Erica Marie Financials LLC

Partnering with busy female solopreneurs to manage their finances, reduce stress, & achieve success!


You don’t have to choose between your dreams and your family.

It’s possible to achieve your business goals and still be there for the people who matter most.

The problem isn’t your ambition—it’s the way you’ve been told to pursue it.

Here’s the truth about where you might be right now:

1️⃣ You’re passionate about both your business and your family, but you often feel like you’re failing at one or the other because you’re spread way too thin & there just aren't enough hours in the day

2️⃣ You’ve invested time and money into solutions that promised quick fixes, but they didn’t align with your unique needs, so it left you feeling even more behind.

3️⃣ You’re ready to make your dreams a reality, but you need a strategy that honors both your business goals and your personal life, not one or the other.

✅ You can achieve harmony between your business & personal life. I did & I've helped others to do the same- YOU control your priorities, not the other way around!

You've just realized that the way you’re currently operating is not sustainable, but that doesn't mean you can't course correct moving forward to achieve your dreams without the self-sacrifice that got you this far 👇🏽


Ready to stop spinning your wheels and start making real progress? You’ve put in the work, but it feels like you’re just going through the motions, not seeing the results you want.

The key to your success is already within you, you just need to access it!

Here’s what I know:

1️⃣ You want to unlock your full potential and see tangible results from your efforts.

2️⃣ You need a personalized strategy that aligns with your unique strengths and goals.

I see how hard you’ve been working, and I know it’s frustrating when your efforts don’t seem to pay off.

They can once you make the decision to access what you've hidden from yourself...


It’s time to stop doubting yourself—the key to your success is already within YOU!

You’ve been hustling, sacrificing, and striving for so long that in your efforts to achieve your goals, you may have lost sight of the power of YOU.

Here’s what I know:
1️⃣ You’re constantly looking for ways to grow, expand, and succeed, but the more you push, the more elusive your goals seem to become.

2️⃣ You’re driven by a deep desire to provide for your family and leave a lasting legacy, but the journey has left you feeling drained and unsure of your next step.

3️⃣ You know there’s more out there for you, but you’re tired of feeling like you’re spinning your wheels, stuck in the same place despite all your efforts.

💪🏽 Your potential is immense, but following the advice of others who seemed more successful or business-savvy has left you feeling like the problem is you when their way doesn’t work as promised.

Let me be clear—the problem is not you. The problem is that their way isn’t your way. It’s not about achieving someone else’s version of success; it’s about embracing your strengths and pursuing your goals in a way that feels authentic to you.

YOUR people don’t need another carbon copy—they need YOU, the real you!

Are you ready to get back to being you and achieve the success you know you’re meant for?

They say a picture's worth 1,000 words, so I'm sure mine says a whole lot. What do you think I'm saying to YOU?


You started your business with big dreams, but now it feels like you're constantly running on empty.

You give your all to everyone around you & are a big part of why they are all flourishing, but what about YOU? 🤷🏽‍♀️

The problem with running on empty is that it leaves you drained with nothing left to give to yourself.

Pouring from an empty cup may have gotten you this far, but it won’t get you to where you know you can be if you keep on this way. 🫗

While it’s noble and the reason you’re so amazing to everyone else, even though you sometimes struggle to see it for yourself, it’s not sustainable. 😩

Let me be the one to remind you that you deserve to always be running on FULL! 💜

You’ve been everything to everyone else & I applaud you for that 👏🏽, but now it’s time to be everything YOU deserve to be!

It’s not too late; you can realign your efforts, take back your control, take better care of yourself in the process, and start seeing actual progress toward achieving your goals again.

Here’s what I know:

1️⃣ You want a higher level of success, but not at the cost of your well-being or family time.

2️⃣ You need a clear, actionable plan that aligns with your vision and helps you make progress that you can actually see & measure without burning out.

I understand the frustration of giving your all and still feeling like you’re falling short. I’ve been there, too, for longer than I care to admit (check the photo). But, you don’t have to stay that way!

You can’t change the past, but you can adjust the present to make the future better 🔮.

