Studio L'uomo Menswear

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Studio L'uomo Menswear, Shopping & retail, 2440 Bissonnet Street, Houston, TX.



Walking God’s Way
The Holy Spirit will transform us—from the inside out.
April 23, 2024
Galatians 5:22-23

Who doesn’t enjoy accomplishments? Most of us like being recognized for our achievements, whether it’s landing a big client at work, winning the chili cook-off, or training a baby to sleep all night. These are all good things, but God’s purpose for us is so much deeper. Galatians 5:22-23 tells us that our character is important to God. That’s why He instructs us to walk by the Spirit, so that the deeds of the flesh are replaced with God’s attributes.

Love is the foundation for all other virtues. We cultivate it by embracing God’s unconditional love for us.

Joy is contentment regardless of our circumstances.

Peace comes from trusting God and surrendering to Him.

Patience is developed by trusting God’s perfect timing.

Kindness is God’s compassion reflected to others.

Goodness occurs as we mirror His righteousness and justice.

Faithfulness means we are steadfast and trustworthy.

Gentleness comes when we approach others with humility.

Self-control requires us to exercise restraint and rely on the Holy Spirit’s strength.

Growing in these virtues makes us more Christlike and testifies to God’s transformative work in our life. And that’s an accomplishment worth celebrating.



Growing in God’s Love
Maturity comes from intentional daily decisions to follow Christ.
April 22, 2024
Colossians 2:6-7

Yesterday, we looked at the importance of slow, steady growth. In today’s passage, Paul tells us how to accomplish that growth: Be “firmly rooted and ... built up in Him and established in your faith ... overflowing with gratitude.” As we’re rooted in faith, we’ll become closer and closer to Jesus each and every day—not just loving Him more but also learning to love as He does.

Growth is a deliberate choice and a transformative process. Think of a tree. It slowly gets larger, adding layers year after year. Similarly, we grow in love through gratitude, patience, and intentional acts of kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. As we do, our relationships with others are impacted for the better.

For instance, when we speak the truth in love, we nurture a culture of grace and understanding (Eph. 4:15). Honesty without love can wound, whereas love without truth can enable deception. The balance is found in Jesus, who perfectly embodies both requirements.

Take a moment to pause and reflect on your recent interactions. Were they marked by love? If not, perhaps you need to spend more time experiencing the love of your heavenly Father. Then you will be ready to allow God’s example to be your guide in every conversation, relationship, and decision.



In a World of Quick, Slow Is Good
Let's give others—and ourselves—time to learn and grow.
April 21, 2024
Ephesians 4:14-16

Have you ever gotten into the far left lane on the highway so you can move just a little faster—only to have the cars in front of you slow down? Then you’re stuck between a divider wall on your left and even slower traffic on your right, feeling frustrated and annoyed.

Sometimes we want to treat our spiritual growth like that—jumping into that fast lane to “beat” everyone else to the goal and reach our destination sooner. We think that by reading a specific book or praying a certain way, we’ll grow more quickly and get to the next thing. But then the trials of life come, and without a strong foundation—one that’s built over time and with diligence—we quickly become overwhelmed and disillusioned.

In a world of quick, remember that slow growth is a good thing. Consider today’s passage, where Paul describes believers as children who must “grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, that is, Christ” (v. 15). We don’t expect children to do everything like adults. It takes time for them to develop the strength, coordination, and intelligence required for “adult” tasks. When we become Christians, the process is similar. No one becomes a fully mature believer overnight—nor does God expect us to. So let’s be patient with ourselves, take the time required to “grow up,” and celebrate when we see progress in ourselves.



Soil Matters
Are you ready to hear from God?
April 20, 2024
Matthew 13:1-9

When teaching the crowds, the Lord often used parables, which were hard to understand in the moment. Yet now that we have the full revelation of God, these short stories serve as wonderful examples of what it means to live a life of faith.

One parable Jesus told was about a farmer planting seeds that fell in different places: on a path, in shallow soil, among thorns, and on fertile ground. He ended the story with, “The one who has ears, let him hear” (Matt. 13:9). Afterward, the disciples asked Jesus why He chose to teach this way, and He explained that not everyone was willing to hear spiritual truth. But He told the Twelve, “Blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear” (Matt. 13:16). As believers, we are blessed in the same way.

