Strength-Based Spiritual Recovery

A Strength-Based Spiritual Solution to Drug and Alcohol Addiction We are committed to empowering every client.

Strength-Based Spiritual Recovery is an intensive outpatient therapy program located in San Clemente, California. We are specialized in a strength based approach and offer dual-diagnosis treatment uniquely tailored for each individual client.

Timeline photos 04/24/2019

We Love to Hear From Our Patients!

At Gordon Psychology Group, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the best care possible – and your feedback helps! To leave a review or share your experience, simply click the on link provided above. Thank you!

Timeline photos 04/23/2019

Bipolar I vs. Bipolar II

Bipolar disorder I and bipolar II are ways a person can be affected by bipolar disorder. Bipolar I includes manic episodes that last over a week. These mood shifts are severe and sometimes require a trip to the hospital. The mania is followed by depressive episodes. Bipolar II is similar in that a person experiences mania and depression, but the mood shifts are less extreme.

Gordon Psychology Group in Laguna Hills, California, provides treatment to those suffering from any form of bipolar disorder. For more information or to schedule an appointment with our team, call our office or use our online scheduling tool. (

How To Detox For Better Brain Health 04/22/2019

Detox Your Way to Better Brain Health

When your body detoxes, it eliminates leftover toxins lingering in your gut. Unhealthy toxins cause chronic fatigue, weakness, and cognitive difficulties. There are healthy ways to detox that boost your brain.

These methods include:
• Eliminating certain foods from your diet
• Eating a diverse array of fruits and veggies
• Minimizing your exposure to toxins
• Maintaining a daily exercise routine
• Staying hydrated

How To Detox For Better Brain Health How to detox for better brain health, including infrared sauna, an antioxidant-rich diet, and herbs and supplements.

4 Ways to Not Let Anxiety Hijack Your Relationships 04/19/2019

Stop Anxiety From Ruining Your Relationships

If you’re in a relationship, anxiety can drive a wedge between you and your partner. Don’t let fear ruin your relationship. Good communication with your partner is the best way to stop anxiety from taking over. Don't let your thoughts control your actions and be honest with your partner about your anxiety. Talking through your concerns will only make your relationship stronger.

4 Ways to Not Let Anxiety Hijack Your Relationships You are more than your anxious thoughts.

Timeline photos 04/18/2019

Can OCD Be Treated?

Yes, treatment is possible when it comes to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). At Gordon Psychology Group in Laguna Hills, Dr. Gordon reviews your OCD symptoms to devise an effective treatment plan. Dr. Gordon uses medications, counseling, outpatient programs, and cognitive behavioral therapy to help patients suffering from OCD.

If you or someone you know suffers from OCD, you can rely on the team at Gordon Psychology Group in Laguna Hills, California, to help. Request an appointment online or give us a call at 949-312-8020. (

The Peak Time for Everything 04/17/2019

Avoid the Mid-Week Slump!

It’s easy to feel drained from the work week. But simple tips such as optimizing your time does wonders. Research shows that your cognitive functionality is often the most productive during the late morning. Later on in the day, your working memory, alertness and concentration improve. Optimize your week and avoid that Mid-Week slump!

The Peak Time for Everything A growing body of research suggests that the body clock can help pinpoint the best times of day to perform specific tasks, from solving work problems to playing racquetball.

Timeline photos 04/16/2019

Feeling Depressed? Take a Bath!

A bath a day keeps the depression away! According to researchers, a hot bath enhances your mood and fights off symptoms of depression. Warm baths synchronize a person’s circadian rhythm. For those who are depressed, this rhythm tends to be disrupted, so a soak in the tub can regulate your rhythm and make you feel better. If you’re hopping into a bath, focus on relaxing. Try mixing in some essential oils and keep your bathwater a tad hotter than your body temperature.

Do You Have PTSD and Rheumatoid Arthritis? You Are Not Alone 04/15/2019

Is There a Link Between PTSD and Arthritis?