Are you ready to finally do something for you that will allow you to keep helping others while also helping yourself? 🙌🏽

Remember, the better you take care of yourself, the more you can truly help others thrive…


YOUR Dream Life IS Within Reach. No more overwhelm, no more burnout—just real progress with everything you need already inside of you. 💜

Achieving this dream doesn’t have to mean feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or sacrificing time with your family. You can build the life you want without losing yourself in the process.

You might wonder if this is truly possible, but let’s explore why it is…

Here’s what I understand about your journey so far:

1️⃣ You’re driven by a deep desire for success—always seeking the fastest way to your goals. Yet, most programs out there seem to offer more of the same, leaving you to piece together what works and feeling like your time, energy, and money are being wasted.

2️⃣ You’re committed to creating your dream life, understanding that it takes time. But you’re still drawn to those promises of quick results, only to end up feeling like you’re the problem when they don’t deliver.

3️⃣ You’re passionate about your family and clients—you give your all every day, but that often leaves little energy for yourself. At the end of the day, there’s barely time to relax before it all starts again tomorrow.

4️⃣ You’re always looking to grow—constantly expanding your mind and knowledge, yet sometimes, it feels like you’re the one standing in your own way.

5️⃣ You’re focused on the future—so much so that it’s easy to forget to enjoy the present moment, missing out on the here and now.

6️⃣ You’re dedicated to building a lasting legacy—but in the process, you’ve sometimes stretched yourself too thin, overlooking the resources you already have that could help you achieve more with less strain.

How do I know all this? I’ve been there myself.

Think you’ve tried everything? Maybe there’s something you’ve overlooked… 🤔


📣 Calling ALL Ambitious Online Entrepreneurs & Parentpreneurs: Jumpstart YOUR Dream Life Training Series Enrollment is NOW OPEN! 🥳

Ready to make YOUR ambitious dreams a reality? 🙌🏽

Join the Jumpstart YOUR Dream Life Training Series and unlock the path to your ultimate success!

The day you've been anxiously awaiting has finally arrived! 💃🏽

Get ready to dive into the training series that will guide you to...

🔹 Discover Your Purpose to Have a Clear Vision for YOUR Dream Life
🔹 Master Your Money So It Works In YOUR Favor
🔹 Focus Your Time & Efforts for Maximum Impact
🔹 Optimize Your Operations for Increased Efficiency
🔹 Craft YOUR Action Plan for Success & Get to Work Making Your Dream Life a Reality
🔹 Elevate Your Mind to Stop Holding Yourself Back
🔹 Align Your Actions With Producing Your Dream Life

Well...what are YOU waiting for??? 🤔🤷🏽‍♀️

Get Started NOW!! (Link ⬇️)


It can be hard to stay focused on your priorities (Building Your Dream Life) when distractions are all around you. Distractions have a funny way of causing us to doubt our commitment to our goals. 🤔

No one is immune to distractions, but there is hope to overcoming them so that they don't limit your progress & that's exactly what I'll be talking about this Wednesday at 11a on FB LIVE 🔗⏬

I'll cover some of the most common types of distractions that we face as online entrepreneurs. You know, the ones that can potentially hinder our progress & make us feel uncommitted & unproductive. I'll even provide some actionable tips & tricks to help YOU overcome them so you can maintain your focus on your priorities without getting sidetracked or derailed by distractions masquerading as obligations 😲

It's easy to feel like you're the only one who gets distracted as an online entrepreneur & get down on yourself for not having "better discipline." 😞

When, in reality, we all get distracted, at times, the only difference between "them" and you is that they have more tools at their disposal to get them back on track quickly. 😊

YOU can have a community at your disposal to keep you on track if you're up for joining us 🔗👇🏽.

Distractions don't have to be the reason you don't achieve your dream life. 👎🏽

So, go ahead & join me this Wednesday at 11a on FB, & let's empower YOU to overcome them too! 🙌🏽

I'm here to help you go from striving for success to thriving in it. 💜

I'll see YOU Wednesday!

