Stewards of Earth

City Reclamation Project


What’s up with you?


Welcome to Holy Week

As we reflect on Palm Sunday, we’re reminded of Jesus’ humble entry into Jerusalem, greeted by crowds waving palm branches. It’s a powerful symbol of hope and triumph, but also of humility and sacrifice. Just as the people welcomed Jesus with joy and praise, let’s open our hearts to receive him, not just as a triumphant king, but as our savior who walked the path of suffering and ultimately gave his life for us. As we journey through this Holy Week, may we remember the depth of his love and the significance of his sacrifice, knowing that through his resurrection, we find eternal hope and redemption.

Bible Verse:

“So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!””

‭‭John‬ ‭12‬:‭13‬


9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth.

10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.

11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace
Psalm 37:9-11 KJV

He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.
Proverbs 11: 29 KJV


You know that as the "Greatest Generation " passes from us, the word inheritance comes to mind. The Greatest Generation endured the depression, World War 2, and many other difficult times. They also amassed the greatest amount of wealth in human history. As they pass into eternity (hopefully to heaven), someone must inherit what they accumulated over the years. So then the word inheritance describes what they will leave behind and who will receive it. A man once asked Mr. Rockefeller's accountant, "How much money did Mr. Rockefeller leave behind. " The accountant answered...ALL OF IT !! Someone will get what is left, and it will be inherited. ** We have a choice, as to what we will spiritually inherit. We can inherit God's goodness or the devil's misery. We can inherit joy unspeakable and full of glory or a satanic nightmare life. We can inherit peace or turmoil, marvelous light, or extreme darkness. See, we can have either, and so often we make the wrong choice.

So often, King David wrote psalms when he was facing mountains of trouble. This man killed Goliath, and countless other enemies of God. He had many victories, but scripture also recorded his failures and moments of weakness. At a time of trial, he penned Psalm 37. Look at King David's proclamation, that he boldly stated in verse 9. He said that evil doers SHALL be cut off, but those who wait upon the Lord, shall inherit the Earth. WHAT AN AMAZING REVELATION !! He stated in verse 10, after a period of time (determined by the Lord), that the wicked shall not be. Their defeat is going to take place, and the righteous will consider, or look upon their terrible outcome. See, believing God's Word and promises has eternal value. For King David repeated his proclamation again in verse 11, and stated that the meek shall inherit the Earth. ** This word meek is so often misunderstood. The Hebrew word for meek is Anav, which means humble, or one who acknowledges a need. I acknowledge...I NEED JESUS !! Because of this acknowledgment, I am blessed. Here is proof from Jesus' own Words.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Matthew 5: 5

There is a promised blessing when we acknowledge OUR need for salvation, that can only found in Yeshua...Jesus our King. What do you want to inherit today...the Earth, or the wind?

Put the above verses together with Proverbs 11: 29, and the puzzle becomes complete. It's reads, He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind. The wind cannot be contained or touched. When one chooses wickedness, rejection of God's Word, and a life of rebellion, there is an inheritance. This inheritance is troubles in abundance, and misery on steroids. FRANKLY...WHO NEEDS THIS !! Wickedness has already been judged. There is no mystery in righteous King David's end, versus rebellious King Saul's end. David died in peace, and is in the bloodline of our Savior Jesus. King Saul died in misery and rebellion, and fell on his own spear. He truly troubled his house.

What will you choose today; inheriting the Earth (blessings), or inheriting the wind (misery) ??

Today...know that we ALL have an inheritance. Will you choose God's goodness and life, or satan's misery and death ? God bless.

From Despair to Defender: Brian 'Doc' Shaw's Heroic Fight Against Human Trafficking 11/29/2023

From Despair to Defender: Brian 'Doc' Shaw's Heroic Fight Against Human Trafficking Experience an inspiring journey with Brian "Doc" Shaw on "The Invincible Project." Overcoming immense personal challenges, including addiction, obesity, para...


Subject: Doc Twisted's World News Extravaganza: A Rollercoaster of Chaos and Hope!

Hey Twisted Tribe,

Welcome to another edition of Doc Twisted's World News Extravaganza, where we make the world's craziness go down smoother than a spoonful of peanut butter on a hot day. Grab your popcorn and let's dive into the madness!

