TriCoach Colorado

TriCoach Colorado

I believe that every athlete can achieve any goal they set their mind to – after all, it is the mind that is the greatest limiter.

Coach Justin Chester resides in Lafayette Colorado and is the Head Coach of the Parker and Lafayette Triathlon Teams. He is a USAT certified coach and has been involved in sports his entire life having swam in high school and playing golf at the collegiate level. Justin has an extensive multisport background and is a three time Ironman finisher. He began coaching after writing out a plan for a fri


Nikolas' first group ride. Tackling the 35-miler today...just need him to take it easy for the first half which is easier said than done. 😁

Photos from TriCoach Colorado's post 18/08/2024

Done and dusted.


Here we go!! Let's get some of that champagne gravel!!!!


Nice cool morning for the FoCo Fondo!


Well Wednesday is the opposite of that the Colorado heatwave is over, it's back to being slightly cool on deck. But these swimmers definitely kept the water warm with this massive Distance Day workout.

- 2x400 Free Build by 100 RI:30
- 4x100 Choice Descending on 2:10
- 2x400 Pull #1 no paddles, #2 with paddles RI:30
- 4x100 Choice Descending on 2:00


It's so warm this morning that I didn't even need to start with my jacket. It's absolutely beautiful this morning!! Here's what we did for Sprint Day.

- 4x100 Choice Moderate on 2:00
- 4x100 as 50 Kick FAST!!! / 50 Free EZ on 2:00
- 3x (
- 150 Free Moderate on 2:30
- 50 Free SPRINT!!! on 1:30. )
- 3x (
- 150 Choice Moderate on 2:45
- 50 Free SPRINT!!! on 1:45. )


It's finally Friday after a long week. And of course that means Stroke Day!!!! Here's what we did today:

2x (
- 2x50 Stroke Choice moderate on 1:15
- 100 IM FAST!! on 2:15
- 200 IM moderate on 4:00
- 2x50 Choice #1 EZ, #2 FAST. )
4x IMO (
- 100 Build RI:20
- 50 FAST RI:20
- 50 MAX EFFORT!!!! RI:60 )


Wednesday distance Day. We did "distance" a little differently today...we just did lots of 100's on very short intervals. This was a tough set!!

- 12x100 Free on 1:30 / 1:40 / 1:45
every third 100 is FAST-ish (about 2-3 secs faster than moderate)
- 8x100 Free on 1:35 / 1:45 / 1:50
every other FAST-ish
- 4x100 Free on 1:40 / 1:50 / 1:55
every one is FAST-ish


Great evening to get a little Crit racing in. Yes, coaches.race too!


Sprint Day!!! It's a bit chilly on the deck this morning, but the swimmers were heating up the water!!!

Here's what we did.

- 3x50 Kick Desc on 1:15
- 3x50 Choice Sprint on 1:15
- 5x200 Pull Desc on 3:15
- 50 EZ
- 5x100 Free Desc on 1:40
- 50 EZ
- 5x50 Choice Desc on 1:10



The coffee is what makes me a nice coach...😁😁. Here is what we did for Distance Day.

- 3x100 as 50 K, 50 SW RI:15
- 2x150 Choice build by 50 RI:10
- 300 Pull moderate
- 600 as 200 moderate, 100 fast, 200 moderate, 100 fast
- 600 moderate with fins and paddles
- 300 as 100 moderate, 50 fast
- 2x150 Choice moderate RI:10


We're back to our regularly scheduled programming with Sprint Day today. Make sure those Sprint 50's are all high quality.

- 200 Pull
- 4x50 Free Kick Desc on 1:05
- 50 Free SPRINT!!!!! on 1:30
- 3x50 Free Kick Desc on 1:05
- 2x50 Free SPRINT!!!!! on 1:30
- 2x50 Free Kick Desc on 1:05
- 3x50 Free SPRINT!!!!! on 1:30
- 50 Free Kick EZ
- 4x50 Free SPRINT!!!!! on 1:30
- 200 Choice EZ
- 4x50 Choice SPRINT!!! on 1:30


Sprint Day today after our switch from Monday. Here's what it looked like:

- 4x50 Kick, odds FAST, evens EZ on 1:15
- 2x50 Choice Moderate on 1:00

- 4x200 Free Moderate on 3:15/3:30
- 50 Choice SPRINT on 1:30
- 50 Free SPRINT!!

- 4x100 odds pull, evens Free on 1:45
- 50 Choice SPRINT on 1:30
- 50 Free SPRINT!!

