Hillbilly Towing

Towing. Wrecks, winchouts, lockouts, gas, breakdowns, transport. Serving Kingsport, Tri Cities. $75⬆️


Never turn away a cat, please. You literally probably are their last hope. God will provide the food & help, if you just help. In our early days of rescue we had no idea how we would be able to afford so many, plus fix so many, but he provided & we kept going & still keep going even at 31 cats currently. Currently we spend about $1500 mth in cat food & supplies. We had to cut alot of corners personally like no take out or fast food. Eat at home grocery bill about 500 mth. If it wasnt for people supporting our 30 yr towing business we couldn't handle this many, and more to come. It has been a blessing. You will be blessed. Helping just a few cats isn't much, so don't be scared to help.

Photos from Hillbilly Towing's post 06/12/2024

Lol I can't seem to get my guys to take pics of the cool cars we tow on the rollbacks. But here is a really cool one hubby towed the other day.

Photos from Hillbilly Towing's post 05/19/2024

We would like to welcome our newest driver, Tim, to our Hillbilly Towing family!!! Tim is kind, humble, professional, honest & has 10+ years experience. He's an answer to our prayers, just as Matt & James were. We still have Matt & James. However Matt is having surgery & will be out for a while. We are so extremely lucky to not only have Matt & James but now Tim! We like to announce our drivers because we are proud of them, we love them, appreciate them & they are family. Everyone welcome Tim!!


To anyone who has messaged us on here: our fb messages don't work. I touch the message icon thing but it does nothing, it wont pull up messages. This has been this way for a while. If you have sent messages asking questions about tows, we can't access them. Please call the office 423-288-8839 any day of the week & we are happy to help. Thank you.


Box trucks

Photos from Hillbilly Towing's post 01/25/2024

Fire truck tanks? No problem!


FYI Hillbilly Towing is open for towing 24/7. We always have been. There are of course some nights here & there that the guys have towed for 16-18 hours straight & need sleep. But that's here & there. We tow 24/7 in case you've heard different. 😁


What we have to do to get out of our driveway. Lol.


Be safe out there, please stay home 🙏


Hubby Harold Shipley Hillbilly will be 70 on February 11th. What he's wanting for his birthday is that our new 2024 International extended cab rollback comes in. We've been planning a new purchase for months & due to the economy being weird & crappy, new rollbacks, especially International (we only buy International & Peterbilt) trucks are being made less & are hard to come by, so we've been waiting months for one to get in. So he hopes it comes in before his birthday. We have 2005 International wrecker, still looks brand new. 2010 International extended cab rollback, still looking new & 2015 Peterbilt & 2022 Peterbilt rollbacks that still look brand new too because we are nit picky about keeping them clean & new inside & out. We just sold the 2019 Dodge sn**ch truck cuz it had bad energy & was a huge mistake & are using that money to pay down on our newest rollback which we will be putting Matt in & keeping our current International for our new driver.. Our new truck might be white cuz colors are hard to come by in this economy as well. So here's a pic of the new truck as soon as it comes in. Hopefully before his birthday. Getting a new truck is a major purchase & takes alot of sacrifice. We are grateful God has given us the means & credit for a new one. Which will make 5 for our fleet. 🙏 thank you to everyone who supports us to make this happen 🙏 we live a very frugal & humble life in order for our company Hillbilly Towing remains successful, and continue our own cat rescue, despite what people think.


We will be closed completely on Christmas day. Our employees have children & they need to be home with their families & rest. We will be open New Years Eve & day. Have a safe & wonderful Christmas & New Years. 🙏❤️


When someone asks for your tow truck at a funeral of a fallen or passed fellow tower, you send one. Harold Shipley Hillbilly even though sick with a bad cold & no sleep in nights, showed up first tow truck there for the tow truck funeral procession for our friends in Dandridge, almost 2 hours away. We always support our passed on fellow tow truck brothers. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


Dumpsters too 😁


It has been brought to our attention that a man has made a public post bashing our business, Hillbilly Towing, in a bad way with lies. Since it went so big, it has been my forever belief that we have the right to defend ourselves humbly. So I will start with what was said. This man was driving behind our driver on a road that is 25mph. Our driver was doing 24. He had just came from unlocking a car with a child inside it. This man stated in his fakebook post with a picture of our truck that our driver was wreckless, was brake checking & going 14 mph. We have gps on our trucks & we checked & our driver was indeed going 24mph at the time & there was no braking involved. Then the man made a statement that he called us & said my husband, Hillbilly said "serves me right cause i'm one of those church people". All entirely untrue.

