Band of Innocence

Band of Innocence

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Band of Innocence, Performance & Event Venue, Jersey City, NJ.

The band of innocence is a story about seven children with an innocence so pure that they have been given powers by the creators of this world to protect this planet earth and all that live here.


The second Band of Innocence book, Greed, is being read for continuity. Almost there folks. Out this Christmas.


Why is Paka wearing the armor of innocence?
In the new book, Band of Innocence-Greed, you'll find out why.
Soon to be released.


Band of Innocence-Greed
1st Chapter. Enjoy.
The Band Of Innocence

(noun: intense and selfish desire for something, esp. wealth, power, or food)

Prequel: Elizebeth

“I’m not sure how long this storm has lasted but it seems like it’s gone on forever. In all the years I have been here, I’ve never felt such a weight on my structure with all this frozen water, or, or snow. Yes snow, that’s what you people call it. It’s amazing how if you listen, you can learn so much. Keeping your creaks to yourself and watching and listening, have made me what I am today. A very educated house.
I always loved the snow, drifting down from above. White and light. Light and white, is what I would sing. I loved the way it would lie on my rafters, like a weighted blanket. On these cold, snowy days I would usually see the small, human folks, out playing in this white wonderland, but the last few days it seems everyone is staying inside their warm houses, including my people. To me, this storm is different. This is a mean storm. The drifts are so high that they have reached the bottom half of my front door. And the wind. I’ve never felt such a wind before. No matter how much I try ,the wind still seeps through the sills of my windows. But it seems like none of my people mind. They just put on another layer of clothing and sit by one of my fireplaces.
Oh my, I didn’t even say hello. How rude of me. I’m Elizebeth. I’m not sure you remember me from the last book. I’m the big Georgian, colonial house on Chester Street. Chester Street is a lovely tree lined street here in what some of you call, Chicago. I have lived here for about 35 families, or in human terms, about 150 years. We houses don’t count years, we count the people who have lived inside us. You know, the souls that move in and out. The comers and goers. Or goers and comers. All these people have helped repair us. Have helped us grow. Some nice, some not so nice, but all with stories to tell. And as a house, do I have some stories.
These last people who have come to reside inside me are the people I was built for. I know, I know, you must think I’m daft. I’ve been here so long and it seems so odd that after all this time I have found why I was built. But it’s true, I was waiting for them. I think my creators built me all those families ago for this one particular family, The Lesos.
They are such a lovely family, mostly because of my night star, Emily. Emily is the smallest of the humans that have moved into me. A human child that glows like the sun. Such a child I have never seen. Most people don’t know that a house is more than a wood or brick structure. We are actually very thoughtful and very shy. All my friends on Chester street are quiet and reserved. They never speak, well creak, is what you would hear, but I am not like them. I have realized I’m a house with a purpose. I like to say I’m the purposeful house.
When I was built I was a home to my creators but over the years, after they were gone, I was just a house to most until the Lesos moved into to me. That’s when I became a home. A real home.
It’s been a year since the Lesos settled in. When they first walked in I said hello in my creaky fashion, as I have done for all the years prior. Emily was the first person to answer me. She actually reminded me what my name was because for so many years I had no on to talk to, I had actually forgotten who I was. Oh, that day still warms my attic. I was actually shaken by her response. I’d come to find out that both Emily and her Aunt Lily both spoke house. Do you know how relieved I was to finally have someone who understood me? Someone to talk to? I was exuberant. I felt like a new house. The worst thing in life is to have a voice that no one hears. Sometimes it’s not the the quiet voice that gets ignored, but lots of people ignore any voice no matter how loud that voice gets. They choose to not open their ears or hearts. Yes, you can listen with your heart.
Oh, and I must say that even after being around 35 families I’m still learning. Always learning. The people who’ve come to stay inside me have taught me such interesting things. The other houses on my street have grown silent after years of being ignored. It’s a shame because a house can be so warm and vocal if only people listen. Everyone needs attention and sometimes as we all get older we need more of that attention.
I’ve had people living in me that tried to actually silence me. They would try to nail down my floorboards to stop me from talking but they could never shut me up. My creaks and groans went ignored for years until the Lesos.
We houses are also a very jealous bunch and when the Lesos moved in I knew all the other house thought it wouldn’t last. You see we houses aren’t particularly fond of the comers and goers or goers and comers. You know exactly who I’m talking about. The ones who are here for just a bit and then they move on. I’ve never really bonded with any of them except for the creators. The ones who built me. They were special too but that is another story and if I ever write a book, like the one you’re reading, I will include the story of my birth right from the beginning.
Emily’s aunt, Lily, is a constant visitor and seems to spend more time with Emily than her parents do. Now don’t get me wrong, her parents are wonderful, caring people but they have things that take them away from me. I’ve heard her father talk about a thing called a job. I guess that’s where he goes and what he does. Sometimes he does slam my front door a little too hard but other than that he has a good soul. I can feel that.
As a house, I listen. Always listen. We houses have such great stories because of all the listening we do. We learn so much from the people who live inside us. I must admit that for a long time I did stop paying attention. It was because of all those, yes, you guessed it, comers and goers. They would spend some time, cause some damage or fix me up, and then leave. Never once would they speak to me. No hello and no goodbye. I would turn around and there would be a new family inside me.
This family, I must say, the Lesos, are different. As soon as that child, Emily, was placed on my foyer floor, my whole being came alive. And again I have to say, it’s so good to be able to talk to someone. The worst thing you can do is to ignore someone. Ignore their needs and wants. Everyone needs to know that they are being heard and yes, even a house wants some attention and love. 
 Now I converse all the time. Now I’m finally being heard. Hahah, a house conversing with people. So odd and unbelievable, yet so comforting. For years I would creak and groan only to be ignored but not by these people. When I was built, my creators spoke to me and I thought that all people spoke house. I was sadly mistaken. For years after they left I felt silenced until the Lesos walked in. I’m so happy they came to stay. My rebirth.
My, look at how the time flies by. I’m so sorry. I prattle on sometimes. It’s so hard sometimes to stop talking once I start. I’ve had no one to talk to for years. Oh, and houses sometimes repeat themselves. Hahah. Actually we repeat ourselves all the time. Get used to it if you ever have a conversations with one. I do feel bad for the other houses. Some of them are still waiting for someone to listen.
Remember that we houses do talk and we talk about you, but you never seem to acknowledge us.
We sit and watch and creak our concerns and observations but you, as humans, ignore us. You go about your daily business so involved in your lives that you don’t see or hear all the wonders around you.
With all the beauty you tend to keep your focus on these little screens that seem to hold your life. You don’t look at the big picture of life, only the little picture in your hand. Oh, I know I’m starting to sound like an old fart, but I guess that’s what I am.
I keep straying from the story. So let me get focused before, Robert, the author, stops me. He wants to tell you a story about greed. Oh, and I have seen greed up close. I think it’s a human sickness. Wanting more and more, at the expense of others. It’s a darkness I have personally known. The only thing that can combat that darkness, is light. So, as I said, let’s get on with the story and I will keep my creaks to myself. Well, I’ll try. Hahahah.”


