Cross Border Drivers - SADC

Cross Border Drivers - SADC

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This is a social group created by truck drivers for communication, sensitization and problem solving.

Photos from SADC's post 01/05/2024



Just as we are about to celebrate the New Year, the trucking industry has been hit by disturbing news.

As reported earlier, a combined team of Ministry of Labour and Social Security Zambia , National Pension Scheme Authority - NAPSA and others tried to exercise their constitution right to question suspected erring employers, but were blocked by someone above. The trucking industry is likely to down tools unless the culprits who are fond of overriding the constitution are exposed and punished henceforth.

As leaders, we try as much as possible to avoid such striking actions.

However, the mood of drivers thus far is quite volatile and may result into a very serious country wide strike which can negatively affect our operations and the economy.

The following letter, addressed to Cabinet Office Lusaka and 'cced' to various institutions is an appeal to our law makers to do the right thing before it's too late.

Your positive urgent responses will greatly mitigate the situation before it gets out of hand.


Andrew K. Kabaghe
Sadc Truck Drivers Association of Zambia

The Ministry of Transport and Logistics
The Ministry Of Home Affairs and Internal Security
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services
Zambia Daily Mail
ZNBC Today
Zambia Whistle Blower
Ask Muvi TV
BBC News
Anti- Corruption Commission Zambia
Hakainde Hichilema
W.K Mutale Nalumango
Diamond TV Zambia
Upnd united party for national development
Zambia Reports
Hon Jack Mwiimbu
Zambian Watchdog
Zambian Whistleblower


President Hakainde Hichilema needs to check his cabinet closely lest he faces similar situation as of President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi in recent DRC elections.

Time and again, we have been blaming the Ministry of Labour and Social Security Zambia that they are toothless or compromised.

However, it is quite clear that Time Trucking and other transporting companies, which are alleged to be a thorn in their employees' shoes have deep-rooted connections to the person(s) above.

If a company can refuse to cooperate with such an enormous entourage and clearly threaten to call someone from above, it plausibly shows that there's a shameless conflict of interest in the trucking industry.

And as a concerned driving fraternity, we need to know the person(s) the manager was threatening to call.

Where's Anti- Corruption Commission Zambia and investigative journalism to take keen interest in this matter?

What went wrong with reshuffling ministers in order to promote transparency?

If our president is concerned about walking his own talk, like "there will be no political favors under my government", this matter should be bothering him right now. Unless he is the one who interfered with the good investigations which ended prematurely?

He really needs to exonerate himself by trying to intervene and let the public know who really interfered with the good cause by our government officials.

This is really heartbreaking 💔 and in as much as we would love President HH to scoop the next elections, betraying our trust is not an easily forgivable matter.

Zambians have got only one country and if politicians cannot protect them in their own country, where can they be safe?

We really need your leadership Mr President.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Concerned Citizens


Times of Zambia - TOZ
Zambia Daily Mail
The Ministry Of Home Affairs and Internal Security
ZNBC Today
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services
BBC News Africa
BBC News
Ask Muvi TV
Zambia Reports
Sadc Truck Drivers Association of Zambia
Diamond TV Zambia
Zambia Whistle Blower
Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Hon Jack Mwiimbu
The Ministry of Transport and Logistics
National Pension Scheme Authority - NAPSA

Photos from Ask RTSA's post 12/30/2023



Recently, The Ministry of Transport and Logistics Minister, disclosed that a huge number of motorists were caught on camera over speeding and will have to pay their fines through phones.

Do you know what that means Mr. President?

That means that the money will go to the right channel and will eventually benefit the government.

In contrast, if these cameras were hand held by traffic police officers, how much was going to go to the government?

I don't know if police declares how much they cash in to the government, but that number disclosed by Hon Hon Frank Museba Tayali - Ndola Central Constituency MP during operation with Ask RTSA should make any patriotic Zambian start asking questions such as how much money could have gone to the wrong hands if...?

My point here is that, are not solving their intended purposes, and yet cannot lie nor hide certain number of offenders/vehicles for their own personal benefits.

If anything, let (as in 1984 novel by George Orwell).

We would rather switch to AI Security Cameras and automated payment system as opposed to having compromised people on the roads who are only good at slowing down traffic flow whilst ensuring that they don't leave any vehicles unchecked for their personal benefits.

