Sandy Creative Studio

A full service Digital Marketing and Design Agency.

Elevate your brand's presence with our services:
Branding, Graphic Design, Illustration, Motion Graphics, Video Production, Social Media Management, Website Development, SEO & Web Maintenance


When I decided to update my website, I thought to myself, “If I’m updating one thing about my business, I might as well go all out and make a complete rebrand” So that’s what I did 😄

More updates to come. But in the meantime, how do we like the new logo?


“I don’t need a website, I have social media.”
Listen, I love social media, especially for businesses. I completely understand the value social media brings, but let me share why having a website is equally important:

⭐️ Having a website boosts your credibility. When potential customers search for your business, a professional website adds legitimacy and trustworthiness to your brand.

⭐️ While social media is great for engagement, a website expands your reach to those who might not even use social media. Come on, I’m sure you know those people. Maybe your boomer relatives? The “I’m too cool for social media” folks?

If you’re interested in expanding your online presence beyond social media, just let me know. I’d love to help you make that happen.


A few weeks ago, I registered for a .co Designer Summit hosted by and . Honestly, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect when I signed up. It was more of an impulse decision since it was free. However, knowing that some incredibly talented and well-known designers, that I’ve already been following like and .by.james , would be speaking at the summit, I figured it was worth attending just to hear their insights. Long story short, it turned out to be the most valuable summit I’ve ever attended. There were around 20 different speakers and experts, and I’m thrilled to say that I learned at least one valuable suggestion or piece of advice from each of their presentations—something practical that I’m eager to implement in my own business.

Here are the key takeaways I gathered from the summit:

In order to run a successful design business, you need:

1- Systems, automations, and a structured design process.
2- A standout flagship product or service that you specialize in (even if you’re skilled in multiple areas).
3- An unforgettable client experience.
4- The ability to handle and even seek out rejection (which is particularly challenging for me).
5- A well-crafted marketing strategy.

Now, I need to decide which area to focus on first!


“With everything that’s going on, are you sure you want to write that the products are developed in Israel?”


That was the question my client was asked during a Zoom meeting with a marketing agency.

My client has an Israeli-based company and is in the process of expanding her products to be sold in the US.

With everything that’s going on, stating that it’s developed in Israel is the most important part of the packaging!

I’m only the designer, but when I heard the question, I exclaimed loudly, “ABSOLUTELY!”

Excuse me while I make the text even larger…


A clean, well-designed website isn’t just about looks; it’s a strategic must for every business. It’s your digital storefront, influencing customer engagement, building trust, and driving conversions.

Reach out today for a customized quote and take the first step toward digital success.


I’ve always wanted to “be a YouTuber.” I’m a millennial, and I grew up on YouTube. My love for video production began as early as middle school. I used to take my Mini Cassette tape camcorder to school and camp to make videos, always the one behind the camera. As I got older, I started utilizing my video skills in more professional ways, producing promo videos for organizations and schools.

Last year, I decided to step in front of the camera and not just stay behind the scenes. Slowly, I became more comfortable and managed to grow a following on TikTok. It’s been really enjoyable.

Here’s the thing: I’ve been saying I wanted to be on YouTube since I was 13 years old—that’s 20 years ago. What’s sad is that I still haven’t done it. The only thing holding me back is myself—my own self-confidence, perfectionism, and the fear of looking “cringy.” However, when I think logically, I know I have the potential to create a successful YouTube channel, even though I don’t have a clear plan for the types of videos to make. It’s crazy how nothing is stopping me but myself.

Photos from Sandy Creative Studio's post 01/19/2024

Tips for working while your kids are on vacation.

Comment below your answers ⬇️


Last night, I had the opportunity to attend the JWE event - Night of Numbers. Honestly, the mere mention of “numbers” has always made me cringe, dating back to my childhood. As a creative individual, I excelled in my art classes with A++, but unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said for my math classes – they were a struggle.

However, I’m grateful that I decided to participate in the event, as it proved to be an eye-opener. What became abundantly clear is that, as a business owner, comprehending every aspect of your financials is crucial for success. The reassuring revelation was that there are professionals who can guide you through the intricate world of numbers.