I've been inspired by a friend to finish the Band of Innocence comic series. The third comic is almost finished.


Why does the house cleaning take so long. The book is virtually finished but I'm having such a hard time going through the edits. Ahhhhhhhh. I swear I'm gonna finish it.
Band of Innocence-Greed


On December 1st we will be doing our year end giveaway contest. One lucky winner, will win all our products.
Glimmer books. Snazzleraffer books, a mug, tattoos, Band of Innocence novel, with two comic books and two friendship pins.
If you'd like to be part of this, just say you want in and I will put your name in the hat. The drawing will be videod. Fun huh.


We have finished the second book and just started to reread the copy. Making sure my t’s are crossed. Hope to have it out by Christmas.


Rereading the second book. I like it.


It’s finished folks. The second Band book is complete. Need a couple of read throughs and then off to the copywriter.


We are 186 pages into the new Band adventure. Some surprises. Yup


“With all thats right, and all that’s true, we ask for you to choose this innocent and fill her with your light. May the gods grant her the power to lead the forces of good against the ever expanding darkness. Let the truth provide and let the innocence guide.”


An excerpt from the second Band of Innocence novel: Greed.

“So houses are just like people, right, Aunt Lily?”
“Yes, I believe so. When a house is first built, just like when a child is born, there is such light, such potential for good. But as the years wear on, people and houses sometimes lose their way. They follow a darkened path instead of the path of light. If only people would realize that following the light is easier and safer. The dark feeds off you while the light enhances all you do in your life. Even if you are a house.” Lily waits and then hears a loud creak.


