Healthcare Horizons

Leading expert in healthcare claims audit services and out-of-network fee negotiation, recovering millions of dollars for our clients.

Since 1999, our comprehensive audits have been protecting the financial interest of some of the world's largest clients.

How to Grow Your 2025 Healthcare Budget - Healthcare Horizons 04/09/2024

❓Tired of your healthcare budget paying fewer employee benefits each year?
We can help grow your budget in 2025! ❗
Read our September blog for more info:

How to Grow Your 2025 Healthcare Budget - Healthcare Horizons If you're tired of your healthcare budget paying fewer employee benefits each year, we can help grow your budget in 2025!


🌞Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend friends!



📆 📣Don’t Miss Your Negotiating Window!
Attention businesses with self-funded healthcare plans! While your team may be enjoying some well-deserved vacation time, third-party administrators (TPAs) and benefits managers are negotiating Administrative Services Only (A*O) agreements for 2025. This is a critical time to ensure your company gets the best possible deal, especially when it comes to audit rights.
We offer a FREE A*O audit language review and provide recommendations to help you negotiate the best audit rights. This can be a valuable starting point for ensuring that your plan isn’t overpaying for healthcare benefits!


We Can Help!!!
Is lowering your medical costs a 2025 goal? Reach out to us to get the conversation started!


Did you know walking on earth barefoot can have positive benefits after just 30 mins? Why not give it a try?


⏲️Don’t Miss Your Negotiating Window!
Attention businesses with self-funded healthcare plans - While your team may be enjoying some well-deserved vacation time, third-party administrators (TPAs) and benefits managers are negotiating Administrative Services Only (A*O) agreements for 2025. This is a critical time to ensure your company gets the best possible deal, especially when it comes to audit rights!



Time to connect with our coastal crew ⚓
Click here for more info and to register:


Our clients can enjoy knowing we've got their paid medical claims under control!

Don't Bury Your Head in the Sand 13/08/2024

🚫Don't let restrictive audit rights sink your healthcare savings!
Insist on comprehensive audit rights in your 2025 services agreement!

Don't Bury Your Head in the Sand Negotiating now will help you find healthcare savings in 2025. We can help.



Or in our case, lead you to savings 😀 💲 💲


🦩Don’t Bury Your Head in the Sand!
Many companies have no idea they should be auditing their claims data. HR executives and benefits administrators might think their broker or benefits consultant manages everything – but that’s a dangerous assumption. The responsibility for identifying and correcting errors falls on you.
Learn more :


🍎Monday Motivation


Happy Weekend Friends!!! Keep Laughing!!!


▶️Employers who self-insure are the fiduciary for their health plans ◀️
Therefore, it is imperative that they choose their own audit partner to verify claims payments in order to fulfill their
responsibilities to stakeholders. Doing so is likely to yield up to 3 percent of the employer’s medical spend in recovered overpayments, which can then be returned to the bottom line and stakeholders.
Reach out to learn more!


❔Did you know...
You can negotiate fees on your self-pay medical costs❕
Healthcare Horizons offers fee negotiation for services rendered by out-of-network providers to reduce the payment required by a self-insured employer and eliminate balance billing or “surprise bills” to the patient.
While we offer fee negotiation for all types of medical services, our core competency involves negotiation for air ambulance services. Air ambulance flights save many lives each year. But for many carriers and self-insured employer plans, out-of-network charges for these services can be staggering – most are in excess of $50,000. While fees charged by traditional medical transport services are regulated under the Affordable Care Act, air ambulance providers argue that they fall under the jurisdiction of the Airline Deregulation Act (ADA) of 1978, which prevents states from enacting or enforcing laws or regulations related to the price, route or service of an air transportation carrier. In addition, many air ambulance providers are out-of-network, which may result in surprise out-of-pocket bills for thousands of dollars.
Our familiarity with the industry, along with long-standing professional working relationships, allow us to approach air ambulance providers with a fee negotiation agreement that allows fair reimbursement for services rendered that is often much lower than the full billed charge amount. A successful negotiation provides savings to the self-insured plan and eliminates any balance billing to patients as the providers agree to write off the difference between billed charges and the negotiation amount.
Healthcare Horizons currently works with several major carriers to provide this service for our mutual self-insured clients. Our fee is based solely on a percent of savings achieved – if we are unable to complete negotiation, there is no fee to our clients.


