
✨🧠✨Supporting women with all things ADHD...home, career, relationships, life.👇🏼Take thi


Do you have a hard time getting started on projects that are boring and mundane?

If so you are not alone. If so, you're not alone. So many ADHDers feel this way. What I want you to know is that ADHD is an organizational, managerial's not a matter of not being smart enough or working hard enough.

That is why I am thrilled to let you know I am bringing back the FREE 3-Day Challenge: Accomplish Your Tasks With Ease!

💚That is why I am thrilled to let you know I am bringing back the FREE 3 - Day Challenge: Accomplish Your Tasks With Ease.

You will go from spinning your wheels to taking effective action towards your goals using:

❣️Mindfulness practices to clear you mind and focus your attention
❣️Motivational strategies to activate your energy when you’re feeling overwhelmed
❣️Organizational practices to allow you to accomplish your goals


This livestream challenge runs from 4/4 - 4/6 @ 12 -1PM CST/ 1 - 2PM EST/ 10 - 12PM PST

👇Registration link and more information in the bio.


Photos from adhdthrive_erica's post 03/27/2023

Do you have a hard time getting started on projects that are important to you?

If so, you’re not alone. So many ADHDers have a hard time with this. What I want you to know is that we aren’t lazy …task initiation/motivation is part of the managing function of our ADHD brain and it works differently than the non-ADHD brain.

That is why I am thrilled to let you know I am bringing back the FREE 3 - Day Challenge: Accomplish Your Tasks With Ease.

💚 this is a FREE live event - I am offering this free because want you to experience the power of the challenge in helping you with motivational strategies that work for ADHDers - for any task - big/small, complex, simple, boring/overwhelming

You will go from spinning your wheels to taking effective action towards your goals using:
❣️Mindfulness practices to clear you mind and focus your attention
❣️Motivational strategies to activate your energy when you’re feeling overwhelmed
❣️Organizational practices to allow you to accomplish your goals

This livestream challenge runs from 4/4 - 4/6 @ 12 -1PM CST/ 1 - 2PM EST/ 10 - 12PM PST

👇Registration link and more information in the bio.




Do you get exhausted from expending a ton of energy at work? Only to be demoralized because colleagues of equal intelligence are passing you by?

If so, you're not alone. So many ADHDers feel this way.

What I want you to know is that ADHD is an organizational, managerial's not a matter of not being smart enough or working hard enough.

That is why I am thrilled to let you know I am bringing back the FREE 3-Day Challenge: Accomplish Your Tasks With Ease!

So Today at 6PM CT, Join Us For This Week's Live Workshop in the ADHD Thrive Facebook Group:

Topic 🧠 ADHD Thrive FREE Spring Challenge Info Session!

By the end of this workshop you will be introduced to:

❣️Mindfulness practices to clear you mind and focus your attention
❣️Motivational strategies to activate your energy when you're feeling overwhelmed
❣️Organizational practices to allow you to accomplish your goals

👇Link to ADHD Thrive Facebook Group in bio.



This week’s Facebook Live is prerecorded.

This weeks topic is about how to best deal with our clutter. Sometimes clutter is okay - especially for us ADHDers who have a lot of projects and limited organizational capacity. However, when it starts to get overwhelming or impedes our ability to care for ourselves… It’s time to change.

Join my Facebook Group ADHD Thrive for a pre-recorded video to learn more about the best approaches to help ADHDers declutter.

Topic of the week: 🧠Banish your overwhelm and declutter your life.

By the end of the end of this week you will learn:

❣️How your executive functions contribute to both clutter and creativity
❣️How to counter negative self-talk that keeps you from decluttering
❣️Several ADHD-friendly strategies for starting and completing your decluttering

👇 Link to join in bio



I love this quote by Viktor Frankl. It has guided me throughout the years. Both my clients and I have found the easiest way to create SPACE between stimulus and response is to have a regular mindfulness practice.

Within this space, this pause, this breath is CHOICE.

And when we have choice…we have FREEDOM. We are free to choose our response. As we understand our ADHD brain and unhook from our knee-jerk responses, we pause, reflect, consider our options.

We ask ourselves - what choice would be most aligned with respecting my neurodivergence, my values, and my vision.

And when we do this consistently enough, we grow, we thrive, ADHD becomes our superpower.

The following mindfulness based practices work for my clients in helping them have space between stimulus and response:

1. Intentional, deep breathing for a minute
2. Going outside and feeling your feet on the ground
3. Snapping a rubber band on your wrist.
4. Use the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 technique. 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 positive true thing about yourself.