A review from a young reader.
Band of Innocence- Legacy Summary and Review
by Isabella
A summary of the book Band of Innocence- Legacy by Robert Agnello. This is about how we meet the present-day Band of selected people with powers to fight against a darkness. They are all from international backgrounds and they were chosen by Mother Nature. They are lead by Aunt Lily who keeps the amulet and protects it from the expanding darkness. As their first of several challenges, they go to Africa to confront a ruthless hunter.
They must use their powers and work together to stop his mission. He wants to hunt the people and kill the weak ones. The BOI fights him to save the planet. In this book, we learn of the history of BOI and go with them on a journey to save the peoples defenseless souls.
BOI is a good book, it has an easy plot to follow, and the characters are all different. This book is very interesting and it has a good hook in the beginning. I like how the characters aren’t just humans they use their powers to help protect the amulet, it gives the book a good storyline.
My only critique is the book is very realistic and doesn’t let the reader use a lot of their imagination. Overall this book was fun to read!



On the Lamb Productions 12/11/2020

One of the best books of 2020 as stated by Good Morning America. First in the series.

On the Lamb Productions On the Lamb Productions is bringing the world of morals and social consciousness to all with our children's and pre-teen books, music and merchandise.


The plot has been set. The ending is in view but what happens between now and then is always up in the air. Band of Innocence-Greed.


A new character has just surfaced. Suhani Dubashi was born outside of the city or Jalandhar, in the province of Punjab, in India. She is joining the Band of Innocence. Innocence this pure can't be found anywhere in the world but innocence can be found everywhere in the world.


Chapter 3 form the new Band of Innocence:Greed.

Chapter 3

Florida’s weather in early June is hot and humid. Everyone is either in their cars, their offices or their homes. In one home an old woman is sitting at a table with a young man and young woman, lookig over some papers.
“Just sign here, here and here.” The young man is pushing papers towards the old woman and she signs her name with a pen that is handed to her by this good looking young man. The young woman at the table appears to be very pregnant.
“I don’t understand why I have to put all my savings into this. I thought the money I gave you last month would be all I had to invest,” says the little old woman as she looks up at the young man.
“You don’t understand the market. You could lose everything if we don’t shore up those investments we made last month. This is how it’s done. It’s all on the up and up,” says the young man as a small grin crosses his face. Phil Decklin is a commodities trader and it’s evident he’s selling stocks to this little old widow.
“Phil would never misuse your money. He will keep your nest egg safe just like he keeps me and my baby safe. He’s a good honest man,” the young woman says as she smiles at the old woman. As the old woman looks at the papers she fails to notice the shadow fall across the younger woman’s face.
“Well I’m trusting you with everything I have. Even my house. You said you’d take care of it and I wouldn’t have to worry for the rest of my life. Now I do want you to know, I am a little worried.” The woman is visibly shaken but goes ahead with the paper work.
“Oh don’t be worried, the market will bounce back in no time. Things have hit rock bottom and there is nowhere else to go but up and when that happens you will be leveraged in a perfect position. That’s when the magic happens”
The mans phone rings. He turns to the old woman, “Hold on please I need to take this call.” He walks into another room. “Yeah, Phil here.” A voice on the phone says “Your blue Porsche is in sir. We want to know when you can come in and pay the balance.”
The young man looks into the room with the old woman and turns to speak into the phone. “I should be there in half an hour with all your money.” He hangs up the phone and walks back into the room, standing to the side of the old woman. He bends over her, looks at her signature and picks up the papers.
“OK so that seems to do it. I’ll be in touch.” The younger woman gets up with a little struggling and they both go to leave but the old woman stops them.
“Aren’t you even going to kiss your mother goodbye.”
He bends down and kisses her. “Bye Mom.” The young woman also kisses the old lady and pulls her close. The old woman doesn’t feel the warmth she used to from her daughter in law but she just chalks it up to her cold, old bones. She shakes the chill and closes the door.
As the door closes behind the couple a grin crosses their faces and a shadow covers their eyes. As they walk down the small path that’s overgrown with mother nature a darkness leads the couple to an old car. The darkness is like an ink spot in the middle of bright, sunny day.


