Grandmaster Hee Il Cho

Grandmaster Hee Il Cho’s Taekwondo Center, the Headquarter of the Action International Martial Arts Association (AIMAA) is located in Hawaii Kai, Honolulu.

Grand Master Cho, the 9th Degree in Tae Kwon Do, is the President and Founder of AIMAA.

"Get a Hobby" Book Intake 02/26/2024

From Jasmine, Grandmaster Cho's daughter:

Hello everyone! I apologize for posting something a bit unrelated, but I've personally been working on a book on hobbies that will be publishing with Union Square & Co. later this Fall. As a last minute push, I'm sharing with all of you!

I am seeking quotes from anyone willing to contribute a brief sentence on what they love about their hobby. I'm prioritizing anyone whose hobby is different from their primary occupation.

A link to a list of open hobbies is included on this form that I'm using to collect responses. There are several martial arts, fitness, and sports activities included like kendo, chess boxing, Crossfit, fight choreography, judo, parkour, etc. Deadline is this Wed, Feb. 28th to submit a response for consideration. I hope to include you!

"Get a Hobby" Book Intake "Get a Hobby" explores 365 hobbies and is authored by Jasmine M. Cho. Scheduled to publish Fall 2024 with Union Square & Co., owned by Barnes & Noble. Your response will be considered for inclusion in the book. Please include a valid e-mail address to receive updates on its publication. You can view...


Today is Grandmaster Cho's 82nd birthday. This was a photo taken from earlier this year back in May after his endovascular bilateral iliac aneurysm repair. He's unfortunately been facing many challenges with his health since this operation, but as you can see, he is still persevering at a level that testifies to his status as a living legend. Grandmaster Cho is still teaching six days a week at the AIMAA World Headquarters in Honolulu, HI.

Please feel free to reach out directly to send your birthday wishes at [email protected].


via Master Simon Rhee:

"We made this movie back in 1989.
It was Grandmaster Hee Il Cho, who told me to use jumping reverse punch and that punch became Superman punch.
I’m fighting my younger brother Phillip Rhee here."

Photos from TaeKwonDo Times's post 01/18/2022
Photos from TaeKwonDo Times's post 06/08/2021

Thank you to TaeKwonDo Times for the support over many decades.

Grandmaster Hee Il Cho 80th Tribute (w/ Reaction) 10/20/2020

Grandmaster Cho's 80th Birthday Tribute is now on YouTube for anyone who wants to view or share outside of the Facebook platform. A reminder again that everyone's full submissions are being sent on a DVD!

Grandmaster Hee Il Cho 80th Tribute (w/ Reaction) This tribute was created to celebrate the 80th birthday of my father - Grandmaster Hee Il Cho. The tribute was broadcasted to my parents over Zoom, and their...


We received nearly 100 submissions from around the world and unfortunately had to edit down many of the clips. However, this tribute, along with the full videos and photos each of you submitted will be compiled into a DVD and sent to Grandmaster Cho so that he can enjoy watching everyone's thoughtful messages in the comfort of his home.

I actually showed this tribute over Zoom to both Grandmaster Cho and Mrs. Cho last night and captured their live reactions, which have been included for you all to see. They were incredibly happy to see many familiar faces and also completely taken aback with the surprise of many old students making an appearance.

We can't thank everyone enough who took the time to contribute. Thank you for making this special milestone birthday of his so memorable, and in Grandmaster Cho's own words, it was the best birthday for him yet to be able to walk down memory lane with you all.

- Jasmine Cho

P.S. Please forgive me if I misspelled your name or Master status. If you let me know of any errors, I can edit a corrected version that will be uploaded to YouTube.


This is a short message from Grandmaster Cho to everyone after watching his 80th Birthday Tribute yesterday evening.

The Tribute is currently being subbed and will be uploaded later today for everyone to see!

Birthday Tribute for Grandmaster Hee Il Cho 10/05/2020

This is everyone’s final reminder! Only 1 day left to submit your videos for Grandmaster Cho’s 80th birthday tribute!

Birthday Tribute for Grandmaster Hee Il Cho We're creating a video montage (or "Tribute") for Grandmaster Hee Il Cho and want you to join us. It will only take you a minute to record your video and you can do it from any device. Click on the link to learn more and submit your video. Thanks!

Birthday Tribute for Grandmaster Hee Il Cho 09/29/2020

Thank you to everyone who uploaded pictures and videos so far for Grandmaster Cho’s 80th birthday tribute! You have one week left to submit messages to this link -

Birthday Tribute for Grandmaster Hee Il Cho We're creating a video montage (or "Tribute") for Grandmaster Hee Il Cho and want you to join us. It will only take you a minute to record your video and you can do it from any device. Click on the link to learn more and submit your video. Thanks!

