Wheeler Mission, Indianapolis, IN Videos

Videos by Wheeler Mission in Indianapolis. Feeding, sheltering, and meeting the needs of those experiencing hunger, homelessness, and addiction

Are you ready to save BIG?

Wheeler Mission Drumstick Dash Indy & Wheeler Mission Bloomington Dash 4 Shelter are doing a bundle and save deal right now! Register for both events and you will save $5 off of each event.

Register on either website: http://DrumstickDash.org or http://Dash4Shelter.com

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Other Wheeler Mission videos

Are you ready to save BIG? Wheeler Mission Drumstick Dash Indy & Wheeler Mission Bloomington Dash 4 Shelter are doing a bundle and save deal right now! Register for both events and you will save $5 off of each event. Register on either website: http://DrumstickDash.org or http://Dash4Shelter.com

It’s that time of year again… back-to-school time! 🎒📚 We ask that you pray for the kids of our Center for Women and Children. Please pray for smooth transitions, hope, promise, peace, and for their guardians and parents. Thank you for your support of Wheeler Mission!

What does Wheeler Mission mean to you? To us, Wheeler Mission means hope, healing, and a new start through God’s love and our community’s support and prayers. Comment below what it means to you! ⬇️

Meet Anna Guinn, Wheeler Mission’s Community Partnership Specialist!
Meet Anna Guinn, Wheeler Mission’s Community Partnership Specialist!👋 We want to showcase our amazing staff who work hard every day to help our community. Thank you for all you do for Wheeler Mission and those impacted by homelessness, Anna!

Thrift Store
Let’s make an outfit for only $20 at our Wheeler Mission Store! Our retail thrift store sells gently used clothing and household items, with all proceeds benefitting Wheeler Mission. If you love thrifting or have items from summer cleaning, stop by our store! Learn more: https://wheelermission.org/our-work/social-enterprises/

We want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who participated in 100 Holes for the Homeless. Your generosity allowed us to raise $58,462 for the homeless! Thank you for an amazing 2024 100 Holes for the Homeless and we hope to see you back next year! ⛳

Kroger Rewards is a simple and easy way you can make a difference in the lives of our community. All you have to do is log into your Kroger Rewards account and choose Wheeler Mission as the beneficiary of your rewards! Donations to Wheeler provide nourishing food for guests experiencing hunger, plus safe shelter, clean clothing, and support to rebuild their lives.

Wheeler Mission Building Renaming Ceremony
Join us as we celebrate Rick and Julie Alvis and their 30+ years at Wheeler Mission. We will be renaming the buildings after them to honor the legacy they built in their tenure.

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing fathers out there! Today, we celebrate you and the incredible fathers in our shelter who work every day to be better friends, father’s, and followers of God.

Guest Feature
We asked Jeff, a guest at our Men’s residential center, how support from Wheeler Mission has helped him become a better father. Jeff has been overwhelmed with the support and compassion he has received during his stay at Wheeler Mission which was a missing piece in his life before. Through the mission, Jeff has been able to reconnect and grow his relationship with God and his 2 children. This Father’s Day we want to celebrate and commend the fathers who work hard every day to be better for their kids.

100 Holes for the Homeless
Be a part of the change! Join us at our 100 Holes for the Homeless event on June 24th! You still have the opportunity to sign up and provide help, hope, and healing for hundreds of individuals experiencing homelessness, addiction, and hunger in our community who come to Wheeler Mission. Visit our website to register: https://www.100holesforthehomeless.com/

Happy Mother's Day from Wheeler Mission. At Wheeler Mission, we have mothers with us who are experiencing homelessness with their children. At the same time, we also have some mothers who are separated from their families. As you celebrate this day, please pray for our ladies at the Center for Women and Children. From all of us at Wheeler Mission, Happy Mother's Day to all mothers.

This Easter, as we reflect on the hope of new life that Jesus brought through His resurrection, let's remember that we have the opportunity to bring that same hope of new life to those experiencing homelessness in our community. You are an integral part of this as you give and serve. Thank you for being part of the Wheeler Mission family, and Happy Easter!

2023 Annual Report
Stepping into 2024, we look for hope. In every chapter of the Wheeler story, we have seen the provision, strength, and power of Christ change so many lives. In 2023, we celebrated 130 years of serving our community. None of it would have been possible without YOU! Watch the impact you helped us make! 🎥

Hebron Addiction Recovery and Discipleship Program
Our Hebron Addiction Recovery and Discipleship Program gives men a chance to get away from their past so they can live in the present. Hebron is a long-term, residential opportunity for men to receive help with addictions and other life-dominating sin. This program is designed to help men learn how to biblically overcome addictions and life-dominating sin. Learn about the Wheeler Mission Hebron Addiction Recovery and Discipleship Program for Men: https://wheelermission.org/our-work/mens-services/

Wheeler Mission
Changing lives for the good, one day at a time. Erick came to Wheeler Mission for our faith-based program and left with an entirely new outlook and life. Learn more about the mission: https://wheelermission.org/

Camp Hunt
Driving and addiction have more in common than you may think. At Camp Hunt, our members are able to look at the road they have travelled and know that the road in front of them is one filled with God. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, knowing right from wrong, or any other life-dominating sin, let us help find the road that should be travelled. Learn more here: https://wheelermission.org/our-work/mens-services/ Or call (317) 750-1471.

Temperatures are dangerously low, but our doors are wide open. Please send anyone you know or see out in the cold weather to Wheeler Mission for shelter, warmth, and a meal. We appreciate your help! Click the link if you, a loved one, or a neighbor needs help: https://wheelermission.org/our-work/get-help-now/

Merry Christmas
Christmas is about so much more than gifts and presents, it’s about making a difference and showing His grace to those around you. Not only do we provide a meal and a warm place to lay your head, but we also provide a true sense of belonging to those in need. This Christmas, let’s remember the reason for the season. Visit wheelermission.org to provide hope to those who need it the most.

Restored Creations
Restored Creations is full of handcrafted items that tell the story of our own restoration through Christ's love and forgiveness. The colder it gets, the more people we see at Wheeler Mission. Without the generous support of our community, we would not be able to open our doors to so many during the cold months. Thank you to everyone who has made a Restored Creations purchase and made this winter season more bearable for members of our community. If you’re still looking for a Christmas gift for a loved one, take a look at the shop: https://restored-creations-wmm.square.site/