Topic Of The Week: 🧠Mindfulness to manage ADHD

By the end of the end of this week you will have:

❣️An understanding of how Mindfulness improves ADHD symptoms
❣️An introduction to 2 mindfulness based practices that work well for ADHDers
❣️Tools for practicing mindfulness on a regular basis.


Join me LIVE in This Thursday at 6 pm CST in my Facebook Group ADHD Thrive to learn more and try out 2 mindfulness based practices that work well for ADHDers.

👇 Link to join in bio



Have you tried mindfulness? What works for you? What doesn’t?

👇Comment below

When I work with clients who have ADHD I support them in developing a practice that works for them. Traditional mindfulness practices are often challenging for ADHDers. They can be too boring & unstructured to hold our attention.

Mindfulness practices work best when practiced regularly…which is also a challenge for ADHDers. However, there are several ADHD-friendly modifications which can make mindfulness more enjoyable and easier to practice.

Topic Of The Week: 🧠Mindfulness to manage ADHD

By the end of the end of this week you will have:

❣️An understanding of how Mindfulness improves ADHD symptoms
❣️An introduction to 2 mindfulness based practices that work well for ADHDers
❣️Tools for practicing mindfulness on a regular basis.

Here is the resource for the week, Mindfulness Meditations for ADHD by Merriam Sarcia Saunders.

The meditations in this book are so helpful for ADHDers. But I want to hear what works for you….

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What drains your energy?

We all have our own internal limited battery energy. Those with ADHD find their battery becomes quickly and easily depleted from activities that others don't find taxing at all. Knowing what charges our batteries and what depletes them is vital for our physical and mental health.

What depletes your batteries? What rejuvenates you?

👇Comment below


This week’s topic:

🧠ADHD and Managing Our Limited Energy Levels

Join me LIVE for a deep dive this Thursday
Where: ADHD Thrive Facebook Group
When: 6 pm CT/7 pm ET

By the end of this Facebook Live you will know:
❣️Emerging research on the ADHD-fatigue connection
❣️Motivation tactics that drain energy vs sustain energy
❣️Tips to creating your own roadmap to spark action

👇Link in bio



We all have our own internal limited battery energy. Those with ADHD find their battery becomes quickly and easily depleted from activities that others don't find taxing at all. Knowing what charges our batteries and what depletes them is vital for our physical and mental health.

What depletes your batteries? What rejuvenates you?

👇Comment below


This week’s topic:

🧠ADHD and Managing Our Limited Energy Levels

Join me LIVE for a deep dive this Thursday
Where: ADHD Thrive Facebook Group
When: 6 pm CT/7 pm ET

By the end of this Facebook Live you will know:
❣️Emerging research on the ADHD-fatigue connection
❣️Motivation tactics that drain energy vs sustain energy
❣️Tips to creating your own roadmap to spark action

👇Link in bio



So my inattentive/imaginative ADHD is on this morning. I’ve always imagined I would hole up in Costco during the zombie apocalypse.

Took it a step further this morning… Top three items needed during the zombie apocalypse. I came up with recliner, chocolate, covered almonds, and loppers.

What are your top three items?
👇🏼Comment below



The more we understand how our ADHD works the better we can minimize the challenges of ADHD and lean into the strengths/superpowers that go with it.

Every week I do a deep dive into an ADHD related topic. I post information here in my Instagram Account, in my weekly Newsletter Mindset Mondays, and in my ADHD Thrive Facebook group.

This week’s topic:

🧠ADHD, Hormones And The Menstrual Cycle.

Join me LIVE for a deep dive this Thursday
Where: ADHD Thrive Facebook Group
When: 6 pm CT/7 pm ET

By the end of this Facebook Live you will know:
❣️How s*x hormones affect ADHD during the menstrual cycle
❣️The (very limited) state of research on the effects of hormones on ADHD
❣️Tips on how to monitor and manage your ADHD symptoms throughout your cycle.

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I look outside and feel the first wisps of spring move through my body. My mood lighten & new energy unfurls.
Just like many of us experience seasonal changes throughout the year…we also experience hormonal ‘seasonal’ changes throughout our menstrual cycle.
ADHDers who menstruate keep reading!  Our menstrual cycle can have a BIG impact on our ADHD symptoms.  Let’s break it down by ‘season.’
❄️ Winter: This includes PMS and the first couple of days of your period and is a time of low energy. And this is a time when ADHD symptoms worsen: Forgetfulness, brain fog, irritability and big emotions.

