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This is a paper that is focusing on the seventeenth century reasons for English colonization. The paper also provides an additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.
The seventeenth century reasons for English colonization
During the seventeenth century, Great Britain established thirteen colonies along the Atlantic coast of the North American continent. Though they were united by their connection to English society and the British government, each colony had a very different experience in the New World: the settlers who established the colonies brought with them different motivations and expectations, and the unique geographic characteristics of each colony shaped the development of those colonial societies.
After more than a century of colonial rule, the ties that united the colonies to their home country frayed. In the decades following the Seven Years’ War, the colonial relationship degenerated into a series of provocations and counter-provocations

The seventeenth century reasons for English colonization – The seventeenth century reasons for English colonization Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on the seventeenth century reasons for English colonization. The paper also provides an additional information to use in writing the assignment paper. The seventeenth century....


This is a paper that is focusing on a company listed in Fortune Global 500 2019 analysis. The paper also provides instruction to use in the writing of the assignment paper.
A company listed in Fortune Global 500 2019 analysis
Word limit: The word limit for this assignment is 1500 words excluding references. Type: Individual Requirements: You are required to produce an essay of 1500 words using evidence from a company or companies listed on the 2019 Fortune Global 500 ( that answers the following question: How do companies effectively manage their operations and co-ordinate production across borders?
Your essay must include: 1) Firstly, a brief introduction that gives the background to the company/companies; an overview of the main arguments you are going to make; and provides the structure of your answer.
2) Secondly, a short account of the methods you have used to answer this question (e.g. why have you picked the company that you have p

A company listed in Fortune Global 500 2019 analysis – A company listed in Fortune Global 500 2019 analysis Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on a company listed in Fortune Global 500 2019 analysis. The paper also provides instruction to use in the writing of the assignment paper. A company listed in Fortune Global 500....


This is a paper that is focusing on the current financial reporting environment evaluation. The paper also provides a part two and report outcomes for the assignment.
Current financial reporting environment evaluation
1. Format of the assignment is REPORT. Include Headings, Excutive summary, Introduction and Conslusion.
2. Main part: Critically discuss and evaluate the current financial reporting environment Part 1: Financial Reporting has traditionally adopted the historical cost approach to reporting the financial position and performance of an organisation. You are required to critically evaluate whether you think this method of reporting is fit for purpose in the current business environment. In your discussion you may wish to think about whether the current concepts serve the shareholders and wider stakeholder communities in order to make informed decisions. The word count is 1,250 words.
Current financial reporting environment evaluation
Part 2: Other measures of reporting t

The current financial reporting environment evaluation – The current financial reporting environment evaluation Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on the current financial reporting environment evaluation. The paper also provides a part two and report outcomes for the assignment. Current financial reporting environment eva...


This is a paper that is focusing on the project contribution for family history documentary. The paper also provides some guide questions to use in writing the assignment paper.
The project contribution for family history documentary
Consider the project as your contribution to documenting your family history. Your task is to submit an output describing, analyzing, and reflecting upon your family’s position in the social stratification system in your home country. The output can be either an essay (with or without photos) or a video. The output is worth 25 points.
2. Secondly, as much as possible, your output should be able to address the major questions listed below. The output does not need to be structured in a “Question-and-Answer” manner. In other words, the output can be presented in a manner that integrates your answers to the guide questions.
3. Thirdly, it is best if you gather and use data and information in support of your answers and claims. Data can include or be ba

The project contribution for family history documentary – The project contribution for family history documentary Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on the project contribution for family history documentary. The paper also provides some guide questions to use in writing the assignment paper. The project contribution for fa...