Gonna post a chapter of the new book this week. Ok, so yeah even I’m excited.


Last Friday I had the pleasure of doing a Zoom conference with 121 kids from AZ. 24 of them are reading Band of Innocence. Maybe the future is gonna be ok. These kids are great.


Theres a new character that popped up. It's a Genet. A nocturnal animal from Africa. His name is Meec. Now he is part of the adventure.

Band Of Innocence-Legacy by Robert Agnello 07/19/2020

To all the innocents of the world.

Band Of Innocence-Legacy by Robert Agnello This is the first book of a series based on a timeless group of super heroes called Band Of Innocence. Seven children who have been given super powers by the...


The world really is under attack. Where is our Band?



(noun: intense and selfish desire for something, esp. wealth, power, or food)
Prequel: Elizebeth
I’m not sure how long this storm has lasted but it seems like it’s gone on forever. In all the years I have lived here, I’ve never felt such a weight on my structure with all this frozen water, or snow as I’ve learned that people call it. It’s amazing how if you listen, you can learn so much. Keeping your creaks to yourself and watching and listening, have made me what I am today.
I always loved the snow as it drifts down from above. White and light. Light and white, is what we would sing, or creak. I loved the way it would lie on my rafters, like a weighted blanket. On these cold, snowy days I would ususally see the small human folks out playing in this white wonderland. But the last few days it seems everyone is staying inside their warm houses, including my people. To me, this storm is different. This is a mean storm. The drifts are so high that tthey have reached the bottom half of my front door. And the wind. I’ve never felt such a wind before. No matter how much I try ,the wind still seeps through my windows. But it seems like no one minds. They put on another layer of clothes and sit by one of my fireplaces, of which I have three. I am blessed and I know it.
Oh my, I didn’t even say hello. I’m Elizebeth. I’m not sure you remember me. I’m the big Georgian, colonial house on Chester street. Chester street is a lovely tree lined street here in what some of you call Chicago. I, as all my other house friends, have lived here for more than 150 of your human years. We houses don’t count time so it’s weird to say how many years I’ve been here, we count the people who have lived inside us. You know, the souls that move in and out. The comers and goers. All these people have helped repair us. Have helped us grow. Some nice, some not so nice, but all with stories to tell. And as a house, do I have some stories.
The last people who have come to reside inside me are the people I was built for. I know, I know, you must think I’m daft. I’ve been her so long and it seems so odd that after all this time I have found why I was built. But it’s true, I was waiting for them. I think my creators built me all those years ago for this one particular family, The Lesos.

They are such a lovely family and in that family is my night star, Emily. Emily is the smallest one. A man child that glows like the sun. Such a child I have never seen. Most people don’t know that a house is more than a wood or brick structure. We are actually very thoughtful but a little shy. All my friends on the block are quiet and reserved. They never speak, well creak, is what you would hear, but I am not like them. I have realized I’m a house with a purpose. I like to say I’m the purposeful house.
When I was built I was a home to my creators but over the years, after they were gone, I was just a house to most until the Lesos moved into to me. Then again, I became a home.
It’s been a year since the Lesos settled in. When they first walked in I said hello in my creaky fashion as I have for all the years prior, to anyone who came to live inside me. Emily was the first person to answer me after I creaked my hello. She acutally reminded me what my name was because for so many years I had no on to talk to I had actually forgotter who I was. Oh, that still warms my attic. I was actually shaken by her response. I’d come to find out that both Emily and her Aunt Lily both spoke house. Do you know how relieved I was to finally have someone who understood me? Someone to talk to? I was exhuberant. I felt like a new house.
Oh, and I must say that even after being around 150 years I’m still learning. They teach me such interesting things. The other houses on my street have grown silent after years of being ingored. It’s a shame because a house can be so warm and vocal if only people listend. Everyone needs attention and sometimes as we all get older we need more of that attention.
I’ve had people living in me that tried to actually silence me. Nail my floorboards to stop me from talking but they could never shut me up. My creaks and groans went ignored for years until the Lesos.
We houses are also a very jealous bunch and when the Lesos moved in I knew all the other houses were thinking that it wouldn’t last. You see we houses look at these comers and goers and how they come and go or go and come. You know, the ones who are here for just a bit and then they move on. I’ve never really bonded with any of them except for the creators. The ones who built me. They were special too but that is another story and if I ever write a book, like the one you’re reading, I will include the story of my birth right at the beginnng.
Emily’s aunt, Lily, is a constant visitor and seems to spend more time with her than her parents. Now don’t get me wrong, her parents are wonderful, caring people but they have things that take them away from