However, learning how to listen to (and act upon) what we hear from the Lord takes time and practice; it’s not a process one can rush through. The fertile soil that Jesus mentions in verse 8 is a heart prepared to hear and respond to His Word (Matt. 13:23). By spending time in prayer and scriptural meditation, we can “rid ourselves of every obstacle and the sin which so easily entangles us” (Heb. 12:1). In that way, we can become even better, more attuned listeners. What is one thing you can do today to prepare your heart to receive God’s Word?



God Has Time for You
Just as God is never too busy for us, we need to slow down enough to give others the gift our time.
April 19, 2024
Mark 10:46-52

Time is precious. It’s a tremendously valuable gift that we can give to others. And Jesus showed us how to manage our time well. One important way He demonstrated His love for mankind was by being available.

The Lord had much to accomplish in His few years of earthly ministry. But wherever He went, He was sensitive to the needs of the people around Him and reached out in love to help.

In this month’s Bible study, we saw that shortly before going to the cross, Jesus stopped to help a poor blind beggar—a “nobody” in the eyes of society. Although the redemption of mankind was vitally important, the Lord cared enough about the suffering of one person to stop and do what He could to provide relief.

If Jesus stopped on the way to the cross in order to help someone, will He not also stop and listen when you call out to Him in your distress? He is never too busy to listen to one of His beloved children.

We are stewards of all that God gives us, including our time. How can you, like Jesus, reach out in love today and give someone the gift of your availability?



“A person with their
health has a thousand
dreams. A person
without it has
only one — which
is to get it back.”



Praying in God’s Will
To increasingly reflect God’s glory in the world, ask for His wisdom and power.
April 18, 2024
Colossians 1:10-14

Paul fervently desired that the body of Christ—individually and corporately—become spiritually mature. The apostle asked that we believers would know God’s will and then ...

Live a godly life (Col. 1:10). Paul prayed for our character, conversation, and conduct to be consistent with the Lord’s. Our lives ought to be an extension of His—with eyes that look compassionately at others, hands that offer help, and mouths that speak forgiveness and love. A believer’s character, while imperfect, should reflect Christ’s righteousness.

Make our life count (v. 10). God cares deeply about what’s done in obedience to Him. Jesus spoke about the importance of bearing much fruit, which is possible only when we stay connected with Him (John 15:5).

Experience God’s power (Col. 1:11). Through the Holy Spirit’s presence, we have all we need in order to do our Father’s will.

Remain committed and grateful (v. 12). God answers in His perfect timing. In the meantime, we should be steadfast in prayer and thankful for everything He’s already done.

Whenever we pray these verses, our petitions are in accordance with God’s will. And 1 John 5:14-15 tells us our Father responds affirmatively to prayers that align with His purposes.



An Impactful Prayer
We know our requests align with God's will when they come directly from Scripture.
April 17, 2024
Colossians 1:1-9

Today’s passage includes a life-changing prayer, written by Paul to the believers at Colossae. Here’s what makes this prayer so powerful: Every request is in agreement with God’s will.

In verse 9, Paul asked that the Colossians be filled with knowledge of what the Father desires from His children. The way this happens is by spending time with God—talking with Him, reading His Word, and seeking His will. It includes His general purposes for all believers—such as loving Him and people (Luke 10:27)—as well as His specific plan for each one of us (Eph. 2:10).

Paul knew that to apply what we learn, we need insight and clarity, which come from the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). So he asked God to give the believers at Colossae spiritual wisdom and understanding. But this is also a request we can make for those who don’t yet know Christ. After all, it’s not God’s desire for any to perish (2 Pet. 3:9), and people need spiritual understanding in order to come to faith.

Our heavenly Father has promised that those who pray in agreement with His purposes will receive what they ask. Therefore, it is important to start by discovering what His plans are. Try incorporating scriptural prayers—like the one from today’s passage—into your conversations with the Lord.



Megaphones for Christ
There are countless reasons—and countless ways—to praise God and share Him with others.
April 16, 2024
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Picture this: You’re at a professional football game. There are thousands of people in the stands, all cheering as if their shouts are actually willing their team to victory. Now think about your faith. How many believers do you know who put that same passion and intensity into their relationship with Jesus?

