Katie Eddington

Katie Eddington

From our darkest pain comes our greatest purpose.



Dean Karnazes said it best, “I didn’t run to live longer; I ran to live fuller.” When I read that in his book ’A Runner’s High: My Life in Motion’ I felt it to the depths of my soul.

I didn’t start running obscene distances for health. However,  I’ve been told by my cardiologist that I would’ve likely suffered more by now, due to my mitral valve regurgitation, if I hadn’t began running.

No, much like Dean’s dealings after the loss of his sister, after losing multiple siblings I picked up alcohol in my early 20s, too. But one day, I acknowledged that the alcohol only added to my suffering and turmoil. The short story, I signed up for a marathon and have never looked back.

I’ve been running marathons and more for over 10-years and God meets me at the beginning, at the end, and in the middle of it all. He pushes me when I get too tired and allows me to run on the wings of my own angels flying high.

So, no.
I didn’t start running for health.
Better health was merely fruit of my labor.
But, I run to fly on their wings.
I run to find my inner peace.
I run to be closer with God.

I run to live fuller, too.




Depression is being at the bottom of the well.
Depression is seeing the light at the end.
Depression sees the ladder out of the well.
Depression knows how to overcome.

Depression is being in the well and knowing how to get out with the ladder, but it doesn’t have the ability to climb.

Depression isn’t easy.
Depression doesn’t go away overnight.
Depression is, most times, a lifelong battle.

The fight against depression didn’t just happen. Trauma and turmoil, like the powder within a bullet, gave credence to the onset of the cognitive behavior of depression.

More times than not others won’t see the battle being fought, but that doesn’t extinguish the battle within.

So, we must choose.
We must choose if depression will win.

It’s not easy.
It’s hard.

But, as Paul said in Romans 8:18, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

We have the ability to accomplish far more than we ever imagined. God gave us the ability to overcome; so that, we could further HIS kingdom.

I pray we keep going.
Every single day.
May we just keep going.




Drinking pre-workout from an espresso cup.



Emotional suffering in silence can feel like you’re being burned alive in a crowded room and NO ONE can see the flames.

But listen, that silent suffering isn’t strength.

There are moments of pain and suffering that feel like a NINE out of TEN, but we act like it’s only a TWO. We LIE to be perceived as STRONG.

So, when God wants to give us a NINE-point healing HE CAN’T because we have only ALLOWED Him to enter into our suffering at a TWO!!

The depression.
The anxiety.
The hurt.
The suicidal ideation.
The worry.
The turmoil.

God can heal only to the depths of what we reveal.

“When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭34:17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

To cry out is to speak up and speak about what plagues us. When we are honest with the scale of our pain and stop burying it in a pit of silence — God can then meet us in our darkness to heal us.

“He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds [healing their pain and comforting their sorrow].” Psalms‬ ‭147:3‬ ‭AMP‬‬

HE is ALWAYS ready to give us HIS STRENGTH.



Your worst season was a womb that was birthing you to your best seasons! There are times when you just have to say, “Lord, have your way!”

Drop a takeaway from today’s message, “Have Your Way.”



As I see the empty rooms,
THIS emptiness fills me up.
As I see the unpacked boxes,
THESE need to-dos bring me joy.

“It may look like I'm surrounded
But I'm surrounded by You”

We flourish when God intends for us to.
We thrive where God ordains us to.

If you don’t have peace in your chaos—
Maybe you’re not where God intended you to be.




The past few weeks have been a ROLLER COASTER!!

Moving without having a place.
Finding a place.
Making a mini-move with the things.
Moving all the UHAUL things.
Bringing the dogs.
Keeping the kid joy-filled.
I’ve been a HOT MESS!!

Being back in the city I love melts me.
It was a bittersweet move, but everything.

Everything my family and I NEEDED.

Here’s to another day of unpacking.
Here’s to tomorrow’s yesterday.

Here’s to a season of MAKING MOVES.



Intention, without purpose, is merely a good deed without God’s vision.

Let me repeat that…


More times than not we do “good works” for the approval of man, rather than, the approval of God. Just because it’s “good” to do doesn’t mean it’s God-ordained for you.

Do you have GOOD intentions or GOD intentions?
Use discernment and be wise with your choices.



I’m an athlete.
I’m a writer.
I’m a seamstress.
I’m a coach.
I’m a researcher.
I’m an artisan.
I’m a trainer.
I’m a teacher.


“Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well.” ((Ecclesiastes 11:6))

HE is the BINDER that makes it WELL in my soul.


In the next season, remember your despair.

