Hawaii Firearms Coalition

Hawaii Firearms Coalition

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Weles.of the stories
Weles.of the stories

Hawaii's premier Gun rights organization. involved with grassroots activism, lobbying, judicial action, and community outreach.

This teen discovered a dangerous loophole in Hawaii’s ammunition law — then helped to close it 07/19/2024

🚨 Seeking Young Plaintiffs for Litigation in Hawaii 🚨

Are you between the ages of 18 and 20? Do you want to purchase and own fi****ms and ammunition but are prohibited by Hawaii state law? 🌺🔫

Hawaii is the ONLY state in the nation with a complete ban on firearm ownership for individuals under 21. We are looking for young, passionate individuals to join a legal fight to challenge this law. If you believe in your right to bear arms and want to be part of this important litigation, we need you!

💥 Eligibility:

Ages 18-20
Desire to purchase and own fi****ms and ammunition
Resident of Hawaii
Join us in standing up for your rights and making a difference! For more information, DM us or contact us at [email protected]

Please include your name, age, and contact telephone number.

This teen discovered a dangerous loophole in Hawaii’s ammunition law — then helped to close it


🚨 Seeking Young Plaintiffs for Litigation in Hawaii 🚨

Are you between the ages of 18 and 20? Do you want to purchase and own fi****ms and ammunition but are prohibited by Hawaii state law? 🌺🔫

Hawaii is the ONLY state in the nation with a complete ban on firearm ownership for individuals under 21. We are looking for young, passionate individuals to join a legal fight to challenge this law. If you believe in your right to bear arms and want to be part of this important litigation, we need you!

💥 Eligibility:

Ages 18-20
Desire to purchase and own fi****ms and ammunition
Resident of Hawaii
Join us in standing up for your rights and making a difference! For more information, DM us or contact us at [email protected]

Please include your name, age, and contact telephone number.


If you were told to get a NEW medical clearance letter to apply for a conclead carry license in Honolulu. We want to hear from you.

Message or email us [email protected]



Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition Supports Plaintiff in Lawsuit Against City and County of Honolulu

Honolulu, HI – June 8, 2024 – The Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition (HIFICO) proudly announces its support for Mr Terry in his lawsuit against the City and County of Honolulu. The lawsuit, filed by attorneys Alan Beck and Kevin O'Grady, challenges the constitutionality of the County's concealed carry weapon (CCW) permit policies, which have been deemed excessively burdensome and a violation of constitutional rights.

"HIFICO fully supports Mr Terry's brave legal action against the City and County of Honolulu. The current CCW permit policies are not only overly restrictive but also infringe upon the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Second and Fourteenth Amendments. These policies make it overly complicated and burdensome for law-abiding citizens to obtain the necessary permits to exercise their right to carry concealed fi****ms for self-defense."

Key Issues:

Unconstitutional Requirements: The lawsuit addresses the County's requirement for applicants to submit new or more recent "medical clearance" letters, even if previous clearances have already been provided and are still valid. This additional requirement is seen as an arbitrary and unnecessary barrier that delays and denies the issuance of CCW permits.

Violation of Second Amendment Rights: The County's policies impose excessive and unreasonable obstacles on citizens wishing to exercise their right to bear arms, as reaffirmed by the Supreme Court in New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass'n, Inc. v. Bruen.

Due Process Concerns: The County's discretionary practices in issuing permits lead to arbitrary delays and denials, violating procedural due process rights under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The lawsuit was filed by attorneys Alan Beck and Kevin O'Grady, both of whom have represented HIFICO and its members in past and current lawsuits. Their expertise and commitment to defending Second Amendment rights have been invaluable to our organization and the community.

HIFICO urges the community and fellow advocates for constitutional rights to stand with Mr Terry in this critical legal battle. By challenging these unjust policies, we aim to ensure that the rights of Hawaii’s citizens are protected and upheld.

About Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition:
The Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition (HIFICO) is dedicated to defending and promoting the Second Amendment rights of Hawaii's residents. We strive to educate the public and lawmakers about the importance of fi****ms rights and to ensure that laws and policies respect the constitutional freedoms of individuals.


Hurricane season starts today! 🌧️ Are you ready? Join the Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition in taking proactive steps to protect your family and community. Here’s how you can get prepared:

Assemble an Emergency Kit: Include water, non-perishable food, first aid supplies, medications, and essential documents.

Create a Family Plan: Ensure everyone knows evacuation routes and communication plans.
Stay Informed: Follow local news and weather updates for the latest information.

🔹 Tip:make a plan for what to do with your fi****ms should you need to evacuate. Will your fi****ms be secure?

Join our community of responsible citizens who prioritize preparedness. Share this post and spread the word! Together, we can face any storm. 💪

What’s in your emergency kit? Share a photo in the comments and inspire others to get prepared!



The governor signed HB 2342 Inlaw.

This makes the carrying of non-firearm weapons, perfectly legal to do as long as you do so openly.


Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition Celebrates Landmark Victory for Second Amendment Rights in Honolulu

Honolulu, HI – In a significant victory for the rights of gun owners in Hawaii, the Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition (HIFICO) is pleased to announce a favorable resolution in the recent litigation concerning the issuance of concealed weapon licenses in the City and County of Honolulu. This stipulated judgment and permanent injunction mark a pivotal moment in our ongoing efforts to protect and enhance Second Amendment rights in our state.

The decision brings crucial changes to the process of obtaining a License to Carry a concealed weapon, ensuring that the system is more transparent, fair, and in compliance with legal standards. This outcome not only benefits plaintiffs directly involved in the case but also sets a positive precedent for all current and future applicants in Honolulu.

Key Highlights from the Decision:

-Enhanced Clarity and Efficiency: �Plaintiffs Nelson and K**a, are to complete additional training and verify their background information. Upon completion, they will be issued a License to Carry within five business days.

-Fair Processing of Applications: �All applications for concealed weapon licenses submitted before February 29, 2024, be processed within 60 days, with clear communication on the approval or denial decisions. This ensures that all applicants are treated fairly and with respect to their rights under the law.

-Innovations in Application Processing: �All applications received after March 1, 2024, will be considered accepted the day they were/are received. Applicants will be informed of any additional requirements in a timely manner. All applications will be processed within 120 days of acceptance. This adjustment eliminates unnecessary delays and simplifies the application process.

-Commitment to Modernization: �By March 8, 2026, the County is expected to implement a fully operational online application system, which will facilitate the submission, tracking, and approval of applications. This system aims to be accessible, user-friendly, and secure, representing a significant advancement in the use of technology to support civil rights.

A Step Forward for Constitutional Rights
Today's victory is a testament to the resilience and dedication of our members and legal team. We are proud to have been part of this action to ensure the legal rights of Hawaii's law-abiding gun owners are respected.��We believe that these changes will not only benefit our members but also enhance the safety and security of all residents of Honolulu by ensuring that responsible citizens can exercise their rights without undue hindrance.
Continued Advocacy

Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition remains committed to advocating for the rights of gun owners in Hawaii and will continue to monitor the implementation of this judgment to ensure compliance and efficacy. We thank our members, supporters, and the legal team for their relentless dedication to upholding the principles of liberty and justice.


Found me a no guns allowed sign at the Waikiki span jam.


Pro-Second Amendment Bill Sent to Governor: Hawaii's Groundbreaking Shift in Weapon Laws with HB2342

Hawaii is on the cusp of passing HB2342, potentially the most assertive pro-Second Amendment legislation in recent years. This bill would legalize the open carry of all non-firearm weapons, including butterfly knives, switchblades, brass knuckles, swords, and spears, marking a significant shift from the state's traditionally strict weapon regulations.