First, none of this is true. What i am about to describe is truth, i swear it on my life & i dont take that lightly. We all know people how people post on fakebook alot of sensational, exaggeratted comments for the point to cause drama & spread it like someone in middle school. Our driver, Matt, is the absolute best driver we have ever had in the history of our 28 year business. He is calm, careful & considerate on the road & to all he services for us. Best dang driver ever. He's has gotten us more postive reviews since May than in the last 3 years of having our horrible ex driver we fired who caused a slew of problems. Now, Matt was coming from a lockout with a kid in the car. Driving along when we got a phone call at 9:32 am with a guy saying our driver was doing 14 miles per hour & to get him out of his way. Harold replied (i was standing beside him, heard it all), he replied calmly, "ok, let me call him & tell him to get out of your way" then this guy starts screaming at Harold "im gonna call the police, you are making me late for church" very angrily, very aggressive. Harold then replied along these lines, "that isn't very Godly for you to act that way going to church" and the guy hung up. We called our driver, told him to pull over & let him by, in which he did, as this person took pictures of him passing the side of the truck. So, what was said on fakebook, was a lie. He never mentioned our driver was wreckless nor brake checking him in the phone call. Our driver wasn't even aware there was someone behind him until we called him. Then this supposedly church going guy whom I assume is presenting himself as christian, makes this post on fakebook just to cause trouble. Then, as all drama ridden people do, they jump the bandwagon & start sharing away, knowing nothing about what really happened. In my years of fakebook, I have seen many people exaggerate & lie just to get attention & start drama on here. But I have never seen a post like this spread so big and it is extremly hurtful. Why? Why do people do this???? It has made me so physically sick. And our driver is so depressed think hes at fault when he did nothing wrong. When did driving slow & careful become a bad thing?

This post was shared 136 times, not counting others sharing from other pages. The comments made on the original thread were absolute bashing & bullying of our company. Our company that Harold & I, a small busines is our only income for 28 years. We are proud of our business & so many people loves us and KNOW us in the community & know that the post was absolute bull. From the comments made, you can see the orignal poster commenting below each comment firing up & keeping the drama going. I'm sorry, but that is not the way a christian, a true christtian behaves. And the people who shared without even knowing our side, is also the problem with this world. People who are long time friends ate it up & shared. I would be embarrassed. This behavior of all comments, sharing blindly & the original post shows your true character & it's downright childish, eating up drama. And even worse, its bullying. It's like adults acting like middle school children eager to spread gossip, gossips that hurts a business, people who have an excellent reputation. So those that shared, just to get likes & have drama going, shame on you. That is the way children do, not adults who are supposed to be better than that. Those involved, i hope you are proud of yourself because you truly need to look into your heart & soul at what you have partaken in. Over an impatient man who got mad because our driver was driving careful but happened to be in front of him. I want you to imagine if someone posted a post about you, lies on you big time & spreads it arround & goes viral, how would you feel if someone did that to you???

Those who have known us many years, knows harold & I are darn good people. We are kind & always quick to help. We help others in silence alot. And we are well known personally community wide. We have done our own charity work, 6 years putting homeless single mothers in homes & fully furnishing their new homes. We then started working with fewer women & focusing on elderly, not to mention we run our own cat rescue for 16 years now. We are good people, we run our business with pride & respect. We've been showcased in articles msny times in local news & in the biggest towing magazines & have several awards chosen by the community of being the best towing service. We have spent blood, sweat & tears as company that opperates 24/7 with no true rest, even towing when we are sick. I cannot express how hurt we are that this community has went wild with spreading this lie. And I could lower myself to this guys standards & post some really bad stuff that happened when he was kicked out of his last church for some really, really bad things & aggressive temper, but I won't. He is not who is pretends to be. And we find the behavior very wicked.

As far as comments on his post, most are outlandish lies. We are strict when it comes to impounded cars as most ones are not registered & we cannot by law release items or car but to registered owners & some comments are about this with exaggeratted stuff & not the full story. We have never stole a car, that's called a repo. Some things like getting on the shoulder to pass traffic, is true as we are told to do that from police dispatch to get to a wreck. A few of the comments pertain to our ex-driver, as he answered the phones for a long time telling people he was the owner & we had no idea he was treating people badly until we took the phones back & started hearing everything he had been doing & treating people badly & we had to deal with many complaints on him, which is one of the very many reasons we fired him after dealing with his destruction over 3 years. He was rageful on the road, mean to people & more. But he is gone now. And our team is the best team we have ever had with Harold, our driver Matt, our helper James & myself. And we are very blessed.

So here we are, the victims of fakebook slamming, bashing, bullying with lies & people just sharing it left & right keeping the drama going, assuming what they are spreading is truth but indeed it is lies. Do you really think us as a long standing business would talk about christian people in that manner? We are more honorable than that. For those of you who have taken up for us, we thank you.

