
We improve your life! Fuxion® Products are not presented in capsules or tablets, but in practical sticks and sachets ready to mix with water! #DitchDaBoss

Fuxion®, products are developed to offer foods that produce unique results in your body, thanks to the patented and proprietary technology of Fuxion®. We use about 1,500 active ingredients extracted from natural foods and specific nutrients combined with fruit and vegetables that act in a complementarily manner and enhance each other, multiplying the benefits of each quality in your body. http://d


My conversation with ChatGPT...Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! Please share!

Can you imagine a politician with a campaign strategy to shift our mindsets to a future of growing your own food, self-sustainability, survivability, community gardens, removing pesticides and herbicides, banning GMOs, and converting parks and unused public lands into food forests and regenerative food-producing landscapes?

ChatGPT said:

Imagining a politician with such a forward-thinking and transformative campaign strategy is both exciting and challenging. Here’s a vision of what that could look like:

Campaign Vision:

This politician’s campaign would center around a profound shift in how we think about food, community, and the environment. Their platform would emphasize self-sustainability, health, and environmental stewardship, aiming to reframe the American Dream into one that includes not just economic success, but also ecological resilience and community well-being.

Key Pillars of the Campaign:

Grow Your Own Food Initiative:

Educational Programs: The campaign would promote nationwide educational programs to teach people how to grow their own food, regardless of whether they live in rural, suburban, or urban areas. Schools, community centers, and online platforms would offer courses on gardening, permaculture, and small-scale farming.

Incentives for Home Gardens: The politician would advocate for tax incentives, grants, or subsidies for individuals and families who start their own vegetable gardens, orchards, or small farms. Programs could provide resources like seeds, tools, and access to water.

Community Gardens and Food Forests:

Urban and Suburban Revitalization: The campaign would prioritize converting vacant lots, underutilized public lands, and even rooftops into community gardens and food forests. These spaces would be designed to produce food sustainably, foster community engagement, and provide green spaces that benefit mental and physical health.

Food Security and Equality: By supporting local food production, the campaign would address food deserts and promote food sovereignty, ensuring that all communities, regardless of income, have access to fresh, nutritious, and locally grown food.

Ban GMOs, Pesticides, and Herbicides:

Stronger Regulations: The politician would push for stronger regulations on GMOs, aiming for a complete ban on their use in food production. Similarly, they would advocate for the phasing out of harmful pesticides and herbicides, replacing them with natural, organic alternatives.

Support for Organic Farmers: The campaign would provide financial and technical support to farmers transitioning to organic farming methods, recognizing the importance of protecting soil health, biodiversity, and public health.

Regenerative Agriculture and Public Lands:

Converting Public Lands: National and state parks, as well as unused public lands, would be transformed into regenerative food-producing landscapes. These areas would be designed to restore ecosystems while producing food, supporting wildlife, and sequestering carbon.

Policy Changes: The politician would propose policy changes that prioritize regenerative agriculture, aiming to reduce carbon emissions, restore soil health, and create resilient food systems that can withstand climate change.

Community and Collaboration:

Empowering Communities: This campaign would emphasize the power of community-driven initiatives. Local governments, nonprofits, and citizens would be encouraged to collaborate on creating sustainable food systems tailored to their specific environments and needs.

Public Health and Nutrition: The politician would frame this food revolution as a public health initiative, highlighting how reducing processed foods and increasing access to fresh produce can combat chronic diseases, reduce healthcare costs, and improve the quality of life for all Americans.

Campaign Messaging:

“A Sustainable Future for All”: The slogan would reflect the campaign's vision of an America where everyone has the opportunity to participate in and benefit from a sustainable, local food system.

“Healthy Soil, Healthy Food, Healthy People”: This message would resonate with voters concerned about the health impacts of modern agriculture and food production methods.

“From Farm to Community”: Emphasizing the importance of local food systems and the role of communities in creating a sustainable future.

Challenges and Opportunities:

Overcoming Big Agriculture Lobbying: This politician would face significant opposition from large agricultural and chemical companies. However, by building a strong grassroots movement and leveraging public concern over health and environmental issues, they could generate substantial support.

Educational and Cultural Shifts: Shifting mindsets toward sustainability and self-sufficiency would require significant educational efforts and cultural change. The campaign could partner with influencers, educators, and community leaders to spread the message.

