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24 Reasons Why Mentorship Is Important for Mentee and Mentor 08/16/2024

Happy Friday Facebook Family!

🌟 Unlock New Opportunities with Job Shadowing and Mentorship! 🌟

Are you looking to grow your career and gain new insights? Job shadowing and mentorship are two powerful ways to do just that—both within your organization and your broader community.

Job Shadowing is all about stepping into someone else's shoes for a day (or more!) to observe their role up close. It’s a fantastic opportunity to explore different career paths, build new skills, and understand how various departments work together. By experiencing the day-to-day activities of another role, you gain practical knowledge that goes beyond traditional training. Plus, it opens doors to valuable networking opportunities and helps break down silos within your organization​.

Mentorship takes a more personalized approach, where you can connect with an experienced professional who offers guidance, support, and advice. This relationship can significantly boost your career development, providing you with the insights and confidence needed to tackle challenges and seize opportunities. It’s also a great way to build lasting professional relationships that can help you throughout your career​.

If your organization doesn’t currently offer these programs, why not start the conversation? These initiatives not only benefit individual employees but also contribute to a more engaged, knowledgeable, and collaborative workforce.

Let’s get started on building these incredible opportunities!

For more on these topics, check out these insightful articles: and

24 Reasons Why Mentorship Is Important for Mentee and Mentor Mentorship provides numerous benefits to both the mentee and mentor. Discover the importance of mentors, along with several reasons why you should become one.


Weekly Inspiration - August 12, 2024

Today, I remind myself that tough times are temporary, but the strength and resilience I gain from pushing through them are lasting. I am committed to my goals, even when the path is challenging. Each obstacle I face is an opportunity to grow stronger and more determined. I trust in my ability to overcome difficulties and remain focused on the bigger picture. I am capable, resilient, and unstoppable. My goals are within reach, and I will achieve them.


Weekly Inspiration - August 5, 2024.

Today, I commit to making a positive impact by helping those less fortunate. I recognize the power of kindness and generosity in transforming lives, including my own. By paying it forward, I contribute to a ripple effect of compassion and support. Every act of giving, no matter how small, makes a difference. I am grateful for my blessings and share them willingly, knowing that together we can create a brighter, more caring world.


Happy Friday, Facebook Family! 🌟

It's Kenni, and I would like to share some insights on building psychologically safe organizations. With the rapid changes we're experiencing, our leadership skills are more crucial than ever.

Key Takeaways:

Adaptive Leadership: Manage tasks, emotions, and conflicts within diverse teams.
Psychological Safety: Foster a culture that rewards learning and aligns teams with a shared purpose.
Physical Environment: Ensure both in-office and remote team members feel secure and included.

Tips for Leaders:

Encourage inclusive decision-making.
Embrace vulnerability and promote openness.
Implement regular feedback mechanisms.
Flatten hierarchies for open dialogue.

Actionable Steps:

Regular team check-ins focused on well-being.
Peer support groups and 'Listening Tours'.
Psychological safety workshops.
Mentorship programs and 'Innovation Hours'.
Transparent communication and recognition programs.
'Role-Reversal' exercises.

Let’s build an environment where psychological safety and growth thrive together. Check out the full article below.

Have a fantastic weekend! 🌟


Weekly Inspiration with Knoturavgladi July, 29, 2024

Today, I commit to taking action and moving past procrastination. I recognize that every small step forward brings me closer to my goals. I release the need for perfection and embrace progress instead. With focus and determination, I tackle my tasks with a positive attitude, knowing that I have the power to achieve anything I set my mind to. I trust in my abilities and take each moment as an opportunity to create momentum. I am capable, I am motivated, and I am ready to succeed.


Weekly Inspiration with Knoturavgladi - July 22, 2024

Today, I step out on faith, trusting that the path before me is filled with opportunities and growth. I embrace the unknown with courage and confidence, knowing that every step I take is guided by purpose and belief in myself. I release any fear or doubt, allowing my faith to light the way. By taking bold actions, I open myself to endless possibilities and remarkable transformations. I am strong, I am brave, and I trust that the universe is working in my favor. My faith fuels my journey, and I am ready to soar.