Birthday Tribute for Grandmaster Hee Il Cho 09/05/2020

Hello, this is Grandmaster Cho's daughter, Jasmine. I am collecting videos to compile a SURPRISE birthday tribute for my father's 80th birthday. With the ongoing pandemic, this will be the first birthday where no in-person event will take place to celebrate his life. We welcome everyone around the world to contribute - break boards, demonstrate your favorite technique, sing happy birthday, share personal artwork, be creative! Please visit the following link for more info and to submit! Videos will be accepted until Tues, Oct. 6th!

Birthday Tribute for Grandmaster Hee Il Cho We're creating a video montage (or "Tribute") for Grandmaster Hee Il Cho and want you to join us. It will only take you a minute to record your video and you can do it from any device. Click on the link to learn more and submit your video. Thanks!


We will have the Belt Testing on July 26th at 10am.


GMC Tae Kwon Do School is now open.

Panthers Class :
4PM-4:45PM (Tues, Thurs) - 3-5 yrs old

Children Class :
5PM-6PM (Mon, Wed, Fri) - All belts
5PM-6PM (Tues, Thurs) - Beg/Int

Adult Class:
6PM-7PM: Mon, Wed, Fri

Saturday Class:
10AM Adults & Children for all belts


Letter from Grandmaster Hee Il Cho to AIMAA Instructors, Students, and Family Members:

I pen this letter to each and every one of you offering my utmost compassion and comfort during these everchanging and difficult times.

At the end of this year, I will hopefully be celebrating my 80th rotation on this earth. Over the span of eight decades, I have learned to survive through the dire pain and suffering caused by colonialism, war, poverty, riots, and discrimination. I have also learned to thrive in the face of such adversities because of community, basic human kindness, empathy, and personal discipline and sacrifice. These are all tenets I have strived to cultivate and pass on through one of the only constants in my life – the martial arts.

I know how stories told by older generations about how they overcame their hardships tend to feel distant and unrelatable to younger generations, especially during times of abundance. I have always shared my stories hoping to impart lessons that remained timely despite differences in people’s circumstances and culture. Now, more than ever, I hope you can recall these lessons and draw strength from them. Begin simply with our Aims to Achieve:

Modesty – Always, be humble. Do not assume to know more than your neighbor, and always pause before you pass judgment. One should always be in a position to learn and re-learn.

Courtesy – Be kind and be generous with your kindness. Everyone is struggling collectively as much as we are individually.

Integrity – Do the right thing. Especially when you are the only to witness it.

Self-Control – Now is a time to practice self-discipline and control. Be wise and practice good stewardship over your resources, whether they are material (time, money) or internal (energy, mental health).

Perseverance –Now is a time to pause and pivot; it is not a time to give up.

Indomitable Spirit –Resilience is cultivated in your determination to move forward; the strategies on how to move forward will follow.

The most desperate and challenging of times always reveals the best and worst of humanity. In a time when we have to physically disconnect from our communities and shelter in place, you will also be confronted with the best and worst versions of your own personal fears and anxieties. Now is a time to reflect, meditate, and resolve internally – this is and always has been the foundation of our physical training.

Difficult times also tend to ignite our creativity and muse. Many instructors who are unable to congregate with their students in person have been doing so online through platforms like Zoom and holding live streaming sessions on other social media outlets like Facebook. Although I am not as technically savvy, I highly encourage you all to tap into these resources and support each other as much as possible. You should all also have access to most of my DVD instructional library, and all videos have also been digitized to be viewed on Vimeo (

I know these times are especially difficult because new information and policies are surfacing daily. However, as martial artists, remember that you have trained to be both fluid and alert. You are more than capable of navigating through uncertain times.

This pandemic is unprecedented, because we are more connected as a global community now than we have ever been before. Although this is how the virus likely spread so rapidly and widely, we can also remember that the consequences fall upon all of us together. Moving forward together as a community in order to overcome this season will be critical.

This will be a season, just as all times of grief and times of celebration are. Some seasons last longer and are more difficult than others, but all seasons pass in time. Remain strong, remain together, and we will be able to move through this season stronger and more connected.

I am always here to support you.

Warmest regards,

Grandmaster Hee Il Cho
AIMAA President and Founder



Dear Students & Families of Grandmaster Hee Il Cho’s Tae Kwon Do Center

After much thought and deliberation, we have decided to follow social distancing measures as suggested by our national and local government and will be closing our school temporarily to help contain potential spreading of the COVID-19 virus.

We will close from now until the end of March (March 17th-March 31st) and will continue to follow developments on the pandemic carefully.