The hormonal shifts and changes in your body mean it’s time to slow down and pay attention.
🌱Spring: About a week after your period, estrogen levels are rising. Creative ideas are bubbling. You might feel motivated to tackle new projects and experiences.
☀️ Summer: During ovulation estrogen levels are at their highest and there is also a spike in testosterone. This is when you’re laser-focused and can knock out your to do lists.
🍁Autumn: About a week before your period begins estrogen levels drop and progesterone levels are on the rise. This is the time of the month for slowing down, saying no, and replenishing. During this time our inner critic and low mood can start to rise. It’s time for a lot of self-love and self-care.

This week our theme is:
🧠ADHD, Hormones And The Menstrual Cycle.

Join me in my Facebook Group ADHD Thrive LIVE This Thursday at 6 pm CT/7 pm ET to learn:

❣️How s*x hormones affect ADHD during the menstrual cycle
❣️The (very limited) state of research on the effects of hormones on ADHD
❣️Tips on how to monitor and manage your ADHD symptoms throughout your cycle.

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🙏🙏🙏 for the image.


Can you relate? What types of things do you forget? Drop a note in the comments

I know it’s common for everyone to forget why they’ve entered a room. And this phenomenon of forgetting something when you enter a room actually has a name… the doorway effect.

Whenever I go to the grocery store I absolutely have to take a list with me or I will forget almost everything on that list. I often experience the ‘doorway’ effect s s I have to go back to the original room to recall why I’ve entered the room. This type of recall issue is linked to working memory. And this aspect of my working memory is particularly poor.



Do you tend to be too quiet and overly careful about what you say? Do you react how you’re ‘expected to’ instead of how you really feel inside?  
These are examples of ADHD masking.
I remember when I realized that most people don’t have to work as hard as I do to stay organized, to focus on their conversations with their kids, to refrain from word vomiting, or to complete their work on time.
 Sometimes masking is a “self-preservation” thing – it makes sure we stay connected with friends or do well at our job - and that’s ok… 

The problem with masking is that it’s exhausting and that it can perpetuate our sense that something is “wrong” with us and our ADHD brain. ✨ Maybe most importantly…masking doesn’t respect the way our brain is neurologically set up to function✨

Follow me on IG and join me LIVE Thursday at 6pm CT / 7pm ET!:
Topic 🧠 ADHD Masking
By the end of this FREE workshop you will:

❣️ Learn common ways ADHDers mask
❣️ Understand the long term cost of masking
❣️ Identify which form of ADHD masking behaviors are healthy, which are hurting you, and how to find spaces where you can safely be your authentic self
👇 Link to join in bio


Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) is  an extreme emotional response to the perception — not necessarily the reality — of being rejected or criticized.  It shows up as intensely unbearable feelings often coupled with extreme reactions. It can be debilitating and may manifest as crippling sadness or uncontrollable rage. It is a severe form of emotional dysregulation that shows up frequently in women who have ADHD.

🔥RSD is a super-common and one of the most problematic aspects for women who have ADHD.
🔥RSD is real – it’s not a character flaw. Research suggests that it has a strong genetic basis, that it has to do with structural and functional differences in our brain, and it has to do with changes in our nervous system so that we instantaneously ‘flip’ into survival mode.
I work with women who have RSD all of the time. I help them to come to terms with it, learn how to manage it, and learn how to sidestep it. Just knowing that they are not alone and that other women with ADHD have the same issues is often very reassuring. Knowing that it’s real and happens for a physiological reason often helps women release the shame that goes with it.

Learning about RSD, how to prevent it, and how to respond to it when it does get triggered is crucial for keeping ourselves thriving with ADHD.

Join me LIVE in This Thursday at 6 pm CST in my Facebook Group ADHD Thrive to learn more. It’s free to join.

👇 Link is in bio

Reposted image from @ creatingwellbeingmelbourne/



Do you ever find yourself facing difficulty with managing your own emotional state in high-stakes moments?

If so, you're not alone. Challenging situations are one of life's few guaranteed constants. Yet when we invest in our ability to influence our own emotional states for the better, the long-term benefits on our well-being are infinite.

To grow the good in your life join me for this week's live workshop Thursday at 6pm CT / 7pm ET!

Topic 🧠 Emotional Regulation Strategies

By the end of this workshop you will be tuned into the sources of goodness in your life through:

❣️ Defining what emotional regulation is and why it benefits you to understand it
❣️ What emotional regulation skills to use and in what moments
❣️ Benefits of daily use of emotional regulation skills

Be a part of it LIVE in my Facebook Group: ADHD Thrive: Empowering Women with ADHD

👇 Link to join in bio


Photos from adhdthrive_erica's post 01/31/2023

Have you learned to ‘mask’ some of your ADHD symptoms so you can fit in socially? Does masking all day drain you of energy and stress you out?