Oh yeah, if you're ready for a deeper dive to Jumpstart YOUR Dream Life, be sure to join the waitlist to get access 1 day BEFORE everyone else & get a secret code to save $50 off YOUR enrollment. 🔗 ⬇️


Happy Friyay, everyone!

As we continue to grow and evolve, so do our offerings & the way we deliver them. In case you missed my FB LIVE earlier today, I'm excited to share that the Empower Your Week and Empower Your Weekend sessions are also evolving (just like the E.Y.O.B Workshop did).

Starting next week, I'll be combining the energy of both sessions into a new weekly event called Midweek Momentum, happening every Wednesday morning at 11 a.m. ET. This shift allows me to focus more deeply on serving those already in my space, whether 1-on-1, in the community, or on the waitlist for the Jumpstart Your Dream Life training series.

For YOU, this means bringing even MORE value and inspiration every week.

So, today marks the end of our Empower Your Week & Empower Your Weekend sessions, but it also signals the beginning of a new chapter. I can't wait to see y'all on Wednesdays, where we'll continue to empower and uplift each other.

E.Y.O.B Community sign-ups are still OPEN! If you're seeking community support, accountability, and growth, you're welcome to join us. (Link 👇🏽)

Use Coupon Code EMPOWER50 to save 50% off your first month with us 💜.

Plus, don’t forget to join the waitlist for the Jumpstart YOUR Dream Life Training Series and be the first to know when enrollment opens! (Waitlist Link 👇🏽)

See you all next Wednesday at 11 a.m. ET for our first Midweek Momentum session where I'll provide you some actionable tips to overcome distractions that keep you from achieving YOUR dream life! Let's continue to build momentum together.



I’m super excited to announce the evolution of our 2-day E.Y.O.B Workshop into something even more impactful & empowering! Introducing the Jumpstart YOUR Dream Life Training Series!

This is specifically designed for ambitious online solopreneurs & parentpreneurs and is YOUR key to unlocking the business & life you’ve always dreamed of!!

🗓 Enrollment Opens August 2nd 🗓

💭Imagine having a clear, actionable path to your dream life, guided step-by-step over 7 days. This series is designed to fit into YOUR schedule, allowing you to move at your own pace while accessing invaluable insights and tools that will move your business and life forward. For just $98, you gain lifetime access to this in-depth training series.

Here’s what you can expect:

🔹Day 1: Discover Your Purpose
🔹Day 2: Master Your Money
🔹Day 3: Focus Your Time & Efforts
🔹Day 4: Optimize Your Operations
🔹Day 5: Craft You Action Plan for Success
🔹Day 6: Elevate Your Mind
🔹Day 7: Align with Your Dream Life

Each day comes with a detailed 18-page workbook packed with thought-provoking exercises, crucial insights, and actionable steps tailored to help YOU achieve your dream life.

This training series is more than just learning; it’s a journey to empower your ambitions into actions that become your achievements to bring your vision to life. 💪🏽

The best part? You’re not alone. You’ll have access to an ambitious community of like-minded entrepreneurs, ready to support and uplift each other. 💜

🔥 Join the Waitlist Today! 🔥

Be the first to gain access when enrollment opens on August 2nd. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to kickstart your dream life and business with proven strategies and personalized guidance.

Join the Waitlist Now (Link 👇🏽)

YOUR dream life is within reach, and it all starts right here in Jumpstart YOUR Dream Life! 🙌🏽


Happy Monday, everyone!

Today is a rest day for me now that the E.Y.O.B Workshop Weekend has concluded. Just as investing in services and courses can expand your capacity or knowledge, self-care is an investment in a better YOU when you honor your needs 🥰.

My Empower Your Week message for YOU today is to honor whatever it is that you need this week!

E.Y.O.B Community sign-ups are currently OPEN. If community support, accountability, and personal and professional growth are what YOU need, you're welcome to join us. (Link 👇🏽)

Use Coupon Code EMPOWER50 to save 50% off your first month with us 💜.

