The Phoenix Nest- Lafayette

The Phoenix Nest- Lafayette

Our main mission at The Phoenix Nest is to bring peace and relaxation to our clients by healing thei


✨I’m excited to announce my new energy healing services I’m now offering! ✨

✨ Past Life Healing - In this service we connect to a past life and heal traumas, behaviors, or patterns that are effecting you in this life. This service can be done distantly.

✨ Wounded Inner Child Healing - This service heals traumas/ part of yourself stuck and wounded causing problems throughout your life. A wounded child can be any age. This service can be done distantly.

✨ Ancestral Karma Healing - Ancestral karma is behaviors, patterns, or physical conditions that have been energetically passed down through our family line. This service can release and heal these things. This service can be done distantly.

✨ Broken Hearts Healing - This service is a healing that helps you release and let go of your ex-whatever and give you peace.

✨ Death and Grief Healing - This healing helps ease the burdens of grief and anguish that is caused and felt by the death of a loved one. This service can help give you peace. This service can be done distantly.


✨Testimonial from an energy healing session ✨

“A few days after the session I started having a lot of a-ha moments, including a video popping up by Tyler Perry about having people in your life for a season and a light bulb just went off for me in perfect timing. After the few days of purging all of those energies, everything just kind of went away. The anger, the resentment, and the confusion with all the questions I’ve been asking myself just kind of went away and have come to terms with people who use to call me their family that wasn’t real and that’s ok. They meant it at the time in that moment but they meant it in a different way than who my true family is. Overall I feel much better about that particular thing that has been weighing on me for a long time, since March of 2021.”


Sacral Chakra
Color associated is orange

It is located in the lower abdomen below the naval. It is associated with procreation, creativity, s*xuality, desire, and emotional balance. When our sacral chakra is balanced we are willing and able to feel our emotions and express them in a healthy way. We enjoy pleasurable activities without having to overindulge in things that compromise our health and well being.
As a collective we have been taught not to express our emotions leading to emotional instability and the desire to numb our emotions with food, drugs, and alcohol.

Balanced sacral chakra: able to express emotions, emotional intelligence, ability to experience pleasure, healthy s*xuality, nurtures self and others, healthy boundaries, open to change, works harmoniously with others

Unbalanced sacral chakra: overindulgent in food, drugs, alcohol, material things and s*x. Confusion, lacking purpose, jealousy, s*xual difficulties, impotentence, poor boundaries, disconnected from others

Traumas to sacral chakra: s*xual abuse, r**e, emotional abuse, neglect, denial of child’s feelings, alcoholic or drug addicted families, religious extremes, traumatic child delivery, miscarriages, abortion.

Bodily symptoms expressing blockage: s*xual dysfunction, impotence, aging, lower back pain and stiffness, inflexibility, Infertility, reproductive problems, uterine, bladder or kidney problems


✨In honor of 2/22 ( magical manifestation portal day)
I’m offering 50% off of healing sessions today. Its regular 100$. Today it 50$! ✨
✨PM me if you’re interested. I can do these sessions through distance! ✨


This is a testimonial from a client about her energy healing session ✨💗

“ I have alopecia and have suffered with it since 2016. I did steroid injections for about 2 years. My hair grew back with injections but last January I was under a lot of stress and my hair started falling again. Erica posted about healing and I contacted her. She did a healing service. I was very nervous but I went in for a massage and a healing. I layed on her table and she placed her hands on my feet.. I felt tingling throughout my body and a peaceful feeling. After the massage she informed me to give it about 3 weeks and my hair would stop falling. Needless to say my hair is not falling out! I am definitely thankful for her! Since this is an auto immune disease stress is a big factor so it could start falling again. If it does i would go back for another session. I would 100 % recommend her service!” Samara Seaux


Starting March 1 my office will be in the salon at The Blake.


An energy session can end up being an energetic counseling session. ✨
Say you go see a therapist, you may get 10 sessions in when you finally have a breakthrough and then start having “a-ha” moments, then you process your breakthrough, and then you’re no longer effected by the problem or trauma. When you have the breakthrough that’s you letting go of the energy of the trauma or problem.

In just one energy session I set the enegy for whatever it is you’d like to heal from then I releas the energy of it. ✨
So I’m giving you the breakthrough! ✨
Then as days follow you will start processing, having your a-ha moments, and then you will no longer be effected by said trauma or problem. ✨

It’s been magical and life changing for the clients I have worked on. ✨
I can do an energy session through distance!✨


In December I did a energy session on a client with brain trauma from a motorcycle accident years ago. He has been gaining memories back he never thought he would and there is a dead nerve spot in his thigh that is gaining feeling back into as well.
Nerves that was were once “dead” are starting to fire again and brain pathways that were blocked are now starting to open up and connect again!
This is with just one session! 💗✨😃


I’m excited to announce the new service I’m offering.
Traiteur/ energy healing session ✨

I'm a modern day traiteur/ energy healer. In this service I can heal anything physical, mental, and emotional. I use powerful energies specifically tailored to each person and what they are trying to heal. I can also release specific traumas in a clients life that are still effecting them so it no longer effects them and their life. This service can also give you a "wake up" if you're feeling stuck and stagnant in your life. I can also provide this service through distance. 💗💙✨


I have a couple of massage spots open tomorrow morning. ✨💖


The Blake At Lafayette 400 Polly Lane
Lafayette, LA

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00