me. I’ve heard her father talk about a thing called a job. I guess that’s where he goes.
As a house, I listen. Always listen. We houses have such great stories because of all the listening we do. We learn so much from the people who live inside us. I must admit that on some occasions I stopped paying attention. It was because of all the comers and goers. They would spend some time, cause some damage or fix me up and then leave, without a word to say to me.
This family, the Lesos, are different. As soon as that child, Emily, was placed on my floor, my whole being came alive. And again I have to say, it’s so good to be able to talk to someone. The worst thing you can do is to ingore someone. Ingore their needs and wants. Everyone needs to know that they are being heard and yes, even a house wants some attention and love. �
Now I converse all the time. Now I’m finally being heard. Hahah, a house conversing with people. So odd, yet so comforting. For years I would creak and groan only to be ignored but not by these people. When I was built my creators spoke to me and I thought that all people spoke house. I was sadly mistaken. For years after they left I felt silenced until the Lesos walked in. I’m so happy they came to stay. My rebirth. YAY/
My look at how the time flies by. I’m so sorry. I prattle on sometimes. It’s so hard sometimes to stop talking once I start. I’ve had no one to talk to for years. Some of my friends are still waiting for someone to hear them. Remember that we houses do talk and we talk about you but you never seem to acknowlege us.
We sit and watch and creak our concerns and observations but you, as humans, ignore us. You go about your daily business so involved in your lives that you don’t see or hear all the wonders around you.
With all the beauty you tend to keep your focus on these little screens. You don’t look at the big picture of life but the little picture of a hand held device. Oh, I know I’m starting to sound like an old fart, but I guess that’s what I am.
I keep straying from the story. So let me get focused before Robert, the author, stops me . I have seen greed in many forms from these comers and goers in my life. It is a sicknes, we houses, think. Wanting more and more, at the expense of others. It’s a darkness I have personally seen. The only thing that can combat the darkness, is the light. So, as I said, let’s get on with the story and I will keep my creaks to myself. Well, I’ll try. Hahahah.


Band of Innocence is now a finalist in the Eric Hoffer Book Award contest. YAY


We just won a distinguished award from the Independent Publishers. This will be two awards for this book. I hope y'all can pick up a copy. I think you'll love it.


The Band fights to protect this planet and all who live here. Band of Innocence-Legacy is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and at On The Lamb Productions.

The earth is under attack and the Mother must defend herself. So she uses the most innocent to help her protect her creation. Here is another member of the band. Fala.


The earth is under attack and the Mother must defend herself. So she uses the most innocent to help her protect her creation. Here is another member of the band. Fala.


The Band of Innocence-Legacy is available everywhere now. Order a copy and join the band. This is Victor Xio another band member.

The Band of Innocence-Legacy is available all over now. Get a copy and join the Band. This is another member. Victor Xio.


The Band of Innocence-Legacy is available all over now. Get a copy and join the Band. This is another member. Victor Xio.


The Band is available at Barnes and Noble, Amazon and at On the Lamb Productions. Here is Santiago, another member of the Band.


One of the characters in Band of Innocence. Paka.


A bit of the second book. Greed. How current.


Best Juvenile Fiction. Wow. Join the Band.


We won the NYC Big Book Award. YAY

Robert Agnello ,Emmy ward-winning artist & award-winning author. 09/30/2019

It's on. Wednesday at 5PM EST. Come and play.

Robert Agnello ,Emmy ward-winning artist & award-winning author. Join me as I talk to Robert Agnello who has influenced children, young adults and adults themselves in his magical world of Glimmers , Hero's , teachers and truth . I was so honored to be in Roberts book about The Glimmers save Christmas as the Glimmer Hollee and it's truly an honor to have Robert o...

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Band of Innocence

Band of Innocence is about 7 children with an innocence so pure that they have been selected by Mother Nature and her to children to battle the coming darkness. They wield the powers of the earth.


Jersey City, NJ