That disturbance alone on that video, jammed a lot of motorists. This is why in Zambia, it's hard to keep time even when you have personal transport.

President Hakainde Hichilema , the ball is in your hands. We need proper leadership on these outdated checkpoints.
Moreover, you are upgrading our roads to internationally accepted standards. Possibly, even to , but how are they going to be called Freeways if checkpoints will be perpetual?

My advice is that, we should really upgrade our traffic policing through automation and options are endless nowadays.

For example, camera drones are getting cheaper than all the money combined which goes into corrupt police officers' pockets. We really need to move with time.

Before concluding, may I make an ernest appeal to our law makers: please, change the behavior of our police officers. This issue of pulling suspected traffic offenders by sleeves/clothes should come to an end. This is intimidation in a ploy to silence them even when they have video evidence against the same police officers. Moreover, a motorists has a number plate to track him on later than trying to use force as if Zambia Police Service is still a force. Why creating a scene when the can still follow him using his registration?

Your positive consideration will go a very long way.


Andrew K Kabaghe
International Relations
Sadc Truck Drivers Association of Zambia
Anti- Corruption Commission Zambia
The Ministry Of Home Affairs and Internal Security

Road Development Agency
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services
Ministry of Finance and National Planning, , Lusaka-Zambia
Hon Jack Mwiimbu
Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Cross Border Drivers - SADC
Times of Zambia - TOZ
Zambia Daily Mail
Zambia Whistle Blower
Zambia Reports
Ask Muvi TV
ZNBC Today
BBC News Africa
BBC News


Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎 Oscar Allan Mbewe

Photos from Cross Border Drivers - SADC's post 12/25/2023



It is disheartening to learn that our beloved country will never move out of archaic behavior regardless of how many regimes we vote in and out of office.

The issue of mounting "security checkpoints" is not only backwards and hindering smooth movements of traffic, it is damaging our roads and image.

When we (Cross Border Drivers) heard news that checkpoints were removed, we celebrated because we thought our country has finally engaged the right gear, and is willing to move forward (probably in conformity with President Hakainde Hichilema 's slogan - , ). Little did we know that Zambians can never do without seeing drums and barriers all over our highways by either police or Municipal Councils.

Unless, there is a good reason, why did they remove checkpoints; only to be brought back shortly?
What is really going on in our country? Why removing checkpoints if we can't live without them?

This question is lingering in many people’s minds and needs honest answers. Why would we really need security checkpoints when we are neither at war within nor with outsiders?

The history behind security checkpoints in Zambia dates back to United National Independence Party (UNIP).

Then, Zambia and other African countries such as Tanzania and Mozambique were involved in liberation struggles of many Southern African countries.
For example, we had freedom fighters from Zimbabwe (ZANUPF), South Africa African National Congress - ANC , Namibia (SWAPO) and we silently supported other countries to fight neocolonialism.

Despite being liberated in 1964, Zambia was as good as not being independent as long as was surrounded by countries under colonial rule.

More so that Zambia is landlocked, and needed access to the nearest seaports such as of Mozambique, Angola , Namibia and South Africa besides Tanzania’s, which was much farther away.

Unfortunately , Mozambique and Angola were at civil wars until recently (after Zambia’s intervention) and only after the demise of rebel leader - Jonas Savimbi (respectively).

As a result, Zambia became vulnerable to attacks (just like some of us are) for openly fighting for other people’s freedoms. For example, history has it that Kafue Bridge was bombed by suspected Ian Smith’s soldiers (from colonial Zimbabwe). And many Boers were being caught trying to infiltrate Zambia through Malawi borders, whose President Austin Kamudzu Banda, was a good friend with South Africa’s Apartheid regimes.

Having all these insecurities, checkpoints were justifiable, thus their introduction. And these were not meant for traffic police officers. They were for Zambia defense forces such as Zambia National Service - ZNS, and Zambia Paramilitary Police who falls under Ministry Of Home Affairs but with internal or state security at heart and expertise.

However, the introduction of democracy and free market economy in Zambia; without proper accountability measures, has come with other consequences such as commercializing of certain government operations such as turning security checkpoints into money making ventures - for those who man them and their superiors (not government).

