Peace Place LLC

Peace Place LLC

As of May 9th, I am closed every other Monday and open every other Saturday.

Peace Place LLC will continue to provide various modalities of massage therapy and energy work along with a variety of classes and events which could include art, music, charities, support, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial or physical health.

The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown | TED 09/04/2024

Brene Brown is one of my heroes. I love her work and hope to shift my career into something like hers someday to go along with the massage and energy work that I do. This is one of my favorite talks. I listen to it at least once a year. I just shared it with a friend who is going through a difficult time so I thought, I should just share it with all of you too because it's helpful to anyone who takes the 20 minutes to listen. ❤️
Then follow that video with this one:

The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown | TED Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more.Brené Brown studies human ...


I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend! I spent the weekend around home relaxing and....laboring around the house and yard. 😆 It's not all that bad though. As I was mowing the lawn on a beautiful 75 degree, sunny day, I thought to myself, "Yes, I'm spending part of Labor Day mowing the lawn, vacuuming and doing laundry, but it's because of all my hard work over the last several years, that my kids and dogs and I have this wonderful lawn to play on, these clothes to wear, and this beautiful house to keep us warm and safe." Especially as a single income household, I'm proud of, and cherish what I've been able to achieve from...well...laboring.
So if you’re feeling a little frustrated or bummed, if you are, or have been working today, take time to think about all that you've gained at work not only in wisdom, stability, partnerships, memories and experience, but also in the things that it's allowed you to purchase that bring you joy like fun vacations, food, medicine, toys, a family pet, a pool, a car, etc. (No, it's not selfish to be proud of what you have worked for!)
Give yourself a pat on the back and be grateful for your hard work and the positivity that it brings into your life. If you are in between jobs, keep your chin up, and look for employment that respects you and allows you shine in your beautiful authentic way, and soon enough you will be mowing your lawn, vacuuming your house and folding lots of laundry too. 😁


The Lucky VIP Winners for August are: Jacquelyn Adamson, Ellie Browneye, Sara Briggs-Grzegorski, and Leah Tran! Congratulations!

Photos from Peace Place LLC's post 07/20/2024

I had the pleasure of working up north for a wedding event yesterday. What a huge treat it was to work outside with such a beautiful view! If I have enough notice, I love working abroad! If you'd like to hire me for your next special event let me know! I have worked for wedding showers, ladies nights, baby showers, weddings, and bachelorette parties!


Happy 4th of July everyone!! Since we are in the celebrating mood, I'd like to announce the July, VIP winners! Each person listed below will get half off of their next service at Peace Place LLC! The winners are: Janelle Kassien, Sarah Lopez, Dan Ronda and Catherine Babbitt! Congratulations!
(For those of you who have not joined the VIP list, the link is pinned at the top of this page!)
Have a great evening everyone!


***Dads Need Pampering Too! Father's Day Special!***

Dads work hard every day in their own, special dad, kind of way! Many dads are the strength and foundation of our families. My dad, (pictured below in one of my favorite pictures with my youngest when she was a newborn), is the strength of our family but he also has a sweet, tender, almost magic side, that could calm any baby. I don't know what I'd do without him. :-)

Let's celebrate our dads and all that they are and everything they do for our families! Book your dad a massage, (or dads book your own massage) and get $10 off at Peace Place LLC! You have until June 21st to book the service of your choice for any day this year, at this special price! One treatment per dad please!

To get the special price for your dad, go to my website,, click on "Book Now" and then click on "Discounts and Promotions". You will then see the Father's Day Promotion, so click on that and book your service!

Happy Father's Day! Have fun this weekend!


It's time to announce the VIP winners of June! The lucky winners get half off of their next service at Peace Place LLC because they joined the VIP email list! (The link is pinned at the top of this page!) The winners are: Carol Crawford, Shelly Cochrane, Becky Doucette, and Teri Lenartz! Congratulations!

Photos from Peace Place LLC's post 05/27/2024

I painted this on our front door back in 2020 when so many people were feeling scared, unstable and a bit hopeless because of Covid and all that it affected. This door is one of my favorite parts of this house because it lifts me and my neighbors up every time we see it and reflect on how far we have all come since then.