This move underscores the broader definition of "bearable arms," which encompasses more than just fi****ms. Recent legal actions have already forced Hawaii to legalize the ownership and carrying of tasers and batons, with ongoing lawsuits potentially extending these rights to include butterfly knives and switchblades.

The passage of this bill, despite containing some anti-gun measures, reflects a compelled evolution in the interpretation and acceptance of the Second Amendment in Hawaii. With the governor's approval pending, the bill could be enacted as soon as his signature is obtained; otherwise, it will automatically take effect on July 10. The only thing that could stop the bills is a Veto by the governor, but that's unlikely.,

In anticipation, the Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition is organizing a sword/spear/whatever parade to celebrate the bill's passage and increase community awareness. Details on the time and location of the event will be announced once the bill is enacted.


On Wednesday, the Honolulu City Council passed its resolution authorizing corporation council to file a lawsuit against G***k.

The resolution stated that G***k handguns are dangerous due to the illegal modification of their handguns.

Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition gave testimony on the bill informing the city that there is currently a lawsuit, challenging the the state law that they intended to use for the legal basis of their lawsuit and that the lawsuit was prohibited by federal law.

On Friday (two days later) Honolulu Mayor Blangiardiardi released a statement that the city will not be filling this lawsuit until the above mentioned lawsuit is completed


Honolulu mayor says he's responsible for Honolulus permitting licensing problems.

In a town hall meeting last week, the mayor decided to answer a question directed at police chief Logan and claim credit for Honolulu's botched licensing and permitting system (We have a Lawsuit open right now and more on the way)

He claims Hawaii doesn't have a Gun culture, but the fact is more than one hundred and twenty-five thousand people in Honolulu own fi****ms, and the number is GROWING every year.

With the increase in drug and gang-related attacks, the people that he's meant to represent are scared, and the police department can't protect anyone. When you dial 911, help is minutes away, and that's if you are not put on hold to speak to a dispatcher. So, of course, people want the option to defend themselves.

But you heard what the mayor said. He's responsible for delays and denials. He says he knows the law, but why can't he follow it? The law clearly says the police chief makes the policies, but the mayor says he's pulling those strings.


DENIED OR DELAYED? Maybe we can help?



This time they want to sue because people illegally use G***k switches.

Council member Tyler Dos Santos-Tam introduced Resolution 24-100, which, in his words is "To authorize the Department of the Corporation Counsel to initiate legal action against a firearm industry member and to retain attorneys as special deputies Corporation Counsel."

Here is a synopsis of the of the resolution

Background and Legal Basis:
The bill references Hawaii's state law under Act 28, codified as Hawai’i Revised Statutes (HRS) § 134-101 et seq., which establishes state-level standards of conduct for firearm industry members. These standards include establishing reasonable controls to prevent the distribution of abnormally dangerous weapons and ensuring compliance with all relevant federal and state laws.

Specific Allegations Against G***k:
It is claimed that G***k handguns can be easily modified with a "G***k switch," converting them into fully automatic weapons, which is illegal under both federal and state laws. The bill cites several federal prosecutions involving such modifications within Honolulu, underscoring the public safety risk they represent.

Purpose of the Legal Action:
The proposed legal action aims to hold G***k accountable for failing to prevent the modification of their handguns into fully automatic weapons. The goal is to enforce existing gun control laws and prevent the manufacture, sale, and distribution of what the bill terms "abnormally dangerous weapons."

Role of Special Deputies Corporation Counsel:
Due to the complex nature of firearm-related litigation, the bill proposes hiring specialized legal experts from the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and Dentons law firm. These firms are to serve as special deputies corporation counsel, meaning they would represent the City and County of Honolulu in the legal proceedings.

Scope of Legal Action:
The legal action seeks various forms of relief, including injunctive relief to prevent further legal violations, damages for harms caused, and recovery of attorneys’ fees and costs. The action would be brought on behalf of the people of Hawaii, highlighting the public interest and welfare aspect of the lawsuit.