Unlike olden days where everyone, including ministers and all public workers had to account for their assets, free market economy loosened the bolts, and every Jim and Jack is free to posses anything without raising eyebrows regardless of one’s official income or salary scale.

Hence, Security Check Points has been turned into Traffic Check Points where faultfinding of vehicles is the order of the day, and fastest way of achieving one’s dreams.

Consequently, abolishing these archaic checkpoints means depriving others of supplementary income, and beneficiaries, are a very big and seemingly unbreakable cartels, who will use any means possible to ensure that checkpoints are justified.

Rumor has it that some even forfeit their salaries in order to be posted into strategic positions where they sorely rely procides of corruption or onsite incentives!

The biggest propaganda they often use is that there will be a lot of criminal activities once these checkpoints are removed. With the lack of investigative journalism in Zambia, coupled with lack of political will to stop breastfeeding, their statements seem to be true.

Any criminality or accident which happens during their suspension, is usually blamed on lack of checkpoints as if they are even effective in combating the same vices when in full swing.

The Chingwere Grave-Site-damping of bodies suspected to be of “human-trafficking-goes-wrong” must be one of good questions asked on whether our security checkpoints are really as effective as some people are made to gullibly think.

If we are intelligent enough, we should be asking ourselves “if checkpoints were effective, how did someone manage to sneak past all of them, with illegal immigrants who consequently died and ended up being dumped at Chingwere cemetery without being detected?”

In case you don’t know, what usually happens is that, if you know you are carrying something illegal, or if your vehicle has some defects, you get your PODs or plain papers and put K100 note inside and go straight to the person(s) in charge of the particular checkpoint. You just hand it over and quickly gladly he/she will remove that money, and write you a note to show at the next checkpoints.

Since, this document is valid for 24hrs, you have to make sure that you move really fast to avoid spending another K100 before reaching your destination or leaving this corrupt country. But to those who think their vehicles are roadworthy and decide to seat still, the police will scrutinize them painfully slow and thoroughly; taking their time, checking everything, going tyre by tyre (even for double trailered vehicles), and if you aren’t compelled to make plans; they will try to scam you by telling you to "go and park over there". Before you find space to pull over, they will have come up with something to pin you on. Even awkward things like triangles, or not wearing safety shoes (as if you are entering industrial or mining area)!

They often expect any vehicles, regardless of their origins to carry steel triangles like the ones “made-by-fwebene”, rejecting original plastic ones which come with vehicles from other countries!

And if you are too cowardly, or in a hurry to endure, you will end up paying heavily. And this time, they will ask you to pay a full official penalty, unless you prove to them beyond any reasonable doubt that you can’t afford, that is when they will accept your K100 bribe and release you. By that time, your friends (if in a convoy) will be gone , putting you under intense pressure (another recipe for desperate driving which might put you and other road users in danger).

These checkpoints make drivers spend more time or money than any other countries in the entire SADC region, maybe only second to Democratic Republic of the Congo or Mozambique. The most notorious ones (according to my survey and experience) are: all traffic checkpoints are a nightmare in Zambia, and they are doing extremely well at tarnishing our image!

The saddest part is that, their cartels are too strong for any cowering presidency. To make matters worse, our opposition political parties in Zambia are mean and self centered. They always want to capitalize on literally anything.

If for example, government abolishes checkpoints, they will criticize or cry out loudest, and if they’re reintroduced, they will still criticize and start accusing government of ill intentions.

The point is no one can please Zambian opposition parties. They are all not realistic and honest. Ignoring the fact that, to make any country a good place to live in, requires the honest participation of everyone, regardless of their tribe, religion, skin colour and political affiliations.

Plausibly, the way politicians behave in Zambia, they can even stage crimes in order to justify the need for keeping security checkpoints intact, which are thorns in everyone’s shoes.

I even wonder how our roads will be looking like after they are made wide enough to be turned into freeways (under the on going triple P) amidst these outdated checkpoints, which we don’t seem to do away with?

In order to fight cartels; which are behind ensuring that checkpoints aren’t removed, we need to utilize and invest more in installed cameras and start acquiring drones to monitor criminal activities along the highways and around communities, respectively.

