Toren Collective

+ Energy Clearing, Paranormal Support, Sound Healing, Reiki, & more.

In-person or Online Services. Assists in our collective awakening as we reclaim our life force energy and direct it fully towards the things we want to experience.

Spiritual Guardian Training : Intro Class : 9/10/24 09/12/2024

Incase you missed the free class this week on our upcoming Spiritual Guardian Training Level I...

Spiritual Guardian Training : Intro Class : 9/10/24 Intro Class for the upcoming Spiritual Guardian Training Level 1--Topics Discussed:* What is a Spiritual Guardian?* What is harmful energy and why it sometim...

Photos from Toren Collective's post 07/03/2024

Most people are extremely unaware of the mental, emotional, and spiritual baggage that can be left in places. Emotions and thoughts get trapped in corners and stagnant areas. There can be residues from huge emotional blowouts, drug and alcohol use, abuse, depression, anxiety, dense lower vibrational thoughts and emotions of all varieties left behind.

Here are a few questions to contemplate:
Do you feel better when you leave your home than when you are in it?
Are there places that feel “creepy” to you or your children?
Do your animals bark, growl, or chase at things you cannot see?
Has anyone’s personality or emotional responses changed recently?
Have there been strange unexplainable things going on in your home or in your life in general?

Some energies can be very sticky as they have become one with the very walls, fixtures, and seem to be anchored into the home and/or land itself. These dense vibrational frequencies will attract low vibration beings just like roaches are attracted to food that's been left out. These harmful beings want things to stay as they are, comfortable for them.

This is where we come in. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, give us a call for a free consultation. From there we determine whether or not we can assist you. We have helped many people with issues such as these and more.

Whether you are in a new residence or have been there awhile, we are here to assist you! For us, dealing with these things are as simple as walking into a dark room and turning on the lights. We can clear almost anything and we also teach you how to be empowered to maintain your own Energy Body Hygiene for yourself and your home.
Go to and schedule your FREE CONSULTATION!


Energy Body Hygeine and Gridding & Sealing taken together will give you all the info you need to clear yourself and your home from unwanted, undesirable energies. The teachings are thousands of years old, tried and true! Take them both for a nice discount.
Energy Body Hygeine Link:

**Register with a small deposit at the Wellness ReSource Network Jam! happening this Sat from 5-8pm (arrive/leave anytime) at Taborspace in Portland and receive an additional discount! Event Link:

Send a message to learn more

Body Of Light 06/23/2024

I have something amazing that I have created....I now need some assistance to complete the project!

Learn more here:

Donate if you can,
please share the link on your social pages
(only takes a minute and helps me a ton!)

Thank you for your support!

Body Of Light A feature length documentary film on why some people mysteriously dissolve into light and vanish at the time of death.


Send a message to learn more


Come Connect, Collaborate, and Celebrate with us! Our next event is June 29th ~OUTSIDE~ at Taborspace. We have cultivated an outstanding and uplifting experience for us all! Come get jazzed up to do your unique thing in the world!

Send a message to learn more


Kriyanna has a little column in the quarterly magazine, Threshold! It's called "Ask Mama Kri". The new one just came out today. The entire paper is wonderful! Check it out!
If you have a burning question on your heart that you would like me to write about, send it to [email protected]

Summer 2024 Reclaiming Medicine – Threshold Magazine


Are smudging and positive vibes enough to keep myself and my space energetically clean?

Well, mostly yes! Entities ride in on the vibrational frequencies of fear, anxiety, revenge, jealousy, scarcity, false pride, envy, and lust, to name a few. When we allow and entertain these low vibrational energies in our lives they attract malevolent beings that seek a way in. When they appear in our energy field, they amplify what was already there to create more of it and to sustain the bad vibes as long as possible.
When we are diligent with our daily practice, we greatly minimize and can disallow those beings that seek to cause suffering and harm to exist in our life. When we are discerning and guard the gates of our consciousness ~ what we see (screens are portals btw), hear, smell, taste, where we go, who we are in relationship with, and what we think/feel ~ we minimize our exposure to frequencies that would lower our vibration and the beings that those vibes attract. With discernment we choose what we are saying yes to which can lift us up and help us to feel connected, whole, and aligned with the highest and best good!

Those of us who are being very mindful in these ways can still get malevolent attachments. Those doing service work for humanity can be especially susceptible to picking things up from other people as students and clients let things go in our presence!

Daily energy body hygiene is crucially important. Cutting cords, clearing and protecting the chakra system and the aura, aligning with Divine Source Energy every single day helps a great deal. An energy hygiene practice that begins each day and closes each night is just as important as getting dressed before we leave the house and brushing our teeth before bed.