Post-traumatic stress disorder causes psychosocial stress that may raise your risk of rheumatoid arthritis. It has been observed that those with PTSD have higher rates of arthritis than others. PTSD has also been linked to a number of other physical ailments, such as diabetes, cancer, chronic pain, and cardiac disease.

Do You Have PTSD and Rheumatoid Arthritis? You Are Not Alone PTSD and rheumatoid arthritis can sometimes be linked, partially because they have many of the same risk factors. Learn more about the connection.

Timeline photos 04/12/2019

How Do I Know If My Anger Is a Problem?

Anger is a natural emotion we all feel. But in some cases, we express too much of it. Anger becomes an issue if you are overly aggressive and your outbursts cause harm to yourself or others. Anger may also be problematic if you repress your emotions. This leads to stress, cardiovascular issues, or an uncontrollable outburst later.

Gordon Psychology Group in Laguna Hills, California, provides first-rate anger management treatment. If you believe that your anger is causing issues in your life, don’t hesitate to contact our team. Give us a call or schedule an appointment online. (

Things to Start Doing If You Have Social Anxiety Disorder 04/11/2019

Ways to Alleviate Social Anxiety

Social anxiety affects about 13% of the population. People with social anxiety have trouble in relationships, building a career, and getting through their days. It can be debilitating, but treatments are available. Self-help strategies can help you relax and feel better about your anxiety.

Some things you can do on your own include:
• Keeping a journal
• Writing down your goals
• Practicing your social skills
• Joining a support group
• Going somewhere new
• Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones

Things to Start Doing If You Have Social Anxiety Disorder If you suffer with social anxiety, you can still rise above life's challenges. Here is a list of things to start doing now to make positive changes.

The 2 Major Types of OCD—and How to Recognize Them 04/10/2019

Recognizing the Types of OCD

OCD has two forms: OCD from fear and OCD from nervous discomfort. Fear-driven behaviors are called rituals. A person suffering from this type of OCD believes that if they don’t do something, their fears will come true. A person may engage in rituals that harm themselves as a way to put their worries at ease. OCD driven by nervous system discomfort causes sudden, short, and repetitive movements. A person with this type of OCD will repeat behaviors without any real reason why.

The 2 Major Types of OCD—and How to Recognize Them The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders doesn't classify OCD into subtypes, but there are different types of OCD obsessions and comp

Timeline photos 04/09/2019

Who Is Dr. Gordon?

William Gordon, Ph.D., is devoted to helping patients struggling with mental illnesses in the Laguna Hills, California, area. Dr. Gordon has spent many years volunteering and working in correctional institutions, victim clinics, and adolescent centers. His approach to mental health allows patients to acknowledge their strengths and overcome their ailments. Dr. Gordon cares about each of his patients and helps them find their way back into the world again.

Gordon Psychology Group is proud to provide top-notch psychology services to those in the Laguna Hills area. Call our office or use our website to schedule a visit with Dr. Gordon and see how he can help you. (

Timeline photos 04/08/2019

How Stress Affects Your Body

Feeling stressed? You’re not alone. Experiencing stress can take a real physical and mental toll on your health. Research has shown a connection between stress and chronic health problems.

Depression Affects 15% of New Moms. A New Guideline Could Help Prevent It 04/05/2019

Preventing Depression in New Moms

Approximately 15% of new mothers experience perinatal depression. This can begin during pregnancy or after childbirth. A new plan devised by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends at-risk women try cognitive behavioral therapy. This alters a person’s thoughts and focuses on building better relationship skills. Those believed to be at a higher risk of perinatal depression are young, single mothers with a family history of depression.

Depression Affects 15% of New Moms. A New Guideline Could Help Prevent It But can counselors keep up with demand?