Nowadays, camera drones are cheaper than most cell phones. We often buy them as toys for our children, hence, government, or any private security agencies can never fail to afford them.

Once checkpoints are removed, make cameras drones, monitored by honest people, such as OPs, or investigative journalists, or privately contracted intelligence firms and fly all over crime hot-spot zones, and start following suspicious movements/activities. These should include police posts and stations just in case.

No sooner, we will come out of our phobias of failing to live without checkpoints. Of course we can have police presence in cars, ready to be deployed to pursue any captured criminal activities. By so doing, will become more efficient and criminal activities will dwindle (that is, if we are really interested in fighting these crimes).

On traffic offenses, already Rtsa is utilizing these cameras and has a long list of vehicles to pay fines or apprehend. What do we need checkpoints for?

In as much as it is good income ventures for others, government need to level playing field for all public workers and should have same incentives.

Moreover, government workers get almost same salaries. Why should a selected few benefit from motorists?

From time to time, we have been advising governments and particularly The Ministry Of Home Affairs and Internal Security to make it easy for motorists, even those found wanting, need a transparent system, where the only duty for a traffic police officer is to write and dish fines to would be offenders, only to be paid at their convenience, but within time limits.

For example, in progressive countries such as South Africa, Botswana and Namibia, they give up to 3 months to settle, failure to which an offender can be prosecuted and jailed, even in their absence (if they deliberately miss court hearing for their traffic offenses.

Allowing police officers to collect cash for fines, or forcing clients to go and pay through the bank immediately, is the route cause of this corruption which is delaying the removal of checkpoints and robbing government income generated from traffic offenses.

In conclusion, traffic checkpoints needs to be completely stopped and modern ways of combating traffic misconduct and crime must be employed.

However, if we really need checkpoints for security, let them be manned by Ministry of Defense , in corroboration with internal state security personnel such as paramilitary police and intelligence.

Moreover, we don’t need any form of barricades in our roads, except if there is a state of emergency.

Your positive consideration on this matter will save our already damaged image.

Thanking you in advance.

Andrew K. Kabaghe.
International Relations
Truck Drivers Association of Zambia .
Movement for Multiparty Democracy
Patriotic Front - PF

Ministry of Finance and National Planning, , Lusaka-Zambia
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services
Ministry Of General Education Zambia MGEZ
Zambia Police Service
Ministry of Tourism Zambia
Ministry of Home Affairs
The Ministry of Transport and Logistics
African Unity
Traffic desk
Road Development Agency
Ask Muvi TV
Cross Border Drivers - SADC
Ladies Behind Big Wheels Of Zambia
Zambia Whistle Blower
Zambia Daily Mail
Zambia Reports
Zambian Government
Zambian Watchdog
Zambian Whistleblower
Zambia Institute of Mass Communication- Zamcom
Zambia Daily mail
Times of Zambia - TOZ
BBC News Africa

Economic Freedom Fighters
Zambia International Truck Drivers




Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 William Busuulwa, Sadden Paul, Rodrick Phiri, Kelvin Phiri, Yule John, Maiko Chisola, Luckson Malachi, Zwelibanzi Tshili, Malasha Tobby, Gordon Gondwe


come and make a pledge here


This festive period, let us pledge to be responsible road users by doing our part.

Admin start;

“ I pledge to do my part by being a responsible road user.
I will do so by providing enough road safety sensitization messages and enforcing the law…”

Who is next?

What do you pledge to do?

PhotoCredit: dreams time.

Photos from Zambian Landscape's post 12/04/2023

Instead of spending hours, days, weeks, months and seasons guarding mealie Meal "smuggling" let the ZNS take to farming instead.
Thank you President Hakainde Hichilema .


When congestion to Kasumbalesa became unmanageable, we asked the Minister of Transport to consider opening other borders such as Mokambo, Sakanya and Kipushi.

Which they did but the roads were, (and in Kipushi are) impassable, which prompted us to ask the same minister to construct roads.

In response the mister said government had no money. It is at this point when I wrote to government whether they could consider private partnering.

The aim was to find a construction company which has capital and do the road, then put toll gates afterwards and start reaping back their money until their dues are paid in full.

This article also featured in Times of Zambia - TOZ and was adopted and passed into law hence the new road constructions country wide.