When we are in social situations and at work us ADHDers often mask our symptoms to try to belong and excel at work. Sometimes, this is okay – if we tend to be forgetful it is helpful to write things down.
Sometimes it goes too far. We overcompensate – we become perfectionists or people pleasers, we push down all emotions, we mirror others to the point of not knowing who we are. We make ourselves small so other people can’t be critical of us. Our self esteem suffers, we believe that there is something wrong with us.
All masking takes a toll on our energy levels. Having to tamp down our authentic self is exhausting and stressful. We may become anxious or even depressed.  
It’s an art to manage your ADHD symptoms without overly masking. It is probably important to use calendars and task reminders to keep appointments. If you have intense emotions you may want to seek the support of a therapist.
Masking behaviors become problematic when you’re:
-       Spending so much energy trying to be ‘fine’ that you don’t have enough left over to enjoy your life
-       Hiding your true feelings, not getting emotional support from friends and family
-       Not getting adequate professional support or medication
-       Being disconnected from your true identity.
Also, as you accept, love and cherish your WHOLE SELF, remember this includes the positive stuff that goes with ADHD, too. Remember to celebrate your strengths. Us ADHDers are spontaneous, curious, creative, resourceful, calm in crisis, and can hyperfocus.  YAY!!!
The ADHD Thrive Facebook group is a space for empowering & inspiring women with ADHD. It’s a space where you can be real and get support for your ADHD.

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Photos from adhdthrive_erica's post 01/05/2023

Do you have tasks you’ve been putting off? Are you having a difficult time getting back into work after the holidays? I

Often times we need the support of someone outside of ourselves to see more clearly, and to help motivate us to take the action that we know we want to take deep down.

🥁Drum roll, please 🥁

That is why I am SO EXCITED to announce my FIRST ADHD Thrive 3-Day Challenge: Accomplish Your Tasks With Ease.

💚 this is a FREE live event - I am offering this free because want you to experience the power of connecting with other women who have ADHD.

I have streamlined and consolidated the most effective tools to support you in getting clear, focused, and taking sustained action towards your goals.

You will go from spinning your wheels to taking effective action towards your goals using:
* mindfulness exercises to expand your attentiveness
* motivational exercises to get you moving
* my SMART experiment system to get clear on your goals
* my tried and true Focus Plan to help you achieve your goals
* Body Doubling to supercharge your ability to take action

This livestream challenge runs from 1/10 - 1/12 @ 12 pm CST.

Registration link and more information in the bio.

👇 Link to join in bio



Do you have a tendency to focus on the negative? If so, you’re not alone.

Today, I want to remind you…We already have a lot of good in our lives. Developing mindfulness-based practices to notice the good in our lives makes our life richer, more lush, more enjoyable.  

Being attentive to our strengths and what we enjoy doing is another way to grow the the good. The more we can lean into our strengths and act from a strengths-based perspective the more good we will create in our own lives, in our communities and in the worlds.

🥁Drum roll, please 🥁

I am SO EXCITED to announce my FIRST ADHD Thrive 3-Day Challenge: Accomplish Your Tasks With Ease.

💚 this is a FREE live event - I am offering this free because want you to experience the power of connecting with other women who have ADHD.

I have streamlined and consolidated the most effective tools to support you in getting clear, focused, and taking sustained action towards your goals.

You will go from spinning your wheels to taking effective action towards your goals using:
* mindfulness exercises to expand your attentiveness
* motivational exercises to get you moving
* my SMART experiment system to get clear on your goals
* my tried and true Focus Plan to help you achieve your goals
* Body Doubling to supercharge your ability to take action

This livestream challenge runs from 1/10 - 1/12 @ 12 pm CST.

Registration link and more information in the bio.

👇 Link to join in bio


Photos from adhdthrive_erica's post 01/03/2023

There’s so much pressure to make New Year’s resolutions.

But are they actually realistic and manageable goals?

One thing I really enjoy doing in early January is looking over the year before and identifying my wins.

One huge win for me in 2023 was expanding my ADHD Thrive small group program for women off the ground.

What are you proud of from 2022?

And another upcoming win…

🥁Drum roll, please 🥁

I am SO EXCITED to announce my FIRST ADHD Thrive 3-Day Challenge: Accomplish Your Tasks With Ease.

💚 this is a FREE live event - I am offering this free because want you to experience the power of connecting with other women who have ADHD.