Bipolar disorder and anger: Management and coping 04/04/2019

The Connection Between Bipolar Disorder and Anger

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that can cause shifts in anger that are difficult to manage. If a person with bipolar disorder doesn’t have an effective technique to cope with these mood shifts, it can lead to outbursts of anger and aggression. Deep breathing, calming words, taking a time-out, listening to music, and going for a run are great ways to soothe emotions and prevent an angry outburst.

Bipolar disorder and anger: Management and coping Some people with bipolar disorder experience irritability leading to anger, even though anger is not a typical symptom. Learn about why these complications occur and what to do about them here.

Timeline photos 04/03/2019

The Benefits of Walking

It’s National Walking Day! To celebrate, here are some life-changing benefits to help you get out and move today! Did you know that taking a simple, brisk walk can help maintain a healthy weight, strengthen your bones and muscles and even improve your mood? Even minimal strides can drastically improve your health and well-being! While Spring is here, get out and enjoy the fresh air!

Timeline photos 04/02/2019

How is PTSD Treated?

At Gordon Psychology Group in Laguna Hills, we create a specialized treatment plan for patients battling PTSD. Dr. Gordon may recommend one treatment or a combination of different therapies depending on your symptoms.

Our PTSD treatments include:
• Partial hospitalization
• Counseling
• Medication
• Dialectical behavioral therapy
• Cognitive behavioral therapy
• Outpatient programs

Dr. Gordon and the professional team at Gordon Psychology Group in Laguna Hills, Calfornia, are devoted to helping PTSD patients find the treatment they’re looking for. Call our office or use our website to request a visit with Dr. Gordon and begin your journey to better mental health. (

Can social media really cause depression? 04/01/2019

Does Social Media Cause Depression?

Are Facebook and Instagram really causing us to be depressed? While there has been speculation claiming that social media is to blame for depression, a new study suggests otherwise. Social media may disrupt our sleep and strain our eyes, but some researchers don’t think it’s a direct cause of depression. Regardless, it’s important not to become overly consumed with social media. Social media is great for keeping in touch with long-distance friends, but take breaks and don’t forget to interact with people in the real world, too!

Can social media really cause depression? Though the debate has continued for many years, a new study concludes that there is no link between social media use and depressive symptoms.

Timeline photos 03/30/2019

Since March 30, 1933, we have been celebrating doctors. We at Gordon Psychology Group want to wish all the doctors at our practice a Happy National Doctor's Day.

Timeline photos 03/28/2019

Leave A Review or Testimonial

Are you a current or former patient of the mental health specialists at Gordon Psychiatry Group? If so, would you mind leaving an online review or testimonial about your experience? Not only does this help the doctors spread the word about their practice, but it also provides them with key insights they can use to improve their offerings as a whole. Click on the link provided above to begin; thank you!

7 Winter Depression Busters 03/27/2019

Simple Tips For Fighting the Winter Blues

Does winter weather leave you feeling blue? If so, know that you aren't alone. While we might not have to deal with ice or snow here in Laguna Hills, the shorter days and cooler temperatures can take a toll. Fortunately, there are plenty of easy ways to naturally boost your mood. PsychCentral recommends spending time with friends and family members, exercising regularly, and taking time to declutter.

7 Winter Depression Busters We've entered the "dark ages" -- the weeks between Christmas break and Spring break when everyone turns a pasty white and the sidewalks are full of ugly slush. The lack of sunlight and the shorter days don't help the pursuit of sanity.

Timeline photos 03/26/2019

8 Health Benefits of the Spring Season

With the official start of Spring, there are also many health benefits that come with this time of year. From boosting your overall mental health to being able to exercise outdoors, to seeing your skin and hair looking healthier. Spring is a wonderful time to get yourself on the right track!

Timeline photos 03/25/2019

What Is Anger Management?

