroom during the night.

4. And for my perimenopause or menopausal gals, alcohol can raise estrogen levels which is a no-go if you are already dealing with estrogen dominance.

Want to still enjoy that cocktail? Try club soda and fresh cuts of lemon, lime, or strawberries, add a sprig of rosemary for a more herbaceous flare.

One of my favorite fizzy beverages is kombucha over ice in a wine glass. There are so many flavor options available now, look for them in the produce department of your local grocer.

Just a little FYI to help you make more informed decisions in the future! 🍷


I have a few more spots open for one-on-one personal training at Legit Fitness in Lenoir.

I specialize in helping my clients with:

💥 Weight loss
💥 Strength training
💥 Exercise therapy (pre & post surgery, rehab)
💥 Overall health, wellness, & mobility
What you need to do to work with me:
💪 Be ready to commit to working with me one-on-one a minimum of two days per week at Legit Fitness
💪 Be sick and tired of your own cht and wanting to make REAL lifelong changes to feel better in your own skin.
💪 Have the desire to do what you need to do each week to reach your ultimate goal.
💪 Want to feel like a baddie!! and look like one too!

Drop me a DM to discuss your goals, rates, and open schedule.


🔥Transparency alert! The way that I workout and plan my meals is SOOO much different now than it was 5+ years ago.

Back then I was working in the financial services industry 50-60 hours per week AND I was competing in bodybuilding competitions, (13 total to be exact)!

Now, like everyone else, I am getting older and that means my goals and my needs have shifted significantly.

Just as an example, instead of cardio sessions for 60 minutes per day, 7 days per week, I focus on strength training and short bursts of high intensity interval training.

Strength training is SOO VERY important especially as we age to help keep us mobile and to keep our weight managed at a healthy place. Did you know that after the age of 35, we start to lose 1% of our muscle PER YEAR if we are not doing the work to at least maintain it? That is HUGE, especially if we experience a major illness or injury.

So why did I make this particular change?

Well for one, I wanted to create a more meaningful life that I could enjoy instead of being a slave to the gym for 2+ hours per day…. EVERYDAY!

Secondly, my body back then was starting to feel worn down, constantly inflamed, and I was always hungry! Now I choose movements that I actually enjoy, movements that help to keep me more mobile, movements that help me to maintain the muscle I have worked so hard for, and movements that are more effective in a short amount of time.
By keeping up the strength training I am protecting my bones and helping to keep my metabolism operating at a good level.

These days I am all about OPTIMIZING my routine to get the best results possible to keep me in a solid position for the future.

What about you?

How are you feeling about your body or your health currently?
What do you wish that you could do, that you currently cannot?
Do you know what steps you need to take in order to get there?

Let’s talk about your goals and how I can help you get to where you want to be! Drop me a DM!

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Hickory, NC