Flintridge Bookstore, La Canada Flintridge, CA Videos

Videos by Flintridge Bookstore in La Canada Flintridge. Flintridge Bookstore is a full service independent book store located in La Canada, CA. The store p

Other Flintridge Bookstore videos

Thank you, Sue Ganz-Schmitt and Andrea J. Loney for appearing at Flintridge Bookstore and sharing your latest children's books - SKYBOUND: Starring Mary Myers as Carlotta - Daredevil Aeronaut & Scientist; and Abby in Orbit: Mission Moon. Listen to an interview with them here...

Have a wonderful holiday weekend. Merry Christmas and best wishes from Flintridge Bookstore! (We are open Christmas Eve until 6 PM and closed on Christmas Day).

Storytime reading and activities with author Ashlyn Anstee! Come on down for Storytime at the Flintridge Bookstore, Saturday mornings at 10:30am!

Last night...KABC7 came to cover Dallas and Dannie Raines book launch for CHESTER AND THE HOT AIR BALLOON. We still have signed copies available at the store.

Last night...KABC7 came to cover Dallas and Dannie Raine's book launch here.

When Mental Illness Hits Home - Memoir Authors Converse in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month - Paolina Milana, Deborah Lott, Susan Auerbach
If you missed yesterday's WHEN MENTAL ILLNESS HITS HOME virtual discussion with authors Paolina Milana, Deborah Lott and Susan Auerbach in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, you can watch it here. Copies of their books are available at the bookstore...Paolina Milana, "Committed: A Memoir of Madness in the Family"; Deborah Lott, "Don't Go Crazy without Me: a Tragicomic Memoir"; Susan Auerbach, "I'll Write Your Name on Every Beach: A Mother’s Quest for Comfort, Courage, and Clarity after Suicide Loss"

Join us live with Luke Tarzian

David Alan Arnold Photography