IBCK Educational Ctr

IBCK EDUCATIONAL CENTER offers a good education, technical programs, and sports programs for student


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Inscripciones abiertas 🚌📚🏫🎒

K-2 to 12th"
Becas disponible

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Mobill: 📱407-201-1206
Fax 📠407-962-0874

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Photos from IBCK Educational Ctr's post 07/05/2024

Graduation ceremony 🎓🎖️
IBCK Educational Center

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IBCK Educational Center 🚌📚🏫🎒

"Enrolling Now K-5 to 12th"
Inscripciones Abiertas

Scholarships available
Becas disponible

Contact us:
Cell: 📱407-201-1206
Fax 📠407-962-0874
📩 [email protected]




En ibck Educational Center tenemos educación preescolar
Con becas disponibles.
A partir de 4 años pueden participar de forma privada o mediante el programa VPK.
1-4 Años
Los estudiantes pueden participar de forma privada o mediante programas SR/FES-UA.
1 a 5 años de edad de forma privada o a través de los programas VPK, School Readi ness y becas FES-UA.
Para más información
Móvil: 📱407-201-1206
Fax 📠407-962-0874
📩 [email protected]

Photos from IBCK Educational Ctr's post 06/17/2024

Becas disponibles
Scholarship Available

Photos from IBCK Educational Ctr's post 06/14/2024

En ibck Educational Center tenemos educación preescolar
Con becas disponibles.

A partir de 4 años pueden participar de forma privada o mediante el programa VPK.

1-4 Años
Los estudiantes pueden participar de forma privada o mediante programas SR/FES-UA.

1 a 5 años de edad de forma privada o a través de los programas VPK, School Readi ness y becas FES-UA.

Para más información
Móvil: 📱407-201-1206
Fax 📠407-962-0874
📩 [email protected]




Ibck educational center. 👍📖


IBCK Educational Center 🚌📚🏫🎒

K-2 to 12th"
Becas disponible

Scholarships available
Becas disponible

Contact us:
Cell: 📱407-201-1206
Fax 📠407-962-0874
📩 [email protected]




Proverbs 22:6

6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.



IBCK Educational Center 🚌📚🏫🎒

Contact us:
Cell: 📱407-201-1206
Fax 📠407-962-0874
📩 [email protected]




Kissimmee Lambs Division 1 Academy, where your children will learn to act and work like professional athletes. Here they will be taught all things necessary for success within their given sports field. They will focus on developing their academic,mental, emotional, physical,social and spiritual areas.
The academy’s goal is to help train and prepare the youth to play not only at college levels but also take part of the most prestigious leagues in the world.
We are a professional team with many national and international connections, which opens doors for our players to demonstrate their talent in different parts of the world! Our coaches are trained professionals who have played professionally! Registration is now opened! Come and join our team!

Contact us:
Cell: 407-201-1206
Fax 407-962-0874
[email protected]

Academia Kissimmee Lambs División 1, donde sus hijos aprenderán a actuar y trabajar como atletas profesionales. Aquí se les enseñará todo lo necesario para tener éxito en su campo deportivo. Se enfocarán en desarrollar sus áreas académica, mental, emocional, física, social y espiritual.
El objetivo de la academia es ayudar a entrenar y preparar a los jóvenes para jugar no sólo a nivel universitario sino también para formar parte de las ligas más prestigiosas del mundo.
¡Somos un equipo profesional con muchas conexiones nacionales e internacionales, lo que abre las puertas a que nuestros jugadores demuestren su talento en diferentes partes del mundo! ¡Nuestros entrenadores son profesionales capacitados que han jugado profesionalmente! ¡La inscripción ya está abierta! ¡Ven y únete a nuestro equipo!

Cell: 407-201-1206
Fax: 407-962-0874
[email protected]

Photos from IBCK Educational Ctr's post 03/21/2024

Bible study


Court of Dreams, Kissimmee Lambs Award ceremony

March 23
11:45AM το 3:00PM

Kia Center. 400 West Church Street, Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32801



Another habit that is of utmost importance is that of honesty. 

It’s natural for every child to go through a phase where they try out lying. Either they’re trying to get their way in certain situations or something that they want.

(For example, a child might claim that they haven't drank any juice for the day because they know they are only allowed one cup a day). 

It’s crucial for paretns to encourage and reinforce how important it is for children to tell the truth. Being honest is important for children and adults because it means they are being fair to others.

Telling the truth also builds self-respect, pride, and protects them from being excluded or getting into trouble for things that aren’t their fault. It’s also an important part of building relationships with others.

Teaching and modeling honesty to children starts by having open communication between the parent and the child. Parents can start by going over how lying makes others feel and how hard it is to trust someone who doesn’t tell the truth.