In his letter to the church at Thessalonica, the apostle Paul rejoiced in the young congregation’s passion for telling the world about Christ. Because the city was a busy seaport, he knew that the church there had the ear of the whole world. Travelers would hear the gospel and then take it back to their own communities.

By saying that the word of the Lord had “sounded forth” from the church (1 Thess. 1:8), Paul painted a powerful word picture. In Greek, this verb refers to a sound that projects like a trumpet blast or thunder. So, Paul was praising the Thessalonians for being living megaphones proclaiming Christ.

As followers of Jesus, we have the responsibility of sharing who He is and what He has done. Shout it from the rooftops! Fill entire stadiums with the thunder of your praise! Don’t just show the people around you who your favorite sports team is. Make sure they know who your Savior is, too.



Name Above All Names
We are most like our Savior when we die to self and serve others.
April 15, 2024
Philippians 2:9-11

As we saw yesterday, Jesus—God made flesh—didn’t insist on the position and privileges that were rightly His. Instead, He emptied Himself and became a servant. But He didn’t stop at token humility: He took this step all the way to death—in fact, the excruciating and demeaning death by crucifixion. This is a powerful statement of God’s character. What the Lord delights in is not arrogance but a servant’s heart.

Jesus set aside power to serve in humility. As believers, we want to gain in Christlikeness, so shouldn’t humble service be our goal as well? To avoid losing sight of this calling, let’s keep in mind the lengths our Father went to: He reached into death and raised Jesus to new life—resurrection life. God highlyexalted the Savior, giving Him the name above every name.

Even if we somehow miss the breathtaking scope of the Savior’s love and service during His life on earth, it will be clear when He returns. Philippians 2:10 says that every knee will bow before Jesus. The phrase “in heaven and on earth and under the earth” indicates that everything will worship Him as Lord.

In God’s view, the way up is down. We don’t please or honor Him by exalting ourselves. Rather, we pour out what we have in service and humility, to the glory of God the Father.



Made Himself Nothing
May we trust God enough to relinquish our will into His loving and capable hands.
April 14, 2024
Philippians 2:5-8

What kind of attitude should characterize a follower of Christ? If we take our cues from social media, television, or even small talk in the foyers of our churches, we might be tempted to become brash or even argumentative. After all, we have the sword of the Spirit and should be ready to use it, right?

But this is far from the attitude the apostle Paul encourages Christians to adopt. Rather than throw our weight around or loudly demand that our rights be respected, we are called instead to have the same attitude as Jesus Himself.

The remarkable, world-changing news is that God—our God—tempers the power inherent to His being, and He does this through perfect wisdom and love. Our Savior chose to empty Himself and take on the form of a servant. Jesus could have retained His position, equal to the Father. But instead, He chose to divest Himself of powers, rights, and privileges in order to serve the world. God did this for us. For all humanity and for all creation, “He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death: death on the cross” (Phil. 2:8). Mindful of Christ’s sacrifice, may we seek to emulate Him by serving others selflessly.



A Guidebook for Life
Are you seeking—and sharing—wisdom from the Lord?
April 13, 2024
1 Kings 2:1-9

Suppose the wisest person you know left you with a manual for living—what words of wisdom do you think it would contain? The pages would probably be crammed with encouragement, advice for challenges, and instructions for moments when you don’t know what to do. The manual would likely be very personal and unique to the life its author lived, not a bland book filled with vague platitudes. And you’d probably cling closely to its words.

That’s similar to what King David did for his son. Nearing death, David encouraged Solomon to obey God, and he also left instructions concerning his enemies and allies. Solomon listened to his father and thereby secured his kingdom. Though Israel’s second king wasn’t perfect, he loved the Lord and was humble enough to ask for help in leading His people (1 Kings 3:3; 1 Kings 3:9).

We, too, can make good use of people’s hard-won advice. More importantly, however, God’s Word provides dependable guidance through its statutes, commandments, ordinances, and testimonies. Now and then we’ll undoubtedly find ourselves in weighty situations where the next step is unclear. Whenever that happens, we cherish the wisdom we’ve gleaned from others. But even more valuable is time spent with the Lord, seeking His will and direction.