I'll see YOU guys on FB LIVE this Friday at 11 a.m. ET to Empower Your Weekend!


💃🏽🎉🥳Day 1 is HERE!! 🥳🎉💃🏽

We're all set to get started in just a few short hours, and I can't wait!! 🙌🏽

Today we're going to...
✔️ Get clear on the upgraded vision & costs for our dream lives 🔮💰
✔️ Begin customizing our E.Y.O.B Vision Planners 📔💲
✔️ Prioritize our time & efforts moving forward for maximum efficiency ⌚📅
✔️ Evaluate our current biz systems & processes to enhance our operations & customer journey 🤔😄

By the end of Day 1, you'll be set for success on Day 2 and ready to craft your action plan tomorrow!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your business! ⏳

When Purpose Meets Productivity, EVERYBODY WINS!!

I'll see YOU there 💜🙋🏽‍♀️

Oh, if you haven't registered yet, go do that right NOW, before we start at 12p ET (11a CT, 10a MT, 9a PT)

Link 👇🏽


📣 Calling ALL Ambitious Online Entrepreneurs! 📣

Are YOU ready to unlock Triple A for your biz & life and transform your ambitious dreams into reality? Then join the E.Y.O.B Workshop THIS Saturday at 12 pm ET (11 am CT, 10 am MT, 9 am PT)! 🎉

ALL attendees will get an exclusive opportunity to join the E.Y.O.B Community with 2 brand new signup paths to choose from & tailored to meet you where you are RIGHT NOW!

🔍 What's Happening? On Day 2, I'll reveal the 2 new paths designed to empower YOU to achieve your goals by meeting you where you are right now during the sneak peek.

Workshop Agenda 📃
Day 1️⃣:
🔹Networking: Connect with fellow attendees.
🔹Action Steps: Lay the groundwork for your detailed plan on Day 2.
🔹Giveaway: Enter to win exciting prizes!

Day 2️⃣:
🔹Networking: More opportunities to connect.
🔹Action Steps: Finalize your detailed action plan.
🔹Giveaway: Find out the Day 1 winner(s) and enter the Day 2 giveaway!

🤔 Why Attend?
✔️Inspiring Sessions - Discover the magic of the E.M.P.O.W.E.R Blueprint™.
✔️Action-Oriented - Craft YOUR personalized action plan for success LIVE.
✔️Networking - Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs.
✔️ ️Engaging Atmosphere - Enjoy dance breaks and win prizes!

Past Attendee Updates!!🏆

Timothy has since made substantial progress on achieving his dream life and is now halfway to reaching his financial goal & Elaine has made a MAJOR pivot in one of her businesses to better align it with her passion. She is on track to have the pivot fully completed by the end of September, with new clients already signing up for her new services!

⏰ Don't Miss Out!

Sign up now to secure your spot before YOUR window of opportunity closes! ⌛

Register NOW👉🏽

To Learn More, check out the link in the comments 👇🏽!

Let’s make this count by registering TODAY!! See you there! 💜


Hey there 👋🏽, my fellow Legacy-Building Parentpreneurs! I see YOU!

Balancing parenthood and entrepreneurship is NO walk in the park! YOUR drive to create a better future for your kids is what makes you extraordinary.

Every win, whether big or small, is a step towards the legacy you’re building. Keep doing what you’re doing, you’ve got this! 💪🏽

Those “Rags to Riches” stories aren’t just for other people, they’re for people exactly like US!

I know how frustrating it can be trying to find a balance between raising your kids AND building your business. It’s easy to fall into the trap of prioritizing one over the other and dealing with the guilt that comes afterward.

Prioritizing your kids may feel like you’re neglecting your business, and focusing on your business might make you feel like you’re not giving your kids the attention they deserve. It can feel like a roller coaster—thrilling some days and overwhelming others.

But it doesn’t have to stay that way forever. You CAN find balance and give both your business and your kids the time and attention they deserve!

If you’re ready to ditch the loneliness & overwhelm, consider this MY personal invitation for YOU to join us at the upcoming E.Y.O.B Workshop and to join our community for support, encouragement, accountability, and steady progress towards achieving your dream life 👇🏽!