Authorization and Implementation:
The Honolulu City Council would need to consent to the Corporation Counsel's request to initiate this legal action. Upon approval, the special deputies would be responsible for managing the case, including the retention of consultants and expert witnesses as necessary.

There is a hearing scheduled for this resolution on April 17th and for those wishing to submit testimony against this bull s**t, you can do soon the city website.


Honolulu, HI – April 5th 2024 – The Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition, a leading advocate for the rights of gun owners in Hawaii, today announced the cessation of SB3196, marking a significant victory for Second Amendment proponents across the state. SB3196, which sought to impose further restrictions on fi****ms possession and use, will not move forward in the legislative process, effectively rendering the bill dead for the current legislative session.

The Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition, alongside its members and supporters, has been at the forefront of opposing SB3196. The coalition argued that the bill's provisions were overly restrictive, infringing on the constitutional rights of Hawaii’s law-abiding citizens without offering any benefits to public safety.

Through concerted efforts, including public awareness campaigns, testimonies before the legislature, and mobilizing public support, the Coalition has successfully highlighted the bill's flaws and its potential to unjustly penalize responsible gun owners.

“The halting of SB3196 is a testament to the power of civic engagement and the importance of safeguarding our constitutional rights,” said Andrew Namiki Roberts, a Director for Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition. “This outcome demonstrates that the voices of Hawaii’s citizens and the principles of our Constitution are paramount. We remain committed to ensuring that any proposed legislation respects the rights of individuals."

The Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition extends its gratitude to everyone who stood in opposition to SB3196. The Coalition acknowledges the efforts of gun owners, enthusiasts, and constitutional advocates who participated in the process, proving that community action is a pivotal force in the preservation of our rights.

While celebrating this victory, the Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition remains vigilant, prepared to act against any future proposals that may seek to undermine the Second Amendment rights of Hawaii's residents. The Coalition will continue to work towards promoting responsible gun ownership, education, and legislation that respects the rights and freedoms of all.


HB2342 hearing - testimony due by 10am tomorrow.

So no Zoom or in-person testimony is accepted

This is about making misdemeanors a felony if you're CCWing. In addition, it removes judicial discretion forcing a mandatory 5 year sentence.


Log in Click the orange "submit testimony" button


We are delighted to announce another victory for Second Amendment rights in Hawaii.

At the close of last year, we shared the story of HIFICO member, Blake Day, who was unjustly denied a concealed carry permit by the County of Hawaii after he used a pepper ball gun for self-defense. This denial clearly infringed upon Mr. Day's rights. In response, attorneys Alan Beck and Rick Holcombe initiated a lawsuit on his behalf.

Four months later, the lawsuit has been successfully resolved, affirming Mr. Day's right to carry a firearm for self-defense. Mr. Day has now been issued his concealed carry license. Moreover, the county has agreed to a stipulation ensuring that the Hawaii County Police Department will not invalidate or revoke Mr. Day's License, unless he becomes ineligible to hold it. Furthermore, the Police Department is required to implement new concealed carry regulations in accordance with HRS Chapter 134, guaranteeing that similar injustices do not occur to other law-abiding individuals.

The Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition has consistently argued against the excessive discretion county police departments have in issuing concealed carry permits. The Second Amendment does not mandate a two-step procedure for the right to keep and bear arms. The legal ownership of a firearm inherently includes the right to carry it. We remain committed to ensuring that all counties respect and adhere to this principle.


It is with sad news that I pass on this message.

Mr. George Young, who was the plaintiff in Young vs Hawaii passed away earlier this week.

As you know Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition had been extremely supportive of his fight. Which ended with the right to carry a firearm outside of the home in Hawaii.

We wish to offer our deepest condolences to his family.