🌍 **Current World Issues: Fentanyl, Addiction, and Stats that Will Make You Spill Your Coffee**

Hold onto your sanity, folks! Fentanyl is making headlines, proving once again that even drugs have leveled up in 2023. The stats are jaw-dropping, but hey, at least our coffee addiction is still going strong, right?

📊 **By the Numbers: More Stats Than a Math Nerd's Dreams**

- Fentanyl Crisis: So widespread, even GPS can't navigate through it.
- Addiction Rates: Higher than the number of excuses we make for eating that extra slice of pizza.

🏠 **Homelessness Since Covid: It's Not Just Your Wi-Fi That's Unstable**

Post-Covid world, where even homes are practicing social distancing. Homelessness stats have skyrocketed faster than your uncle's conspiracy theories. Seriously, folks, the struggle is real.

🎭 **Finding Laughter in the Midst of Chaos: Doc Twisted's Survival Guide**

To survive these turbulent times, one must laugh in the face of adversity. Picture this: a fentanyl-addicted GPS giving directions to a homeless Wi-Fi router. Hilarious, right? Remember, laughter is the best medicine, and if that fails, we've got coffee and a Netflix subscription, on your free Obama Phone.

We must bring 🌈 **A Ray of Hope: Injecting Faith, Hope, and Love into the Chaos** don’t judge, only Love!

In the grand finale, let's add a splash more, of positivity to this wild ride. Despite the chaos, let's inject some faith, hope, and love into the mix. Remember that we are the ones to carry on and make this a better place for our Kids and their kids. Imagine a world where laughter is the universal language, coffee flows like water, and Wi-Fi routers find their forever homes, and blacked out spy cameras!

🙌 **Doc Twisted Signing Off: Keep Laughing, Stay Twisted**

Remember, Twisted Tribe, life may be chaotic, but so is a rollercoaster, and we all know rollercoasters are a blast, but that ride, comes to and end too!
Keep spreading laughter, love to your fellow humans, and let's turn this crazy world into one big, twisted comedy show, as we lean in harder and bring positive vibes and hope.
Carry the truth and it will set you and them free!
Keep it twisted!
The throttle that is!

Doc Twisted


The Twisted Gazette - #2
Newsletter Edition #2**
*Presented by your host,
Doc Twisted*

Greetings, readers!
It's your friendly neighborhood twist-master, Doc Twisted, bringing you the latest news with a twist – and a twist of humor, of course. Today, we delve into some serious issues, but as always, we'll try to keep our spirits high.

**Homelessness in California: Statistically Twisted**
It's no secret that California has a rather large, homeless population, which would make for the most epic tent city ever, if only we were in the mood for urban camping. In fact, there are over 160,000 homeless people in the state. If they all decided to form a conga line, it would stretch from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Now, that's a line dance I'd pay to see!

What's causing this problem, you ask? Well, it's like trying to unravel a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. Factors include rising housing costs, income inequality, and a shortage of affordable housing. California, the land of dreams and traffic jams, offers its own peculiar challenges.

**The "Addiction Twist" on Our Streets**
While we're in the neighborhood of serious matters, let's talk about drug addiction. Life on the streets can be as unpredictable as a game of Russian roulette. Sadly, drug use and addiction have tangled themselves into the homeless community. It's like trying to find the haystack in a needle stack.

But here's the kicker, the "War on Drugs" is now the "War on Harm Reduction." There are initiatives like safe injection sites and programs that provide clean needles. Maybe one day, we'll have vending machines offering fresh fruits instead of smokes!

**The Danger Factor: Homelessness in LA**
Now, let's face the harsh truth – living on the streets can be more dangerous than wrestling a grizzly bear with one hand tied behind your back. In LA alone, violent crime against homeless people rose by 52% in one year. To put it bluntly, you might be safer in a game of 'Dodge-the-Meteor.'

So, what can we do to help? The first step is acknowledging the problem, and we're doing just that. Community organizations, nonprofits, and government agencies are working together to provide shelter, services, and assistance to our homeless neighbors. It's like trying to build a sandcastle during high tide, but they're doing it!

In the end, my twisted friends, it's important to remember that every statistic is a real person, and every person has a story. Let's keep pushing for solutions, advocating for change, and finding our way through the maze of life, one twist at a time.