However, after completing Chingola - Kasumbalesa road, the tollgate was installed and prices were set, which has brought a lot of controversy and there are a lot of misconceptions, which, as the one who proposed PPP have to clear some air, hence this live broadcast.

Andrew K. Kabaghe
International Relations
Sadc Truck Drivers Association of Zambia

Hakainde Hichilema
W.K Mutale Nalumango
Hon Frank Museba Tayali - Ndola Central Constituency MP
Jack J Mwiimbu - Monze Central
The Ministry of Transport and Logistics
The Ministry Of Home Affairs and Internal Security
The Ministry of Finance & Planning
Road Development Agency
National Road Fund Agency - NRFA
ZNBC Today
Zambia Daily Mail
Ask Muvi TV
Diamond TV Zambia
BBC News Africa
Dr. Elias Munshya
ZNBC Today
Ministry of Tourism Zambia The Kinshasa Times
Ministry of Labour and Social Security Zambia
Katanga News
Bongo News

The voice of kinshasa


When congestion to Kasumbalesa became unmanageable, we asked the Minister of Transport to consider opening other borders such as Mokambo, Sakanya and Kipushi.
Which they did but the roads were and in Kipushi are impassable, which prompted us to ask the same minister to construct roads. In response the mister said government had no money. It is at this point when I wrote to government whether they could consider private partnering. The aim was to find a construction company which has capital and do the road then put toll gates afterwards and start reaping back there money until their dues are paid in full.
This article also featured in Times of Zambia - TOZ and was adopted and passed into law hence the new road constructions country wide.
However, after completing Chingola - Kasumbalesa road, the tollgate was installed and prices were set, which has brought a lot of controversy and there are a lot of misconceptions, which, as the one who proposed PPP have to clear, hence this live broadcast.

Andrew K. Kabaghe
International Relations
Sadc Truck Drivers Association of Zambia

Hakainde Hichilema
W.K Mutale Nalumango
Hon Frank Museba Tayali - Ndola Central Constituency MP
Jack J Mwiimbu - Monze Central
The Ministry of Transport and Logistics
The Ministry Of Home Affairs and Internal Security
The Ministry of Finance & Planning
Road Development Agency
National Road Fund Agency - NRFA
ZNBC Today
Zambia Daily Mail
Ask Muvi TV
Diamond TV Zambia
BBC News
Ministry of Labour and Social Security Zambia
Katanga news
The Kinshasa Times


A few weeks ago, there was a protest against remittance of risk allowances to transporters instead of drivers.

Facts of the matter are that, drivers across the Sadc region decided to put handbrakes on and refused to leave mining areas until their demands were met.

During this protest, various mines sent representatives to address drivers, hoping to resolve the stand off.

Most of them never denied that there was a payment for carrying dangerous products. Some, in the video below, stated that they started giving risk allowances to transporters since 2009.

In fact, the first time drivers learnt about the remittance of risk allowances was way back at Kamoa mine when a Zimbabwean driver was shot and killed by unknown gunman.

It was learnt that at least, $700 was usually paid. This surprised many drivers and a call was made to look into the matter. This platform made a post which made some official from Kamoa Mine ask this page to retract the statement as it puts his job in danger. Later on, it was alleged that the mine released a report, denying that there was any risk allowances paid to any transporters for drivers!

But as Zulu saying states "Umulilo aungavimbe", losely meaning that fire can never be covered-up. The issue of risk allowances has emerged again. And from a honest angle, is a time bomb meant to explode again until demands are met.

This time, drivers almost succeeded.
However, forces against the call for risk allowances (to be paid to drivers) teamed up and made sure that drivers didn't get what they rightfully deserved. It was alleged that a well known company from Congo, hired armed soldiers to guard and es**rt their trucks out of the mine and towards the border. On the other hand, transporters in Zambia circulated a letter rubbishing claims that there was any risk allowances paid to them! This weakend the protest just at the a time when mines were about to succumbed. This though from a human rights' view, leaves more questions than answers as to whether majority of Southern African countries really respect workers rights to peaceful protest?

Much as we acknowledge that there are a lot of losses measures to be considered before such demands can be met, at least, hosting government officials were supposed to come and address the striking drivers so that they could appreciate what was going on. Moreso that what drivers were crying for is genuine.