I thought about changing it up and putting the word "Unity" in the place of "Faith" because even though we've come far, our world and country are still so divided right now. After thinking about it for awhile, I decided to keep "Faith" on my door. I took some time and intension to freshen up the old, battered paint and made it shine bright once again!
It's because of my faith and the faith of so many others, in God (or a higher power), and in love, family, friends, the power of positive thinking, compassion, and the common desire to survive and raise our families in as much peace, safety, stability and love as possible, that I believe someday UNITY will prevail because in the end we all want the same thing no matter who we are, what we believe or where we come from. We all have a God given right to live in peace, love, safety and overall happiness. I believe that we should all try to have as much faith as possible that we can come together and compromise, for the sake of our futures...for the sake of humanity.

I'm sending you all lots of love this weekend especially as we think of our brave loved ones who passed away fighting for our safety and who probably wanted peace, compassion and unity more then any of us can imagine, in place of the horror, sadness and hate they witnessed and experienced while protecting us from the very things lack of compassion and unity create. ❤


Reminder: Free Muscle Testing Class Tonight from 6:30 to 8:30pm! Please text 602-301-1378 to reserve your spot!

Join us at Peace Place LLC for a free Muscle Testing Class on May 14th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm! Come explore what muscle testing is and how it's used! Did you know that you can test your bodies reaction to foods, supplements, environmental toxins, electromagnetic energy and the energy of other's around you using muscle testing? Take more control over your health and sign up for this wonderful class taught by Jana Messing who has years of education and experience in muscle testing, body meridians, energy work and counseling.
(Please bring a notebook and pen for notes. Water, coffee and tea are provided. Monetary donations are accepted but not a requirement. There are limited seats available so grab your spot now by commenting below or by calling or texting me, (Tracy) at 602-301-1378. We hope to see you there for this wonderful class!
Location: Peace Place LLC at, 2350 32nd Street SE Kentwood, MI 49508.
More about Jana Messing:
For 40 years, Jana has worked with the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects that contribute to people living authentic, joy infused lives. Her unending passion for promoting connection and consciousness, in this human existence, has led her to learn of, explore, research, and teach about how people can thrive, when there body thrives. Through her work as a Psychologist, and using Transpersonal and Somatic Subtle Energy therapies, she helps people clear what is in the way of experiencing more wholly, their best Self, to live more fulfilling and creative lives. Using applied kinesiology, she will teach how you can use muscle testing for better understanding of your body, and better health. From teaching courses, facilitating workshops and retreats, to offering individual sessions, she has shared her work in The Netherlands for the last 15 years, Sweden, Norway, Scotland and England. She also teaches and see clients, throughout the United States. She can be reached for consultation, individual session or to teach a class at: [email protected] or 720-625-9407

Photos from Peace Place LLC's post 05/13/2024

My girls and I spent the afternoon painting gifts for grandma while jamming to music and eating the chocolates they gave me as a gift. We are leaving for dinner with grandma and grandpa soon. My heart is full! Happy Mothers Day to all the moms and moms to be out there! Cheers! ❤️

Photos from Peace Place LLC's post 05/11/2024

I had a wonderful time volunteering at a Mothers Day event hosted by, Fosters the Family. Their amazing organization helps support foster parents and their foster children. Today they gave the foster moms childcare for a couple of hours so the moms could have a nice breakfast, win raffle prizes, get flowers and massages! ❤️
Many foster children have had lives of trauma so the parents that take them in have a lot of added stress as they navigate how best to support the children. Events like these are a huge blessing to them. I'm so thankful for amazing organizations like, Foster the Family. 🙏

View Peace Place LLC MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL! on MassageBook 05/08/2024

View Peace Place LLC MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL! on MassageBook    -- After working primarily for chiropractors as a licensed massage therapist over the last 18 years I have decided to take a chance and go off on my own. Opening my own practice and wellness center is allowing me the freedom I desire to create a healing space that feels safe and comfortable to ...


Join us at Peace Place LLC for a free Muscle Testing Class on May 14th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm! Come explore what muscle testing is and how it's used! Did you know that you can test your bodies reaction to foods, supplements, environmental toxins, electromagnetic energy and the energy of other's around you using muscle testing? Take more control over your health and sign up for this wonderful class taught by Jana Messing who has years of education and experience in muscle testing, body meridians, energy work and counseling.
(Please bring a notebook and pen for notes. Water, coffee and tea are provided. Monetary donations are accepted but not a requirement. There are limited seats available so grab your spot now by commenting below or by calling or texting me, (Tracy) at 602-301-1378. We hope to see you there for this wonderful class!
Location: Peace Place LLC at, 2350 32nd Street SE Kentwood, MI 49508.