Father God, I ALONE can’t overcome, but your Spirit within me refines my resilience DAILY to SURVIVE. Thank you for entrusting me with the hurt, trials, and pain of life.

Thank you for allowing me to endure despair, as it is a reminder of the deepest pain Jesus felt on the cross. No, it doesn’t compare, but to know pain is to feel like Jesus and to know Jesus is to behold the purest JOY.

Father God, may this next season bring my purpose from the pain in a greater way than ever before, in the name of Jesus.




50 Cent said it best, “Go shorty — it’s your birthday.”


Stop comparing your valley season to someone else’s mountain season.

You’ll get there, just keep climbing.


Life’s like a slingshot — sometimes we have to be pulled back to be PROPELLED FORWARD.


Some battles are fought in silence.

We can’t always see the light that we radiate into the world because an internal darkness overpowers that shine.

The struggle isn’t always seen.
The hardships aren’t found in photos.
The hard days can’t be viewed on a stage.

The battle is fought every single day.

It’s under the smile that you see.
It’s beneath the laughter that you hear.
It’s waiting stage left when we leave the stage.

There’s an unseen burden that some of us bear.
You can’t feel it and you can’t weigh it.
But, we feel it and it’s HEAVY.

Be kind with your words.
You never know the life or death you could be breathing into another’s world.




I highly doubt it. If people did that everyone would be out of a job!! So, what do we do?

Well, there’s nothing we can do about traffic. We have to wait it out and ignite our inner patience. Some will try to speed up the process and unintentionally cause wrecks.

I get it. We want what we want when we want it and how we want, but, like life, it just isn’t that way.

What is it in your life that you are desiring to achieve or attain? What have you decided to take every day off from because life’s traffic has discouraged you?

Pressure makes the diamond.
There’s no EASY way out.

We can’t avoid traffic.

Stop waiting for when the traffic comes and start accepting the unavoidable. Prepare your mind by deciding to embrace the journey and every traffic jam ahead.

Change your perspective.
That’s where the preparation starts.




I will protect my daughter at all costs.
I will defend my officer in a heartbeat.
I will stand my ground when it is necessary.

I get that this isn’t for everyone, but by having a husband that’s a law enforcement officer, this is our every day. Our public outings aren’t the same as those of most people.

We prepare for the worst case scenarios.
We prepare for unanticipated encounters.
We prepare, but above it all, we pray.

We pray that we NEVER have to resort to our preparations.
We pray that God is ALWAYS guarding us with His ANGELS OF PROTECTION.

Not every day is easy.
Many calls make me drop to my knees and pray.
BUT — WE signed up for this.
This life is not ours, but is God’s for His ultimate purpose.

So, we keep going.
And through it all we pray, RELENTLESSLY.


Self-Defense Tool: G***K 43X
Holster: Naked Holster by Essential Holsters

***k ***k43x

Photos from Katie Eddington's post 04/12/2021


Apart from my degree in sports medicine and attaining diverse training certifications I have coached hundreds of people with different goals. Yet, back in July when my husband’s department requested my expertise for their officers, in preparing for police academy, I was a bit stunned. Before I could overthink it I immediately said yes.

I get to coach these officers just as I did my own husband during his prep. I run with them and overcome beside them, just as I have countless people before. Just as I always give my respect and full attention to these officers, they give me their full attention and respect on the track.

We reap what we sow and I have a very unique front row seat at seeing our PD pour into officers they believe to be honest, good, just, and an asset to the department.

God places us in UNCOMFORTABLE POSITIONS for a HIGHER PURPOSE!! It’s in the uncomfortable that we GROW.

For this current position I am greatly honored, daily.






Be it an unwanted encounter or a rattlesnake — I’m typically prepared for outdoor ventures. I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

Ladies, be confident in your knowledge and tactics.


Self-Defense Tool: G***K 43X
Holster: BravoBelt

***k ***k43x


At times, fear can be an indicator that you’ve allowed something or someone to steal your confidence.

Maybe it’s time to take back what is rightfully yours.



Change Today is 6-week full body training program that can be completed anywhere. No equipment is required to tackle the workouts in this program. All workouts have been developed with the intention of conditioning the whole body.

All the body weight exercises in this program can be modified to any starting point. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or just starting out, every exercise from each workout can be modified to your current fitness level.

Each week corresponds to a particular topic for mental and spiritual growth. A motivational fitness devotional has been written to prepare you for each week of workouts.

Grab a bottle of water and a towel!! Purchase your 51 page copy of Change Today and decide to make a CHANGE to your life TODAY!!

