Reyes Financial Coaching

Reyes Financial Coaching

We offer strategic options for your financial needs and desires. Ofresemos opciones estrategicas

We are Jose and Evelyn Reyes, “Ramsey Financial Coaches” trained thru Ramsey Solutions. I have over 20 years of banking experience in accounting, collections and customer service and my husband Jose has been a Financial Peace University coordinator for several years.

Photos from Finanzasconrey's post 10/08/2024

Bien orgullosa de mi amigo Rey por continuamente llevar el mensaje de como manejar correctamente finanzas personales a nuestra cultura.


If you save for it, you can go to professional baseball, football, basketball or hockey games at least once per year like I do.
You just have to plan in advance.


This is what vacation on a budget looks like.


Papi, para cuando ganemos! Esto es lo que tenemos que hacer.


Why is Murphy after my emergency fund again?
This is the main reason why I am constantly posting about the importance of your emergency fund.

So I have been told by my mechanic that I either need to rebuild the motor of my car or replace it. Ouch!

Although it might seem like a big expense, I opted to repair my car. The average cost of a vehicle right now is $20-50k
vs $3k to repair mines. And my emergency fund will cover it.

I cannot tell you how much smoother it is to deal with murphy, thru car repairs, home repairs or temporary loss of income, with your emergency fund in place.

If you don't have one set up yet. Start today.
Contact us and we will help guide you thru it.


It's Mother's Day, a time to celebrate you wonderful women.
Especially you, my single moms. I'm proud of you for holding all the pieces together, especially when there are too many to hold.
Have an amazing mother's day.


El Sexto Paso es Eliminar tu hipoteca... Sabemos que la mentalidad hoy dia es que seria imposible. Con las casas aumentando de precio y la taza de interes subiendo te sientes que nunca terminarás de saldar tu hipoteca.
Pero si puedes. Nosotros lo hicimos. Y tu también puedes.

Imaginate si tu pago mensual es $2,500. Ese seria tus ahorros mensualmente al eliminar tu hipoteca.

Utilizando el método de la bola de nieve. Lograrás este pazo.

Se supone que si utilizastes los primeros pasos ya tengas bastante dinero libre para hacer pagos adicionales directo al principal de tu hipoteca.

Con esos pagos adicionales eliminaras la mayoría del interés de tu hipoteca. Y podras saldar tu casa mucho antes de los 30 años por el que firmastes.

Comunícate con nosotros y te ayudaremos lograrlo.


El quarto paso de tu paz financiera es invertir. Esto seria 15% de tu ingreso en un 401K o en una Roth IRA.

Ya que tienes tu fondo de emergencia y eliminaste tus deudas, tienes que prepararte para tu futuro.
Porque el 15% de tu ingreso? Porque atravez de los años tendras inflación y la bolsa de valores sube y baja.
El 15% te ayuda a cubrir los cambios mientras tu dinero continua creciendo.
Las inversiones son para el futuro.

Tienes que pensar en el día que ya no puedas físicamente trabajar. sea tu negocio o para una compañia. Ese dia tarde o temprano te va a llegar.
Cuando te llegue como vaz a cubrir tus gastos de vivienda?
con tus inversiones.

Comunicate con nosotros para mas información.


El tercer paso de paz financiera es ahorrar de 3-6 meses de tus gastos de vivienda.

Este paso es crucial. Este paso es el que te mantiene en paz durante tiempos de crisis.

Especialmente cuando te quedas sin empleo o te deshabilitas físicamente.

Este fondo te compra el tiempo que necesitarás para conseguir otro empleo o recuperarte.

($3,000 mensual × 6 = $18,000)

Ya que elimines tu deuda, tendrás suficiente dinero libre para completar este paso rápidamente.

Comunicate con nosotros para mas ayuda con tus finanzas.


El segundo paso de paz financiera es eliminar tu deuda.

Te sugiero que hagas una lista de toda tu deuda (tarjetas de crédito, auto, préstamos personales, etc)

-Comenzando con el balance mas bajo.
-Le daras doble el pago minimo
(ie. $50 mínimo + $50 addicional = $100).
-Hasta que se elimine esa deuda.
-Las demas deudas solo recibirán el pago mínimo.
-Asi continuaras con toda la lista hasta que las elimines todas.

Claro esta, que durante este proceso, no puedes adquirir mas deuda.