More about Jana Messing:
For 40 years, Jana has worked with the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects that contribute to people living authentic, joy infused lives. Her unending passion for promoting connection and consciousness, in this human existence, has led her to learn of, explore, research, and teach about how people can thrive, when there body thrives. Through her work as a Psychologist, and using Transpersonal and Somatic Subtle Energy therapies, she helps people clear what is in the way of experiencing more wholly, their best Self, to live more fulfilling and creative lives. Using applied kinesiology, she will teach how you can use muscle testing for better understanding of your body, and better health. From teaching courses, facilitating workshops and retreats, to offering individual sessions, she has shared her work in The Netherlands for the last 15 years, Sweden, Norway, Scotland and England. She also teaches and see clients, throughout the United States. She can be reached for consultation, individual session or to teach a class at: [email protected] or 720-625-9407


It's my favorite time of the month! It's time to announce my winners! April's VIP, email winners are: Amber-Lee Solstice, Nicole Zuidema, Heather Noordyke and Mandy Vanderhill! Congratulations! All of you won half off of your next service at Peace Place LLC! I will draw four more lucky winners next month so if you haven't already, join my VIP, email list while you still can! (I pinned the link to join, at the top of my page). Good luck everyone!


The VIP Email List Winners for March are...
Jennifer Velderman, Keely Pearce, Mark Bertotti, and Heather VanOrder! Congrats! :-)

Photos from Peace Place LLC's post 04/01/2024

Whether you celebrate or not, I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend! Most of my family was out of town for spring break and I was feeling ungrounded, overwhelmed and restless because I have a lot on my plate right now so I took my dogs up north to go hiking in the woods which ended up on beautiful Lake Michigan where I walked for a couple of hours. Most people go to church to feel closer to our creator, but I go outside and surround myself with the beauty of our creator. Nature has such a strong healing effect. It's hard to describe how much better I feel today compared to yesterday. If you are feeling the way I was, take this as a sign to get outside today. Enjoy the healing sun and comfortable temperatures and let nature help clear your mind and soul of your worries. Have a great week everyone! I will be posting my lucky VIP, massage winners shortly! :-)

Photos from Peace Place LLC's post 03/28/2024

Have a great morning everyone. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day! ❤️

Photos from Peace Place LLC's post 03/27/2024

Hi everyone! I have two furnished and two unfurnished office rooms for rent for bodyworkers and wellness practitioners! Right now, short term and long-term renting options are available for wellness professionals that are sole proprietors, and who are up to date on licensing and insurance. Rent is between $365 and $700/month or $50 per day or $300 for a week. Rent includes all utilities, snow removal, landscaping, a small breakroom, clean bathrooms, a great atmosphere, printer, paper, collaboration opportunities, limited advertising and a great location that is handicap assessable. Please comment below if you are interested! I am located near Breton and 32nd Street in Kentwood, MI. I hope to hear from some wonderful co-creators in the wellness industry. Thank you!


Surprise! I'm having a Midweek Meltdown Special! Book a 60 MINUTE service this Wednesday the 13th, and get $10 off to help you melt away all that stress!
When booking please book at one of these time spots: 9:30am, 10:45am, 12:00pm, or 1:15pm. First come first serve so don't delay! DO NOT PRE-PAY or you won't get the special price. Pay at the time of your service to get your discount. Book online at Thank you! I'm hoping you all have a wonderful week!


Happy International Women's Day! Ladies, take a moment to celebrate your beautiful, intelligent, intuitive, hardworking, powerful, strong, feminine, divine, nurturing selves! 💗


The first four winners of my 4 for 4, VIP email drawing are: Will Ingraham, Kylie Hov, Miriam Ronda, and Tanya Noordyke! Each of you gets half off of your next service at Peace Place LLC ! Congratulations! 🥳🥳🥳
All of you who have signed up for my VIP email list are still eligible to win for the next 3 months. If your not on the list yet, you still have time! The link is pinned on my page above and is on my website. Thank you!

