Kalispell Massage Therapy, Inc.

PERMANENTLY CLOSED—(Couldn’t keep up w/BIG Pharma/ALL of the Surgeries/INS/Lawsuits and NoShows)

Serving NW Montana since 2002

Specializing in the following styles of Massage:

- Swedish - Relaxing & rejuvenating

- Deep Tissue - Traces individual muscles

- Neuro-Muscular - Pressure on the knots

- Cranio-Sacral - Subtle Massage to help balance the nervous system & release undue pressure on the brain & spinal cord.

- Integrative Massage - combines all therapies in 1 session

No matter what aches you have, Gina has the massage for you!


Oh My Goodness…Wow..! You’re back/neck or shoulder HURT…?

Why— I have Never Met a Person Alive (or even been that person) with an injury or an ache…🤔


It’s Uncanny to think or understand that You have Pain….WOW!

What are You going to do..?

How about drugs? Do they last..? 🤔
Surgery? I understand dr’s can replace like EVERYthing…!!

Aaamazing…! Just three years ago, Americans spent 9BILLION on BACK PAIN (Therapy/Care) ALONE….🫣

Awee—-just have EVERYthing filled with drugs or replaced….and THEN You WON’T HAVE ANY Worries….🤥…

I Mean—as a 28yr Manuel/Hands-on Bodyworker…..I have NOT Seen the amount of RIDICULOUSness….😳




NMT..(muscles traced—trigger points dissipated)—-then Cranial Sacral—-releasing and balancing the cranial bones….
(If these bones and muscles are not released and balanced—the headaches will continue—then, the prescribed Pain meds WILL BE Prescribed….🤐🤯….

Aaaagain—-IF YOU Don’t’ have a TEAM that #1) CARES….and #2) IS Experienced/Knowledgeable—and WILL TAKE THE Time—
And COLLABORATE with OTHER Qualified Professionals——the toxin accumulation will cause sickness……! 🤮🤯…🥲….

IT IS C-1, C-2—along with the Cranial bones, The Endocrine System—the lymph nodes, diet, StReSS—-LACK of Proper Treatment/Care at the right time……
(I have NEVER Seen the issues where People cannot get Free of Chemicals and Pain)




Anesthesia—-HAS to come OUT of the Body..!



RE; a Part of WHY I AM NOT in The Valley, Treating, ANYmore👉🤮….🤑🤑

IT IS Just as BAD, If Not worse where I am, NOW—Only INCLUDE Purposeful Car-accidents, UNinsured Motorists, and 5X as Many People…
ALL-ON 3-5 different drugs, including statins--Blood-Pressure meds, dope, m**h, others—if not those drugs—than it’s the chemicals from the foods, CAUSING Many of the issues…
(And THAT IS Public Knowledge, NOW)

👉They have changed their name to Logan “Health” (I Beleive) BECAUSE OF ALL OF The LAWSUITS….AND The Breach(s) of Secure and Private Health Information…FOLLOW THE $$🤮—How Many Attorneys ARE INVOLVED…🤮🤑🤑…??..”Cha-CHING!! 🏦💸💰

👉Patients POSSIBLY Recieving the wrong meds/surgery/improper follow-up “Care”/too many and too much chemical(s) because of differing tests, etc.🤢☠️🤕

I used to work in WF—at old North Valley Hosp—-(Manuel Therapy—-pre and post surgery, offering Patients “Care”)

I also used to have an Office in Kalispell….
I KNOW Many of the surgeons that I worked along side-of used to ridicule Me—-I mean BEFORE they were going to CUT-SOMEone’s leg-off…😵‍💫
Ohh, and they ALL have $2-300,000 CUSTOM HOMES…??
SOO, Would THEY HAVE The Procedure or take the drug they are recommending TO YOU…??
I didn’t “See” or fully understand-it when I was there—I was just excited to work along side of “doctors” Who I THOUGHT Really CARED about the “HEALTH” of a Person…
(They used to come into the Patients Room, I CAN recall—with their Arrogance—and use a marker to write-on the leg they were going to CUT-OFF…!?? (Soo they wouldn’t CUT-OPEN THE WRONG-LEG🤮)

👉Americans—3 yrs ago spent $9 BILLION Dollars to GET-OUT OF PAIN—in particular, BACK-Pain….
And NOW, MANY People are running and driving around w/Metal Replacements IN their joints…? WHAT IS THAT doing to their Body, blood and brain…? (NOT to mention the drugs—that may be still stuck IN the Body..(Soft-tissue), Brain/Lungs)
That and what about getting ALL of the Anesthesia and Pain-pill meds OUT of the Body—?? Including the gadolinium..? (I was also Over-Booked—Clients not showing-up—I was getting sick—(leaking roof both at home and Office—(and I was drinking too much—that was/is on Me).
People tell Me “Stop-Caring, Move-On”—-Bullshirt—- A GIFTED HEALER WILL NEVER TURN-OFF “Healing”—— I will just move to where I am celebrated instead of tolerated…

And, I will NOT tolerate misappropriate advances—(more so, here😠)—Nor People Who fail/cannot See My Gift—and Pay Me, Accordingly.