Sometimes, we can get taken over by harmful beings. You will know because no matter what you do, you just can't seem to "snap out of it" and feel better. Some of the symptoms show up as depression, the inertia of stagnation, bad smells, heavy feelings, negative thought patterns, being accident prone, having to face challenge after challenge with no relief, and more.

When this happens, you might need to call in extra help. This is where we come in. We can help clear things out of the way and give you an energetic reset. We can also train you in good energy hygiene habits to use daily. We can teach you how to protect yourself, your loved ones, your home, business, and sacred spaces.

If any of this resonates with you, go to our website and set up a free consult for more information.

Artist: unknown


Friends and family, I am looking for partners/investors to join me in creating my own HAUNTED HOUSE!!!

Over the past 7 years I have been developing a extremely unique interactive pro haunted house expiernce and need your help to bring it to life!

It is basically is a walk-through dark haunted house with a spiritual twist!

Message me directly and we can talk details.
Please share with all in may be interested in partnering and who has funds to invest.


Photos from Toren Collective's post 01/11/2024

Whether you are reading this out of pure curiosity or from a real need for help, read on. What we are about to share may, sometimes surprisingly, apply to you. This information is shared with the intent to empower! We have tools that can help and we can teach you how to use them for the rest of your life.

This is only the beginning of an in-depth understanding of the paranormal. First, it is important to understand that Thoughts and Emotions are things, they hold a palpable waveform and vibrational frequency. They leave an emotional imprint in our physical reality such as our home, workplace, even our own mind and body. Actually these imprints are left everywhere that humans tread. Additionally, there are non-physical beings which are attracted to both positive and negative frequencies. Their presence amplifies and intensifies their matching vibrational frequency.

Have you ever been somewhere that felt so good that it instantly helped you to feel lighter? This is because good things, uplifting and empowering things have happened in that place. There will likely be beings present and helping to amplify that positive vibrational frequency. On the other hand, have you walked into a place that gave you the creeps, felt heavy, unsafe, or left you feeling anxious and unsettled? It feels that way because things happened in that place that were disempowering, full of anxiety and fear, and possibly downright evil (we use the word evil to mean the opposite of life: e v i l = l i v e spelled backwards). There will likely be beings present and helping to amplify that negative vibrational frequency. The more of anything that happens in a place, the more those energies or frequencies will amplify and build upon themselves. Most places are a mixed bag, having both positive and negative imprints left there.

What one is individually attuned to partly determines what type of frequency is attracted. If we feel good about life, then we are more likely to pick up positive vibrations. If we are feeling hopeless, depressed, anxious, those same frequencies will be easily attracted to us as they are aligned with our current state of being. However we feel, most people still inadvertently attract unintended frequencies because we carry unresolved and unacknowledged negative emotions.
Here's one way to understand this. Have you ever considered purchasing a particular type of vehicle? Did you notice that suddenly that vehicle was everywhere (unless of course, it was a rare model)? We notice what we are giving our attention to. This is so important to understand that we are going to say it again... **What we give attention to is what we notice.** What we notice is what we attract to ourselves and becomes our reality. Everything else goes largely unnoticed and thus we do not attract it to ourselves. Seems very logical right? This is one way we are responsible for the reality that we create!

Has it been difficult to shake any heavy, strange, undesirable feelings after picking them up? Just about every single day, we walk into places that are filled with other people's energy. Grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, bars (which can be particularly gnarly! they call alcohol "spirits" for a reason.), and wherever else you go. The majority of people have not learned how to protect or transmute energies that are attracted throughout our day. After awhile, going to the same places everyday with all that happens there and most likely no one is clearing that space regularly, it builds up and weighs you down. You start feeling heavy and you don't know why or that anything can even be done about it. You might think this is just normal life.

We are here to tell you that it doesn't have to be your reality and that something absolutely can be done about it! Also, the things that can be done are simple, easy, and quick once you get the hang of it. Even things that appear really big and scary are most often very simple to transmute.

We are professionals who have worked with many people and assisted them in reclaiming their lives. We have dealt with hauntings and spiritual intrusions of many types. We are here to help and have ancient tools that we use and that we teach others to use.