Photos from Peace Place LLC's post 02/19/2024

Hello! For those of you that don't know me, my name is Tracy Klein. I am a licensed massage therapist and energy healer of 18 years and I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in Wellness and Alternative Medicine in 2020. I took a chance during a turbulent time and started my business, Peace Place LLC back in 2020 as a sole proprietor. Even though it was difficult to open a business during a pandemic, I worked hard, listened to people’s concerns, made things as safe and as comfortable as possible, and I did my best to hold space for people struggling using the training and skills that I have. By the end of 2020, thankfully, my business was off and running!
I recently moved into a larger office suite so that I can move forward with another dream of mine… creating a beautiful, Wellness Center to uplift our community! That being said, I would love to find wellness practitioners to collaborate with so we can help our clients on a deeper level by providing more options under one roof. I have two furnished and two unfurnished office rooms for rent. Right now, short term and long-term renting options are available for wellness professionals that are sole proprietors, and who are up to date on licensing and insurance. If you are interested, please send me a message for more information!
Also, I have a great waiting room area for rent that is perfect for holding a small class, book club or event of up to about 10 to 15 people. I am hoping to find mental health therapists, counselors, nutritionists, authors, motivators, life coaches, doctors, ND’s, chiropractors, acupuncturists, art teachers, financial advisors, personal trainers, physical therapists, music or sound therapists/teachers, business coaches, spiritual teachers, healers, professional mediums and intuitives, energy workers, herbalists, or any other professional in the business of helping others, to rent my beautiful waiting room for their next class or event!
I charge a $50, non-refundable, fee to hold your day and time, and I take 25 percent of each event ticket you sell which is due the day of the event, (the $50 hold fee goes towards what you owe me). You would be responsible for marketing and creating your own prices and collecting money for your event, but I will help you by posting your event AD’s or write up’s, on my social media pages and in my newsletters.
If you are interested, please send a PM, call or text me at –602-301-1378 or email me at [email protected]
Thank you so much! I’m excited to hear from you!
(Please feel free to share this post with anyone you think might be interested).


My boyfriend came down with a nasty cough and a runny nose yesterday. Once again, I got busy making homemade soup because it is one of the most nutrious things you can eat when you or someone you love is sick.
I often here that eating healthy is expensive, but when making food at home, I don't agree. I went through my fridge and pantry, and lierally found some leftover chicken, home made chicken stock from a few days ago, a couple of carrots, a couple pieces of celery, an onion, garlic, mushrooms, a couple sweet potatoes, a couple of yellow potatoes, and a quarter of a bag of uncooked wild rice that I had left over. I took these ingredients that I already had that were lying around the kitchen, and made a huge pot of soup that will last for several meals or can be freezed and kept on hand for when the next person gets sick.
I took the soup recipe linked below, and used it as inspiration to get started, but experimented with what I had laying around and made it my own.
I needed to make it dairy free so I made it creamy by melting few tablespoons of ghee in a small sauce pan and added arrowroot powder to it it thicken it up and then slowly added creamy oat milk to it along with my spices: salt, pepper, italian seasoning, tumeric, garlic powder and onion powder. Once it thickened up into a creamy sauce, I added it to the big pot of soup and mixed it in. (I purposely added tumeric to my soup because it is a natural anti-inflammitory, along with fresh oregano, which is a natural antibiotic and is wonderful for the respiratory system, along with lots of fresh garlic for flavor but also because it is a great natural antibiotic).
Food is medicine, and soups are a wonderful, tasty, affordable way to make, delicious medicine for your family. The more veggies you use, the more full it will be of vitamins and minerals. Experiment and have fun with it! Enjoy!


Here is another one of my favorite soup recipes for the winter. You can make it more nutrious by adding extra veggies like carrots or green beans and by making and using your own chicken or turkey broth, (add the left over bones and meat from your whole, roasted chicken or turkey from a previous dinner, to a boiling pot of water, along with any fresh herbs, spices and veggies that you like. Boil with a cover for several hours to extract the nutrients, then strain). In this soup I used home made broth, I added green beans and I added a couple of teaspoons of tumeric, smoked paprika, Italian seasoning, and a little extra salt and pepper. Enjoy! 😋


I love, love and I love all of you! So how about a Flash Sale for Valentine's Day? Now until the end of Valentine's Day get $5 off when you purchase any service!

Photos from Peace Place LLC's post 02/11/2024

The unconditional love between a dog and a child is priceless. This is my dog Buddy with my youngest daughter. Buddy was an abused rescue and a HUGE handful when we got him. In fact, their were many times I thought I couldn't give Buddy all that he needed to heal and feel loved , safe and secure again. Something deep inside of me told me not to give up on him. It's moments like this that remind me how powerful unconditional love, really is. Dog therapy is the best therapy. ❤️🐾


“You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don't.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.”
― Rumi

(picture from

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My boyfriend came down with a nasty cough and a runny nose yesterday.  Once again, I got busy making homemade soup becau...



2350 32nd Street SE (My Suite Interstate In The Building Next To The Cat Clinic At 32nd And Breton)
Kentwood, AZ

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 7pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 4pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 4pm
Thursday 9:30am - 4pm
Friday 9:30am - 4pm
Saturday 11am - 6:30pm

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