The event introduced me to remarkable individuals in the financial realm who shared invaluable insights. They shed light on crucial aspects such as understanding taxes, exploring eligibility for credits and exemptions, posing pertinent questions to your accountant, and the reciprocal inquiries your accountant should be directing towards you. Additionally, they covered the advantages of enlisting a financial advisor, strategies for scaling your business, and even delved into the realm of personal finances.

I only wish the event had been longer, as the information imparted was so enriching. The key takeaway: take ownership of your financials. By being in control of your business’s financial landscape, you pave the way for growth and success.

Thank you for another great event.

Photos from Sandy Creative Studio's post 01/09/2024

What are 3 key things that a website gives you as a business owner?

Trust, credibility and legitimacy.

A well-maintained website is the key to boosting credibility, providing instant information, and establishing legitimacy. In a digital world, trust starts with a strong online foundation.


For over a decade, I have navigated the challenges of being a solo graphic designer, video editor, illustrator, photographer, artist, and web designer. The journey has been demanding, requiring a delicate balance of multiple roles within my one-woman business. Loneliness, motivation struggles, limited time to get everything done, and restricted social interaction beyond the realms of social media have been constant companions.

Recently, a remarkable opportunity unfolded, allowing my business to evolve from a solo endeavor into a collaborative team of creators and developers. This transformation has liberated me from previous constraints, expanding the scope of services I can provide. As the newly appointed Creative Director, I now wield control over the design and quality that my team creates, further enhancing our collaborative efforts and ensuring cohesive, high-quality output.

An added bonus is that I get to engage in regular Zoom meetings to discuss client leads, incoming projects, and updates on ongoing endeavors.

*Picture of me during a team meeting*

Photos from Sandy Creative Studio's post 01/02/2024

Colors are hue-larious aren’t they?

A brand’s color palette isn’t just about looks; it’s the key to emotionally connecting with your audience. Colors convey power, trust, identity, and much more. When considering your brand colors, choose them wisely, as you never know if you’ll accidentally offend someone.


The most challenging aspect of being a creative professional is navigating the role of a creator for yourself. You become your harshest critic.

^Picture of me in the midst of struggling while redesigning banners for Sandy Creative Studio

Photos from Sandy Creative Studio's post 12/25/2023

If I just had a good logo... my business will do well.

Not quite.

A logo is a great start but a brand needs more than just a logo. There’s so much more than goes into a brand’s visual identity like cohesive brand colors, thoughtful typography choices, and a consistent design language. Beyond visuals, a strong brand is built on a foundation of values, a unique voice, and a compelling story. It’s about creating an emotional connection with your audience, fostering trust, and consistently delivering on your brand promise. A logo may be the face of your brand, but it’s the combination of these elements that forms a memorable and impactful brand identity.

If you are a business looking for a brand design, website or anything else design related, please feel free to reach out!

Photos from Sandy Creative Studio's post 12/18/2023

WordPress is a powerful platform trusted by renowned brands like Vogue, PlayStation, Microsoft, and Sony Music for their websites. It’s not just for big names; WordPress is a versatile choice, even if you’re starting a personal blog. If you’re considering creating a website, and need some help, feel free to DM me!


Sandy Creative Studio is GROWING!!! Not because of all the Chanukah Donuts… but because we now have a team of talented developers to create the most beautiful and advanced websites and mobile apps. With my creativity and expertise of branding and visual identity, and their skills in coding and development… There’s NO limit to what we can do 👊
Contact me for more details.

Photos from Sandy Creative Studio's post 11/27/2023

Just as in design, fonts play a pivotal role in creating a compelling online image.

Font pairings involve combining two fonts - one for headlines, another for body copy, and maybe a third for key emphasis.

What are the benefits?
Creativity: Add a creative touch to your text.
Flexibility: Change the context, adjust your brand personality, and introduce variety in weights, widths, and styles.
Unique Traits: Achieve what your primary typeface can't.