How do you know if you need a clearing?
~Signs & Symptoms of Entity Interference :::
*Unexplained noises: banging, voices, footsteps, etc.
*Objects being moved on their own
*Feelings of ongoing depression, anger, anxiety, or panic attacks
*Regular feelings of discomfort or heaviness
*Feeling like you are being watched
*Feeling afraid, unsafe, unsettled, crazy
*Low energy level/mood swings/character shifts
*Inner voice(s) speaking to you
*Difficulty sleeping
*Night terrors / Sleep paralysis
*Loss of memory and/or poor concentration
*Intense fears, phobias, dark obsessions
*A strong interest in the dark occult, dark magic, satanism

If you experience any of these symptoms, you may need an energy clearing and/or entity eviction. We are here and ready to assist you. Please contact us via to set up a free phone consultation.

Kriyanna and Nicolas Elumen
Toren Collective (feel free to look us up on-line)
There is a lot of information on our website and you can easily set up your free consult there.

"We had a very intense and scary experience in our home involving a being which manifested itself enough for us to see it and perceive that someone had broken in. But it turns out that no one was physically there. After the clearing we received from Kriyanna and Nicolas, things at the house were feeling so much better and just lighter. In general even outside the house we've both felt happier and more peaceful. I left for our vacation the next day and my partner stayed in the house alone and felt totally fine.
I've always considered kindness a strength and these people are so incredibly kind and strong. I'm so grateful for their help in cleansing our homes and us. There is no doubt that they care deeply about helping their clients, they were so incredibly kind, brave and professional. I cannot recommend their services enough, if you need help in these matters look no further, you won't regret it."
~ Taylor T. - Event Producer

"I have had 2 different businesses over the years and I have had Toren Services come and work on the space at both places. One of the first things that I hear many people say upon entering in my space is "It just feels good in here". I have so much appreciation for Toren Services and the thoughtfulness and sensitivity that they have brought into both of my business spaces. They quickly identified some problem areas with the space and neighboring influences. They did extra work in these areas to keep the energy in my space flowing smoothly. I highly recommend Toren Services to work with any space for work and/or living. You will be glad you did! It will just "feel good."
~ Rowan K. - Tattoo Artist & Shop Owner

"As a landlord I get tenants from time to time that bring bad energy into one of my properties. Over the years I've had to cleanse three properties. The pattern was always the same; the property was nice and all fixed up but no one wanted to rent it. Once cleansed, they all rented right away. I can not recommend Kriyanna enough. I've known her for a long time now (15+ years) and when it comes to energy, she always knows what to do. As before, should I end up with another property with bad energy, I'll ask her to cleanse it immediately."
~ Magnus J. - Property Owner


Currently seeking ND, Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist, Reflexologist, Holistic Medicine Practitioner, and any other types of alternative medicine practitioners. Also seeking businesses interested in supporting their employees in their wellness.

My husband, Nicolas Elumen, and I would like to offer Reiki, Meditation, and Sound Healing to you, your partners, your clients and/or employees. These modalities have become well known and widely accepted practices in modern times. Additionally, they can strongly compliment your service and business. You will assist your clients with integration of the healing they receive from you. You can make more money to support all that you are doing through the work we do with you. There are a few ways this can happen:
1) Allow us to place a flyer in your treatment facility or business.
2) We come to your office and offer private sessions to your clients or employees.
3) We create a unique one time experience for you, your clients, and/or employees.
4) We teach you, your partners, and your employees these practices for you to offer to your own clients.

Please reach out to us for questions and details. Looking forward to hearing from you!

A War For Your Soul: About Entity Removal & Why You Need It 11/29/2023

These are powerful and beautiful times we are in. And at the same time dark and challenging times as well. Your troubles and suffering may be influenced or heightened due to entity attachment. We all have them.
Read about my own person expiernce with a entity attachment and how it change my life.

Read my blog here

A War For Your Soul: About Entity Removal & Why You Need It The battle of good and evil goes back to the beginning of ancient texts and stories of old. Now, more than ever in the history of man, possibly lies the greatest battle to set the stage for the future of humanity as we k...


“However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.”
— Stanley Kubrick
There is hope in dark times my friends. If you are feeling heavy, lost, anxious, or anything that feels immovable really... Please reach out for support. We are here for you. And if money is the only thing that would keep you from calling, let's work out a unique exchange


Maybe you have seen Cedar spinning his prayer wheel? Holy Land Prayer Wheels are the wonderful people who made it.
We are deeply honored to soon be offering these stunning and powerful prayer wheels to our community! We will be receiving our first shipment from Israel within a couple weeks! Woohoo!! Included are small prayer wheel necklaces which I am especially excited about!

Each Prayer Wheel has millions of Om Mani Padme Hung mantras within. Every time one spins this wheel, it sends those millions of prayers out for all humans. It is a deep blessing for everyone who carries one. Cedar carries these prayers almost everywhere he goes, especially in the city. Literally every place he drives in the car, the prayer wheel is spinning, continuously sending out prayers for everyone who is open to receive them. It brings a feeling of peace within us in a mad and strange world. And we know it is bringing peace to others as well because people will look, point, smile, give us a thumbs up. They often don't know what it is but they can feel it!