Out of respect for the spirit of revival that is taking place around our world, I humbly ask if everyone on my timeline who believes in the power of prayer would stop what you're doing, just take a moment, and post this... I know all won't, but I hope some will.
II Chronicles 7:14
Lord, we need you!!! Please sweep across this nation and heal this land.
Restore our strength, renew our minds, and banish everything that is not of You.
In Jesus's name, we pray!!! Amen!!! 🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️



Our Strength and Shield
God will provide all you need for living peacefully in the chaos life can produce.
April 11, 2024
2 Samuel 22:3-7

Life can certainly throw punches, can’t it? Relationships, finances, work pressures, and loneliness—just to name a few—sometimes leave us feeling too weak to keep going. Even if our beliefs are deeply anchored in Christ, all the chaos of life can seem overwhelming. But just like a conductor whose raised arms quiet a stage full of musicians, God calms the raging storm and causes the winds to be still. He remains steady in the storm—our peace amidst the noise.

Are you walking difficult paths and feeling the need for clarity? Do you long for a firm shield as you face harsh words or hurtful memories? What situations are you in that require a protector to fight on your behalf? Take heart, friend. God promises that we will never have to face anything alone. On the contrary, Scripture says, “The Lord is the one who is going ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not desert you or abandon you. Do not fear and do not be dismayed” (Deut. 31:8).

David’s words of praise to God from today’s passage are still powerful for us. Not only does the Lord shield us from eternal death; He also illuminates our path and strengthens us for each day. Let us hold tightly to the truth that no matter what comes our way, He remains with us.



Giving the Worthy Gift
A relationship with the Lord means we have the opportunity for great joy in giving.
April 12, 2024
2 Samuel 24:15-24

When David wanted to build an altar to the Lord, Araunah the Jebusite wanted to give him land, oxen, and all the items he would need. But David knew burnt offerings that cost him nothing wouldn’t be an acceptable sacrifice to the Lord.

Likewise, God’s sacrifice of His Son wasn’t free; in fact, it was extremely costly. We often hear about God’s grace as a gift freely given to us. And while it’s true we don’t have to pay, it came at a very high price.

In response to God’s generous gift, we should offer Him our best gifts as well. Frequently, however, we fall short and simply go through the motions—serving dutifully but remaining unengaged. Or it could mean reserving our best energy for ourselves or others. We might even set God on the shelf for later, thinking we’ll get back to Him when we have a minute. But it’s easy for time to get away from us before we make good on our intentions.

In what way do you feel God inviting you to give Him your time? What does it look like to give Him your affection? Is there some part of your life that the Lord is yearning for you to share with Him? Let us be like David and give God our best, not just what’s left over.



Trusting Godly Counsel
It’s never easy to hear correction, but we are blessed when we listen and respond humbly.
April 10, 2024
2 Samuel 19:1-7

David, though deep in grief over losing his son, listened to Joab’s reprimand about putting aside his personal loss in order to lead the people well. Throughout his 40-year reign, David repeatedly heeded godly guidance. Was it easy for him to hear the rebuke? Of course not, but he was wise enough to know that on his own, he couldn’t see the situation from all angles and needed godly advice.

We, too, should seek wise counsel from trustworthy people. Sometimes we need outside wisdom because we are too close to the problem. At other points, we’re too heavily burdened with life’s hardships to be clear about the best direction to take. Then there are those days when we just don’t know what to do and need the guidance of someone who’s already walked the painful road before us.

What a gift it is to have people in our life who bravely urge us to fulfill God’s call and won’t allow us to neglect our role. What frustrating problem are you facing today? Who could help you see the situation a little more clearly? Ask God for wise friends and mentors to help you—as well as a humble heart to receive their aid.



Our Heavenly Kingdom
God gives us the ability to experience His goodness here on earth—no matter what is happening around us.
April 9, 2024
2 Samuel 15:13-16

Whether you study Old Testament passages like today’s or read news headlines, you’ll find the world has no shortage of conflict. It can be disheartening to realize there always have been and always will be leaders more interested in power than justice—leaders for whom winning matters more than how many people are killed or displaced. But Jesus told us that this would happen, that we would “hear of wars and rumors of wars” and, unfortunately, “such things must happen” (Matt. 24:6 NIV). But thankfully, we are citizens of the heavenly kingdom that doesn’t falter.