Good font pairings create harmony and contrast, guiding your audience's focus to essential areas

Branding Bonus: Fonts can become a signature part of your brand, ensuring consistency across all your marketing materials.

Whether designing your website or crafting marketing materials, remember the power of font pairings!


As much as I think being a designer and graphic artist is the best direction right now, in the back of my mind I always think about what my life would look like if I decided to focus on painting instead. I forget how relaxing and therapeutic it is… especially when I’m painting it for myself and not for someone else…
My painting is inspired by Dawn Underwood


What a great day at conference. I met so many wonderful people and gained so much!

Now it’s time to fly back home to Florida to finally have my kids stop complaining about me leaving them and for them to find something else to complain about 🥰

Photos from Sandy Creative Studio's post 05/12/2023

Don’t do it!
Unless you want your videos pixelated and fuzzy.

Apps like WhatsApp, FB Messenger, Instagram DMs are fine for just randomly sharing videos/pictures but if you are sending a file in order for it to be edited or worked on, you need to send it through Google Drive or Dropbox.

File sharing apps/websites are great since they retain the exact info and image quality of the files, that way the images are nice and crisp.

Photos from Sandy Creative Studio's post 05/10/2023

Wondering why your business needs to be on social media? Well, there are three crucial goals that most businesses aim to achieve through social media:
🥅brand awareness
🥅customer engagement
🥅lead generation.

But here's the thing: 🚫Don't make the mistake of just promoting your products or services on social media.
To truly stand out and engage with your audience, you need to offer valuable and interesting content that your followers will love.

So, let your creativity flow and mix things up a bit! Your social media presence will thank you for it.

Photos from Sandy Creative Studio's post 05/01/2023

Yesterday, while scrolling through Etsy, I stumbled upon an illustration that looked almost identical to my own. At first, I was taken aback and wasn't sure what to do. But I realized that I had two choices - to contact the person and tell them what they're doing is wrong or to feel flattered that someone admired my art enough to want to copy it. I chose the latter.

As you become more successful, there will be more people trying to replicate what you do. But remember, you are still you, and your unique personality shines through in your work and services. You are one-of-a-kind, and that's something that can never be duplicated.

Photos from Sandy Creative Studio's post 04/26/2023

Did you know that the quality of your photos can make a huge difference in the success of your social media posts? As a social media manager, graphic designer, and photo editor, I know that high-quality images can make your brand stand out and attract more followers. Natural sunlight is the best type of light to use for taking pictures Take a look at this comparison - in the first picture of Batman, taken with just my living room lighting, and the next pictures is the same toy, in the same position with the windows open and natural sunlight. No filter, no effects, just a different light source.

Which one do you think looks better?


ADHD can impact an entrepreneur's journey in both positive and negative ways. As a new entrepreneur, it's important to understand the ways in which ADHD can affect your business growth.

👍 On the positive side, ADHD can lead to increased creativity, the ability to think outside the box, and a high level of energy and enthusiasm for new projects. These qualities can help entrepreneurs generate innovative ideas, approach problems from different angles, and stay motivated during challenging times.

👎 However, ADHD can also present challenges for entrepreneurs, including difficulty with focus and organization, impulsivity, and a tendency to leave tasks until the last minute. These traits can make it harder to, meet deadlines, and keep track of important details.

As an entrepreneur with ADHD, it's important to find strategies that work for you.

Personally, I’ve been having a hard time with organizing my thoughts and ideas and managing my tasks.

What helps you manage your ADHD?


Starting a new small business can be challenging, but don't be discouraged by slow progress on social media. Consistent posting, engaging with your followers, and providing value to your audience are essential steps in building brand awareness and customer loyalty. Remember, success on social media doesn't happen overnight, but with patience and persistence, you'll see your efforts pay off.

Sandy Weberman on Instagram: "Food and creativity go hand in hand. Just like a painter, writer or graphic designer, a foodie finds inspiration in the world around them. And just like a great work of art, a delicious meal can nourish the soul. So... 04/25/2023

Food and creativity go hand in hand.
Just like a painter, writer or graphic designer, a foodie finds inspiration in the world around them. And just like a great work of art, a delicious meal can nourish the soul.
So when someone asks you why you’re eating pizza for every meal, just say “I’m nourishing my soul! Don’t judge me!!!”