- 4x50 Choice Moderate on 1:00
- 50 Choice SPRINT on 1:30
- 50 Free SPRINT!!


Wait, it's not Wednesday! So why are we doing a Distance Day? Well it was by request so we could do a speed day on Wednesday...I aim to please. 😁

- 4x150 Choice moderate. RI:10
- 2x300 Free N/S RI:20
- 2x200 Choice moderate RI:10
- 400 Free N/S
- 3x250 Pull w/paddles moderate RI:10


Friday = Stroke Day. And thanks to everyone for reaching out, I did end up warming up from Wednesday. Here's what we did today:

- 4x100 Choice moderate on 2:15 ( recommend 100 as the first one)
- 400 Free Build by 100
- 200 Kick IMO by 50
- 8x50 Choice. Odds FAST!!, Evens EZ on 1:15
- 200 IM
- 400 Free Build by 100
- 100 Choice SPRINT!!!!


Today is "Feel sorry for the coach" day, as it's only about 50° standing here on deck, while it's a pleasant 82° in the water. That's ok...I have a hot cup of coffee...

Here's what we did for Distance Day:

- 3x250 Free Desc on 4:15/4:30
- 100 Free Strong RI:10
- 50 Free Strong RI:10
- 50 Free Strong RI:10
- 50 Free Strong

- 4x100 Choice Desc on 2:00
- Either 2x250 Free RI:10 -or- 1x400 Free
- 8x50 Choice Desc 2-2-2-2 on 1:00
- Either 2x250 Free RI:10 -or- 1x400 Free


Can you believe there were absolutely no complaints about the sets this morning on Sprint Day??? Yeah, I wouldn't believe it either... 😂ðŸĪŠ

2x (
- 4x50 Desc on 1:00
- 2x100 Desc on 2:00
- 200 Pull on 3:30 )
Round 1 is Free
Round 2 is Choice

3x (
- 100 IM Sprint!!!!! on 2:00
- 50 EZ on 1:00
- 100 Free Sprint!!!!! on 2:00
- 50 EZ )


Good thing these swimmers are getting their workout in's going to be a stormy afternoon. Here's what Friday Stroke Day looks like:

- 300 Free Moderate Pace
- 300 as 50 Stroke FAST, 50 Free EZ
- 200 Choice Moderate
- 200 as 25 Stroke FAST, 25 Free EZ
- 100 Choice Moderate
- 100 IM FAST
- 200 Choice EZ
- 12x50 Stroke Choice, Odds FAST, Evens EZ on 1:15


Half way through the week -- let's get some big yardage (or meterage??) in. Here's what Distance Day looked like.

- 600 Free Negative Split
- 3x200 Desc Free or IM on 3:30/4:00
- 400 Free Negative Split
- 2x200 Desc Free or IM on 3:30/4:00
- 200 Free Negative Split
- 200 Choice moderate
- 500 Pull Build


Ugggggg, Monday's am I right??? Well you could start your Mondays on the right foot with an awesome Masters swim -- these swimmers did!!!

Here's what the set looked like:

2x (
- 2x150 Build by 50 on 2:30
- 150 Pull RI:30 )
Round #1 Free
Round #2 Choice

4x (
- 50 Sprint on 1:00
- 50 EZ on 1:00
- 100 Sprint on 2:00
- 100 EZ on 2:00 )
Odd Rounds Free
Even Rounds Choice


Happy Friday (and bonus: It's National Donut Day). Here's what Stroke Day looked you think these swimmers deserved a donut???

- 3x50 Choice as 25 K / 25 Swim RI:10
- 100 Choice Moderate
- 150 as 25 FL, 25 FR, 25 BK, 25 FR, 25 BR, 25 FR. Stroke 25's are FAST, Free 25's are EZ
- 200 Stroke Choice Moderate
- 15x100 on 2:00 as 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12
- #1 Free pace choice
- #2 IM moderate
- #3 Stroke Choice FAST!!! (No free, no IM)


Happy Wednesday!! It's distance Day and we did not disappoint today. Here's what we did:

- 2x75 Kick/Drill/Swim RI:10
- 200 Free Build by 50
- 2x75 Choice RI:10
- 400 Free Build by 100
- 2x75 Free Pull RI:10
- 600 Free Build by 200
- 2x75 Choice RI:10
- 400 Free Build by 100
- 2x75 Kick/Drill/Swim RI:10
- 200 Free Build by 50


Back at my happy place on deck. Temps are a bit cooler than inside, but man how nice it is to watch the sunrise!!!