You're Invited!!

The E.Y.O.B Workshop kicks off THIS Saturday ET

Don't forget to register to attend (link 👇🏽)

I'll see YOU there 💜


Hey there 👋🏽, Ambitious Online Entrepreneur (AOE)! 🤩

We see YOU—overwhelmed, overworked, and feeling that familiar sense of loneliness that comes from being an ambitious online entrepreneur. But guess what? 🤔 You’re NOT alone—or at least you don't have to stay that way!

We’re a community of like-minded entrepreneurs on the same journey as YOU! Together, we’re building thriving businesses and our dream lives one step at a time.

We’re here ready and willing to support YOU, share our expertise and learn from yours, and empower each other every step of the way.

Imagine the power of having a tribe that’s as driven and passionate as you. 🌠

Picture yourself surrounded by others who
✔️ Understand your struggles
✔️ Celebrate your victories
✔️ Push you to be your BEST self!

We’re NOT just another online community for you to join and forget about; we’re a family 🫶🏽💜, committed to lifting each other up and achieving greatness together 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾!

So come join us, let’s conquer those goals together, and empower each other to turn our ambition into actions that become our achievements!

YOUR dream life awaits—so, come join us, and let’s grow together, share in the ups and downs of our respective journeys, and create the success we ALL deserve. But, MORE importantly, let’s ensure that we get to stay here permanently, avoiding burnout and achieving sustainable growth rather than falling victim to the statistics of failure. You know the one that says we're destined to FAIL within the first 5 years? Yeah, let's prove THAT one WRONG!

Special Offer: Get 50% off the first month if you're one of the first 10 people to join BEFORE the upcoming E.Y.O.B Workshop! Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity. (Use code: EMPOWER50 at checkout)

The support, friendship, and empowerment you’ve been longing for are right here waiting for you to ACT.

Ready to take the leap? (Link 👇🏽)

We can’t wait to welcome YOU to the inner circle when you decide to join the movement we're creating to destroy the statistics that are stacked against us and come out WINNERS!! 💪🏽📈🏆


📣Calling ALL my fellow Ambitious Online Entrepreneurs, the E.Y.O.B Workshop is JUST 10 Days Away!!! 📣

Have YOU registered to attend? 🤔

If not, here's why you SHOULD...

✔️ Craft Your personalized ACTION Plan to ACHIEVE your dream life LIVE during the workshop
✔️ Receive an interactive workbook specifically designed to help YOU get the MOST out of your experience!
✔️ Networking opportunities for YOU & the other attendees to EXPAND your network!
✔️ Enter to win awesome giveaway prizes, enjoy a fun dance break each day, & get an exclusive sneak peek into the E.Y.O.B Community
✔️ Receive a super secret coupon code to join the community at a fraction of the price just for attending!

Need to know HOW to get registered? 📃

Simply visit TODAY & click ANY of the 4 buttons to get registered!

Already know you want to attend and looking for the Fast Track Option? Fill out this super quick 3 question form and you're IN!

I look forward to seeing YOU at the upcoming E.Y.O.B Workshop on July 20th & 21st!


⏲️YOUR time is nearly up to lock in YOUR Empowered Path Analysis & crush your goals in the 2nd half of 2024! ⏲️

There are just a few hours remaining to move YOUR business to the NEXT level by securing an EXCLUSIVE Empowered Path Analysis!

Just like Ayako, Jackie, & Rebecca, YOU too can experience can experience the incredible knowledge and support at YOUR disposal by booking a Financial Empowerment Collab Call RIGHT NOW!

Are YOU ready to take MASSIVE action & start

✔️ Celebrating every step you take forward in your business 🎉💃🏽
✔️ Waking up with the confidence that your finances are in expert hands 😄
✔️ Join a community where you are more than just a member—you're family and Your Success = Our Success ALWAYS🫶🏽

Well, are YOU?

❌Don’t reach the finish line of TODAY & realize you missed out on this incredible opportunity to gain HIGHLY valuable and personalized financial insights and support.