De esta manera, dependiendo la cantidad de deuda que tienes, te tardarás aproximadamente de 1.5-4 años en eliminar toda tu deuda.

Comparando a si lo hacés como dicen los contratos, es la mejor manera de lograr tu paz financiera.

Comunicate con nosotros hoy para mas ayuda financiera.


El primer pazo de paz financiera es construir tu fondo de emergencia.

Ideal deberías tener minimo de $1,000 a $2,000 dollares en una cuenta de ahorros.

Esto es para cubrir cualquier emergencia que te surja. (Visita al hospital, remplazar una goma/llanta, pequeña reparacion en su hogar, etc)

Para mas ayuda con tu finanzas comunícate con nosotros hoy.


In our defense, the bank was closed...
Last night we went out for our monthly date night. Very rarely do we go downtown, just because places seem to be busier, more expensive and parking is limited.

But our son had recommended a place (Serious Pizza) that was reasonably within our budget. It had been a rough work week for both of us. We decided to check it out.

We arrived and as usual the parking lot was full. Street parking was full as well. But there was a bank nearby, with plenty of parking space available. Since it was evening and the bank was closed. We parked there. We enjoyed our dinner and had a really good time.

But as we walked back towards the bank we noticed our car was gone. At first we thought someone had stolen it. But then we noticed 2 guys standing in front of a sign and one was on the phone very upset. Yes, you guessed it. It was a "your vehicle will be towed" sign.

So needless to say our $40 budgeted date night, has now turned into a $450 nightmare. Not what we want to use our emergency fund for. But grateful that we had the funds available to resolve this issue (and get my baby back home safely).

Now, you might say, this could have been avoided and that we should have known better, etc. And you're right,
But this is how life sometimes is. You get yourself into a situation that costs you more than what you had budgeted for. And since you don't have an emergency fund, you get into more debt.
These and many other reasons is why we push you to set up your emergency fund quickly. If you don't have one yet. Start it today.

We are however still upset about the the tow. What do do think? Should we have gotten towed?


How does voting affect your finances?
Voting for representatives that align to your financial goals and future matters.
It will affect laws in your community that will either help you financially or hurt you.

Early voting is this week. This is the time to make your financial voice be heard. Go vote!


2024 SINGLE MOM #2 - Discipline, for me or my kids?

Today we discussed how discipline is important to single moms in many areas. Especially their budget and kids.


2024 SINGLE MOM #1 - Help, I'm a single mom, and I don't know what to do with my $$$

For the next couple of weeks we will be sharing a financial conversation I had with one of my single mom clients.
In the hopes that the financial information will help you conquer some of the financial challenges that are unique to single moms.


2024 TAXES - What and when


No se lo pueden perder. Te esperamos.


BIDEN - Bueno o no, el plan que destacaron para 3.6 millones de personas que esperaban que le perdonaran su deuda estudiantil es una mentira.

Muchos se cambiaron del plan original con sus deudores para un plan de pago basado a su ingreso.

El cual obligara a este grupo de personas a quedarse en pobresa para no tener que comenzar hacer pagos a sus préstamos estudiantiles. (Es parte de la calculacion de cualificaciones)

Este es el mismo systema de esclavitud que diseñaron con el systema de asistencia publica.
Limitar tus opciones, por recibir una sanaoria... No es suficiente para vivir bien.

Ahora tienes que mantenerte pobre, aun teniendo la educación para emprender y hasterte rico. Solo para calificar

Y te pregunto, en realidad te ayudo Biden?

La realidad es que vas a tener que pagar. Sea alante o sea al final. Y creeme, al final siempre te cuesta mas.

Comunicate para planificar como liberarte de tu deuda estudiantil


How did 2023 treat you?

For us 2023 was bitter sweat. It was filled with as many challenges as there were blessings.

We were able to reach some of our goals. But others due to personal family challenges were set aside for another time.

We are honored to have served you with financial coaching and events this year.

And we hope that 2024 will bless us with the opportunities to continue to serve our hispanic community.

To empower single moms and young couples with Financial Literacy which provides freedom and peace in your home.

We are here for you in 2024.
Happy New Year!


Les deseamos unas Navidades llenas de amor, paz y gozo.


La Navidad sin presupuesto te lleva a la deuda en el 2024.