Stories like the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” help show the impact lying can have in serious situations. When parents show appreciation and praise for times that their children have been honest about their actions and applying realistic consequences help instill in the children the value of honesty.



Patience is a difficult but necessary skill to teach and model for children. This can be a tricky one to teach, especially when children are young, but it’s worth the effort.

As adults, parents understand that things happen and plans change, but children often struggle with the concept of time, so learning to wait can be challenging.

This skill is something that parents can teach by modeling and having open conversations about waiting. Whenever parents are out in public or at home, they should talk with their children about waiting in line and exercising their patience while others take turns.

Parents can practice waiting in line, waiting patiently at places like restaurants, having good listening skills, not interrupting others when they are speaking, etc. They should model this consistently so that the children are able to have an example to follow. 


Respect for Others

A respectful attitude is also a skill that will build children up for success. A respectful attitude includes things like saying please and thank you, not talking back, and being kind.

Part of being respectful is having respect for how others feel and things that might affect them. Parents should also encourage children to be respectful of all the people in their lives.

A good outlook to take is following the "Golden Rule" which teaches that one should treat others as they themselves would like to be treated.

Simple ways children can practice being respectful of others:

✓ Say “please” and “thank you.”
✓ Don’t talk back to adults.
✓ Don’t take more than their share.
✓ Make eye contact when someone is talking to them.
✓ Pay attention when someone is talking to them.
✓ Don’t talk over others.
✓ Demonstrate respect for property

@ ibckedu


Habits That Teach Good Morals

Be Polite to Others

Children as well as adults should always practice politeness towards others.

Children learn by example; therefore; it is important to teach and model how to respond to others in a polite manner. Parents should model politeness when interacting with others, including teachers, community workers, etc. In turn, children will also interact with others in the same manner.

A big challenge to children is that a lot of their interactions are online which has caused them to lose the skill of politeness. This means that many parents grew up with more face-face interactions which required them to deal with the consequences of being rude to someone. Children, due to having more online interactions, might not have to deal with the consequences of being rude to someone.

This can be a real disservice when children need to go out into the real- world and won't have the skills necessary to interact well with others.

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Photos from IBCK Educational Ctr's post 10/11/2023


School Readiness
VPK voucher


How to Teach Good Habits to Kids

When it comes to teaching good habits to kids, my best advice is to start slow. Pick one or two habits on the list that your family isn’t already practicing and start there.

As your child gets used to the new habits, you can add in a few more and so on and so forth. Some may take longer to get used to than others, but before you know it your child will be rocking everything on the list.

Make sure to include lots of praise and rewards when you can. Most kids enjoy getting positive feedback, so definitely focus on that more than the negative.

And where possible, make it fun. My kids always love using sticker chore charts for motivation. They enjoy getting the little prize or reward for a job well done.

Plus, they always make things a little easier for me to keep everyone organized and on track.

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7 Reasons Your Child Can’t Focus on Studies

If your child is having difficulty concentrating on studies, it does not necessarily mean they have ADD or ADHD. Most students, especially the young ones, go through this phase where they find it hard to concentrate on their studies, and there are many reasons for that, some of which are:

🔹New environment:

It’s common among students to not be able to concentrate in a new environment.

🔹Ahead of others:

It might happen that your child is ahead in the syllabus or maybe at a high enough level from the rest of the class.

🔹Lacking the ideal study material:

Though it’s not highlighted enough, the quality of study materials plays a crucial role in retaining students’ focus and interest.

🔹External distractions:

In today’s world, a student has enough distractions in life. They are incredibly close to technology and use it to fulfill all their requirements.

🔹Lack of motivation:

Motivation plays a crucial role in keeping students focused and interested in their studies. Thus naturally, a lack of the same can cause focus issues.

🔹Unique learning methods:

Each child has different means of learning. For example, while some may learn by seeing, others may learn by doing or maybe by hearing.

🔹Sleep and nutrition:

This is an essential factor and must be followed religiously. Young students should get a minimum of 8–10 hours of sleep daily to help them concentrate on their studies. To that, if a child skips breakfast and goes to class hungry, in all probability, they won’t be able to focus.

Though there are multiple reasons for lacking focus in class, all of them can be addressed without much problem. Parents can play a critical role here in helping their child re-focus on studies.


What makes studying difficult for some children? 👨‍🏫👩‍🏫🧑‍🏫🎒🏫

Some children find it more difficult than others to crack a book open when they get home. This can be for a variety of reasons. 

The school day is already long, and many children are not getting enough sleep. Add in extra after-school activities, and it’s easy to understand why shutting off their brain is often their number one priority.

Even children who find the time to sit down and study may struggle with using this time well. A few reasons your child may find studying difficult include:

·       Lack of Interest — As a kid, you probably didn’t like every subject. Some felt plain boring. And it’s the same way for your child.

