Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii, Honolulu, HI Videos

Videos by Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii in Honolulu. Since 1996, the Coalition has been spearheading efforts to reduce the harms of to***co in Hawai‘i.

Together, We're Stronger Than Big Tobacco

We've partnered with StartLivingHealthyHI to bring attention to Big Tobacco's tactics that target our community. Because of this, some groups of people use tobacco at higher rates, are exposed to more secondhand smoke, and have more tobacco-related diseases, contributing to health inequities in our state.

It's time to fight back and hold Big Tobacco accountable for the harm it causes. Take action and learn more at StrongerTogether.Hawaii.Gov

Other Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii videos

Together, We're Stronger Than Big Tobacco
We've partnered with StartLivingHealthyHI to bring attention to Big Tobacco's tactics that target our community. Because of this, some groups of people use tobacco at higher rates, are exposed to more secondhand smoke, and have more tobacco-related diseases, contributing to health inequities in our state. It's time to fight back and hold Big Tobacco accountable for the harm it causes. Take action and learn more at StrongerTogether.Hawaii.Gov

Together, We're Stronger than Big Tobacco
The tobacco industry targets our keiki with candy-flavored products and ads placed at children’s eye level, spending nearly $24 MILLION each year to hook our kids on nicotine. 📢 TAKE ACTION today to protect Hawai‘i’s keiki at

2021 Youth Advocate of the Year Awards - Youth Council
Earlier this week the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids presented the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawai‘i Youth Council with their Youth Advocate of the Year Group Award! We are so proud of the Youth Council for their tireless efforts to protect their community, peers and vulnerable groups in Hawai‘i from the harmful effects of tobacco. Their advocacy has been critical in ongoing campaigns to end the sale of flavored tobacco products and preserve the state’s tobacco trust fund that funds prevention and cessation programs.