This is a paper that is focusing on the Jonas human resource management case study. The paper also provides the minimum qualifications and additional questions to focus in the assignment.
The Jonas human resource management case study
Coursework A* Apply style guide (given) as much as possible. Human Resource Management Case Study: Jonas, 23, is applying for the position of Enterprise Marketing Manager at Google, Italy. He has a bachelor’s degree in international business. During his school years he had already been in Italy as an exchange student for six months. After graduating from high school, he did an internship of several months with an international IT consulting company and gained insights into B2B marketing. He speaks German, English and Italian fluently. He is described as IT-savvy by his friends and even has programmed smaller apps himself. Job Description:
Minimum qualifications:
• Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience. • Experience in B2B and/or fi

The Jonas human resource management case study – The Jonas human resource management case study Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on the Jonas human resource management case study. The paper also provides the minimum qualifications and additional questions to focus in the assignment. The Jonas human resource manag...


This is a paper that is focusing on the techniques and concepts in LING2289 analysis. The paper also provides additional requirements to focus in writing the assignment paper.
The techniques and concepts in LING2289 analysis
Task: You are required to research and analyse an example of institutional communication using some of the techniques and concepts covered in LING2289. You present your analysis and findings, as well as practical implications for communication in institutional contexts, as a video research poster presentation.
Additional requirements Use and cite 5‐10 sources from the unit or other relevant, reliable sources in your analysis and presentation. Bring a copy of your draft poster and storyboard/script to the workshop in Weeks 12/13. Upload an MSWORD (or similar) file to Turnitin containing evidence of your research and authorship (ie: texts, analysis, interpretation, poster, storyboard, script, links to your selected text(s), reference list and also any other releva

The techniques and concepts in LING2289 analysis – The techniques and concepts in LING2289 analysis Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on the techniques and concepts in LING2289 analysis. The paper also provides additional requirements to focus in writing the assignment paper. The techniques and concepts in LING2289....


This is a paper that is focusing on the Key data protection law issues arising in cloud services. The paper also provides links of the two cloud services to analyze in the paper.
Key data protection law issues arising in cloud services
Task 2 Compare the standard terms of services for the following two cloud services:
• Amazon Web Service ‘AWS Customer Agreement’ and • Salesforce Cloud Master Subscription Agreement
Using at least 3 clauses in the standard terms, explain which terms are more advantageous from the cloud customer’s point of views and why. In your answer, please identify the specific clauses that you are comparing.
Give an overview or summary about the difference between the two contracts, even though the task involved a comparison of two contracts. The crucial difference between the two contracts is that Sales

Key data protection law issues arising in cloud services – Key data protection law issues arising in cloud services Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on the Key data protection law issues arising in cloud services. The paper also provides links of the two cloud services to analyze in the paper. Key data protection law issue...


This is a paper that is focusing on the comparison of two cloud services standard terms of services. The paper also provides links of the two cloud services to analyze in the paper.
Comparison of two cloud services standard terms of services
Task 2 Compare the standard terms of services for the following two cloud services:
• Amazon Web Service ‘AWS Customer Agreement’ and • Salesforce Cloud Master Subscription Agreement
Using at least 3 clauses in the standard terms, explain which terms are more advantageous from the cloud customer’s point of views and why. In your answer, please identify the specific clauses that you are comparing.
Give an overview or summary about the difference between the two contracts, even though the task involved a comparison of two contracts. The crucial difference between the two contracts is that

Comparison of two cloud services standard terms of services – Comparison of two cloud services standard terms of services Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on the comparison of two cloud services standard terms of services. The paper also provides links of the two cloud services to analyze in the paper. Comparison of two cloud...


This is a paper that is focusing on how technology will integrate treatment and communication in healthcare. The paper also provides additional questions to answer the assignment paper.
How technology will integrate treatment and communication in healthcare
In this assignment, learners are required to write a case report addressing the personal knowledge and skills gained in the current course and potentially solving an identified practice problem. General Guidelines: Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Doctoral learners are to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center. Use primary sources published within the last 5 years. Provide citations and references for all sources used. Your case report should be no more than 10 do

How technology will integrate treatment and communication – How technology will integrate treatment and communication Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on how technology will integrate treatment and communication in healthcare. The paper also provides additional questions to answer the assignment paper. How technology will i...


