George Washington Elementary School PTO

A community of parents and teachers of children at George Washington Montessori in Kingston, NY.

The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer organization of parents and teachers of George Washington Elementary School. Being involved is one way to further your child’s education, learn more about the school and meet other parents in the community. Our Mission
Our goal is to foster a nurturing and caring environment that strives for parent involvement in helping build a better education


Sharing an interview this morning on La Voz con Mariel Fiori (also a parent and PTO at GW) with a school principal from Albany explaining why the Montessori system is very good for all sorts of students, including those who are learning a language. // Les compartimos una entrevista de esta mañana en La Voz con Mariel Fiori (también madre y PTO en GW) con la directora de una escuela de Albany explicando por qué el sistema Montessori es muy bueno para todo tipo de estudiantes, incluidos aquellos que están aprendiendo un idioma.

Photos from La Voz, Cultura y noticias hispanas del Valle de Hudson's post 06/10/2024

Thank you La Voz magazine for coming to our Festival and taking these photos!

Photos from George Washington Elementary School PTO's post 06/10/2024

Thank you! The GWS PTO Latino Festival 2024 was a success. ¡Gracias! El Festival Latino de la PTO de la escuela GW 2024 fue un éxito.

Photos from George Washington Elementary School PTO's post 06/07/2024

Festival Latino de la Escuela George Washington. Gratis, mañana viernes de 4:30 a 7pm en el estacionamiento de la escuela. Todo lo recaudado por la venta de comida beneficia a la Asociación de Padres y Maestros, que cubre algunos gastos de la escuela, como excursiones, asambleas y materiales para las clases. ¿Te gustaría ayudarnos? Buscamos también voluntarios. Más información en la imagen. Este evento es para toda la familia. ¡Nos vemos! // George Washington School Latino Festival. Free, tomorrow Friday from 4:30 to 7pm in the school parking lot. All proceeds from the sale of food benefit the Parent Teacher Association, which covers some school expenses, such as field trips, assemblies and materials for classes. Would you like to help us? We are also looking for volunteers. More information in the image. This event is for the whole family. See you!

Photos from George Washington Elementary School PTO's post 05/31/2024
Photos from George Washington Elementary School PTO's post 05/15/2024

The George Washington Montessori PTO is currently looking for nominations for candidates for the following positions starting in the 2024/25 academic year: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Fundraiser committee chair and Event committee chair.

We will be holding in person elections during our regular meeting on June 11th. Nominations will be accepted till June 3rd.

Current Vice President (Mariel Fiori, former co-chair), Treasurer (Liana Grey) and Secretary (Nicole Vitale) are interested in continuing their roles and/or collaborating with others for the 2024/25 academic year, provided they are elected during the June 11th meeting.

The Goal of the PTO is to help build the George Washington Montessori community, and support teachers and students in the most sustainable way possible.

More information and nomination form in the following link:

El PTO de George Washington Montessori está buscando nominaciones para candidatos para los siguientes puestos a partir del año académico 2024/25: presidente, vicepresidente, tesorero, secretario, presidente del comité de recaudación de fondos y presidente del comité de eventos.

Celebraremos elecciones en persona durante nuestra reunión ordinaria el 11 de junio. Se aceptarán nominaciones hasta el 3 de junio.

La actual vicepresidenta (Mariel Fiori, ex copresidenta), tesorera (Liana Grey) y secretaria (Nicole Vitale) están interesadas en continuar con sus funciones y/o colaborar con otros para el año académico 2024/25, siempre que sean elegidas durante el Reunión del 11 de junio.

El objetivo del PTO es ayudar a construir la comunidad Montessori de George Washington y apoyar a los maestros y estudiantes de la manera más sostenible posible.

Más información en el siguiente enlace:

Photos from George Washington Elementary School PTO's post 05/14/2024

Upcoming fundraisers for Alex’s Lemonade stand hosted by Caitlin Sanzi’s 2nd & 3rd grade class! Help support the kids and this great charity! Just to clarify, this is NOT a PTO fundraiser event! But we are sharing the information on behalf of the school. The money raised will be used to fight childhood cancer.

Photos from George Washington Elementary KCSD's post 04/26/2024
Photos from George Washington Elementary School PTO's post 04/18/2024

Come to Camp Kingston on April 25 from 5pm to 8pm and hang out to support George Washington Elementary School’s PTO. All are welcome!

Photos from George Washington Elementary KCSD's post 03/20/2024

We had so much fun with our read-a-thon! Thank you to all the kids that participated, the parents and teachers that supported them, everyone who donated! It was wonderful to see everyone excited about reading!

Last minute donations are still open on the read-a-thon website until 3/27!

¡Nos divertimos mucho con nuestro maratón de lectura! ¡Gracias a todos los niños que participaron, a los padres y maestros que los apoyaron, a todos los que donaron! ¡Fue maravilloso ver a todos emocionados por leer!
¡Las donaciones de último minuto todavía están abiertas en el sitio web del maratón de lectura hasta el 27 de marzo!