What will YOU do before the clock strikes Midnight TONIGHT?

Take ACTION right NOW & Book YOUR Call using the link below 📞🔗


Roll the dice 🎲 & pray 🙏🏽 you make progress during the 2nd half of 2024?

Book YOUR Collab Call here:

Only 2 spots remain. 🥈

Act NOW to secure YOURS🔒


⚠️ PSA: YOUR Opportunity to secure your Empowered Path Analysis is slipping away ⚠️

The FINAL countdown has begun ⌛

YOU have less than 12 hours left to secure YOUR Empowered Path Analysis & make the 2nd half of 2024 the BEST half!

Secure YOUR Empowered Path Analysis by booking a Financial Empowerment Collab Call w/me TODAY! 📲

I still have 2 🥈 spots left for YOU to take advantage of this incredible opportunity you've been presented with!

Secure YOUR Financial Empowerment Collab Call here:

Don't delay, schedule YOUR Collab Call TODAY!

We started off with 4 spots being available & we're now down to the FINAL 2!

Will YOU be one of the lucky 2 🥈?

The ONLY way to find out is to book YOUR Financial Empowerment Collab Call ASAP!


📣LAST CALL to secure YOUR Empowered Path Analysis 📣

There are just 24 hours remaining to become one of the NEXT 2 success stories alongside Shelly, Tim, & Andria by booking YOUR Financial Empowerment Collab CALL today!

Book YOUR call here:

You DO NOT want to end this day without getting on my calendar! 📅

First-come first serve ONLY! 🥇

I'm already halfway through the 1st Empowered Path Analysis and the 2nd one is up next, will YOURS be next in line?

The ONLY way to get in line to be empowered to finish out 2024 strong 💪🏽 is to book YOUR Collab Call RIGHT NOW!

I'm waiting to see YOUR name pop up on my appointment list TODAY!


⌚The Time Is Near: Secure YOUR Spot NOW! ⌛

You're down to having just 30 short hours remaining to elevate YOUR business to the NEXT level by securing an EXCLUSIVE Empowered Path Analysis!

Just like Shelly, Tim, & Andria, YOU too can experience can experience complete clarity & achieve sustainable growth when you sign up to work with me!

❌ Don’t let this day conclude, and you have regret because you missed out on this incredible opportunity to gain HIGHLY personalized financial insights and support.

What will YOU do?

Take ACTION & Book YOUR Call


Do Nothing & Hope for the best 🤞🏽?

Book YOUR Collab Call here:

Only 2 spots remain. 🥈

Act NOW to secure YOURS🔒


📣 PSA: Secure THE Action Plan YOU need to Achieve YOUR Dream Life!

Earlier today, I hosted my weekly Monday AM Live titled Empower Your Week & I gave the attendees some actionable steps that they could take starting TODAY to support them in achieving their dream life by developing a solid action plan! 💪🏽

🎥 In case you missed it, the replay is available on my personal fb profile. 🎥

Want the insider knowledge YOU need to develop YOUR solid action plan to achieving YOUR dream life? Secure YOUR Empowered Path Analysis by booking a Financial Empowerment Collab Call w/me TODAY! 📲

The Fast Track may have gone away, but I still have 2 🥈 spots left for YOU to take advantage of this incredible opportunity you've been presented with!

Secure YOUR Financial Empowerment Collab Call here:

But hurry because this is strictly on a first come, first served basis.

I started out with 4 spots total, and HALF of those are already gone, so be sure to book YOUR call TODAY before the FINAL 2 spots are gone too! ⌛


⏳Don’t Miss Out: 48 Hours Left for Exclusive Offer! ⏳

There's still time ⌚to take advantage of this exclusive offer and reclaim freedom on your business journey!

Just like Nikki, Elaine, and Josie, YOU too can experience incredible growth, clarity, and support with personalized, holistic financial services that cater to YOU & YOUR Business!