In life, it's crucial to surround ourselves with people who uplift and support us. Reflect on the relationships in your life and consider the impact they have on your well-being. Negative influences, such as those who drain your energy, spread negativity, or undermine your success, can hinder your progress and happiness. Seek out and nurture relationships with positive, supportive individuals who encourage your growth and celebrate your achievements. By fostering a circle of positivity, you can enhance your mental wellness and leadership potential, creating a more fulfilling and balanced life.


1. Wheelbarrow People: These individuals drain your energy and waste your time. They expect you to do everything for them without considering your needs. They are consumers of your energy, time, and resources.

2. Mosquito People: These people only want to extract benefits from you while injecting negativity into your life. They have nothing positive to offer but always seek to take from others.

3. Scaffolding People: These individuals are glory seekers and controllers. They want to dominate your life because they helped you once. They aim to keep you under their control and restrict your independence.

4. Crocodile People: These are pretenders with no genuine intentions. They get close to you to learn your secrets and may use that information against you when conflicts arise. They are liars, backstabbers, and gossipers.

5. Chameleon People: These envious and jealous individuals are in constant, unhealthy competition with you. They secretly monitor your progress with negative intentions and amplify your mistakes while never supporting or celebrating your successes.

6. Naysayer People: These are dream killers who will never appreciate or support your dreams. They focus on your failures and always see the negative side of things, creating more problems instead of solutions.

7. Garbage Pusher People: These individuals bring negativity and bad news. Their lives are filled with debris and they spread discouraging and demoralizing information. They thrive on sharing unfortunate and heartbreaking news.

It is your responsibility to evaluate the people around you and ensure you are surrounded by positive influences. Your life will move in the right direction when you associate with positive people and disconnect from negative ones.


Today, I embrace the power of a positive attitude to create meaningful change in my life. I believe that my mindset shapes my reality, and I choose to approach each day with optimism and determination. With the right attitude, I can overcome any obstacle and turn challenges into opportunities for growth. I am committed to making positive changes, both big and small, that lead to a fulfilling and joyful life. I trust in my ability to adapt, improve, and thrive, knowing that every step forward is a victory.


Today, I choose to be kind to myself, even when I am tardy or miss a deadline. I recognize that setbacks are part of the journey and offer valuable lessons. I forgive myself for the delay and focus on what I can do to move forward. I will communicate openly, adjust my plans, and stay committed to my goals. Each moment is a new opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. I am resilient, capable, and determined to keep progressing, no matter the obstacles.


Weekly Inspiration with Knoturavgladi - July 2, 2024

As we approach July 4th, I celebrate the spirit of freedom, unity, and hope. I embrace the joy and gratitude that this day brings, recognizing the strength and resilience that define our community. I commit to fostering connections, spreading positivity, and appreciating the simple joys that make life beautiful. This Independence Day, I honor the past, cherish the present, and look forward to a future filled with promise and possibilities. Together, let's create memories that inspire and uplift us all. Happy Fourth of July! 🇺🇸✨


Can anyone relate?

You discover that someone close to you is not who they pretended to be.

Acknowledge Your Feelings:
- It's natural to feel hurt, betrayed, or disappointed. Allow yourself to process these emotions without judgment.

Reflect on the Relationship:
- Take some time to think about the signs that might have been there all along. This can help you understand what went wrong and prevent similar situations in the future.

Set Healthy Boundaries:
- If this person is still in your life, establish clear boundaries to protect your emotional well-being. It's okay to distance yourself from those who do not have your best interests at heart.

Focus on Self-Care:
- Engage in activities that make you feel good and help you heal. Surround yourself with positive influences and take care of your mental and physical health.

Seek Support:
- Talk to trusted friends, family members, or a therapist about your experience. Sharing your feelings can provide comfort and perspective.

Learn and Grow:
- Use this experience as an opportunity to learn about yourself and what you value in your relationships. Every challenge offers a lesson that can lead to personal growth.

Stay Open to New Connections:
- Don't let this experience close you off to forming new bonds. Trust that there are genuine, supportive people out there who will appreciate and respect you for who you are.