Photos from George Washington Elementary School PTO's post 03/16/2024

Students and Parents at George Washington Montessori School celebrated Pi Day's Eve on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. The event featured everyone's favorite mathematical constant, π = 3.14159265···, a number which relates the circumference of any circle to its diameter.
The Pi Day event featured mathematical activities designed to engage students and teach them about Pi: Measure Circles and Compute Pi, Turn a Circle into a Rectangle, Free-hand Circle Drawing Contest, Pi Memorization Challenge, Buffon Needle Experiment, Math 'zines, Eating Round Foods (especially Pizza Pi and Apple Pi). There were also Pi bookmarks and Pi stickers.
Thanks to GW parent and Bard College Math Professor Japheth Wood, who led the event, and thank you to all the parent volunteers: Ben Warren, Jasmine Watson-Garay, Liz Yoder, Mariel Fiori, Modesta Montaño, Monica Zimmers, also JW Bailey student Daphne Wood-Fiori, and Math Education Professor Elizabeth Ford (SUNY NP) and Student Teacher Kathleen Konz (SUNY NP).
The Pi Day organizers thank GW parent Anthea White and Village Coffee and Goods for their generous donation of a delicious and very round apple pie!

Overheard about Pi Day's Eve at GWS:
"It was a fun and engaging night learning about Pi for the kids and adults!"
"I’ll bet you will hear from some of these kids in 5 years that one of these activities helped them wrap their heads around calculus."
"... a positive social-cultural experience around academic subjects."

Photos from George Washington Elementary School PTO's post 03/13/2024

We're celebrating Pi Day's eve at GWS tomorrow Wednesday, March 13, 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the school cafeteria. Bring your kids, bring yourself, bring your family! This is a great way to learn about the famous number π = 3.14... and build enthusiasm for math with your family. In celebration, we will also be eating round food. Run by GWS parent and Bard College Math Professor, Dr. Japheth Wood.
Celebraremos la víspera del Día de Pi en GWS mañana miércoles 13 de marzo, de 5:30 p. m. a 7:30 p. m. en la cafetería de la escuela. ¡Trae a tus hijos, tráete a ti mismo, trae a tu familia! Esta es una excelente manera de aprender sobre el famoso número π = 3,14... y generar entusiasmo por las matemáticas con tu familia. Para celebrarlo, también comeremos comida redonda. Dirigido por el Dr. Japheth Wood, padre de GWS y profesor de matemáticas de Bard College.


Monday is Hats off to Reading day! Wear your favorite hat to school!! Can’t wait to see everyone’s favorite hat!

¡El lunes es el día de la lectura! ¡Usa tu sombrero favorito para ir a la escuela! ¡No puedo esperar a ver el sombrero favorito de todos!

Photos from George Washington Elementary KCSD's post 03/02/2024

What a fun way to kickoff our Adventures in Reading read-a-thon!

¡Qué manera más divertida de iniciar nuestro maratón de lectura Aventuras en la lectura!

Photos from George Washington Elementary School PTO's post 02/29/2024

Please Remember to Sign up for the read-a-thon to log your minutes read and to raise funds for our PTO! In addition to the online record keeping, please send a note to school with titles of books you read with your child or list the chapters they read. This information will be written in their reading passports and the PTO will be traveling around classes to stamp their passport a few times through the read a thon.

For the students that cannot read, time spent with adults reading to/with our learners count as minutes for our read a thon! Ex: Reading a book to your PreK student counts as loggable minutes and can also be written in their reading passports!

The PTO, Principal LoBianco, and the GW teachers are very excited about this Adventures in Reading Read a thon! We hope you are too!

¡Recuerde inscribirse en el maratón de lectura para registrar sus minutos de lectura y recaudar fondos para nuestro PTO! Además del mantenimiento de registros en línea, envíe una nota a la escuela con los títulos de los libros que leyó con su hijo o enumere los capítulos que leyeron. ¡Esta información estará escrita en sus pasaportes de lectura y el PTO viajará por las clases para sellar sus pasaportes varias veces durante la maratón de lectura!

Para los estudiantes que no saben leer, ¡los adultos que leen a/con nuestros alumnos cuentan como minutos para nuestra maratón de lectura! Por ejemplo: Leerle un libro a su estudiante de preescolar cuenta como minutos registrables y también se puede escribir en sus pasaportes de lectura.

¡El PTO, el director LoBianco y los maestros de GW están muy entusiasmados con esta maratón de lectura de aventuras en lectura! ¡Esperamos que tú también!

Adventures in Reading!

This year’s read a thon begins on Saturday, March 2nd and ends Saturday, March 16th! After a kick off assembly on March 1st, students will receive their “Reading Passports” which will correlate with our digital tracking of minutes. While minutes will be entered into the website, Passports should list books that students have finished reading! Throughout the read-a-thon/fundraiser, GW school will have themed spirit days as well as special visits by the PTO to stamp everyone’s passport and hear about their reading travels!