Sandy Weberman on Instagram: "Food and creativity go hand in hand. Just like a painter, writer or graphic designer, a foodie finds inspiration in the world around them. And just like a great work of art, a delicious meal can nourish the soul. So... 1 likes, 0 comments - Sandy Weberman () on Instagram: "Food and creativity go hand in hand. Just like a painter, writer or graphic designer, a foodie f..."


As a startup, creating a strong visual identity and communicating effectively with potential customers can make all the difference in a competitive market. That's why hiring a graphic designer can be a smart investment. Here are 3 reasons why:

1. Establishing a Strong Brand Identity: A graphic designer can help you create a memorable and unique brand identity that sets you apart from your competitors.
2. Creating Marketing Materials: A graphic designer can design marketing materials such as brochures, business cards, social media graphics, and websites that communicate your message effectively and attract potential customers.
3. Saving Time and Resources: By hiring a graphic designer, you can save valuable time and resources that can be better utilized in other areas of your business. A professional designer can also ensure that your visual communication is consistent and of high quality.

If you're a startup looking to establish a strong brand identity and communicate effectively with your audience, consider hiring a graphic designer. It can be a valuable investment that pays off in the long run.


When a potential client asked me if I had experience in social media after discussing my new social media management and content creation services, I couldn't help but chuckle. I mean, I'm a Millennial - I quite literally grew up on social media!

Since I was what? 12 years old? 😳 I've spent countless hours scrolling through (MySpace 😅), Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, absorbing all the videos, pictures, ads, captions, stories, and observing how people interact with each other. I've learned which type of videos go viral, what grabs people's attention, the angles, the music, the effects, the colors, and even the fonts.

But it dawned on me that not everyone has the same level of experience and familiarity with social media. While it comes naturally to me, it's not the case for everyone.

Despite having only worked with one business in a professional capacity, managing their social media, I'm confident that my innate understanding of social media can help other individuals and businesses enhance their social media presence.

So when the client asked if I had experience, I replied with a resounding "yes." I live and breathe social media, and I'm excited to offer my abilities to help others.

If you're in need of a social media manager or content creator, let's connect!


🎉 Exciting news! I’m thrilled to announce that Sandy Creative Studio is now offering social media management and content creation services!

Reasons why a small business would need these services:

✅ You'll save time: Running social media accounts can be time-consuming and take away from other important aspects of your business.

✅ You'll see results: I know how to create engaging content that resonates with your audience and drives results.

✅ You'll have a consistent brand voice: I’ll work with you to develop a cohesive brand voice and ensure that your messaging is consistent across all platforms.

Contact me today to learn more about our social media management and content creation services!


Guess who remembered that they ordered samples of their Passover designs last year but never did anything with them…. UNTIL NOW!!! (Me…it was me…)
I have 3 mugs and 1 tumbler to give away to 4 lucky winners. (1 design is even discontinued so you’ll be the only person in the WORLD to get it) All you have to do is
- Like this post
- follow
- tag 1 friend in the comments
I’ll make a raffle and announce the winners next week.

Photos from Sandy Creative Studio's post 03/16/2023

Cute Pesach/Passover designs are back up on my Etsy shop! (Part 4)

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As a creative, communication is crucial between you and the client. Whether you’re a web designer, brand designer, video...
A client approached me to design a logo for their new culinary academy. Following the initial research stage, the next s...
If you were to see me in person, you wouldn’t know I have ADHD. I’m quiet, calm; it appears like I’m focused when I talk...
5 reasons to use social media for your business 1. Increased brand awareness: Social media can help brands reach a wider...
As a freelance designer and social media manager, I thrive on being productive and crossing things off my to-do list. Bu...
Order today so you get it before Purim!!! #purim #purimdecor #judaica #jewishillustrator #smallbusiness #etsyshop
Let’s take a break from brand identity design for a sec. Did you know that I also specialize in promo videos? Unlike gra...



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