::: *Rainbow Light Body Activate* :::

Detox Bath Instructions: This bath can remove mold, fungus, yeast, radiation, heavy metals, and parasites from the body. You may feel amazing afterwards!

1-2 cups each of baking soda (bs), epsom salt (es), and borax (b)
1/2-1 cup of bentonite clay (bc)

*** If you are interested in purchasing a pre-made blend of the aforementioned ingredients, we are making this available for your enjoyment. One order includes enough for 3 baths in the amounts suggested in this post. Send us a message for more info! ***

I went through a process of 3 baths and am finding it to be absolutely wonderful for my entire being, mind, body, and spirit. I intend to keep doing them as often as I am guided to do so.
I began with 1 cup each of "bs, es, and b" + 1/2 cup of “bc". The second bath was 1.5 cups of "bs, es, and b" + 3/4 cup of “bc". The third bath I went for the max amount of each - 2 cups bs, es, and b + 1 cup of “bc”.

Additionally, I rubbed a few drops of high quality pure frankincense essential oil onto the bottom of my feet and behind my neck near the pineal gland to assist with the detox. I also took a dropper full of fresh leaf (not dried leaves) cleavers tincture to support my lymph to detox whatever was being released during the bath.

Most importantly, listen to your own inner guidance system. Trust your intuition as to how much of these most beneficial substances to use. This is very important as you know your own body best. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice that I am giving. I am simply sharing something that is working really well for me personally. After taking these baths, I feel so very good and want to share with you with the intention that it may may help you also. Honestly, I feel better than I have in many months!

Here is what really assisted the detox process for me:
*Run a bath with the absolute hottest water you can handle.
*Add the above ingredients in your desired amounts. If you don’t trust your own intuition to know how much to use, you may benefit from muscle testing to get dosages for your body. I use muscle testing all the time with excellent results. If you don’t know how to muscle test, I would be happy to teach you the tried and true process that I use daily for many things.
*Have at least a half gallon of drinking water next to the bath to drink throughout the experience.
*Send your intentions into the bath water and the drinking water, as water is a memory keeper and responds to vibration.
*Tell the medicine if you have any specific intentions that you would like for it to accomplish for you personally.

*Lower yourself into the bath and soak all parts of your body for as long as you are able. I personally feel complete when the water starts to feel somewhat cool which is about an hour.
*It is very important to drink lots of water throughout the experience. This helps to flush out any toxins that are being released.
*Give yourself a gentle lymphatic drainage massage while in the bath. If you don’t know what this is, look it up! You can do this easily for yourself anytime your body needs detox support as toxins exit the body via the lymphatic drainage system.
*Gently scrub your skin of dead cells, use a loofah to rub the skin off the bottoms of your feet as well.
*Breathe deep, chant, sing, pray, make sounds of energetic release, etc.
*Make this bath very intentional as much as possible.

*When you feel complete, stay in the tub while the water is draining.
*Envision all you have let go of is going down the drain easily and effortlessly.
*Feel yourself letting go and surrendering to this beautiful process.

*When the tub is empty, turn on the shower with cool water. This will cause your pores which were open from the high heat to contract and push out remaining toxins from your system.
*Take a ritual shower and wash yourself with natural organic soap from head to toe in every nook and cranny.
*Continue to breathe deeply. Take full gentle breaths all the way down to your lower belly, activating the vagus nerve and sending the message to your entire being that all is well.

*Once you are complete, dry off.
*Continue to hold the intention, prayer, good energy that you generated while in the bath.
*Journal to remember your experience.
*It can be helpful to drink something with electrolytes or a nourishing tea of your choice.
*Also listen to your body and choose foods that feel healthy and nourishing for you.
*Intend to continue in healthful practices that support your entire being.
*Let this be a moment that supports you stepping in to your own next level of wellness, whatever that is for your personally.

May this transmission inspire you and support you for the highest and best good for your life and those around you!