✔️Celebrate every step you take forward in your business 🎉💃🏽

✔️ Wake up with the confidence that your finances are in expert hands. 😄

✔️Join a community where you are more than just a member—you are family. 🫶🏽

❌ Don’t let this amazing opportunity disappear without taking ACTION to receive it! ❌

Access YOUR exclusive Empowered Path Analysis at no extra charge for the next 48 hours when you sign up to work with me. 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾

Only 3 spots remain!🥉

Take the first step towards achieving YOUR dream life TODAY!

Book YOUR Collab Call here:


⌛LAST CHANCE! Fast Track closes TONIGHT! ⌛

Don't let the ONLY way to guarantee YOUR Empowered Path Analysis INSTANTLY disappear WITHOUT Taking Fast Action!

Become the NEXT EMF Success Story like Nikki, Elaine, & Josie did!

TONIGHT is your LAST chance to guarantee YOUR spot instantly for the Empowered Path Analysis.

Fast Track Booking: Book NOW before it’s GONE:

Standard Booking: If you prefer the traditional route:

Limited to only 3 spots, act NOW to avoid missing out!


📣 DON'T MISS OUT: Reclaim YOUR freedom TODAY!

Ready to move your path to success into the fast lane? there's still time to take advantage of the fast track option that ends tonight!

❌ Don't miss this chance to gain financial clarity, unwavering support, & achieve incredible growth with personalized, holistic financial services tailored to YOU!

🎥Catch up on the 'reclaim your freedom' series replays on my fb profile to see how you can benefit from the insights shared!

6 days, 6 outcomes...

Day 1️⃣ you overcame your unwanted feelings through taking action

Day 2️⃣you created your personalized action plan (YOUR plan for success!)

Day 3️⃣you chose the easiest path forward (YOUR path to success!)

Day 4️⃣you discovered a realistic timeline for seeing results!

Day 5️⃣ you learned how to navigate challenges like a BOSS!

Day 6️⃣ you brought it all together to master YOUR strategy!

Now, only 2 options remain to STOP the PAUSE and START making real PROGRESS towards YOUR Dream Life!

Option 1: Fast Track booking- Hop in the fast lane & guarantee YOUR Empowered Path Analysis INSTANTLY (AK.A The Fast Track Way) before it expires TONIGHT!:

Option 2: Standard booking- take the slow & steady pace (A.K.A The Traditional Way) here:

ONLY 3🥉 spots left!

Act NOW to reclaim YOUR freedom & achieve YOUR dream life!


📣 PSA: YOUR Dream Life Is Waiting for You to Take MASSIVE Action!

Over the past week, I've hosted the Reclaim Your Freedom Livestream Celebration Series in honor of Independence Day 🎆. I've shared powerful insights and strategies for YOU to put into action to achieve your dream life.

Day 1️⃣ focused on unpacking any negative feelings you may have had towards your business, discovering the root cause of them, and then saying goodbye to them through delegation, charging your worth, and having a CLEAR strategy that plays to YOUR strengths in the 2nd half of 2024.

Day 2️⃣ focused on creating your ACTION plan for the 2nd half of 2024 A.K.A YOUR plan for success!

Day 3️⃣ focused on identifying the easiest path to making steady progress towards achieving your goals A.K.A YOUR path to success!

Day 4️⃣ highlighted WHEN you could realistically expect RESULTS from your efforts.

Day 5️⃣ showed you how to navigate some common challenges that you may experience on your journey to your dream life.

Day 6️⃣ brought everything from the first 5 days together and empowered you with the knowledge you needed to truly MASTER your strategy and get out of your own way so that you can STOP the PAUSE and START making real PROGRESS in achieving your goals!

If you missed any sessions, don’t worry—you can still catch up on everything as the replays are posted on my personal fb profile.

Now that you know WHAT it will take to reclaim YOUR freedom to achieve your dream life, the only question that remains is what will YOU do with this information?