Share with a workout partner and choose to go all in together!! Can’t wait to hear the feedback!!



I have wanted to do this for YEARS!!

I’m not one to show projects before every single i is dotted and t is crossed. However, I’m dropping a teaser of something I’ve been working on BEFORE completion!!

My 6-Week Full Body Training Program will be available in digital form within the next week!! 🤯 I have a vision of what can come from this program, along with many others I have waiting to be released. It’s currently 3am and obviously I can’t wait to FINALLY share it all with you. 😆

Stop waiting on tomorrow!!
Need a change?!?

With Health & Fitness Love,
-Coach Katie


🤜🏼Tag a friend to challenge them to a workout!!🤛🏼 I’ll send you one of my favorite workouts from this program when you leave your email below!! 🆓 Leave a comment with your favorite emoji and let’s get this excitement overflowing!! 💯 The best part, EVERY WORKOUT can be modified to ALL fitness levels!! 🔥 NO EXCUSES!! 🤟🏼

WIN OR WHEN 04/06/2021

Stop living in the WHEN && live in the NOW!!

When we have a house…
When we have a better house…
When we have a car…
When we have a better car…
When we have enough money…
When we have more money…
When we have Have HAVE HHAAVVEE!!

I know that many times I stop myself from pursuing new goals based on the circumstances of my NOW. However, maybe I lost a WIN waiting on the WHEN!!

We have to start pursuing the NOW moments because if we don’t — WHEN may never come. If we can change the perspective in our mind — we can see it’s already been WON.

Besides, NOW is WON backwards.

WIN OR WHEN A blog unveiling the stress & fear as an athlete who became a mother. From trainer to homemaker, but holding to a love for running that God ordained.


MO•TI•VA•TION (noun) - having the desire to get it done

On the bad days.
Even on the sad days.
Then, on the emotional days.
ESPECIALLY, on the breakdown days.

Find that someone that believes in you.
Hey, that someone is YOU!!

LISTEN. If you don’t believe me, I’ll believe in you until you can believe in yourself, again.

Don’t fake it till you make it.
FAITH IT till you MAKE IT!!


Photos from Katie Eddington's post 07/04/2021

Ladies, this one is for you!!

BUT FIRST — when momma gets her a laser cartridge for dry-fire practice you best believe ❌ MARKS THE SPOT!!

As women, we should not have to be afraid of the world around us. However, in the world we live in today, most of us do have fears.

If you are a LEGAL gun owner, you better take the time to understand how your firearm functions or you should NOT have one in the first place. PERIOD!!

Dry-fire Practice✅
Proper Ammo✅
Carry & Range Ammo✅
Dis-& Re-assemble Firearm
Clean Firearm✅
Proper Firearm Positions✅
Gun Safety✅✅✅

Gun safety is only as safe as you personally put it into practice. Nothing is safe in the hands of someone who does not know how it works or how it is to be used. We need less in the wrong hands and more in the right hands. It’s about protecting one another for the greater good. The streets are FULL of back door buyers and sellers — don’t think gun control is going to stop black market dealings.

I’m not here for politics AT ALL!! I’ve learned more about the system through my husband’s police academy training than I ever fathomed I would know. When my husband took his oath to protect and serve others our whole world changed. I took a silent and unrelenting oath to serve and protect my family. I also made a personal vow to shed light for the protection of others.

I may live in an open carry state, but did not buy my own firearm until I took the steps to attend the class and do the WHOLE process for concealed carry. Ladies, you can be a dependent that is depended on, you are ESSENTIAL!!

Be brave and have courage.

Firearm: G***K 43X
Laser Cartridge: 9mm Pink Rhino by Mantis


This time, it’s personal.

I’m excited that I will run the 2021 Heroes Run Half Marathon this October. Unlike the 2019 race, this year I’ll be running as not just a supporter, but as a spouse to a LEO. It is already tapping into my emotional threshold and for that I’ll be invested like never before.

Heroes have hope that there is good in the world worth fighting for and protecting. For them — I can run.

Photos from Katie Eddington's post 23/03/2021


My girl is in a phase where she’s all about the two of us twinning and I’m LIVING FOR IT!!

Besides, it won’t be like this for long.

Tie-Dye Shirts: Self-made
Leggings: lululemon & Carter's
Shoes: Nike
Denim Jackets: Forever 21 & OshKosh B'gosh



This is my homemade cauliflower crust topped with a smidge of marinara sauce, a black bean patty for the main topping, a few seeded tomatoes, and a sprinkle of vegan cheese.

Comment below a favorite emoji for the full recipe and other types of meals I should share!!

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