No permitas que el comienzo de el 2024 este lleno de arrepentimiento y estrés por causa de la deuda que adqueristes estas Navidades.

El valor verdadero de tu familia esta en el tiempo que compartas con ellos y no en los artículos que les compres.

Regalales tu amor, tu paz y tu alegria. Estos duran mucho mas en sus corazones.


El autosabotaje es emocional...
O sea, no estás dispuesto a pagar emocionalmente lo que requiere esa meta/sueños.

Aprende a amar tus metas/sueños. Solo cuando te enamoras haces todo lo posible para lograrlo. Cueste lo que cueste.

En el presente están tus prioridades. Que estas haciendo en el día de hoy? Esa es tu meta, tu sueño?


Pues eso es el autosabotaje.

Date el espacio para clarificar tus metas/sueños. Escribelas y comienza a enamorarte de ellas.

Tu dices, solo necesito fuerza de voluntad. Pero para que? Para hacer las cosas que en realidad no son metas/sueños para ti.

No se trata de fuerza de voluntad.

Se trata de amor.

El amor es el que puede mover montañas, y elimina las excusas y distracciones. Sobre todo el amor vence!

Comienza a cultivar el amor que tienes para tus metas/sueños hoy.

Paso a paso comienza a darle prioridad y espacio con tu tiempo diariamente.

Que el año 2024 sea el fin de tu autosabotaje y que el amor de tus metas y sueños triunfen!


Somos Reyes Financial Coaching!
Aqui para servirte

Cuando tienes problemas con tu auto, lo llevas al Mechanico
Cuando te duele un diente, vaz a el Dentista
Cuando se te daña la plomeria, llamas a el Plomero

Si tienes problemas financieros, llamanos o mandanos text
Aqui estamos para ayudarte.


And he answered, It's Christmas season, who needs a budget?

This was my husband's response when I asked him if the truck was in the budget.

Unfortunately this is how unconsciously you shop in December along with most of America.
The joy of the season.
The lights, trees and wreaths in the atmosphere.
All these factors make it easier to spend outside of your budget.

Here's one strategy that may help you stick to your budget:

-Make a list of ALL the things you want to include in your household during the Christmas holiday, especially the gifts.
-Then have the person in your family that shops cheap, stingy and rational do all the shopping.

You'll be surprised by how much of the list gets purchased and also how much you save. Especially when you realize you stayed within your budget.

Reach out to us for financial coaching sessions to help you live financially free.


Family and the Thanksgiving Holiday...
Don't get caught up in all the expense and perfections of setting the Thanksgiving dinner table.

Instead focus your attention on those who sit at your table.

+Provide the Bird and make it a "sides & dessert" potluck

+Split the cooking and have a progressive Dinner.
(Fingerfoods 1st house, entre in 2nd house, dessert and drinks in the 3rd house).

+It's also OK to order the entire meal or just the bird, from a local restaurant.

These tips will help you save money, release holiday stress and make wonderful memories.

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Our Story

We are Jose and Evelyn Reyes, “Ramsey Preferred Financial Coaches” trained thru Ramsey Solutions. I also have over 15 years of banking experience in accounting, collections and customer service and my husband Jose has been a Financial Peace University coordinator for several years.

Videos (show all)

2024 SINGLE MOM #2 - Discipline, for me or my kids? Today we discussed how discipline is important to single moms in man...
2024 SINGLE MOM #1 - Help, I'm a single mom, and I don't know what to do with my $$$For the next couple of weeks we will...
We had an amazing time sharing financial tools to prepare the youth at Refugió Eterno for college. We brought clarity to...
Tu, eres como la tortuga?  Ella siempre gana. Por que? Ella se mantiene enfocada en su carrera y no en la de los demás. ...
Mientras el costo de vida aumenta. Puede que tengas que vivir como en la epoca de los dinosaurios. Cazar para comer, man...
Y tu estas loco como yo?Tu crees que puedes vivir libre de deudas
Aveces tienes que agradecer las pequeñas victorias. Como el querer vaciar todos tus ahorros y malgastarlos--pero no lo h...
Who said putting a spending plan together could not be fun?
Come join us as we share our financial journey and strategies.




PO Box 54231
Hurst, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 7pm - 9pm
Wednesday 7pm - 9pm
Thursday 7pm - 9pm
Friday 7am - 9pm
Sunday 12pm - 7pm

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