NorthValley Hospital (former name--in Whitefish, MT--Now named "Logan Health"--WAS BUILT on the premise of “Patient-Centered-CARE”—-and that IS NOT endless drugs and surgery…..which then leads to more drugs and surgery….which then causes the Body to become TOXIC—and burdened w/Chemicals….

(The Arrogance OF MOST Dr’s, ALONE is enough to make nearly EVERYone 💔😥—just plain HEARTsick….🤮🤑🤑)
We have MORE than Enough qualified and Very Good Professionals that IF and WHEN (they lay aside their egos) and WORK-Together with a Collaborative effort and force—- THEY COULD—MANY Times Over “HEAL”….
(SAME in The Political arena👉🤮🤑🤢)

*YEAH, I AM Pissed—-and ALL Of YOU KNOW What I am expressing….and also See the same thing…!!

The Human Body does age and change—And Yet—it was meant to move and FEEL GOOD, and BE Resilient up into a persons 70’s, 80’s, even 90’s—depending on genetics and “Lifestyle”

👉Shall We discuss “LAW-Suits..?”
👉What about “HEALTH” CARE…?
👉CO19 WAS a Set-Up—and a SHAM—and they (the fed govt—SHOULD NOW Help Americans to get FREE of Chemicals and PAIN, NOT OPEN Borders and Let Savages INTO Our Neighborhoods—stealing cars and breaking into homes and garages😳)



Ladies and Gentleman…Seriously..?

SHOULDER..?? 🤷‍♀️Knee and DBL knee replacements? ELBOW replacements..??
DBL hip Replacements, Fusions….?? Breast Implant illness😳🫣...Breast cancer..?

WHERE ARE The "HEALERS?"--VS The Cutters and Jabbers....?

This IS NOT “HealthCare”…..🥲😣


28yrs, Manuel Therapy—-including 9 in a hospital….😠👎👎

Warning: Your Medical Scan Could Cause Gadolinium Poisoning with Debbie Heist Lambert 05/04/2024


It’s NEVER discussed—-We ARE BEING Poisened…..🤮🤢


Warning: Your Medical Scan Could Cause Gadolinium Poisoning with Debbie Heist Lambert Gadolinium is a toxic rare earth metal commonly used as a contrast agent in medical scans. Doctors love it because it makes bones and muscles glow in the dar...


I’ll bet Soo Many Of You would benefit from this, alone…..



This is a pic of a tiny little glass bowl….(it’s part of a set of 4)……
I am posting-it—just reminiscing—because I can remember buying them before I was going to a Party——a Party at an Orthopedic doctors house—(a surgeon) now, quite a few years ago.. a dr who had performed surgery at NVH—a hospital I used to work-at in WhiteFish, MT, doing “Massage Therapy”—-or Manuel “Care.”—

Ohh—I can remember being laughed at by all of the doctors there—-🙄👉🤣 I mean before they were going to replace a knee, a hip, do carpel tunnel surgery—-ALL of the procedures that have allowed them to have BIG Homes AND Properties…(hundreds of thousands of 🤑 dollars they make every year, “cutting and drugging!”)….I wonder if You told one of these doctors they needed one of their procedures—they jump on board…!??

SOO, Could their Patients with two hip replacements, two knee replacements, and NOW SHOULDER REPLACEMENTS…(😳)…..or maybe even an elbow replacement—even make-it through an airport scanner….!??

BodyWorker, 28yrs—sickened at what I am Seeing….😠



One reason, I closed “Therapy” Biz…

Soo, Who’s body ISN’t wearing/hurting/breaking down? 🧐
Who’s shoulders’/shoulder are NOT HURTING…!?
Who’s back DOES’NT HURT..!?
Those Cortisone shots working for Ya..!?
What about the Opioids…!?

Obviously THIS Woman SHOULD GET 1-2.5 MILLION DOLLARS….!! 👉🤑🤮



This…Pulling inward—doing repair work…



The Cranial bones, and the TMJ, and the C-Spine…..