Imagining the Impact:

If successful, this campaign could lead to a profound transformation of the American landscape, both literally and figuratively. Communities would become more resilient, health outcomes would improve, and the nation would take a significant step toward sustainability and food security. This vision of the future could inspire generations to rethink their relationship with food, the environment, and each other.


For many years, but mainly the last 8 years, I have watched my friends and family get completely manipulated and brainwashed by the IDIOT BOX!

I have seen the wolf meme many times over the years but this idea came to me at 6 am while sitting on my front steps this morning while drinking coffee. So up to my office to play in Photoshop before I start my workday.

Tell me what you think? Do you agree or disagree?

Change Your Perspective and See the Solutions Clearly | Food Forest Design Solutions | #growfood 08/07/2024

Reclaiming Power and Health Through Local Food Production

When we all start to grow our own food locally, we take away the power of corporations, big agriculture, and government bureaucracy. This shift towards local food production offers numerous benefits, not only to personal health but to our communities and the environment.

The Power of Local Food Production

Growing food locally empowers individuals and communities. By reducing our dependence on large-scale agricultural corporations, we reclaim control over what we eat and how it is produced. This autonomy allows us to prioritize healthy practices for people and the planet.

Eliminating Harmful Substances

One of the significant advantages of local food production is the elimination of poisons, chemicals, and pesticides. These substances are commonly used in industrial farming to boost yields and protect crops from pests. However, they can also pose serious health risks to consumers and contribute to environmental degradation. By growing food locally, we can ensure that we eat healthy, chemical-free food.

Addressing Food Insecurity

Food insecurity is a critical issue affecting millions of people across the US. Local food production can address this problem by making fresh, healthy food accessible to everyone.
Community gardens and urban farming initiatives can provide food for those in need, reducing reliance on food banks and other emergency food services.

Improving Public Health

Access to healthy, nutrient-dense local food can significantly impact public health. Diets rich in fresh fruits and vegetables are linked to lower rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. By growing our own food, we can improve our diets and overall health while promoting wellness within our communities while solving food insecurity.

By growing our food, we stand against the industrial food system and create a healthier, more sustainable future for ourselves and our communities.

STEP 1 - Visit FoodForestDesign.Food Forest Design Solutions

STEP 2 - Book a Free Consultation

STEP 3 - Receive $500 Off A Food Forest Design Blueprint by using Coupon Code: GARDENOFEDEN

STEP 4 - Buy a Food Forest Design Blueprint

STEP 5 - DIY the Installation Blueprint or Hire Food Forest Design Solutions to do it for you

STEP 6 - Enjoy!

Change Your Perspective and See the Solutions Clearly | Food Forest Design Solutions | #growfood Hello, I am Travis Holzem, owner of Food Foret Design Solutions (formerly Food Forest Abundance Minnesota, and the founding partner of Food Forest Abundance....


Hey everyone if you know someone please share this with them! Especially if they are looking for another income stream!

I am seeking a local ChatGPT GURU to collaborate with. If you are highly skilled in prompt generation, please reach out by DMing here.

I prefer local to the Twin Cities for face-to-face meetings but have no issues meeting by Zoom or Google Meet

please share! "An Idea Whose Time Has Come"

Landscape Business Owners Join the Next Boom in Landscaping | Passive Income Stream | DitchDaBoss 07/22/2024

The Next Explosion in the Landscaping Industry!

100% Passive Income!

Get in Starting Today!

After watching this video, contact Travis Holzem by email at [email protected]

Landscape Business Owners Join the Next Boom in Landscaping | Passive Income Stream | DitchDaBoss Hey landscape business owners, My name is Travis Holzem and I am the creator of DitchDaboss. I created a short video this morning to offer an opportunity to ...

Food Forest Design is Revolutionizing the Landscape Industry | Become an Affiliate | DitchDaBoss 07/22/2024

I am looking for Landscape Business Owners!

Food Forest Design is Revolutionizing the Landscape Industry | Become an Affiliate | DitchDaBoss I created a short video this morning to offer you a great opportunity!Food Forest Design, Installation, & Maintenance is a burgeoning sector revolutionizing ...


Hey everyone! If you could share this post for me that would be awesome!