This is a paper that is focusing on the if hedging is beneficial for USC Airlines discussion. The paper also provides additional questions to focus in writing the assignment paper.
If hedging is beneficial for USC Airlines discussion
Assume that you were approached by the CFO of USC Airlines, an established hypothetical airline, in your capacity as a Risk Analyst who is familiar with Derivative products.
The CFO is debating the effectiveness and business viability of hedging jet fuel and also is seeking your advice. Her opinion is mainly driven by an international report that shows that not all airlines hedge jet fuel.
Question 1: (250 words)
The CFO is concerned about the strategic decisions of competing airlines. Airline fuel is a significant operating expense to airlines in general and may have significant price volatility. At the same time hedging using futures might be quite costly.
Given the statement above. Discuss whether hedging is beneficial for USC Airlines.

If hedging is beneficial for USC Airlines discussion assignment – If hedging is beneficial for USC Airlines discussion assignment Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on the if hedging is beneficial for USC Airlines discussion. The paper also provides additional questions to focus in writing the assignment paper. If hedging is benefi...


Critical understanding of the appropriate use of data analysis, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics within the field of sport, physical activity and exercise science.
Critical understanding of the appropriate use of data analysis
1. Critical understanding of the appropriate use of data analysis, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics within the field of sport, physical activity and exercise science.
2. The comprehensive completion of statistical analysis testing in a format suitable within the field of sport, physical activity and exercise science.
What am I require d to do in this assignment?
Using the data provided on BREO, you are required to write two sections commonly found in published research article. The first is the ‘Statistical Analysis’ section of the ‘Methodology’ and the second is the ‘Results’ section. The assignment must not exceed 1000 words in length, not counting references and word cou

Critical understanding of the appropriate use of data analysis – Critical understanding of the appropriate use of data analysis Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin Critical understanding of the appropriate use of data analysis, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics within the field of sport, physical activity and exercise science. Critical understandin...


This paper focuses on Human Resources & Employment Relationships. Learning Outcome covered in this assessment: LO 4 – Demonstrate understanding of performance management and examine strategies to review individual performance.
Human Resources & Employment Relationships
Learning Outcome covered in this assessment: LO 4 – Demonstrate understanding of performance management and examine strategies to review individual performance. LO 5 – Identify and apply relevant legislation for various employment situations.
To answer the questions for this case study consider yourself as a HR consultant and employment law advisor. You have been contracted by the business owner to provide expert advice on improving human resource performance and to apply relevant employment related legislation for Carter Cleaning Company.
Case to accompany Assignment 3 – Part A
Carter Cleaning Centres Jennifer Carter graduated from State University in June 2011 and, after considering several job offers, decided

Human Resources & Employment Relationships – Human Resources & Employment Relationships Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This paper focuses on Human Resources & Employment Relationships. Learning Outcome covered in this assessment: LO 4 – Demonstrate understanding of performance management and examine strategies to review individual perfor...


Using leadership theories learned, define and describe 6 characteristics associated with highly effective leaders, including the impact of these characteristics on followers and the organisation.
Using leadership theories learned, define and describe
Instructions: Part A. Conduct a self-assessment as a leader, and benchmark self against known respected leader/s. Part B. Construct a personal leadership development plan. Answer each of the following questions clearly, coherently and logically using theories and concepts learned. Always give specific examples to support your discussion. Additionally, All sources used have to be properly referenced with in-text citations and a Reference List at the end of the report using APA 6th Edition.
Marking Schedule: Part A – Evaluation
Question 1. Using leadership theories learned, define and describe 6 characteristics associated with highly effective leaders, including the impact of these characteristics on followers and the organisation. For ea

Using leadership theories learned, define and describe – Using leadership theories learned, define and describe Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin Using leadership theories learned, define and describe 6 characteristics associated with highly effective leaders, including the impact of these characteristics on followers and the organisation. Using leadersh...