At Gordon Psychology Group, the mental health experts regularly assist patients who are trying to avoid unhealthy or dangerous responses to anger. Using methods of care like group therapy, individual counseling, and dialectical behavior therapy, they can improve your communication skills and help you lead a more peaceful life. Call 949-312-8020 or use the online scheduling tool to book your appointment today.

How the Fear of Spiders Can Be Treated 03/22/2019

If I Don't Like Spiders, Do I Have Arachnophobia?

A lot of people don't like spiders, but that doesn't necessarily mean they suffer from arachnophobia. Someone who has a phobia lets their fear control various aspects of their life, and someone with arachnophobia will go out of their way to avoid spiders. For example, they may be unwilling to go into the basement or spend time outside for fear of encountering a spider web.

How the Fear of Spiders Can Be Treated Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, is a common specific phobia. Learn about its causes, symptoms and how it can be treated to relieve your fear.

Timeline photos 03/21/2019

What Are Panic Disorders?

A panic disorder is a type of anxiety that manifests in acute, panic-inducing attacks. Panic attacks can strike at any time and lead to a variety of physical and emotional symptoms including:
• Shaking or trembling
• Shortness of breath
• Stomach upset
• Loss of control
• Heart palpitations

Panic disorders are particularly malicious in that many people suffering from them are fearful of them. Ultimately, this creates a vicious cycle of anxiety that occurs outside of the attacks. If panic or severe anxiety are preventing you from living your best life, contact us: (

The expert mental health specialists at Gordon Psychology Group know how debilitating anxiety can be. That's why they offer compassionate, innovative care in a comfortable, welcoming environment. Call 949-312-8020 to book your consultation today. (

Timeline photos 03/20/2019

Spring Into Action By Putting Your Health First

Spring is a time for new beginnings. It's a wonderful time to commit to better health and wellness. If you haven't already, be sure to get your yearly wellness exam scheduled with your doctor. Start this spring by practicing preventive care, so you can you stay healthy!

Timeline photos 03/19/2019

What Is Bipolar I Disorder?

Bipolar I disorder is characterized by manic episodes that last for at least seven days, or manic episodes that are so intense, they require immediate hospitalization. Typically, patients with bipolar I disorder also experience periods of depression that last for two weeks. Bipolar one is cyclical and affects everyone differently. However, with a proper diagnosis minimizing symptoms and maintaining a healthy, active life is possible.

3 Ways to Reboot Your Failing New Year's Resolutions 03/18/2019

A lot of times we fail at our New Years Resolutions because we lose focus on why we started them. Revisit the goals you set in the new year and focus on why you chose them. (

3 Ways to Reboot Your Failing New Year's Resolutions If you've already stopped trying to reach that goal you set a few weeks ago, how important was it to you to begin with?

Timeline photos 03/15/2019

What Conditions Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help?

Cognitive behavioral therapy approaches mental health using a broad, proactive scope. As such, it's capable of improving symptoms associated with:
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Phobias
• Eating disorders
• Substance abuse
• And more!

At Gordon Psychology Group, Dr. Gordon and his colleagues offer actionable solutions that can help you access a healthier lifestyle and state-of-mind. If you're interested in learning more, call 949-312-8020 or click on the provided link to book your consultation today.

The Simple Anger Management Tactic That Prevents Arguments (And Many Hours of Fighting) 03/14/2019

If You Struggle With Anger, Consider Journaling

When we get angry, it's easy to blow up and say things that we end up regretting later. Anger is an intense emotion, and as such, we tend to react impulsively when experiencing it. The next time you're tempted to yell, shout, or make a threat consider turning to your journal instead. While it might sound silly, journaling how you feel is an effective way to slow down reactivity and may even help prevent impulsive behaviors.

The Simple Anger Management Tactic That Prevents Arguments (And Many Hours of Fighting) Everyone needs to do this.

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24953 Paseo De Valencia Suite 14B
Laguna Hills, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 7pm
Tuesday 8am - 7pm
Wednesday 8am - 7pm
Thursday 8am - 7pm

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