If you know someone who owns a landscaping business or works for one please share this!

Hey landscapers!

I'm seeking landscaping companies interested in adding a passive income stream to their business. This is the easiest way to earn extra revenue with minimal effort! No sales efforts by you, that's handled by my team and me!

Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple. ― Bill Mollison

Let's work together!

Reach out through DM or email [email protected] or visit my website at FoodForestDesign.Solutions and hit the contact form.

TH Web Consulting • Mobile Friendly Web Design 07/11/2024

Hey all, I wanted to put this out there, maybe you know someone in need.

I am still in the Web Design & Development Business if know a startup company that needs a website, maybe your company website requires a re-design, Mobile App Development, Local Search Optimization, SEO, an e-commerce site, or an Online store, Social Media Marketing, Graphic Design & Print (business cards, brochures, apparel, vinyl banners, yard signs, promotional materials, QrCodes) Website Maintenance & Security

DM here on FB or visit https://THWebConsulting.com and hit my contact form or schedule a Free Consultation.

TH Web Consulting • Mobile Friendly Web Design TH Web Consulting is a Full-Service Mobile Friendly Web Design & Development Agency specializing in Wordpress • Local Search Optimization •, eCommerce • Graphic Design • Branding & Identity • Print Design • Business Consulting • Start-up Friendly

Photos from Ditchdaboss's post 06/28/2024

Imagine a body and mind that feels like they should and is Inexpensive with HIGH-quality ingredients plus a 100% money-back guarantee!

High Quality + Low Cost + Great Taste + Clean Label = #1 solution :)

FuXion's nutrition proposal is known as NUTRACEUTICAL FUSION, a philosophy that seeks to recover the ancestral knowledge of ancient cultures such as the Andean, the Mesoamerican, the Asian, and -especially- the Amazonian in the use of food for its benefits in the body, and merge them with the lasted advances in biotechnology applied to human nutrition, to enhance your health and your abilities through functional and healthy products.

These 100% natural supplement beverages have changed my life in more ways than one and, personally, I would love to positively affect as many people as possible. These natural health beverages have raised the quality of my life, and here is your chance, to find another level of health that is waiting for you!

From gut health products like; Flora Liv and Prunex to weight loss beverages like; Thermo T3, No Carb T, and C&C Fit, to circulation (Passion), relaxation (OFF), vegan-based protein (Bio Pro X), promoting HGH production (Youth Elixer), skin and hair (Beauty), mental and physical energy (On and Vita Xtra T), and inflammation (Flx Te), to many, many more…the Fuxion products have been making an impact on literally hundreds of thousands of people, over the last decade throughout Latin America, and now, putting their stamp on the United States!

On top of the quality of the Fuxion products, is the fact that they are less expensive, on average than their market equivalents! But really, there are no market equivalents as nothing, that I have seen on the market, even comes close to the amount of health these Fuxion drinks, can bring to a person. Instead of asking you to add another product, to your budget, we are simply saying this; “Just replace, what you are already drinking, with better ingredients, at a better cost”. We can definitively say, you will, more than likely, save money every month, by using the Fuxion products!

Furthermore, the taste of every Fuxion product, in the line, is amazing! I was a soda pop drinker and can honestly say, the taste of these drinks is far better than anything I have ever tasted. This is a result of using, true, whole food!

Last, but certainly not least, is that Fuxion products are Clean-label products, meaning that EVERY ingredient is plant-sourced! This will go into full effect in July of 2017 and is the foundation of pure, whole-food products!



Hello friends! Are you interested in transforming your lawn into a beautiful, sustainable, and food-producing space, or do you know someone who is?

I specialize in creating regenerative perennial edible landscapes that enhance the beauty of your property and provide fresh, organic produce right from your yard.

If you or someone you know is looking to make a positive environmental impact while enjoying the benefits of a lush, edible landscape, please, share, reach out, or tag them in this post.

Let's work together to create greener, healthier communities! 🌱

My company Food Forest Design Solutions has perfected a design system that enables the creation of food forests of any scale and made it available to the world. Individuals, families, and communities can purchase fully-designed blueprints to DIY their food forests or hire my professional installation team.

More food forests mean more resources and educational sites for individuals & local communities to live healthier lives free from the industrialized food complex.

