Seaside Audiology

Seaside Audiology: Vertigo & Ear Specialists (SAVES)


For people with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), the simple act of moving or tipping their head triggers an instant inconvenience to their life. The world spins and there might be a period of disequilibrium and imbalance following the episode. With the TRV Chair, Seaside Audiology is able to administer safe & highly-efficient treatment of BPPV with canalith repositioning (CRP) maneuvers in the 360 degree plane of the affected semicircular canal(s). We are the first clinic in the United States utilizing the TRV chair. Experiencing Symptoms? Book your appointment with us today ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒŠ


Have you ever wondered why rabbits have such large ears? ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿ’™ A rabbits ears have two main functions. Firstly, they can catch sound from any direction by simply turning an ear to the direction of the sound. Each ear can move independently which makes them terrific listeners and unfortunately, itโ€™s quite easy to tell if a rabbit isnโ€™t the least bit interested in your choice of conversation! Astonishingly, a rabbitโ€™s range of hearing is 360 hertz to 42,000 hertz compared to that of the average human hearing between 64 hertz and 23,000 hertz. The second main function of their large ears is to keep rabbits cool.โ„๏ธ


The staff at Seaside Audiology wants to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are grateful for you! ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ‚


Once you start using hearing aids the hearing processing resumes, supplying signals to the brain. In this way your hearing will improve but you will also keep your brain fit and active! ๐Ÿฆป๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿง 
Hearing loss can lead to a number of health problems, like atrophy (wasting away) of the brain. Atrophy can lead to more serious health complications and challenges, including dementia, seizures, disorientation, loss of coordination, and difficulty communicating. When you improve your hearing, you exercise your brain more, and decrease your risk of atrophy.


Healthy hearing results in positive health outcomes, increases social engagement, improves communication, and lowers the risk of depression. Seek regular hearing screenings or treatment for hearing loss as part of an overall wellness plan. Seaside Audiology is here for you. ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ‘‚


Animal Hearing Fact ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿป! Did you know that black bears have acute hearing that is about twice as sensitive as humans and over a large frequency range as well. Bears often hear humans before we see them. Because of this, black bears will often move away before they are noticed.


Hearing aids have made a definitive difference in balance. During heel to toe testing. In a research study participants with their hearing aids turned on were able to maintain balance for twice as long as when their hearing aids were turned off. When it comes to health and safety, the importance of balance in older people cannot be underestimated.
โ€ข Falls are the leading cause of accidental death in adults over the age of 65.
โ€ข Fifty-five percent of all unintentional injury deaths for those aged 65+ in 2012โ€“2013 were due to falls.
โ€ข From 2000 through 2013, the age-adjusted fall injury death rate nearly doubled.
โ€ข Twenty-nine percent of emergency department visits by persons aged 65+ were related to injury.
โ€ข Unintentional falls accounted for 13.5 percent of those visits.
โ€ข Medical costs from falls are about $30 billion a year.


Did you know red foxes have supersonic hearing! Well, almost. They can hear crows in flight from up to a third of a mile away, a grouse changing roosts at 600 paces, and even a little mouse squeak from 100 meters away. Reportedly, they can even hear a watch ticking from 40 yards away!


The TRV chair offers the possibility to treat even severe cases of BPPV. Not only in healthy patients, but in patients with various problems that make the usual BPPV maneuvers difficult or impossible. Such as patients with spinal injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, whiplash injuries and so on. Seaside Audiology is the first clinic in the United States utilizing the TRV chair, which is invaluable for safe & highly effective treatment of Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒŠ
Experiencing Vertigo Symptoms? Book your appointment with us today.


Age-related hearing loss occurs gradually over time due to deviations in the inner ear, including:
โ€ข Changes in the structures of the inner ear.
โ€ข Changes in blood flow to the ear.
โ€ข Impairment in the nerves responsible for hearing.
โ€ข Changes in the way the brain processes speech and sound.
โ€ข Damage to the tiny hairs in the ear that are responsible for transmitting sound to the brain.
โ€ข Presbycusis can also be caused by other issues, such as: Diabetes, Poor circulation, Exposure to loud noises, Use of certain medications, Family history of hearing loss, & Smoking.
Schedule your appointment with Seaside Audiology today and get your hearing checked. ๐Ÿฆป๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿ’™


The staff at Seaside Audiology wishes you all a very Happy Halloween ๐Ÿ ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ‚


Fun Sea Turtle Fact! ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿข
Sea turtle ears are adapted to hearing underwater, and they are more sensitive to underwater sounds than sounds above water sounds. Recent research indicates that sea turtles are most sensitive to low-frequency sounds below 1,000 Hz, such as the sounds of crashing waves or vessel motors.