Stay tuned for more twisted tales and heartfelt news, and remember – it's a twisted world, but we can make it a better one. Catch me on the next edition of The Twisted News Gazette ~right here or on your favorite podcast platforms.

instagram, Facebook, PodBean, Spotify, Getter, Truth Social, X -formally known as Twitter, and Uncensored on Rumble and Swell.

Fridays 7-8 pm

~Until then,
“Stay Twisted!” ~Doc Twisted


The Twisted Gazette -
Newsletter Edition #2**
*Presented by your host,
Doc Twisted*

Greetings, readers!
It's your friendly neighborhood twist-master, Doc Twisted, bringing you the latest news with a twist – and a twist of humor, of course. Today, we delve into some serious issues, but as always, we'll try to keep our spirits high.

**Homelessness in California: Statistically Twisted**
It's no secret that California has a rather large, homeless population, which would make for the most epic tent city ever, if only we were in the mood for urban camping. In fact, there are over 160,000 homeless people in the state. If they all decided to form a conga line, it would stretch from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Now, that's a line dance I'd pay to see!

What's causing this problem, you ask? Well, it's like trying to unravel a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. Factors include rising housing costs, income inequality, and a shortage of affordable housing. California, the land of dreams and traffic jams, offers its own peculiar challenges.

**The "Addiction Twist" on Our Streets**
While we're in the neighborhood of serious matters, let's talk about drug addiction. Life on the streets can be as unpredictable as a game of Russian roulette. Sadly, drug use and addiction have tangled themselves into the homeless community. It's like trying to find the haystack in a needle stack.

But here's the kicker, the "War on Drugs" is now the "War on Harm Reduction." There are initiatives like safe injection sites and programs that provide clean needles. Maybe one day, we'll have vending machines offering fresh fruits instead of smokes!

**The Danger Factor: Homelessness in LA**
Now, let's face the harsh truth – living on the streets can be more dangerous than wrestling a grizzly bear with one hand tied behind your back. In LA alone, violent crime against homeless people rose by 52% in one year. To put it bluntly, you might be safer in a game of 'Dodge-the-Meteor.'

So, what can we do to help? The first step is acknowledging the problem, and we're doing just that. Community organizations, nonprofits, and government agencies are working together to provide shelter, services, and assistance to our homeless neighbors. It's like trying to build a sandcastle during high tide, but they're doing it!

In the end, my twisted friends, it's important to remember that every statistic is a real person, and every person has a story. Let's keep pushing for solutions, advocating for change, and finding our way through the maze of life, one twist at a time.

Stay tuned for more twisted tales and heartfelt news, and remember – it's a twisted world, but we can make it a better one. Catch me on the next edition of The Twisted News Gazette ~right here or on your favorite podcast platforms.

instagram, Facebook, PodBean, Spotify, Getter, Truth Social, X -formally known as Twitter, and Uncensored on Rumble and Swell.

Fridays 7-8 pm

~Until then,
“Stay Twisted!” ~Doc Twisted


Truth! Let it sink in and believe! Only believe. We can’t achieve anything without hope and trust and belief. Put your faith in Gods great plan. Let me ask you this…. Do you think the will of God is being done on earth?
Answer: NO! Absolutely Not. It is our job to participate in the mandate called “the Great Commission “. We need to bring the answer… Jesus.
Gods will is not being done because we haven’t been vigilant and obedient.
It is not His will that ANY should perish! But my friends that are perishing wholesale!!
Get on board and do your part and become a light in a very DARK PLACE. Good is being called evil and evil is being called “GOOD”.
Tell someone that “no one gets out alive”. Present the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. He did pay the price for our sins. No one can make it themselves and there is no other way! Jesus is the answer. Love is the key. And God so loved us first while we were sinners. We need to love Him back and love our neighbors as ourselves. Yes friend, don’t forget to love yourself….

Hope through trials 10/30/2023

Tune in to my new podcast November 11th and every Friday at 7-8 Pacific Standard Time.

WTF Podcast

On all your hosting services
X -formally Twitter
Truth Social

Hope through trials

WTF Podcast - YouTube 09/13/2023

Coming soon! WTF. “Win The Fight!” Like and share and subscribe on YouTube. Coming Soon. What you wanted to say but didn’t! Let’s “Win The Fight” together….

WTF Podcast - YouTube Doc~Twisted and friends discuss subjects spanning from, current affairs and Local and World Issues, Addiction, Mental Health, Biker Life, Gang Life. All hold...