We’re breaking down barriers by proving home food production is practical and economical. Our system demonstrates that anyone, regardless of resources or expertise, can create and maintain an abundant food forest.

My mission goes beyond just growing food. It’s about:

Addressing Urgent Needs

We are facing a widespread global ecosystem collapse that will affect everything from our food supply to our current way of life. With our system, individuals and communities can take control of their food supply, ensuring health and security for all.

Eliminate the Use of Chemicals

We're tackling pressing concerns like access to pesticide-free, nutritious food and combating food insecurity head-on. Over 72% of food sold in the US contains residues of harmful pesticides & poisons. Food Forests are naturally designed to be pesticide-free.

Environmental Regeneration

By transforming lawns and idle green spaces into diverse, plentiful food forests, we’re not just growing food – we’re regenerating the environment. Our solution promotes biodiversity, reduces the need for harmful chemicals, and fosters a healthier ecosystem for generations to come

Buy a Food Forest Design Blueprint | Food Forest Design Solutions | Food Forest Abundance Minnesota 05/24/2024

Check out my new salespeople that just started today!
Make money sharing my videos! Sign up for my affiliate program and make money by sharing these videos. Easy sign-up right on my website. https://foodforestabundancemn.com/affiliate-signup


Buy a Food Forest Design Blueprint | Food Forest Design Solutions | Food Forest Abundance Minnesota Hello, I am Travis Holzem, Founder of Food Forest Abundance and the Owner of Food Forest Abundance Minnesota soon to be called Food Forest Design SolutionsG...

Inspire Others to Grow Food Make Money - Food Forest Design Solutions | Food Forest Abundance MN 05/24/2024

Check out my new salespeople that just started today!
Make money sharing my videos! Sign up for my affiliate program and make money by sharing these videos. Easy sign-up right on my website. https://foodforestabundancemn.com/affiliate-signup


Inspire Others to Grow Food Make Money - Food Forest Design Solutions | Food Forest Abundance MN Hello, I am Travis Holzem from Food Forest Abundance Minnesota soon to be called Food Forest Design Solutions Join our Affiliate Program ➜ https://foodforest...

Turn Lawns Into Food & Make Money - Food Forest Design Solutions | Food Forest Abundance Minnesota 05/24/2024

Check out my new salespeople that just started today!

Make money sharing my videos! Sign up for my affiliate program and make money by sharing these videos. Easy sign-up right on my website. https://foodforestabundancemn.com/affiliate-signup


Turn Lawns Into Food & Make Money - Food Forest Design Solutions | Food Forest Abundance Minnesota Hello, I am Travis Holzem from Food Forest Abundance Minnesota soon to be called Food Forest Design Solutions Join our Affiliate Program ➜ https://foodforest...

Join Our Affiliate Program - Food Forest Design Solutions | Food Forest Abundance Minnesota 05/24/2024

Check out my new salespeople that just started today!

Make money sharing my videos! Sign up for my affiliate program and make money by sharing these videos. Easy sign-up right on my website. https://foodforestabundancemn.com/affiliate-signup


Join Our Affiliate Program - Food Forest Design Solutions | Food Forest Abundance Minnesota Hello, I am Travis Holzem from Food Forest Abundance Minnesota soon to be called Food Forest Design Solutions Join our Affiliate Program ➜ https://foodforest...

Photos from Ditchdaboss's post 05/20/2024

It’s time we bust the myth that fitness and muscle-building always decline with age. Currently sitting at 218lbs. 💪🏋️‍♂️💯

Sure, you might have challenges, But with the right plan and knowledge, your physical and mental fitness can expand, regardless of age.

Nutrition plays a part, too! If you put good nutrients in your body you will get good results back, you put crap nutrients in your body you get crap results back!

If you need guidance on putting good nutrients in your body in the simplest of ways DM me for more info!

I have been doing it since 2015 and replaced all the bad stuff with better versions! No more sodas, sugary juices, fake electrolyte replacement drinks like Gatorade, energy drinks, and caffeine-loaded pre-workout drinks! https://amazonsuperfoods.us

Transform Your Undeveloped Land into a Thriving Garden of Eden 05/18/2024


Transform Your Undeveloped Land into a Thriving Garden of Eden Looking to maximize the potential of your unused land in Minnesota? Discover how to transform your idle property into a lush, revenue-generating food forest that supports the environment with minimal upkeep.