For this challenge I have streamlined and consolidated the most effective tools to support you in getting clear, focused, and taking sustained action towards your goals.

This livestream challenge runs from 1/10 - 1/12 @ 12 pm CST.

Registration link and more information in the bio.

👇 Link to join in bio



Do you need background noise to focus, like Megan Dowd? Perhaps you’re more like me…I am absolutely distracted by most noise.

ADHD presents differently in different people. Using sound as an example, you may be able to focus best with white noise, classical music, a well loved episode of a TV show, or silence.

The commonality is that our ADHD brain has a hard time with sustained attention. Each of us has an optimal way to maintain focus (sustained attention). And if we want to have a fighting chance to complete a challenging project we need to set our environment up in this optimal way.

I have been working with ADHDers as a psychotherapist and a coach for the past 13 years.

🥁Drum roll, please 🥁

I am SO EXCITED to announce my FIRST ADHD Thrive Challenge.

I have streamlined and consolidated the most effective tools to support you in getting clear, focused, and taking sustained action towards your goals.

You will go from spinning your wheels to taking effective action towards your goals using:
* mindfulness exercises to expand your attentiveness
* motivational exercises to get you moving
* my SMART experiment system to get clear on your goals
* my tried and true Focus Plan to help you achieve your goals
* Body Doubling to supercharge your ability to take action

This livestream challenge runs from 1/10 - 1/12 @ 12 pm CST.

Registration link and more information in the bio.

👇 Link to join in bio


Photos from adhdthrive_erica's post 12/30/2022

Do you set grand, amazing New Year’s Resolutions? Only to be chasing a new hobby a few weeks later?

I have kicked the New Year’s Resolution habit in favor of choosing a word of qthe year.

Choosing a word for the year has become a tradition for several ADHD friends and me. It is a powerful, connecting experience that guides my vision through the year more often than not.

Part of my vision is to provide powerful support for women with ADHD - to help them thrive at work, in relationships, at home and at play.

🥁Drum roll, please 🥁

I am SO EXCITED to announce my FIRST ADHD Thrive Challenge.

I have streamlined and consolidated the most effective tools to support you in getting clear, focused, and taking sustained action towards your goals.

You will go from spinning your wheels to taking effective action towards your goals using:
* mindfulness exercises to expand your attentiveness
* motivational exercises to get you moving
* my SMART experiment system to get clear on your goals
* my tried and true Focus Plan to help you achieve your goals
* Body Doubling to supercharge your ability to take action

This livestream challenge runs from 1/10 - 1/12 @ 12 pm CST.

Registration link and more information in the bio.

👇 Link to join in bio



It's Thriving Thursday! Join me for this week's live workshop at 6pm CT / 7pm ET!

Topic 🧠 Work With Your ADHD Brain To Jumpstart Your Motivation

Be a part of it LIVE in my Facebook Group at
By the end of this workshop you'll have practiced 2 tools to support you in jumpstarting your motivation through:

📌 Practicing movement that requires balance

📌 Identifying a SMART task

📌 Using the 5-minute rule to start the task

Facebook group link:



Are the holidays hectic for you? I have been reminding myself and my clients that it’s crucial to take time for self-care and well-being this time of year. The busier the day…the more important it is.

Which of the self-care tips in the post do you most need right now? Is it a good nights sleep? Or going sledding to get a big dopamine hit? Or maybe some solitude taking a walk in nature?

Speaking of ADHD and self-care, I am SO EXCITED to announce my FIRST ADHD Thrive Challenge. By the end of this FREE 3-day challenge you’ll be able to accomplish your tasks with ease

You will go from spinning your wheels to taking effective action towards your goals using my
* mindfulness exercises to expand your attentiveness
* motivational exercises to get you moving
* SMART experiment system to get clear on your goals
* Focus Plan to help you achieve your goals
* Body Doubling to supercharge your ability to take actions

This livestream challenge runs from 1/10 - 1/12 @ 12 pm CST.

Registration link and more information in the bio.

👇 Link to join in bio


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Does your ADHD affect your confidence? Does it keep you disempowered? Making it difficult to complete your projects? I k...
Is ADHD keeping you from achieving your full potential in life? I know it kept me from reaching my full potential… it ri...
Are you tired of your ADHD brain slowing down, stalling, keeping you from upleveling your success?   If so, you are not ...
Do you have a lot of great ideas that you never get started on?If so, you’re not alone. People with ADHD often have a ha...
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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping is a tool that helps mind and body relax. I especially like it for clients who...
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Iowa City, IA

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