You will compose an essay in response to the 2017 documentary episode “Borderlands” from the PBS series Lost LA directed by Elia Urquiza, produced for KCET.
Response to the 2017 documentary episode “Borderlands”
Description Purpose: To demonstrate your understanding of the Student Learning Outcomes of this course, you will compose an essay in response to the 2017 documentary episode “Borderlands” from the PBS series Lost LA directed by Elia Urquiza, produced for KCET.
Task and Guidelines: For this final essay, you will write a minimum 2-page essay response in which you will summarize, analyze, and synthesize the film:
Summarize Present the rhetorical situation of the film. For the text summary, make sure to include the author and the text’s genre. Who is the audience? Name specific groups. What are the messages, themes, and issues presented, and what is the film’s thesis?
Firstly, What is the author’s purpose (to inform/educate, t

Response to the 2017 documentary episode “Borderlands” – Response to the 2017 documentary episode “Borderlands” Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin You will compose an essay in response to the 2017 documentary episode “Borderlands” from the PBS series Lost LA directed by Elia Urquiza, produced for KCET. Response to the 2017 documentary episode “B...


This paper focuses on Create a Strategic Management Action Plan on Patient Safety in Hospitals. Introduction: For your project in this unit, you will be developing what is known as a strategic management action plan (MAP).
Strategic Management Action Plan on Patient Safety in Hospitals
Introduction: For your project in this unit, you will be developing what is known as a strategic management action plan (MAP). When all the strategic planning is done, it is time for management action planning based upon our strategies. This is where many healthcare organizations of all types fall short. The same level of effort that went into creating the strategic plan needs to continue as we take action, measure progress, and reassess over time. Management action planning is a step-by-step approach develop ed to help healthcare leaders plan the action steps that will lead to positive change for our organizations.
The strategic plan sets the direction for us, and our MAPs get the work done, turning st

Strategic Management Action Plan on Patient Safety in Hospitals – Strategic Management Action Plan on Patient Safety in Hospitals Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This paper focuses on Create a Strategic Management Action Plan on Patient Safety in Hospitals. Introduction: For your project in this unit, you will be developing what is known as a strategic manageme...


A ‘new broom’ John (Jock) Gillespie, a seasoned former senior police officer of 31 years’ standing, has just completed his first year as CEO and ‘new broom’ of the Western Australian Police and Community Youth Centres (PCYC). A ‘new broom’ is a person brought in to undertake a ‘clean sweep’ of the old approaches and old problems and change the organisation for the better. His appointment in June 2013 followed the Browne Report (2012)—a comprehensive review of the core purpose, strategy, governance arrangements, structure and processes of the Federation of Western Australian Police



In your paper, you will develop business process modeling (BPM) diagrams and use case tables as illustrated in your textbook. By developing BPM diagrams and use case tables, you become more familiar with the type of end user requirements needed in the two mobile applications that you are focusing on for your final project: the consumer and provider mobile applications for THS.
You will develop business process modeling (BPM) diagrams
In your paper, you will develop business process modeling (BPM) diagrams and use case tables as illustrated in your textbook. By developing BPM diagrams and use case tables, you become more familiar with the type of end user requirements needed in the two mobile applications that you are focusing on for your final project: the consumer and provider mobile applications for THS. You will analyze and discuss the content of your BPM diagrams, use case tables, and evaluate strategies for developing these mobile applications.
In your paper, Must include an intr

You will develop business process modeling (BPM) diagrams – You will develop business process modeling (BPM) diagrams Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin In your paper, you will develop business process modeling (BPM) diagrams and use case tables as illustrated in your textbook. By developing BPM diagrams and use case tables, you become more familiar with the...


This paper focuses on Development And Strategic Planning In Health Care Powerpoint Presentation. Introduction: The process for healthcare strategy development follows a logical sequence of steps. Decisions made at each step will have implications and consequences at successive steps in the process, so forward thinking is very important.
Development And Strategic Planning In Health Care
Introduction: The process for healthcare strategy development follows a logical sequence of steps. Decisions made at each step will have implications and consequences at successive steps in the process, so forward thinking is very important.
You are the vice-president in charge of your hospital’s strategic planning process this year. Moreover, you are addressing your key stakeholders and planning participants at the first strategic planning meeting.
Your assignment is to create a minimum 10-slide PowerPoint presentation describing and explaining the six-step process for strategy development in your ho

Development And Strategic Planning In Health Care  – Development And Strategic Planning In Health Care  Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This paper focuses on Development And Strategic Planning In Health Care Powerpoint Presentation. Introduction: The process for healthcare strategy development follows a logical sequence of steps. Decisions made at...