Photos from Ditchdaboss's post 05/06/2024

🌿 Transform Your Undeveloped Land into a Thriving Garden of Eden 🌿

Attention Minnesota landowners! Do you have unused land that could be doing more for you and the environment? We specialize in turning idle landscapes into lush, self-sustaining food forests that not only benefit the ecosystem but also generate revenue with minimal maintenance.

What We Offer:

Expert Design: Professional Permaculture land design by expert Permaculture Designers that leverages the natural features and potential of your land

Sustainability Solutions: We use sustainable Permaculture practices to ensure your land remains healthy and vibrant

Low Maintenance: Once established, our designs require minimal upkeep, allowing you to enjoy the benefits without the constant labor.

Revenue Generating: Through strategic planting and land use, your property can produce valuable organic produce, herbs, and more, opening up diverse markets and income opportunities. plus more potential revenue generators

We are passionate about unlocking the potential of every acre, transforming it into a productive and easy-to-maintain food forest system.

If you’re curious about how your land can be more than just scenery, let’s connect!

Drop a comment below or send a DM to explore the possibilities for your property.

🌱 Let's make nature work for you while contributing to food security for all 🌎

affiliate-signup 04/30/2024

If anyone is looking for an easy side hustle to make some extra cash this spring and summer read on...

Join Our Affiliate Program: Empower Communities with Food Forests!

Welcome to the forefront of a groundbreaking movement reshaping how we think about food production and sustainability!

At Food Forest Abundance Minnesota, we’re driven by a powerful vision: to provide an accessible, low-maintenance, high-yield permaculture food forest system that empowers individuals, families, and communities to establish self-sustaining food forests.

Why Join Our Affiliate Program?

Our affiliate program offers a unique opportunity to be part of a mission-driven initiative while earning commissions for spreading the word about our transformative food forest system.

Here’s why you should join:

Addressing Urgent Needs: By promoting our system, you’ll be helping to tackle pressing concerns like access to pesticide-free, nutritious food and combating food insecurity head-on. Your efforts will directly contribute to improving the lives of individuals and communities.

Environmental Regeneration: Our system promotes biodiversity, reduces the need for harmful chemicals, and fosters a healthier ecosystem. As an affiliate, you play a crucial role in spreading awareness about sustainable practices that benefit both people and the planet.

Dispelling Misconceptions: Help us break down barriers by demonstrating that home food production is practical, economical, and accessible to all. Through your advocacy, you’ll empower others to embrace regenerative practices and create their own abundant food forests.

Join Us Today!

Join our affiliate program and become a champion for sustainable food production and environmental/soil regeneration.

To Register for Our Affiliate Program visit our website at

Thank you for believing in our mission and your commitment to a brighter, greener future, and food security for all!

Any questions or issues registering please send me a DM here or hit the contact form on the website.

affiliate-signup Join our affiliate program to earn commissions referring clients to buy our sustainable, low-maintenance, high-yield food forest system designs

Photos from Ditchdaboss's post 04/12/2024

Hey Everyone I am DitchDaBoss (Travis Holzem) and I have an opportunity I'd like to share.

3 years ago I was asked to be a founding partner in an amazing company! I want to share my company with all of you and allow you to become part of changing the world together!


🌳🌱 Exciting Opportunity to Invest in Food Forest Abundance! 🌱🌳

Are you passionate about sustainable food production and regenerative living?🌿

Do you want to be part of a revolutionary movement towards a greener, healthier future? 🌍

🌿 Why Invest in Food Forest Abundance?

Innovative Approach: We are pioneering the concept of food forests, sustainable ecosystems that produce a diverse array of edible plants while regenerating the land.

Positive Impact: By investing in Food Forest Abundance, you're not just making a financial investment; you're investing in a future where food is abundant, communities thrive, and the environment flourishes.

Proven Success: With a track record of success and a passionate team dedicated to our mission, Food Forest Abundance is poised for exponential growth and impact.

🌱 What We Offer:

Equity ownership in a forward-thinking company committed to sustainability and regenerative practices.

The opportunity to be part of a movement shaping the future of food production and sustainable living.

Potential for attractive financial returns alongside environmental and social impact.

🌳 Join Us Today!