Imagine a situation where drivers are exposed to all sorts of minerals, some of which emit radiation.

Isn't it a good idea that they are given some money for lodging and seeking medical attention if needed?

Concurrently, a lot of drivers die mysteriously inside truck cabins, and often companies always try to find a blame on the deceased so that they can get away with compensating their families, let alone to repatriate remains.

Most of the times, we have always been at crossroads with transporters whenever a driver - their once useful worker dies on duty. And since drivers witness this quite often, they know that a risk allowance can go a long way. Not only limited to lodging (when carrying dangerous goods) but for doing vital periodic medical tests. Especially those carrying harmful products such as sulphuric acid, sulphur, sodium and bagged minerals such as cobalt and concentrates.

Honestly, only mines know exactly what they put in those bags and chances are that the elements of uranium can never be completely overruled.

To make matters worse, some drive all the way from Congo to Mozambique, Tanzania, Namibia, South Africa, covering about 1, 907, 2145, 2701, and 2977kms and back (respectively). This is often after spending almost a month or two waiting for paperwork in DRC and days on the road as there is night traveling ban on trucks (with trailers) in Zambia. Besides, there are also breakdowns which force drivers to sleep inside the cabins.

There is indeed, a great need for mines to give drivers risk allowances. After all, this can be another way of adhering to sustainability. At some point, the mining and chemical manufacturing sectors should be encouraged to plough back to communities, especially the people who risk their lives for them.

In other countries, businesses have a mandate to look after the environment and communities by spending some of their earnings on roads, schools and sports.

What is wrong with giving a small token to drivers who deliver their inputs and outputs, and are after all neglected by their own employers?

Of course, there's nothing morally and economically wrong to empowering "economy movers" with a little token of appreciation (in form of an allowance) which can give them a small break from exposure to harmful products and afford them an opportunity to have medical checkups besides. This would ensure that they aren't caught by surprise by sudden illnesses or deaths.

The question should however be: "how can payment be made to drivers without risking their money ending up in the wrong hands again?"

For now, and for preventing our article being too long to follow, will leave that for another article. All we can say now is that: there is no will without a way.

Bottom line is: drivers in most Southern African countries are the most deprived, and neglected despite putting too much effort onto their works. They are the only people who skip all their personal and important family events such as holidays, funerals, children's, spouses' and their own birthdays!
Despite all that, are heavily despised and mistreated.

Lack of political will in DRC and the entire SADC Region, and the continued ignoring their cry for better condition of service is another indication that indeed, no one values drivers. But they are all eager to use force in order to stop their peaceful protests.

Looking at the drivers moods across the region, our warning is that, the fight for risk allowance is not over and politicians, mines and truck owners should know that these protests will continue unless a cohesion is somehow reached.

We all know that it is a very difficult decision because many transporters are used to seeing their drivers struggling and die yearning for descent lives.

Moreover, many politicians have trucks, or at least benefit from transporters at the expense of poor truck drivers. This will one day backfire and end badly.

Before it's too late, we should also take deep steady look into the whole system and benchmark ourselves with Western or developed countries.

Are drivers really not too reasonable to ask for risk allowances?

What if we are all treated the same, would we really keep working?

This is a warning from someone who means well all sides.

A driver, like anybody else deserves allowances and appreciation.


Andrew K. Kabaghe.
International Labour Organization
United Nations Human Rights

SA Truckers SA Truckers
Sadc Truck Drivers Association of Zambia
Times of Zambia - TOZ Zambia Daily Mail
ZNBC Today
Zambia Whistle Blower
Lualaba News Katanga news
Times Of Zambia, Ndola
BBC News Africa BBC News
KBS WORLD Radio German
The Ministry of Transport and Logistics
Ministry of Labour and Social Security Zambia
Hakainde Hichilema
Felix Antoine tshisekedi Tshilombo !l'éspoir du peuple congolais.
Paul Kagame Julius Malema

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THE ISSUE OF RISK ALLOWANCES IS A TIME BOMB.============================A few weeks ago, there was a protest against rem...
Cross Border Drivers Protest Against Risk Allowances
Hon Tayali - Transport Minister.




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