MF620: Financial Statement Development and Analysis. Lesson 1: Sizing-up a Business. Describe the four stages of the business cycle. Describe the two hypotheses that explain the shape of the yield curve.
MF620: Financial Statement Development and Analysis
Lesson 1: Sizing-up a Business
Upon completion of the Required Readings, write a thorough, well-planned narrative answer to the following discussion question. Rely on your Required Readings and the Lecture and Research Update for specific information to answer the discussion question, but turn to your original thoughts when asked to apply, evaluate, analyze, or synthesize the information. Your Discussion Question response should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the question itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your responses and document in a bibliography using APA style.

MF620: Financial Statement Development and Analysis – MF620: Financial Statement Development and Analysis Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin MF620: Financial Statement Development and Analysis. Lesson 1:  Sizing-up a Business. Describe the four stages of the business cycle. Describe the two hypotheses that explain the shape of the yield curve. MF620: ...


This is a paper that is focusing on the comparing and contrasting relative and universal moral theories. The paper also provides additional instructions to use in the assignment paper.
Comparing and contrasting relative and universal moral theories
Creative Thinking & Problem Solving: Essay Instructions: Write an essay comparing and contrasting how a leader may use relative moral theories and universal moral theories. Consider the following situation. You are a member of the university debate team. You have an upcoming competition with your most bitter rival, and the general topic has been released: relative moral theories vs. universal moral theories, which are more effective with regard to team success? Select a position for the debate. In other words, decide which of the two you believe is the more effective. The best debaters are able to present both sides of the issue while explaining why their position is correct. To that end, discuss each of the two types of moral theories, and

Comparing and contrasting relative and universal moral theories – Comparing and contrasting relative and universal moral theories Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on the comparing and contrasting relative and universal moral theories. The paper also provides additional instructions to use in the assignment paper. Comparing and co...


This is a paper that is focusing on the ways a realistic budget will benefit Babycakes owner. The paper also provides various links relating to writing the assignment paper.
The ways a realistic budget will benefit Babycakes owner
Before approaching this assignment, be sure that you have watched the following video: Wiley (2011, September 28). Budgetary planning featuring Babycakes *full video* [Video file]. Retrieved from Babycakes, a specialty bakery, is the company that will be considered for all parts of your budget planning and control report. For this assignment, you will develop a 3–4-page paper in which you address the following.
Firstly, briefly discuss the ways a realistic budget will benefit the owner of Babycakes versus no budget at all. Be sure to use Babycakes as the company and any specific product details in your explanation. Secondly, prepare a sales budget for the LA Babycakes store for the fourth quarter of 2016. Pre

The ways a realistic budget will benefit Babycakes owner – The ways a realistic budget will benefit Babycakes owner Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on the ways a realistic budget will benefit Babycakes owner. The paper also provides various links relating to writing the assignment paper. The ways a realistic budget will b...


This is a paper that is focusing on the approach to remediation strategies in an online environment. The paper also provides an overview for the remediation plan to use in the assignment.
Approach to remediation strategies in an online environment
Part 2: Remediation Plan In your remediation plan, you must include:
Remediation Plan Overview: The overview will explain your general approach to remediation strategies in an online environment. It must include the following:
Research and Theory: Include an introduction that cites at least two credible sources. Briefly describe your own remediation best practices based on the research that you include. Maintaining Academic Rigor: Explain how you ensure that you are able to maintain academic rigor with remediation practices. Flexibility of Approach: Explain how your approach will be able to meet the various needs of your students based on their unique backgrounds, classifications, and knowledge. Discuss differentiation and scaffolding strate

Approach to remediation strategies in an online environment – Approach to remediation strategies in an online environment Posted on June 15, 2021 | by admin This is a paper that is focusing on the approach to remediation strategies in an online environment. The paper also provides an overview for the remediation plan to use in the assignment. Approach to remed...

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