Honolulu Meditation
Change your Mind
Change your Life
Honolulu Meditation
Want to know more about this meditation? Everyday, there is an open seminar
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Through the method of this meditation, you can cleanse your mind. This involves a guided simple step-by-step method that anyone can easily follow. There are seven levels in this meditation. The subtraction method allows you to let go of all the sources of obstacles and burdens in your mind.As you empty your mind from those accumulated thoughts, you will start noticing yourself being more open and
Episode 20. A King and A Pigeon - The Great Master Woo Myung “Although I cut my own flesh and bled, I felt neither pain nor regret. I kept pursuing enlightenment with a consistent attitude. If it were true, my body would recover its original state.”
피라미드를 공개하지 않는 중국정부와 발굴학자 장문구씨의 임종 증언 이집트 피라미드 보다더 크고 더 많은 규모의 중국 서안에 위치한 피라 미드를 공개하지 않는 중국정부. 최...
Foodie Time !!! :D
은퇴하는 강수진이 말하는 '하루하루'의 의미 TTime=이재원 기자
“10년내 언어장벽 사라진다”···실시간 통역 이어폰 예고 언어의 장벽이 사라지면 인류는 바벨탑을 다시 쌓을 수 있을까. 기술의 발달로 언어의 벽이 사라질 날이 머지 않았다는 전망이 나왔다. 고생스럽게 공부해 ...
중앙대 LINC사업으로 마음빼기명상 도입 - 전인교육신문 중앙대학교 간호대학은 지난 1월 27일 간호학과 학생과 중앙대학교 병원 간호사들을 대상으로 ‘자기돌아보기_마음빼기’ 명상 세미나를 실시했다.중앙...
한국증권금융 신입사원 마음빼기명상 교육 - 전인교육신문 국내유일의 증권금융전담회사 한국증권금융 신입사원 대상 마음빼기명상 교육이 실시됐다.한국증권금융 신입사원 15명은 신입사원 연수의 일환으로 1월2...
Honolulu Meditation Let's celebrate the brand new year!! Honolulu Meditation Mini ExPo • Date : 3pm - 5pm, Sat, Jan23, 2016 • 1st. : Honolulu Meditation Introductory Lecture ( 3pm-4pm) • 2nd : Social with refreshmen
Passing level party yesterday. Congratulations to Annie!
FIND OUT THE ANSWER, the very reason and purpose of why you are born!
Este sábado tuvimos nuestra celebración de fin de año 2015, para agradecer por todo lo que el universo nos ha entregado. Primero meditamos y luego vino la celebración!!!! con música, premiaciones a los estudiantes que más se han esforzado en restar su mente, juegos, karaoke y el gran premio al extreme makeover 2015...quién se lo habrá ganado?
Muchas gracias a todos, porque estar juntos es hermoso...
마음수련 명상을 통한 인성교육, 광주여대 1박2일 인성캠프 광주여대 학생들은 인성캠프에서 마음수련 명상을 하며 나를 돌아보고, 나에 대해서 정확히 알고 스스로 발전의 계기를 삼을 수 있는 시간을 가졌다.
I’m grateful. I’m truly grateful, everyday
My relationship with my family was rough before the meditation. I had a lot of resentment toward my parents because I felt that they didn’t love me and they loved my brothers and sister. I came to realize that I only remembered the negative experiences over the years and never really saw the positive things they did for me. Due to that, we were not in talking terms.
However, the meditation has allowed me to reconnect with my parents and I even arranged a trip to visit them in Vietnam for two weeks. They were unsure of my motives and just how genuine I was, but the visit was so wonderful. We apologized to each other, we laughed, we cried. I was able to truly apologize to my parents for all the pain I caused them. Before I could never say I was sorry or that I was wrong. Now, I am able to have a loving relationship with my family. I am able to tell them I am sorry and that I love them. I don’t feel sorry for myself like I did before when things didn’t go the way I wanted it to. I truly have more love and understanding for people.
Out of the family, my whole outlook and perspective on life has improved drastically. I find that I enjoy my job more, my children more, even myself more. I have a deeper love, appreciation, and compassion for all people I encounter. I am forever and truly grateful to the founder, Woo Myung, for sharing this with me and the world. His compassion and love is endless. And to all of those within the organization who have supported me along the way, thank you. I feel so fortunate to be part of such an amazing organization and know in my heart that this meditation has the power and ability to heal those who choose to open their hearts. From my amazing experience, I encourage everyone to give the Maum Meditation a try to find true happiness.
Xuan H. / Business Owner / Maryland, U.S.A
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UltimateHappiness on Instagram: “#Words of #wisdom The #wind is #nice and I feel so #peaceful.... “ of The is and I feel so . Maybe It is time to of ”
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Contact the practice
1542 Keeaumoku Street
Honolulu, HI
Opening Hours
Monday | 8am - 10pm |
Tuesday | 8am - 10pm |
Wednesday | 8am - 10pm |
Thursday | 8am - 10pm |
Friday | 8am - 10pm |
Saturday | 8am - 10pm |
Sunday | 8am - 3pm |
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Learn the simplest most effortless effective meditation technique - Transcendental Meditation - the most widely verified technique for personal well being