Sgt. Major George K. Young Jr. (Retired U.S. Army Green Beret) passed on earlier this week. He was my first client I represented on my own. Prior to meeting me, he had filed two pro se lawsuit against Hawaii's concealed carry restrictions. That means he was his own lawyer. I corresponded with him while working on my first federal case. Shortly, there after he told me he was going to file a third lawsuit. After he was dismissed a third time, I agreed to represent him on appeal. Together we took the case to the U.S. Supreme Court, prevailed and compelled the counties in Hawaii to adopt the Bruen ruling which made them begin to issue concealed carry permits for the first time in Hawaiian history. My first Second Amendment case was supposed to be a one off and I had no intention of filing any subsequent cases until I met George. He convinced me to keep filing cases and often helped me research colonial history which he was an expert in. He taught me a lot during the ten years I represented him. Everything that we've accomplished in Hawaii is thanks to George. He inspired the whole movement we are a part of. He was a dear friend and he will be deeply missed.


We’ve had a bunch of people ask us about the green HIFICO shirts that all of the volunteers were wearing at the gun show.

They’re now available on the store.


The shirts are much higher quality and have double print on them. This means they cost a little bit more. But 100% worth it.


Coincidentally team, HIFICO is wearing green at the gun show this St. Patrick’s Day.


Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition is back at the Neil S Blaisdale hall for the Great Gun show this weekend.

Stop by and see us at booth K-7


Aloha, we've got 2 hearings for 3 bills coming up on Friday that will accept testimony.

SB 2845 Relating to Fi****ms: Bans the sale and possession of ammunition to those under the age of 21. While there are exemptions for persons legally engaged in hunting and target shooting, the bill is still unconstitional and unnecessary.

HB 2342 Relating to Weapons: Prohibits someone from Carrying a Firearm during a Misdemeanor Offense. Simply put if you commit a Misdemeanor and simply have a gun on your person, the crime becomes a Felony. With the addition of numerous gun related Misdemeanors recently this will now elevate these crimes to Felony, such as violating one of the unclear 'Sensitive Places' laws.

HB 2622 Relating to Fi****ms: This is the voluntary gun buyback bill. As it currently stands it only appropriates funds for future buybacks in the islands. Other than being a waste of Taxpayer money there is not much wrong with the bill itself, but we are trying to shape it from a 'meh' bill to a good bill.


We are putting together our call to action to address this bill in the Hawaii House of Representatives.

We want to make sure that the actions we take and those we advise you to take are on point and effective.

In the interim, this is our breakdown of the old version and the new version; due to the inclusion of Assault weapon attachments, the bill still includes assault rifles with no grad fathering. Possession of these attachments will be a felony.


Despite previous assurances to the contrary, it has emerged that the language concerning assault rifles and shotguns has not been fully removed from the bill, leading to concerns of deception. While the explicit ban on assault rifles was omitted, definitions related to these fi****ms remain in the legislation, meaning an indirect ban is still included in the bill

The law continues to forbid the sale, transfer, or importation of certain attachments, with a statement specifying: "Effective July 8, 2024, barring exceptions outlined in section 134-8 (e), individuals are prohibited from importing or facilitating the import of a .50 caliber rifle or an assault weapon attachment into the state. Additionally, from July 8, 2024, it will be illegal to sell or transfer any .50 caliber rifle or assault weapon attachment within the state."

This clause essentially upholds the ban on assault rifles as it was before the amendment. The prohibition on transferring these particular items means that fi****ms equipped with such attachments are also subject to the same restrictions.

The amended bill currently includes the following provisions:
--A ban on the import, sale, and transfer of assault weapon attachments (effectively continues the ban on assault rifles. This includes .22 caliber rifles, as they share attachments with centerfire rifles and could be interchanged)
--Modification of the ban on assault pistols from two features to one (adding more features and, no grandfathering)
--A prohibition on pistols with a fixed magazine capacity exceeding 10 rounds. (no grandfathering)
A ban on pistols by make/model, as listed in the bill. (no grandfathering)
--A ban on non-pistol magazines capable of holding more than 20 rounds(no grandfathering
--A ban on .50 caliber fi****ms, (with provisions for grandfathering)
--Ban on traveling with any of the above-mentioned fi****ms)

Despite the seemingly shorter list of regulated items, the ban on widely owned rifles remains effective.