You have 2 ✌🏽options:

🛫 If you're ready to hit the ground running and want to guarantee YOUR Empowered Path Analysis is on LOCK, jump ahead of everyone else and book your Collab Call w/me the Fast Track way here:

**This option secures YOUR Spot INSTANTLY, but it goes away TONIGHT!**

🏁 If you want to chance missing out, book your collab call the old fashioned way here:

I ONLY have 3 spots left for this exclusive offer & you have limited time to ACT, 72-hours to be exact!

You don't have to do this alone, I'm right here waiting for you alongside YOUR dream life 💜

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Hey there 👋🏽, Ambitious Online Entrepreneur (AOE)! 🤩We see YOU—overwhelmed, overworked, and feeling that familiar sense ...
📣Calling ALL my fellow Ambitious Online Entrepreneurs, the E.Y.O.B Workshop is JUST 10 Days Away!!! 📣Have YOU registered...
The E.M.P.O.W.E.R Your Online Biz 2-Day Event kicks off NEXT Saturday 💃🏽🥳Check out the outline in the accompanying pic t...
PSA: the Sold Out Sale ends tomorrow!!!!During checkout...Use Code SAVE73 to get YOUR ticket for just $25               ...
Do you prefer an interactive workshop (E.Y.O.B Workshop) where you do the work in real-time togetherOR a listen & learn ...
PSA: Only 3 days left in the #SoldOutSale that ends this Friday @ 11:59pm EST 🕛! Here's a breakdown of what's included w...
I'm on a mission to sell out ALL 15 of the VIP tickets by this Friday so, I'm doing something I have NEVER done before.....
The 1st ever EYOB Workshop back in February was an absolute blast & left my heart so FULL of gratitude for my fellow att...
Remember Solar Eclipse Day when I told you that YOUR dream life is just 1 event away & to unlock the breakthrough YOU ne...
Here's a quick 1-minute clip of one of the EYOB Workshop attendees takeaways from Day 1 of the first ever E.M.P.O.W.E.R ...
Here's a friendly Thursday reminder: Your E.M.P.O.W.E.R Blueprint is YOURS, but that doesn't mean you have to walk your ...
True or False Time!Test your business finance knowledge by dropping YOUR answer below 👇🏽!I'll update this post tomorrow ...



Augusta, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm

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2743 Perimeter Parkway, Bldg 100, Ste 200
Augusta, 30909


The Cleveland Group, CPAs The Cleveland Group, CPAs
3740 Executive Center Drive
Augusta, 30907

It's not just about the numbers, it's about relationships!

B L Tax & Business Service B L Tax & Business Service
Augusta, 30906

We offer affordable tax preparation, electronic filing with rapid refunds, bookkeeping, small busine

Cherry Bekaert Cherry Bekaert
1029 Greene Street
Augusta, 30901

KBC Accounting Solutions KBC Accounting Solutions

Bookkeeping and Accounting services for small business owners. I provide Quickbooks entry and training, monthly reporting, payroll, accounts payable and accounts receivable managem...

Madden and Associates Madden and Associates

At Madden and Associates Inc. we strive to get to your financial bottom line.

Phamily Tax and Accounting, CPA Phamily Tax and Accounting, CPA
Augusta, 30907

We are a virtual based accounting firm located in Georgia specializing in tax planning & preparation.

Filed By Tell Filed By Tell
525 8th Street Unit 1421
Augusta, 30903


Fuller Frost & Associates CPAs,  PC Fuller Frost & Associates CPAs, PC
3638 Walton Way Ext #300
Augusta, 30909

A firm of accounting professionals whose sole focus is to provide practical, affordable solutions.

John T. Murphy CPA John T. Murphy CPA
931 Stevens Creek Road
Augusta, 30907

Over 30 years experience in personal and corporate income tax planning and preparation. Come see us for all of your accounting tax and business needs.

TaxSlayer Pro TaxSlayer Pro
945 Broad Street
Augusta, 30901

Recharge your tax practice with award-winning professional tax software!

Kenise's Tax & Business Services, LLC Kenise's Tax & Business Services, LLC
Augusta, 30909

With Over 20 years of Experience:We have knowledgeable, fast, friendly, & efficient tax preparers. "We put the FUN back into getting your TAXES DONE!!!"