As believers, we can trust God to guide us, pray for our leaders to have wisdom, and know that everything is under control of the King of Kings. And we don’t need to wait for eternity to begin living in the kingdom of God—it’s already here! In Luke 17:20-21, Jesus told the Pharisees that His kingdom was already present. Today, too, it’s happening among His people, right here and now.

This month, spend time looking for God’s kingdom and the many wonderful ways it manifests itself. Yes, there are always certain leaders out for their own agendas, but look past them to those doing God’s work in quiet and often uncelebrated ways. That’s where you will find the truest beauty, the purest motives, and the trusted friends of God’s kingdom.



The Ministry of Reconciliation
As believers, we have the privilege of being part of God’s unifying work on earth.
April 8, 2024
2 Samuel 14:1-3

David and his son Absalom had a broken relationship, and for years neither tried to make amends. Today’s passage says that Joab, who “perceived that the king’s heart was drawn toward Absalom,” decided to do something about it (v. 1).

According to Paul, we, too, are called to help make things right. In 2 Corinthians 5, he says, “God ... reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” This doesn’t mean we need to interject ourselves into others’ disagreements, but as ambassadors for Christ, we should forgive and lovingly point people to Jesus, who is “reconciling the world to Himself.” What wonderful news for us, because there will be times when we need to be reconciled to someone else. We should be quick to apologize, humbly admitting our part and extending grace for their mistakes. Like Jesus, we should “not [count] their wrongdoings against them, and [be] committed to ... the word of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18-19).

It’s hard to conceive of a love this huge: God sent His Son to die so we could have a right relationship with Him. Offering each of us welcome and forgiveness, He meets us where we are, embraces us like a father who has missed His child, and reconciles us to Himself. Won’t you receive that love—and share it?



How to Respond Well
Wise people take the time to verify information before choosing a course of action.
April 7, 2024
2 Samuel 10:1-8

Hanun, the king of the Ammonites, reacted to misinformation. His father had just died, so King David sent some servants to offer condolences. But Hanun’s commanders convinced him that the visitors were spies coming to scope out his land. Without checking whether the accusation was true, he abused and mocked David’s servants, which led to a war.

We’ve likely done something similar (though, thankfully, it didn’t lead to battle). Maybe we reacted to a rumor before confirming the information. Or perhaps we failed to ask clarifying questions. And at one point or another, most of us have responded too quickly to a situation—striking back, like a frightened animal, before taking time to consider the godly response. And our reaction probably caused hurt feelings or embarrassment.

Yet wisdom instructs us to respond differently. There are countless passages of Scripture discussing the value of wisdom and how to acquire it from God. Spend some time this week looking up a few. Take notes on the ones that resonate most and see if you can find any common themes. Then ask God to teach you how to respond to others more slowly, with grace and wisdom (James 1:19-20).



New Mercies Every Morning
God's faithfulness in caring for us changes everything.
April 6, 2024
Lamentations 3:22-23

The prophet Jeremiah knew the sorrow of a dark night. He’s often called the weeping prophet because of the tears he cried over the destruction of Jerusalem and the sinfulness of her people. But even in his sorrow, Jeremiah was able to hold on to hope. He remained confident that both God’s people and the city of Jerusalem would be restored, thanks to the Father’s faithfulness and unending mercy.

For Jeremiah, confidence stemmed from trusting in God, and the same can be true for us. No matter what difficulties arise, we have God’s promise that He is faithful to care for us. That promise changes everything—trusting in God’s faithfulness and mercy allows us to cling to unwavering hope for the future.

Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:30-32 underscore Jeremiah’s heart cry: “Do not worry then, saying, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear for clothing?’ …for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” God is fully aware of our needs and will be faithful to meet them. His mercies are available to us every single day. Let’s be deliberate about leaning into those mercies, as Jeremiah was. And we, too, can look forward to experiencing confidence and peace.