Needs to Be Applied by a Chiropractor, (Who knows the skull/cranial bones) and THEN the Muscles..(the soft tissue) treated with pressure, by a Manuel Therapist..(to release the Trigger points)—which will ensure that the adjustment will hold/(stay balanced)

Soft tissue Treatment (MyOp) is Best BEFORE and After this-type of adjustment….and balancing the cranial and sacral bones, along with maxilla/mandible “untwisting/unwinding”—(all depends on if there was an injury, like a fall or even sleeping incorrectly)…

~Gina..(27yrs, Manuel Therapist)


If a Person has a “shunt”—(medical device, in their brain)
THIS Type of Manuel Treatment IS a CONTRA-Indication….Means NO CAN touch/apply pressure—-Could Cause Major Problems….! 👉😃👎👎




Eggcept! It’s BEST NOT to “Manually” Treat a Muscle—WHEN IT Has Been Injured….(same w/joint replacements…🤦‍♀️…🙃)

Yeah—NO “Common Sense, ANYmore!”


Photos from Kalispell Massage Therapy, Inc.'s post 01/09/2024

Several of You have been attempting to contact Me…(possibly for Bodywork/Pain relief)….I should finally add—-And I See and Understand-it, now—-although I am not out of-it, yet…
There was Mold in My (now former) Office space (off of 1st & Main—downtown, Kalispell)
Doug Houtz (406-871-0114) and the Building Owner—Holly Jean Larson—(406-270-7317) now former) knew of the Mold/Leaking ceiling and were attempting to “coax” Me out of there—(instead of just being honest w/Me)….
Mold poisoning can also show-up as a Traumatic Brain Injury…I am still doing what I can to get out of-it….🤯(Mold Rage)

See pics of text messages, below….😢

, , ….🤮🤑…

Wish I was still there… I Miss My People…



Sooo, Who’s ALL Still in Love with Ya $$…?
Who’s suing Who, NOW…? 🤑🤮

Ya know, if You have a minor conflict—like a car accident OR a medical professional mis-diagnoses som**hing regarding Your “Health” issue…..You may, just in fact be liable for up to 2.5million dollars🤑…OR; You MAY be ENTITLED to 5.4Million dollars IF You have found OTHERS at fault!!


We have an increase of drug..(pain-killer usage) BECAUSE People want OUT of PAIN. Pills and surgery are THE LAST OPTION... If You have ONE surgery--having had anesthesia and then pain pills, it ONLY precedes to an imbalance and then on to the next surgery and round of drugs...."Therapy--"Care" is different for different People at different times.

Sleeping correctly as possible, Insoles, Walking/Yoga/Exercise/Weight training...then, Bodywork (Massage), Chiro, PT, included with Yoga/Weight training/Deep breathing, etc.


👉Going-ON, EVERYwhere…!

Kalispell Massage Therapy, Inc. PERMANENTLY CLOSED—(Couldn’t keep up w/BIG Pharma/ALL of the Surgeries/INS/Lawsuits and NoShows)

Photos from Kalispell Massage Therapy, Inc.'s post 07/02/2023

How MANY “Scripts” from differing “DOCTORS”—-to allow People to get the hands-on “CARE” that they “NEED?”

Q; Why do You need a “Script”—for Muscle Care/Therapy…!?

(UNless its an Insurance (MVA—(motor vehicle accident) ==>Lawsuit…..🤮🤑



SOO—-Let Me Be as “Correct” as possible here….(I am trying to understand)….

A Person does NOT want to be “touched” by a Manuel Therapist…(Caregiver)—(a PT/Chiro/Massage Therapist/Accupuncturist—-Who Offers a Therapeutic touch to alleviate shoulder/neck/arm and or back PAIN—-and Yet—-ITS 100% Perfectly “Normal” and acceptable to have a “SURGEON”—fill You with DRUGS, have You naked, on a Metal table—(with others there, as well)….and CUT YOUR LEG OFF…!? To put plastic there…!?
My point—an OUNCE of Prevention—“CARE”



Ankle Replacements?
Knee and DBL knee replacements?
Neck fusions?
Elbow replacements?
Sciatica injections?
Carpel Tunnel Surgery?

Opioids/Hydrocodone/Botox injections?

IT’s ALL in an effort to alleviate PAIN….

(I have had MyOWN—and made My Own Stupid decisions/choices—-THAT IS HOW I KNOW)

You’ll have Your WHOLE Body Pierced/Tattooed—But NOT want Therapeutic “Care?”

SOO, If You have ONE Knee OR ONE Hip Replaced—-or even ONE shoulder replaced…does that mean NO More PAIN…!?

Falls preceded car accidents….
Our WHOLE “HealthCare” System…IS BROKEN
Same w/Our FOOD System….
Our Work-Conditions—-(Espec B/C of Covid)
Has especially deteriorated….
NO One wants to hire—or can find People to work…?

Then, when a person applies—-they tell them they are not qualified…or too young, or too old…

And ALL Of Our “Social Media” IS NOT Telling what IS REALLY going-on….🫤

Okay, I am just “processing”…..😬

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