Forgive, But Don't Forget:
- Forgiveness can be a powerful tool for your own peace of mind. However, remember the lessons learned and apply them to future encounters.

Remember, true friends are those who support, uplift, and encourage you. Trust in yourself that you will find and can nurture these meaningful connections.


In life, we encounter two kinds of people: those who won't support us simply because of who we are, and those who will stand by us no matter what. The key is to find and cherish those who uplift and encourage us. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, who celebrate your successes, and who support you unconditionally. These are your people. Embrace them, appreciate them, and let their positivity inspire you to reach even greater heights. Together, we can achieve so much more. 💫❤️


Weekly Inspiration with Knoturavgladi

Happy Monday! Today, I welcome the start of a new week with enthusiasm and determination. I am ready to tackle any challenges that come my way and seize every opportunity for growth. Each step I take today is a step towards my goals. I choose to embrace positivity, focus on my strengths, and believe in my ability to achieve great things. This week is full of potential, and I am excited to make the most of it. Let's make this Monday, and every day, count!


Motivation can sometimes feel elusive, but it's within our reach if we know where to look. Start by setting clear, achievable goals and reminding yourself of the 'why' behind them. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and use it as fuel to keep going. Surround yourself with positive influences and seek inspiration from those who have achieved what you aspire to. Remember to take care of your well-being—rest, nourish, and rejuvenate your body and mind. Above all, believe in your potential and trust that every step forward brings you closer to your dreams. You've got this! 🌟💪🏾✊🏾


Facing our fears can be one of the toughest challenges, but it’s also one of the most rewarding. Remember, fear is not a barrier but a guide, showing us where we can grow. Embrace your fears with courage and curiosity. Break them down into smaller, manageable steps and celebrate each victory, no matter how small. Trust in your strength and resilience. You have the power to conquer anything you set your mind to. Believe in yourself and watch as you transform your fears into stepping stones towards your greatest achievements. 🌟💪

ATDtv: ATD24 Tuesday Highlights from NOLA 06/18/2024

Reflecting on an Amazing Experience at ATD24!

Attending the ATD24 International Conference & EXPO in New Orleans was an unforgettable experience! With so many educational sessions offered across various tracks, it was a bit intimidating at first. The sheer volume of knowledge shared was overwhelming but incredibly enriching and thought-provoking.

But what truly stood out for me were the networking opportunities! Meeting so many talented professionals and making new connections was by far the most exciting part. I now have a new circle of friends and colleagues who share the same passion for talent development.

A highlight for me was being interviewed for a video on ATD's YouTube channel, where I discussed a strategy we've implemented to develop leadership talent within our organization. Check out my cameo around 3:07 in the ATD24 Tuesday Highlights video!

I’m already looking forward to applying what I’ve learned and staying connected with all the fantastic people I met. Here’s to continuous growth and learning!

Association for Talent Development - ATD

ATDtv: ATD24 Tuesday Highlights from NOLA Day three at ATD24 has come and gone! We had a great start to sessions with author Dan Pink's energizing keynote speech. Attendees continued to explore the l...


Weekly Inspiration with Knoturavgladi - June 17, 2024

In the midst of loss and sorrow, I honor my feelings and give myself the grace to grieve. I recognize that grief is a natural and essential part of healing. I cherish the memories and the love that remains, finding strength in the moments shared. Each day, I allow myself to feel, to heal, and to move forward at my own pace. I am surrounded by love and support, and I know that it’s okay to seek help when needed. Through this journey, I will find peace and carry the love of those I've lost within me, always.