Toren Collective 04/25/2023

"I was in desperate need of your cleaning service. I knew I could do it myself but I was so overwhelmed. Every time I thought about it I would shy away. I didn’t feel energetically strong enough to do it myself. I knew that if I got help, I would be able to keep up on it on my own.
We received the Eco-Friendly Cleaning and also the Entity Eviction and Clearing of everyone in our entire family. The consensus is that we all feel a lot better. All of us. I feel stronger than ever. Thank you one million times over. Now for me to do better by myself. Thank you for holding all that you do and for showing up as a beacon of light. What you bring is powerful! The gifts you have are real. The work you are doing is needed!
Miya Beeler, Sr. Clinical Project Data Manager
I was in desperate need of your cleaning service. I knew I could do it myself but I was so overwhelmed. Every time I thought about it I would shy away. I didn’t feel energetically strong enough to do it myself. I knew that if I got help, I would be able to keep up on it on my own.
We received the Eco-Friendly Cleaning and also the Entity Eviction and Clearing of everyone in our entire family. The consensus is that we all feel a lot better. All of us. I feel stronger than ever. Thank you one million times over. Now for me to do better by myself. Thank you for holding all that you do and for showing up as a beacon of light. What you bring is powerful! The gifts you have are real. The work you are doing is needed!"

Miya Beeler, Sr. Clinical Project Data Manager

Book your free consultation at

Toren Collective Non-toxic cleaning, energy clearing, paranormal assistance, sound healing, reiki, trainings/events + more in Portland Oregon


Getting ready for BassWitch tonight! I'm bringing these sacred blessed waters to you beautiful people!

Home - The Haven PDX 03/30/2023

Sometimes a wonderful place can use a really nice energy fluff! Clearing isn't only for the heavy stuff...
Last weekend we were asked to give a clearing at The Haven. There wasn't anything very dense in the space but there was a very focused energy and some stagnation in the form of the different artist areas not feeling connected to the whole.
We came through with the smudge. Just as it was lit and we began to chant, a little drum circle started up! We went over near it and began to sing/chant "Om Mani Padme Hum" to the beat of the drums, changing up our tempo and rhythm with layers of voices going different directions. Clearing can be so fun and creative! We kept up the lively creative chanting throughout the place. Afterwards it felt, warm, connected, and opened up. We even had more than one person tell us they could feel the difference in the space as they expressed their appreciation for what we brought. It feels good to be witnessed and acknowledged in what we do! We are so blessed!
We have been hanging out at The Haven a lot lately. It is such an inspiring place to be with so many wonderful events and art going on. We HIGHLY recommend it if you haven't been yet!

Home - The Haven PDX SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY GROWTH FUNDRAISER TODAY The Haven PDX is a living and breathing gallery. A collective of painters, musicians,… Read more »


"As a landlord I get tenants from time to time that bring bad energy into one of my properties. Over the years I've had to cleanse three properties. The pattern was always the same; the property was nice and all fixed up but no one wanted to rent it. Once cleansed, they all rented right away. I can not recommend Kriyanna enough. I've known her for a long time now (15+ years) and when it comes to energy, she always knows what to do. As before, should I end up with another property with bad energy, I'll ask her to cleanse it immediately."
- Magnus, Real Estate Investor


We are making a big order of new spray bottles for our signature eco-friendly & non-toxic cleaning products. The ingredients are simple: water, vinegar, and high quality essential oils! You have your choice of Douglas Fir & Lavender or Lemon & Rosemary.
We also have our Blessed Holy Water with Frankincense for cleansing your home energetically. Contact us to get yourself a bottle or two!

EMF Harmonizing 03/08/2023

The human body is made up of about 70% water. When EMF's flow through us, possibly undetected by our physical senses, the water molecules in our bodies change structure according to the frequency they are experiencing. Some EMF's are healing and helpful. Others are harmful and can cause possibly life-threatening dis-ease in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. The technology that has become our favorite, because we have noticed the most positive physical shifts when using it, is now available through Toren Services! Even a small shift such as frequency harmonizing your phone, can make a very big difference in your health.
Contact us for more info!

EMF Harmonizing Fore more info, or to book now,

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Weekly Guided Meditation w/ Q & A: centered and ready
Satsang with Mahkah Das: Q & A
Ecstatic Awakening Gong Bath at Awakenings Wellness Center in Portland TONIGHT!!!
Sample Of: Ecstatic Awakening Gong Bath
Welcome to our office... Blessings
Spiritual Tune-Up FREE Session
Primal Short Clip
LAST DAY OF OUR MASSIVE SALE AT THE TOREN LOUNGE & GALLERY!!!------> Discounts on all Mystech and statues!!!Open today t...
BLACK FRIDAY SALE!!!All Mystech Bio-Tech Jewely is on sale all weekend long!Protect your self and your loved ones from E...
We are blessed to have the artwork of Amanda Sage and her Amanda Sage Collection clothing at the Toren Lounge & Gallery!...
About Dedicated to Divinity...
Lounge and Gallery OPEN!


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