So people, when you see a post about someone bashing a small business, think twice what you are donig before hitting that share button. Do you just assume everything posted on fakebook is 100% truth? Use your adult mind, we all know fakebook is drama ridden. Be a respectful adult & don't share drama that you have not confirmed is true or even went to the source to get their story.

We have talked to an attorney & I have screenshots of everything on that post & we have enough to take him to court for bashing our business with the sole intent to hurt our business. Slander & defamation. You guys doing something like this, this profound, will get you in legal trouble these days.

Thank you for listening to reason. We are good people & we pride ourselves in that. And being lied on in such a monumental way, being bashed absolutely brutally & unfairly has absolutely affected us in ways you cannont imagine & it hurts deeply. This stuff is truly evil workings. We post this humbly. Thank you.


My sister has got her machine that does black & dark colors. Harold Shipley Hillbilly's favorite work shirt is black. First ever having a black printed shirt in color! No one could ever do this! Looks awesome Arisha Haynes!


****URGENT SINGLE MOM HAS NO FOOD FOR HER & 5 YR OLD SON, LET ME EXPLAIN **** I've been involved with this young lady a long time. She's lived a life of every abuse you can imagine, especially from her parents. Getting her son & her away from the abuse almost 2 yrs ago she ended up homeless staying with my kids for 6 mths until she got herself into income based apartment. She's only on social security as she has many physical disabilities & no support from baby dad ever. Since she got in the apartment She's paid every bill, rent, electric, water, phone & wifi on time for the last year & half. She has really done well to improve her life. She's never been on drugs or alcohol ever.

She just moved into her first house this past weekend, probably her forever home, with sect 8. A house hillbilly & I own that we promised her because she has worked hard at improving her circumstances & proved worthy, honorableyoung lady. After everything was done & she moved in, Sect 8 came up & changed what they will pay, her rent has increased. She will make it though. The problem is she's been on foodstamps the entire time & foodstamps office messed up her case & she didn't know until she made a walmart delivery order (she doesn't have a car yet, her next goal) and there was no food stamps today. I took her personally to the foodstamps office for her to have to reapply & it's gonna take a good 3 weeks for her to get the foodstamps back. DHS has done this to others who I've helped get their case fixed the last 2 mths, unfortunately I can't get her case fixed fast enough. I know everything about this girl & her son & she is worthy of help because she helps herself & that's the people we help. If you can spare to send any money through Facebook pay, venmo or a Walmart gift card or she can make a list & you can order walmart delivery & i can give you her address & you can have groceries delivered to her, to get them groceries please contact ME on here or text me 423-557-7555 asap cuz she's out of food for her & her son. I give you my word she's worthy & a damn good mom & has constantly improved herself & situation, she just needs help for food for a few weeks until foodstamps comes back in. Thank you!


Welcome our new addition! Meet MIA! We believe if God puts a cat or dog in your path, that he does for a reason! To take care of it! Harold Shipley Hillbilly was on a tow just a few ago & found this little girl abandoned & alone, so what does he do? He catches her & brings her home to our clan!! Long haired solid black! Bless Hillbilly for having a big heart cuz we already have 24 cats lol.


If you don't know yet, we've done our own cat rescue for 16 years, having at one time 34 cats. Welcome our new addition! Meet MIA! We believe if God puts a cat or dog in your path, that he does for a reason! To take care of it! Harold Shipley, owner, my hubbs, Hillbilly was on a tow just a few ago & found this little girl abandoned & alone, so what does he do? He catches her & brings her home to our clan!! Long haired solid black! Bless Hillbilly for having a big heart cuz we already have 24 cats lol.

Photos from Hillbilly Towing's post 08/05/2023

Apparently only 4 of these in the whole world.


Helping our fellow transporters out as always

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Videos (show all)

What we have to do to get out of our driveway.  Lol.
When someone asks for your tow truck at a funeral of a fallen or passed fellow tower, you send one. Harold Shipley Hillb...
Loving the nature on my tows to VA!!
Please watch!!!  Not only is August Starr Beverly's store (Halloween Express in JC .... The original one!!!) ABSOLUTELY ...
Had a late night last night. 🤙👌💪💚🤷
My first "official" city police call for Lotus Girl!! By owner request! I get excited!!
Jumpstart an hour away in VA for AAA. Took my car to save on fuel. I love these calls.  It was a 77 yr old man who is fr...
They sure move over don't they. Thanks motorists for caring about my life.  I challenge all police departments in the Tr...
I absolutely love towing in the tri state area, such as Virginia & KY. This is why. 💚💚💚 #nature #towing #towlife #towlov...
Last video I posted, I was threatened by someone calling posing as a trooper telling me not to post any more videos.  (I...
I was threatened by another tower imposing as THP 3-4 weeks ago. It's recorded.  Violently told me to not post videos.  ...





2028 Bloomingdale Road Suite 1
Kingsport, TN

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