The full Senate is scheduled to vote on this bill on March 5th.
Express your opposition to this bill and the deceptive tactics employed to advance it by emailing all senators simultaneously at: [email protected]. This email address distributes your message to every senator.

Additionally, it is crucial to contact your own senators directly (via phone) to ensure they are aware of the situation and to urge them to oppose this bill on your behalf.

Continue your hard work, we can STOP this bill.



**Lawsuit Against Honolulu City and County for Infringing on Concealed Carry Rights**

Honolulu, Hawaii, March 1, 2024 – Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition (HIFICO), together with three individual plaintiffs has filed a lawsuit against the City and County of Honolulu in the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii. The legal challenge addresses Honolulu's unconstitutional policies and practices regarding the issuance of concealed carry weapon (CCW) permits.

Represented by attorneys Kevin Gerard O’Grady and Alan Alexander Beck, HIFICO and the plaintiffs assert that Honolulu's procedures for issuing CCW permits unduly delay and obstruct law-abiding citizens' ability to obtain them. This conduct breaches their Second and Fourteenth Amendment rights, making it excessively difficult for individuals to exercise their right to bear arms in public for self-defense.

The City and County of Honolulu's actions stand in direct opposition to constitutional freedoms and the civil liberties of its members. The recent Supreme Court rulings affirming the public's right to bear arms underscore the inadmissibility of local government barriers to this fundamental right.

This litigation seeks declaratory and injunctive relief to compel Honolulu to process CCW applications more expeditiously and emphasizes HIFICO's dedication to defending the constitutional rights of its members and all law-abiding citizens in Hawaii. The organization remains steadfast in its mission to ensure that the constitutional rights of gun owners and the broader community are fully respected and upheld.

**About Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition**
The Hawaii Fi****ms Coalition is a grassroots organization committed to defending and promoting the rights of gun owners in Hawaii. Through legislative, legal, and educational efforts, HIFICO advocates for the civil liberties of Hawaii's residents, emphasizing a principled interpretation of the United States Constitution to protect the right to bear arms.

# # #


So, SB3196 just passed the Senate Committee.

While this, in and of itself, is bad news, SIGNIFICANT changes were made to the bill before it was passed.

We need to wait to see the exact language of the changes made, but for now, these are the general details we know at this time:

-The assault rifle and assault shotgun language will be removed

-The magazine capacity will be changed from 10 to 20 rounds

-.50 cal ban was left in place

-assault pistol changes left in place

To everyone that submitted a testimony, called, and emailed the Senators, and showed up at any of the hearings so far, thank you for doing your part! Your effort IS making a difference, but the fight is not over! We have more opportunity to stop this bill in its entirety as it now makes its way over to the House Committee!

Stay tuned for updates and SHARE! SHARE! SHARE! this info!


Make sure you p*e before you leave the house.


It’s a Honolulu thing.

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Videos (show all)

The governor signed HB 2342 Inlaw.This makes the carrying of non-firearm weapons, perfectly legal to do as long as you d...
Honolulu mayor says he's responsible for Honolulus permitting licensing problems. In a town hall meeting last week, the ...
SB3196 has been deferred till next week. Please continue to make calls, submit testimony in opposition, and spread this ...
Make sure you p*e before you leave the house.
It’s a Honolulu thing.
They had six months to make a policy because we got them the delay. Did they use that time wisely?No!Yesterday the polic...
Quick FYI about Hawaii’s gun laws.Significant changes coming in January. Stay tuned for more info!
Oahu carry



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