Ready to be part of the solution? Invest in Food Forest Abundance and become a partner in creating a greener, more abundant world. 🌎

📩 For more details send a DM, or contact, Travis Holzem, Founding Partner of Food Forest Abundance. travis[@]foodforestabundance.com

Let's grow together!

Photos from Ditchdaboss's post 04/12/2024

Hey friends,

Food Forest Abundance - Minnesota is seeking to enhance our offerings with sustainable energy solutions, we are on the lookout for local partners specializing in solar systems and energy storage solutions.

We aim to provide our customers with comprehensive residential energy solutions that guarantee independence from the grid.

Therefore, we are in search of Minnesota-based companies renowned for their expertise in installing solar panels and integrating energy storage systems seamlessly.

If you know of any reputable local companies that align with our vision of sustainability and reliability, we would greatly appreciate your recommendations.

Let's support and collaborate with businesses within our community to bring innovative energy solutions to our customers.

Thank you for your recommendations!

Please leave the contact info or website in the comments below, or send a DM. Thanks!

Deep Water Culture Hydroponics Bucket System Update Jan 6, 2024 - Food Forest Abundance Minnesota 01/10/2024

During Minnesota Winter Growing Tomatoes and Peppers Indoors in a Deep Water Culture (DWC) Hydroponics Bucket System

When you can no longer grow outside (unless you have a greenhouse) you grow inside to extend your growing season all winter.

I also grow Limes, Lemons, Figs, an Olive tree, a Coffee tree, a Pomegranate tree, and a Hardy Orange tree in pots with soil.

During the long winter in Minnesota, it is the perfect time to design your backyard to be a food-producing paradise for your family.

We empower individuals, families, and communities to achieve self-sufficiency and build their own sustainable food, water, and energy sources.

Food Forest Abundance Minnesota designs and installs low-maintenance, high-yield food forest systems, leveraging the science of Permaculture.

Contact me for a FREE Strategy Session and let's discuss what is possible!

Deep Water Culture Hydroponics Bucket System Update Jan 6, 2024 - Food Forest Abundance Minnesota Hello, I am Travis Holzem, Founding Partner of Food Forest Abundance and the Owner of Food Forest Abundance Minnesota. INDOOR GARDEN DIYGrow your Own Food DI...

Photos from Ditchdaboss's post 02/19/2022

Section 4AA Championship!

Simley - 81
South Saint Paul - 0

Going to State!

Ranked #1 and the favorite to 4-peat as AA State Champions!


This is my other business that is growing rapidly and we are in need of designers...

Permaculture Designers Wanted to Start Immediately!
We are looking for permaculture designers to do relatively simple backyard "Food Forest" designs.
We make growing your own food easy, fun, and productive. Perfect for suburban yards, retirement villages, community gardens, and small urban properties.
We are providing a great opportunity for someone looking to make a career of helping people turn their lawns into beautiful food forests.
You will get paid for every design you create for our clients plus a % of each installation
This is what we do! Most are simple designs for the average suburban backyard which is our target market, however, we do get large custom designs & commercial designs too!
This is an idea whose time has come! Come and be part of something amazing!
Visit us at FoodForestAbundance.com or shoot us your resume with design samples to [email protected]

Want your business to be the top-listed Grocery Store in Inver Grove Heights?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Having a mobile-friendly website is no longer an option, IT IS A REQUIREMENT!
You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.
FuXion is Exploding Across the United States
FuXion Youth Elixir All Natural Anti-Aging Drink
FuXion Post Sport Regeneration & Recovery Drink!


Inver Grove Heights, MN

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 7pm
Tuesday 7am - 7pm
Wednesday 7am - 7pm
Thursday 7am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 7pm
Saturday 7am - 7pm
Sunday 7am - 6pm

Other Health Food Shops in Inver Grove Heights (show all)
JoeLinn's Wildtree JoeLinn's Wildtree
5480 Blackberry Trl
Inver Grove Heights, 55076

Food and Beverage, All Organic, Gluten Free, No GMO's, No Presevatives, Foods.

Health Ju**ie Health Ju**ie
Inver Grove Heights

Eating healthy never tasted so good! We offer a weekly rotating menu filled with a variety of healthy, home cooked, pre-portioned meals. Just reheat and enjoy.