You're #1 !!!
Read more about our white glove approach to medical claims audits here:

Self-Funded Health Plans: Breaking the Myths to Find Cost Savings 25/07/2024

💰8-10% is the Average Cost Savings from Self-funded Health Plans
This article is so full of great information about self-funded insurance plans that we had to share: #:~:text=Companies%20that%20self-fund%20save%20money%20in%20the%20long,Savings%3A%203%E2%80%938%25%20depending%20on%20the%20size%20of%20companys

Self-Funded Health Plans: Breaking the Myths to Find Cost Savings Read on as we dispel myths about self-insurance and learn if this cost-saving approach is the right fit for your organization.


Sounds like a win-win!
Read more about our white glove approach to medical claims audits here:


🤯Undetected errors cost self-insured employers money – potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars each year – that they must cover out of their own pockets.

Many large employers choose to self-insure their employees’ medical expenses to contain healthcare costs and maintain greater plan control by having a third-party administrator (TPA) manage claims processing. However, one of the unintended consequences of self-insuring is that claims payers have no financial incentive to control costs and can unintentionally make errors that may range, on average, from 1 to 3 percent of total claims.

Annual healthcare claims audits help keep healthcare expenses in check and ensure that employers are:
✅Not overpaying claims or paying claims in error
✅Identifying and eliminating systemic errors
✅Recovering overpayments within the TPA’s timing limitations, avoiding the two-year ‘no recovery’ trap
✅Fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities as a self-insured employer


We put our 30 years of experience to work for you!
Read more about our approach to medical claims audits here:


As a committed partner to your success, here is how we translate white glove service into action:
✅Anticipating Your Needs: We understand that time is money.
✅Your Success is Our Priority: We genuinely care about your bottom line.
✅A Customized Approach: A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t cut it. We understand that every client has unique needs.
✅Transparent Communication: Fosters trust and empowers you.
✅Following Through with Excellence: Our job doesn’t end with the audit.
Learn more here:



❓How are we different❓
Our comprehensive audit process is not a software solution. What our auditors do is more art and instinct to interpret the findings rather than relying on software algorithms only. Certainly, we use computer programs to streamline the process, but it is the keen experienced eye and expertise of our audit team that make Healthcare Horizons different. The personalization of our audit process ensures that we sort through gray areas of plan details and even find errors that can be fixed for future claims occurrences, leading to future savings.

Healthcare Horizons white glove service Jul 2024 09/07/2024

It is more than getting the job done. It’s about exceeding expectations and creating a truly personalized experience.

Healthcare Horizons white glove service Jul 2024 White glove service is the best, most respected service. We strive for every audit experience to exceed white glove standards. ...

The Difference is in Knowing

In 1999, we discovered that along with rising healthcare costs, self-insured employers were unnecessarily exposed to a greater financial risk of overpaid healthcare claims given the TPA relationship model. This presented an opportunity to help companies audit and recoup money spent on claims in error. Our human-powered experience and expertise since that time has helped recover millions of dollars in erroneous claims and has allowed us to forge excellent long-term working relationships with some of the world’s largest companies and all major third-party administrators in the country. Clients can be secure knowing Healthcare Horizons believes in uncompromising ethics and accuracy, and are protecting their company’s financials. Our 100% Difference approach provides the greatest opportunity to identify and recover overpaid claims via a process that yields more comprehensive results than traditional random-sample audits. We do all this with sensitivity to your TPA relationship and make the process simple so you can focus on our core business and productivity.

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800 S. Gay Street, Suite 1600
Knoxville, TN

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00