GW Read a Thon Calendar of Events

Friday 3/1
GW Read a thon! Adventures in Reading!: Dress as an explorer
Kickoff Assembly
Monday 3/4
Hats off to Reading!: Wear your Favorite Hat
Tuesday 3/5
Kick Back with a Good Book! Wear Soccer Attire
Wednesday 3/6
Wacky Wednesday!: Wear Wacky Clothes
Thursday 3/7
Rainbow Fish!: Wear Rainbow Colors
Friday 3/8
Fantastic Friday!: Dress like your Favorite Book Character
Monday 3/11
Cat in the Hat!: Dress like a Cat
Tuesday 3/12
The Day the Crayon Quit!: Dress like your Favorite Color Crayon
Wednesday 3/13
Good Night Moon!: Wear your Pajamas
Thursday 3/14
Corduroy!: Bring your Favorite Stuffed Animal to school
Last Day of Fundraiser
Friday 3/15
Read a thon Wrap up!: Bring your Favorite Book to school for show and tell!

¡Aventuras en la lectura!

¡La maratón de lectura de este año comienza el sabado 2 de marzo y termina el sabado 16 de marzo! Después de una asamblea inicial el 1 de marzo, los estudiantes recibirán sus "Pasaportes de lectura" que se correlacionarán con nuestro seguimiento digital de las actas. Si bien las actas se ingresarán en el sitio web, ¡los pasaportes deben enumerar los libros que los estudiantes hayan terminado de leer! Durante la lectura, una maratón/recaudación de fondos, la escuela GW tendrá días espirituales temáticos, así como visitas especiales del PTO para sellar el pasaporte de todos y conocer sobre nuestros viajes de lectura.

GW lee un calendario de eventos de maratónGW

Viernes 1/3
GW ¡Lee Una Maratón! ¡Aventuras en la lectura!: Vístete como un explorador
Asamblea de inicio
Lunes 4/3
4 ¡Me quito el sombrero ante la lectura!: Use su sombrero favorito
Martes 5/3
¡Miércoles loco!: Usa ropa extravagante
Miércoles 6/3
¡ ¡Miércoles loco!: Usa ropa extravagante
Jueves 7/3
¡Pez arcoíris!: ¡Usar los colores del arcoíris!
Viernes 8/3
¡Viernes fantástico!: Vístete como tu personaje de libro favorito

Lunes 11/3
¡Gato en el Sombrero!: Vístete como un gato
Martes 12/3
¡El día en que dejó de usar crayones!: Vístase como su color de crayón favorito
Miércoles 13/03
¡Buenas Noches Luna!: Ponte el pijama
Jueves 14/3
¡Pana!: Trae tu animal de peluche favorito a la escuela
Último día de recaudación de fondos
Viernes 15/3
Maratón de lecturas ¡Conclusión!: ¡Trae tu libro favorito a la escuela para mostrarlo y contarlo


Check out this upcoming community event at SUNY New Paltz!


Join Cornell Cooperative Extension on March 19th at 5:30for a kid-friendly cooking workshop with the owner of Calcutta Kitchens, Aditi Goswami. The workshop is open to any child aged 7 and up with an adult.


The PTO will be at the school selling preorders for Valentines Flowers today, 2/12/24!

Stop buy and order flowers for delivery to classrooms on Wed, 2/14!

Considering the coming snow we will not be at the achool to sell flowers tomorrow if school closes! So come by today and get ahead of the snow! ❤️

Photos from George Washington Elementary School PTO's post 02/11/2024

Last day to grab your chances at these sweet prizes!

Photos from George Washington Elementary School PTO's post 01/24/2024

The George Washington Elementary School
PTO Valentine’s Day Raffle is starting!! Buy your tickets by February 11, 2024 for the chance to win something great and support our school! LeShag Bardavon Presents Snapper Magee'sAdams Fairacre Farms, Inc.


Popcorn Friday volunteers needed for this Friday 12/15!!! We start at drop off (8:45) and usually finish up around 1. We can use help for any part of that! Currently only 1 person will be there making popcorn! Come hang out and have some fun! Message us or email [email protected] to let us know! ❤️


Please join us at 6pm Today! December 12th for our monthly PTO meeting at Gw! Childcare will be provided! Come share your thoughts and inspirations! We hope to see you there!

¡Únete a nosotros hoy a las 6 p. m.! ¡El 12 de diciembre para nuestra reunión mensual de PTO en Gw! ¡Proporcionará cuidado de niños! ¡Ven a compartir tus pensamientos e inspiraciones! ¡Esperamos verte allí!


The ULTIMATE Discount Card for 2024 is available for purchase. $15 gets you discounts at many Kingston businesses, see the link below for more info! If you order online with a credit card, it will ship to your home, or you can fill out the brochure that came home last week.

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Kingston?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Guess what’s back?!?! Popcorn Friday is back! Thanks to Garay Construction for donating a brand new popcorn machine!!! Y...
Please Join us for Science night with Bard College! The amazing students at Bard will be in our GW cafeteria to help our...
This is Sita, a student in Mr. Tom's class, and her little sister Savita please check out their video and help them help...



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