Vertigo is a sensation or feeling that the person or their environment is spinning. It can cause balance problems and often is a result of a problem in the inner ear. People who have vertigo may complain of feeling dizzy. Dizziness is also described as feeling lightheaded. Vertigo and lightheadedness often have different causes and different treatments, but they can occur together. ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ‘‚ If you are experiencing symptoms, Seaside Audiology is here to help ๐Ÿ’™


Some Happy and Protected Seaside Audiology Patients Here ๐Ÿ’œ
The #1 cause of hearing loss is exposure to excessively loud sounds (85 decibels or higher). Protect your ears with custom Musicians Earplugs made here at Seaside Audiology. ๐Ÿ‘‚๐ŸŒŠ Custom molded to each wearer's ear & features the most advanced hearing protection. There are so many fun colors and designs to choose from!


Did you know that vertigo affects people of all ages. Although it is very rare among children, it is common in adults over the age of 20. Vertigo and balance problems are more dangerous for people ages 65 and over. Older adults are at greater risk for fractures and major injuries from a fall caused by imbalance.


Seaside Audiology is the first clinic in the United States utilizing the TRV chair, which is invaluable for safe & highly effective treatment of Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). ๐Ÿ‘‚๐ŸŒŠ
In the inner ear, the balance system consists of three semicircular canals that contain fluid and sensory hair cells that detect rotational movement of the head. As the head moves, hair cells send nerve impulses to the brain by way of the acoustic nerve. The nerve impulses are processed in the brain to help us know where we are in space or if we are moving. If the vestibular system is not functioning properly, your eye muscles cannot adjust as they should because the feedback indicators from the ear are damaged, resulting in blurred vision, nausea, or dizziness. This means that you cannot accurately determine where the floor is in relation to where you are, and the risk of tripping increases vastly. contact Seaside Audiology today if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.


Fun Animal Fact: Did you know that all otters have very good hearing. Some scientists believe that an otter's sense of hearing is more important than smell for sensing danger. ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿ’œ


Did you know that a number of studies have already shown correlations between hearing loss and greater risk of cognitive decline in older adults? ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿง 
This includes a pair of Johns Hopkins studies that found hearing loss is associated with accelerated cognitive decline and may also be linked to the onset of dementia in older adults. โ€œThe transition from sound to meaning happens in the brain,โ€ explains Schum. โ€œWhen hearing is compromised, such as with hearing loss, the sound signal that the brain is accustomed to processing is different and it takes more effort to fill in the blanks. This is why hearing loss can be so tiring and can drain the mental energy people need for everyday activities.โ€


Animal Hearing Fact ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿฑ
Dogs have more sensitive ears than humans, but arenโ€™t quite as sensitive to high frequencies as cats. Cats are brilliant at locating and focusing on sounds, due to highly developed muscles around their ears. Thatโ€™s why youโ€™ll see their ears pick up and rotate when danger is near โ€“ something us humans cannot do.


Make sure you get your hearing checked ๐Ÿ‘‚. Research has shown that increased listening effort leads to increased mental load, lack of stimulation, and reorganized brain functionality are linked to accelerated cognitive decline, which affects your ability to remember, learn, concentrate and make decisions. Research has found a 5x increased risk factor for dementia for those with significant hearing loss ๐ŸŒŠ ๐Ÿ’™


Animal Hearing Fact ๐Ÿ˜ป Domesticated cats some extraordinary abilities that we humans lack. If you own a cat, youโ€™ll probably have noticed their sensitivity to sudden noises. Just like wild animals, cats retain their sensitive hearing to tell them whether to flee danger. For cats, the priority is hearing sounds at high frequencies (like mice trying to hide in bushes). Thatโ€™s why their ears are designed to funnel high frequency sounds from 40-50 meters away


It's never too early to get your hearing checked ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿ’™
โ€œFor the first time, we have evidence that hearing aids are a prevention against accelerated cognitive decline in later years. Thatโ€™s a powerful motivator for the more than 75 percent of individuals with hearing loss who could benefit from hearing aids but are reluctant to address their hearing health,โ€ - Donald Schum, Ph.D.