Unfortunately this will be the last session for us for some time because our pool is closing for a month. So we're taking this Sprint Day by storm!!!!

- 100 Free Moderate on 2:00
- 75 as drill, free, drill RI:15
- 25 Kick FAST!!!

- 3x100 Free Negative Split on 1:45/2:00
- 200 Choice build by 50

- 2x100 Free Negative Split on 1:45/2:00
- 2x200 Choice build by 50 on 3:15/3:30

- 100 Free Negative Split on 1:45/2:00
- 3x200 Choice build by 50 on 3:15/3:30

- 4x50 SPRINT MAX EFFORT on 2:00


It's Friday!!! You've made it through another week.

Good luck to our swimmers out in Grand Junction today for the state swim meet. We've got a couple of folks doing the 1650 this afternoon.

For the rest, here's what Stroke Day looked like:

2x (
- 4x50 Stroke Choice odds FAST, evens EZ on 1:00
- 100 IM Moderate-Fast on 2:00
- 75 Choice EZ RI:60 )

4x (
- 2x50 Kick RI:15
- 75 Stroke Choice build by 25 RI:15
- 75 Free EZ RI:15
- 50 Choice FAST!!!! RI:30 )


Split workout today. Some of the folks that are racing the State Meet focused on tapering and honing those often overlooked skills such as starts. And the rest of the team did the distance workout. Here's what they did.

2x (
- 2x100 as 50 kick, 50 Free RI:15
- 200 Pull on 3:15/3:30
- 400 Build by 100 RI:60 )

- 2x400 as 200IM FAST / 200 Free moderate pace RI:20


Day #4 of our prep for the State meet. Today's effort was just about honing some of those speed skills prior to racing this weekend.

- 12x75 RI:15 as
#1 Free EZ
#2 Choice FAST
#3 Back, Breast, Free EZ
#4 Kick (on board)

- 200 Choice RACE!!!
- 3x100 Choice RACE on 3:00
- 4x50 Choice RACE on 2:00


Day #2 of prep towards the State Meet where we focused on distance work but solid form throughout the sets, especially on the turns. Here's what it looked like:

2x (
- 2x200 Free as 50 kick fast (no fins); 150 moderate. RI:15
- 400 Free Build by 100. )

- 2x200 Stroke Choice as 50 FAST, 50 Moderate, 100 FAST. RI:30

- 2x200 Free as 50 FAST, 50 Moderate, 100 FAST. RI:30

- 400 Pull EZ


Today was all about Starts and Turns as we begin our prep for the State meet in two weeks.

We did 8 two-turn 50s with a focus on all the strokes and the IM transitions. Next was 16 25s focusing on our underwater and last was a bunch of starts


This whiteboard has seen better days, but it still delivered week-in and week-out. Here's what it says for Stroke Day Friday:

- 200 Stroke Choice (no IM) Moderate Pace
- 2x100 Free, #1 FAST, #2 EZ on 1:30/1:45
- 2x100 IM FAST on 2:00/2:15
- 2x200 Stroke Choice (no IM) Moderate Pace RI:20
- 2x100 Free, #1 FAST, #2 EZ on 1:30/1:45
- 2x100 IM FAST on 2:00/2:15
- 3x200 Stroke Choice (no IM) Moderate Pace RI:20
- 2x100 Free, #1 FAST, #2 EZ on 1:30/1:45
- 2x100 IM FAST on 2:00/2:15

Our Story

Coach Justin Chester resides in Lafayette, Colorado and is the Head Coach of TriCoach Colorado, and the Lafayette and Parker Tri Teams. He is a USAT certified coach and has been involved in sports his entire life having swam in high school and playing golf at the collegiate level. Justin has an extensive multisport background and is a four time Ironman finisher. He began coaching after writing out a plan for a friend competing in a half ironman event. Coach Justin takes great pride in the interaction he has with his clients and works with athletes of all levels and abilities.

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See, I do other things than just coach masters swim...
I'm continually amazed at how many people I see out in what I'd typically consider "inside" weather.
Open water swim practice for the Parker Triathlon Team.  Who says you can't fit 4 in a lane??  #swimbikerun #parkertrite...
Parker Triathlon Team
Discussion regarding the 2018 Parker Triathlon Team
Great morning for the 4x50 Ugly Sweater Relay.



Lafayette, CO