Please feel free to call or email us at any time with questions or concerns.

We remain as available as possible to you for communications.
Please stay safe, sanitize, and we hope to see you all back in the dojang sooner than later.

Mahalo for your patience, cooperation, and understanding.

Grandmaster Hee Il Cho
(808) 396-8900
[email protected]

Timeline photos 02/27/2020

My father teaching in Hawaii... 79 and still at the dojang everyday!!


Photos from Grandmaster Hee Il Cho's post 11/16/2019

The 33rd AIMAA International Black Belt Testing is around the corner! AIMAA members from around the world are training here in Honolulu Hawaii. This Sunday (November 17th) will be one of the most historical AIMAA International Black Belt tests to date!


This SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2, 12PM is a student-organized Cleaning day at our do-jang in Hawaii Kai. (right after class).

All adults (parents and students) and teens (12 years and up) are welcome and be ready to help clean. :)

Date/Time: November 2, 12PM

For any questions, contact Sunny [email protected]

Photos from Grandmaster Hee Il Cho's post 10/20/2019

Grandmaster Cho's 79th Birthday Celebration at our Dojang in Hawaii Kai!

AIMAA - Grandmaster Hee Il Cho 08/26/2019

You can now view and purchase Grandmaster Hee Il Cho's entire instructional video library on-demand on Vimeo!

AIMAA - Grandmaster Hee Il Cho Action International Martial Arts Association, Founded in 1980 by Grandmaster Hee Il Cho, 9th Dan, Awarded 2012 Man of the Year by Black Belt Magazine "Grandmaster…

Cookies as a Form of Activism | Jasmine Cho | TEDxPittsburgh 07/07/2019

Please check out TEDx Talk given by Grandmaster Cho's daughter, Jasmine Cho!

Cookies as a Form of Activism | Jasmine Cho | TEDxPittsburgh Hear how baking and activism combine to tell untold stories of Asian American history through a medium that almost always attracts attention: cookies. In the...


Grandmaster Cho teaches every single student in every single class at Hawaii Kai Tae Kwon Do Center.

Our mission is to help elevate human consciousness; to promote harmony, good-will, integrity and honor; to build confidence, strength and wellness through discipline; to pass along the values of traditional Tae Kwon Do and martial arts; to teach practical self-defense and to serve our ohana!

Grandmaster Hee Il Cho’s Tae Kwon Do Center - Hawaii Kai
7192 Kalanianaole Hwy, C-200, Honolulu (Hawaii Kai - Koko Marina Shopping Center)


Tae Kwon Do is a traditional and practical martial art that originated in Korea and translates literally as, way of the foot and fist. Put simply it is a system of kicks and punches for self-defense and wellness, but Tae Kwon Do also holds a much deeper meaning beyond that of its literal translation; it implies discipline, control and connection (or harmony) of the body, mind and spirit. Tae Kwon Do is a traditional martial art, a practical method of self defense and an Olympic sport.

Grandmaster Hee Il Cho’s Tae Kwon Do Center - Hawaii Kai
7192 Kalanianaole Hwy, C-200, Honolulu (Hawaii Kai - Koko Marina Shopping Center)

SCHEDULE — Cho's TKD 06/13/2019

Our Adult Program (16+) welcomes all levels (beginners to advanced students) and all ages (from age 16 to 60+).

The great benefits of the adult program include consistent stretching and cardio exercise; and practicing martial art is meditative and helps calm our minds after a long day at work or school.

We have $99 intro program for you to try out. (one month of unlimited classes and a free uniform). Message us for more information or call us at 808-396-8900



Our Panthers Program (AGE 3-6) is very age-specific and offers a healthy balance of both mental and physical development. For this young age group the emphasis is on cultivating listening skills, attention-span, focus, comprehension, confidence, motor-skills, coordination, strength, flexibility and more.
Come and Check out our Panthers Program!

Grandmaster Hee Il Cho’s Taekwondo Center - Hawaii Kai - Honolulu, HI 04/27/2019

We recently created a Yelp page for the AIMAA World Headquarters and Grandmaster Cho's base school in Honolulu, HI! If you or your child currently train, or if you have ever been positively impacted by Grandmaster Cho's instruction, please take a few minutes to leave a review to show your support!

Grandmaster Hee Il Cho’s Taekwondo Center - Hawaii Kai - Honolulu, HI Specialties: We specialize in self-defense and traditional martial arts for the whole family.

Timeline photos 05/24/2017

Thank you Black Belt Magazine for sharing

Easy one...
Name that (ripped) martial artist!

Timeline photos 04/06/2016

Grandmaster Cho on the right.

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