Did you know that many of the causes of older adults falling and injuring themselves are preventable. Physicians may routinely advise their older patients to exercise, have their vision checked, and monitor whether any medications may cause dizziness, but they often neglect to advise their patients to have their hearing checked. Untreated hearing loss has been linked in multiple studies to a significant increase in risk of falls. Researchers have determined that even a mild degree of hearing loss tripled the risk of an accidental fall, with the risk increasing by 140 percent for every additional 10 decibels of hearing loss. Schedule your hearing test with Seaside Audiology today ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ‘‚๐ŸŒŠ


Animal Hearing Fact ๐Ÿฆ Pet Birds Enjoy Music๐ŸŽต
Itโ€™s commonly accepted wisdom that playing music for your parakeet, cockatoo, or finch will make your bird happy, but is it true? Turns out, it is! Bird brains process musical sounds in much the same way human brains do, and โ€” just like us โ€” birds are individuals, with their own likes and dislikes. Some parrot owners have discovered, much to their chagrin, that their feathered friendsโ€™ favorite tunes are in a genre they canโ€™t stand. This can be especially frustrating with male birds, who often incorporate songs that they enjoy into their repertoire. Fortunately, most birds appreciate soft, relaxing music, such as classical and smooth jazz, regardless of their personal taste. If you share your home with one of these wonderful animals, try creating a playlist for the two of you to enjoy together.


Did you know that hearing loss can lead to an acceleration of cognitive problems? A recent study is the first to show that wearing hearing aids actually reduces cognitive decline associated with hearing loss. Conducted by researchers with the Universitรฉ Victor-Segalen, Bordeaux 2 (UB2), Bordeaux, France, the study followed 3,670 adults, ages 65 and older, over a 25-year period and compared the trajectory of cognitive decline among those who used hearing aids and those who did not. The study indicates that people with hearing loss who wear hearing aids have the same risk for age-related cognitive decline as people without hearing loss. Conversely, cognitive decline is accelerated for individuals who have hearing loss and donโ€™t use hearing aids.


Do you or someone you know have diabetes, did you know that the same glucose overload that destroys parts of the body also often diminishes hearing? According to a study conducted by researchers with the National Institute of Health, some forms of hearing loss are more than twice as likely among diabetics. A hearing deficit can weaken a personโ€™s ability to communicate, can lead to depression and isolation, and can contribute to Alzheimerโ€™s and dementia. Diabetics and their families need to be aware of this increased risk as screening for hearing loss, unlike vision, is not among the current battery of tests routinely given to diabetics. Make your appointment at Seaside Audiology to learn more ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿ’™


Make sure you get your hearing checked ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ‘‚. Research has shown that increased listening effort leads to increased mental load, lack of stimulation, and reorganized brain functionality are linked to accelerated cognitive decline, which affects your ability to remember, learn, concentrate and make decisions. Research has found a 5x increased risk factor for dementia for those with significant hearing loss


Animal Hearing Fact - Whales Can Communicate Long-Distances ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ‹
For decades, the hearing capabilities of dolphins and whales mystified scientists. These animals could obviously hear very well underwater, but since they lack external ears, marine biologists wondered how. Now we know that whale skulls amplify sound through bone conduction. Even more amazing is the fact that baleen whales, such as humpbacks and blues, are capable of vocalizing over a distance of tens of thousands of miles. This means that a whale swimming in Ireland can have a conversation with another whale basking in the Caribbean!
Unfortunately, there is a growing body of research that suggests that human activities like oil drilling and commercial fishing have made our oceans so noisy that whales are having trouble hearing one another. Scientists arenโ€™t yet sure what the consequences of these findings will be, but itโ€™s likely that their migration and mating patterns will be disrupted.


Know what to look out for ๐Ÿ‘‚! Symptoms of age-related hearing loss typically begin with an inability to hear high-pitched sounds, including female or childrenโ€™s voices. You may also have difficulty hearing background noises or hearing others speak clearly. Other symptoms include:
โ€ข Certain sounds may seem overly loud.
โ€ข Difficulty hearing in noisy areas.
โ€ข Difficulty hearing the difference between โ€œsโ€ and โ€œthโ€ sounds.
โ€ข Ringing in the ears.
โ€ข Turning up the volume on the television or radio louder than normal.
โ€ข Asking people to repeat what they say.
โ€ข Unable to understand telephone conversations.


Untreated hearing loss can affect peopleโ€™s balance & spatial awareness, and is associated with a 3x-increased Risk of fall-related hazards & injuries. Untreated hearing loss may be detrimental given that they are unable to localize sounds in their surroundings. Seaside Audiology is here for you ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ‘‚

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Meet one of Seaside Audiologyโ€™s mascots, Arlo!Feeling โ€œwobblyโ€ or wiggly, off balance, dizzy are some of the most common...




18377 Beach Boulevard , Suite 105
Huntington Beach, CA

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Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm

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