Caldwell Gallery Hudson, Hudson, NY Videos

Videos by Caldwell Gallery Hudson in Hudson. Our gallery in historic Hudson, NY buys, sells & evaluates traditional, modern & select contemporary fine art. Established 1973. Our new venture, (Est. 2021) explores the crossroads where fine art & Metaverse / NFTs meet.

Winter 2024 sample platter on view. Reach out. Stop in. Open most Thursdays-Sundays. #hudsonhistoricdistrict #hudsonny

Other Caldwell Gallery Hudson videos

Winter 2024 sample platter on view. Reach out. Stop in. Open most Thursdays-Sundays. #hudsonhistoricdistrict #hudsonny

What do you do to relax? I choose all forms of art and creative endeavors because it connects me with others and lifts my spirits.

Breakfast of champions on the beach experiencing artist @nancybakercahill @4thwallapp AR experience “Mushroom Cloud” 2021, which thematically speaks to the overt iconography of destruction and the often unseen forces of connectivity humanity fails to listen and look for. Powerful & contemplative moment! #nancybakercahill #aoristiart #abmb #4thwallapp #miamiartweek2021 #augmentedrealityart #mushroomcloud #myceliumnetwork #miamibeach #miamibeachlife