·       Distraction — There’s a lot going on at home in the evenings.

·       Worry — Whether students are in elementary, middle or high school, school can be a high-stress time. 

If your child is struggling with studying, they’re not alone. Think about why they may be having a difficult time. Then sit down and talk with your child, one on one. Give them a judgment-free space to share what’s going on in their lives. Figure out their most pressing issues, then work together to find an answer.


Talk about school

Because many teens spend so much of the day outside the home — at school, extracurricular activities, jobs, or with peers — staying connected with them can be challenging for parents and guardians. While activities at school, new interests, and expanding social circles are central to the lives of high school students, parents and guardians are still their anchors for providing love, guidance, and support.

Talk with your teen every day, so they know that what goes on at school is important to you. When teens know their parents are interested in their academic lives, they'll take school seriously as well.

The way you talk and listen to your teen can influence how well they listen and respond. Listen carefully, make eye contact, and avoid multitasking while you talk. Be sure to ask questions that go beyond "yes" or "no" answers. When teens know they can talk openly with their parents, the challenges of high school can be easier to face.

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Know the disciplinary and bullying policies

All schools have rules and consequences for student behaviors. Schools usually list their disciplinary policies (sometimes called the student code of conduct) in student handbooks. The rules cover expectations — and consequences for not meeting them — for things like student behavior, dress codes, use of electronic devices, and acceptable language.

The policies may include details about attendance, vandalism, cheating, fighting, and weapons. Many schools also have specific policies about bullying, such as the school's definition of bullying, consequences for bullies, support for victims, and how to report bullying. Bullying via text or social media should be reported to the school too.

Your teen should be aware of what's expected at school and know that you'll support the consequences if expectations aren't met. It's easiest for students when school expectations match the ones at home. That way, kids see both settings as safe, caring places that work together as a team.

It's also important to note that educators may call law enforcement officials to the school for serious infractions, and consequences may differ based on students' ages.


Offer help with studying

Planning is key to helping your teen study while juggling assignments in multiple subjects. Grades really count in high school, so planning to study is crucial for success, particularly when your teen's time is taken up with extracurricular activities.

When there's a lot to study, help your teen to break down tasks into smaller chunks and stick to the studying calendar schedule so they're not studying for multiple tests all in one night. Remind your teen to take notes in class, organize them by subject, and review them at home.

If their grades are good, your teen may not need help studying. If grades begin to slip, though, it may be time to step in. Most parents still need to help their teen with organization and studying — don't think that teens can do this on their own just because they're in high school!

You can help your teen review material and study with several techniques, like simple questioning, asking to provide the missing word, and creating practice tests. The more processes the brain uses to handle information — such as writing, reading, speaking, and listening — the more likely students will remember the information. Repeating words, re-reading passages aloud, re-writing notes, or visualizing or drawing information all help the brain retain data.

Even if your teen is just re-reading notes, offer to quiz them, focusing on any facts or ideas that are proving troublesome. Encourage your teen to do practice problems in math or science. If the material is beyond your abilities, they might get help from a classmate, the teacher, or a tutor (some schools have free peer-to-peer tutoring programs).

And remember that getting a good night's sleep is smarter than cramming. Recent studies show that students who sacrifice sleep to study are more likely to struggle on tests the next day.

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IBCK Educational Center

We want our students to be well-rounded individuals not only academically, but also socially, physically, and professionally.

IBCK is fully accredited by:

· Southern Associations of Colleges and Schools (SACS)

· National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA)

Videos (show all)

En ibck Educational Center tenemos educación preescolar Con becas disponibles.A partir de 4 años pueden participar de fo...
Tenemos todo en un mismo lugar Fútbol Fútbol americano Baloncesto Beisbol Somos una escuela con principios y valoresIBCK...
IBCK Educational Center "Enrolling Now K-5 to 12th" Becas disponibleScholarships availableInscripciones Abiertas Contact...
IBCK Educational Center 🚌📚🏫🎒"Enrolling Now K-5 to 12th" Becas disponibleScholarships availableInscripciones Abiertas Con...
Kissimmee Lambs Division 1 Academy, where your children will learn to act and work like professional athletes. Here they...
IBCK Educational CenterSchool in Kissimmee@ibckedu
IBCK Educational CenterSchool in Kissimmee@ibckedu
IBCK Educational CenterFollow us@ibckedu
VPK program starts on August 21st and School Readiness,FES-UA and private programs starts on  August 14th@ibckedu #schoo...
@drillsandskillsfl Basketball Camp@ibckedu #basketballcamp #ibckeducarionalcenter #ibck #ibckedu




2275 Fortune Road
Kissimmee, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8am - 4:30pm
Friday 8am - 4:30pm

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