Uncovering the Joy
Choose to see the pain in your life from God’s perspective.
April 5, 2024
James 1:2-4

Pressure. Stress. Conflict. Broken dreams. Life is full of adversity. When Jesus said we’d have trouble in this world (John 16:33), He wasn’t kidding. Hardly a day goes by that we don’t face some form of a trial. Many are trivial, like getting stuck in traffic or having a tiring day with a sick baby. Others are life-altering, like a devastating diagnosis or the death of a loved one. But according to James 1:2, we should “consider it all joy” when these trials of life come our way. That may not seem possible—yet it is when we choose to see our pain from God’s perspective.

Maintaining a Christlike perspective is easy when life is smooth and we have everything we need; holding on to that perspective when things are falling apart is much more difficult. Adversity refines us, but to see the positive in the middle of our pain, we must be intentional about choosing to look at things from God’s point of view. That means remembering He loves us and is at work in our life, growing our faith and endurance.

God uses all things—both our joys and our trials—to make us perfect and complete in Him. Keeping that perspective allows us to find joy in a difficult situation. The trials we face in this life make us more like our Father. And for that, we can rejoice.



God Is in Everything
In the highs and lows of life, God is for us and promises to work everything for our good and His glory.
April 4, 2024
Romans 8:28-29

You’ve probably asked yourself, Is God really involved in the details of my life? If you’re like most of us, it’s easy to believe that God is in the good things. He’s surely in your successes, strong relationships, and good physical health. But you may wonder if He’s also in your failures, broken relationships, and sickness. Good news—He is!

Take note of an important distinction: God being in everything doesn’t mean that He is causing everything that happens to us. After all, we live in a fallen world full of brokenness and sin. There will always be trouble to deal with on this side of eternity. So, while God doesn’t create every circumstance we face, He does allow every circumstance. As He does, He’s weaving the good parts and the difficult parts of our lives together for our long-term benefit and His glory.

Nothing we’re dealing with has slipped by our sovereign God. Everything is under His control. When we choose to trust His ultimate goodness, we can both receive the joys of today with thanksgiving and accept the hardships with peace. It is the peace of knowing that God is with us, for us, and always working for the good of those who love Him.


There is a little coffee shop, where two people arrive and approached the counter.

“Five coffees please. Two for us and three hanging.”

They paid, they took their two coffees and left.

I asked the waiter. "What’s this about hanging coffees?"

“Wait and you'll see."

Some more people came in.

Two girls asked for a coffee each, they paid & left.

The following order was for seven coffees and it was made by three women - ‘three for them and four hanging coffees.’

I was left wondering...what is the meaning of the hanging coffees, they leave.

Then, a man dressed in worn clothes, who looks like he might be homeless, arrives at the counter and asks sincerely...

“Do you have a coffee hanging?"

“Yes we do, sir.”

They serve him a coffee.... I got my answer.

People pay in advance for a coffee that will be served to whoever can't afford a hot drink.

This tradition started in Naples.

Amazingly, it has spread throughout the world’s cities and towns.

It’s also possible to order not only "hanging coffees" but also a sandwich or a full low cost meal.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all start doing this in the cities and towns where we live?

Small kindnesses like this can impact so many lives, in ways we could never imagine.

Maybe we should all try it.😊❤️



Remaining Faithful
Those who drift away from God will always find Him ready to forgive.
April 3, 2024
1 Kings 11:1-6

God gives wisdom when we ask, but we are responsible for applying that wisdom daily. Let’s consider Solomon again. Despite his great understanding, the later part of his life was marked by a turning away from God. Solomon had clear instruction not to marry foreign women, but he chose to reject God’s wisdom and do it anyway. The influence of those wives eventually led Solomon into the worship of idols.

The unfortunate downfall of the wisest man who ever lived is a helpful warning for us. No matter how strong we think we are, we aren’t above making choices that could cause us to turn away from the Lord. Over time, small decisions to ignore God’s principles can have a devastating cumulative effect: Slight compromises in how we live can put us on a path leading away from God and His perfect plan.

Is there anything in your life that you know shouldn’t be there? Have you been justifying it? If so, ask the Lord for forgiveness and submit that habit, situation, or tendency to Him. He’s waiting with open arms. (See Luke 15:20.) Choose to apply the gift of God’s wisdom to your everyday decisions, today and throughout the entirety of your life. Let’s stay faithful to walk in wisdom at all times.

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Houston, TX

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am - 7pm
Wednesday 11am - 7pm
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