Happy Father's Day to all the incredible dads out there! Today, we celebrate the love, strength, and guidance you provide every day. Whether you're a father, stepfather, grandfather, or a father figure, your impact is immeasurable. Thank you for the countless sacrifices, the wisdom you share, and the unwavering support you give. Your love shapes us and inspires us to be the best versions of ourselves. Enjoy your special day—you've earned it! 🌟👔💖


Dealing with negative people can be challenging, but it's important to handle these situations with grace and positivity. Remember, their negativity is a reflection of their struggles, not your worth. Approach them with empathy, set healthy boundaries, and focus on protecting your own energy. Choose to respond with kindness and understanding, but don't be afraid to distance yourself if needed for your own well-being. Surround yourself with positivity and let your light shine, regardless of the darkness around you. 🌟💪"


When life gives you lemons, don't just make lemonade—create a masterpiece! Every challenge is an opportunity to grow, learn, and shine brighter. Embrace the unexpected with a smile and turn obstacles into stepping stones for success. Remember, your attitude shapes your journey.

Let's make every sour moment sweet and every setback a setup for an incredible comeback! 🍋✨"


Today, someone brought up the importance of extending grace and patience to our co-workers—and really, we should offer this to everyone we encounter. This is something I promote all the time.

It's easy to forget that everyone is fighting their own battles and dealing with their own challenges. By choosing to be understanding and kind, we can create a more supportive and positive environment for all. Let’s remember to give each other the benefit of the doubt, practice empathy, and spread a little extra kindness every day. 🌟❤️


Let’s remember that being a good person is about the small, everyday actions we take. Love those around you, lend a helping hand when you can, and give what you are able.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of others and create a more compassionate world. 🌟💖


Weekly Inspiration with Knoturavgladi - June 10, 2024.

Today, I embrace the opportunity to renew the vibrant energy within me. I release any stress or negativity that may have drained my spirit, allowing fresh, positive energy to flow through me. With each breath, I invite clarity, strength, and vitality into my life. I am rejuvenated and ready to face the world with a renewed sense of purpose and passion. My inner light shines brightly, illuminating my path and inspiring those around me. I am filled with boundless energy and unstoppable momentum.


Weekly Inspiration - June 3, 2024 with Knoturavgladi

Even on the gloomiest of days, I choose to seek out the hidden rays of light. Through reflection, I discover the beauty and lessons within the challenges I face. I understand that every cloud has a silver lining, and it is in these moments of darkness that my strength and resilience shine the brightest. I embrace the positives that life offers, knowing that each day is an opportunity for growth, gratitude, and renewal. I trust in my ability to navigate the storms and find the sunshine that awaits on the other side.


Weekly Inspiration with Knoturavgladi - May 28, 2024

Today, I take a moment to honor and remember the brave individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Memorial Day is a time to reflect on their courage and selflessness, and to express deep gratitude for the liberties we enjoy. As I cherish these freedoms, I commit to living with purpose and integrity, inspired by the heroes who have given so much. Their legacy reminds me to value each day and to strive for a world where peace and respect prevail.

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Weekly Inspiration - August 12, 2024Today, I remind myself that tough times are temporary, but the strength and resilien...
Weekly Inspiration - August 5, 2024.Today, I commit to making a positive impact by helping those less fortunate. I recog...
Weekly Inspiration with Kenyetta Lewis July, 29, 2024Today, I commit to taking action and moving past procrastination. I...
Weekly Inspiration with Knoturavgladi - July 22, 2024Today, I step out on faith, trusting that the path before me is fil...
Today, I embrace the power of a positive attitude to create meaningful change in my life. I believe that my mindset shap...
Today, I choose to be kind to myself, even when I am tardy or miss a deadline. I recognize that setbacks are part of the...
Weekly Inspiration with Knoturavgladi - July 2, 2024As we approach July 4th, I celebrate the spirit of freedom, unity, a...
Weekly Inspiration with KnoturavgladiHappy Monday! Today, I welcome the start of a new week with enthusiasm and determin...
Weekly Inspiration with KnotUrAvgLadi - June 17, 2024In the midst of loss and sorrow, I honor my feelings and give mysel...
Weekly Inspiration with Knoturavgladi - June 10, 2024.Today, I embrace the opportunity to renew the vibrant energy withi...
Weekly Inspiration - June 3, 2024 with KnotUrAvgLadiEven on the gloomiest of days, I choose to seek out the hidden rays ...
Weekly Inspiration with KnotUrAvgLadi - May 28, 2024Today, I take a moment to honor and remember the brave individuals w...


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