Tell us about a time when you were worse off than you are now. Isn't it amazing that you made it out alive?

Overcoming is part of our DNA. Embrace it.


It Sucks With a heavy heart💔 and tears 😢 in my eyes, nothing is more painful than trying to smile and remain positive, but after many tests, being poked and prodded, chemo and radiation, the person physically changes and they can suffer with sadness. I know many of you do not give a crap about this message because, the cancer has not affected you. You do not know what it's like to have fought the fight, or have a loved one who leads or has lead a battle against cancer. 💛💗
I ask you a small favor- I know only some of you will do it. If you know someone who has led a battle against cancer, still struggling, or who passed, please make this your status to support, respect, and remember. 💛💗💜💚💛🧡❤️🤎🖤🤍 💙
** I have faith that many of my friends and family will copy and past to their newsfeedJust wanted to say, I despise CANCER!!!
I'm going to make a bet, that out of my family & friends, less than 7 will take the time to put this on their page.
Cancer sucks


Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

*** Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
1 John 3:1‭-‬2 KJV

And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?
Romans 2:3‭-‬4 KJV

Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
Matthew 18:21‭-‬22 KJV


We hear about medical procedures that open up blocked blood vessels that if left unattended, could lead to a heart attack, stroke, or even death. After consuming what is truly bad for us, we open the door to major problems, that require immediate lifestyle changes. If we leave the oozing sludge in our veins, we not only shorten our lives, but also diminish our quality of life. *** Let's face it...LIFE IS TOUGHER WITH MAJOR HEALTH PROBLEMS ! Now let's apply that to the spiritual realm, and look at what fouls up our lives spiritually. When looking at our example; Jesus, we cannot get past the below verse:

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
Luke 23:34 KJV

This is an unavoidable wall that we will either safely navigate, or SMASH right into it. This is where our spiritual blocked blood vessels begin...UNFORGIVENESS.

We have to dispose of the baggage in our flawed upbringing, including the playground humiliation, broken relationships, family discord, and how many people laughed at us when we _______(fill in the blank). All of this junk brings us to hate what we see in the mirror, and deep rooted bitterness comes along for the ride. *** How can we hate what and who we are, when the Word of God in 1st John 3 calls us beloved ! Please read to verse on top of this devotional; notice the first word is beloved; not "behated". Hopefully a little bit of the blockage just moved in your spirit. Here is another reminder that you and I can loose the junk, love like Jesus, and eliminate the cancer of unforgiveness.

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
John 8:7‭, ‬10‭-‬11 KJV

See, this is why we have no place for holding on to anything against anybody. This fits together with Romans 2nd chapter, that reminds us that God's grace and mercy leads ME and you to repent. When you see Jesus in Luke 23 say forgive them; when you see Stephen in Acts 7 forgive those who stoned him; WE MUST RESPOND BY FORGIVING EVERYBODY FOR EVERYTHING ! When we grab a hold of our loved status, surrender our lives to Jesus, taste the grace and mercy of our God; the actions of others no longer hold you in bo***ge. In other words...BLOCKAGE REMOVED. Perhaps you have just decided to forgive the one who talked about you, or even worse lied about you. *** Didn't your load just get lighter? Truly...please...let it go.

Finally, there is Matthew 18th chapter. It beaks into two essential parts. First, Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive...7 times? Jesus said SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN...AND THAT'S IN ONE DAY. Lamentations 3 sums it up like this:

It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, Because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: Great is thy faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22‭-‬23 KJV

The last part of Matthew 18 speaks of a foolish man, who owed the king 10,000 talents (a debt he could never repay). The King gave him mercy, and forgave the entire amount. *** The forgiven man went out and grabbed a hold of a man, who owed him only 100 Pence (a couple of months wages). The man who had been forgiven, threw the man in prison who owed him a hundred Pence. Of course the king found out, and threw that wicked man into prison. Here is the way that Jesus concluded the story:

And his Lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.
Matthew 18:34‭-‬35 KJV

So no more I forgive but I don't forget. It's clean the slate and move the blockage time.

Today...Forgive everybody for everything, right away and without exception...God bless.

I Helped Start The Mongols MC 08/29/2023

I Helped Start The Mongols MC Big Al Aceves had returned home after serving honorably in the Airborne Infantry, where he walked point in Viet Nam. According to Big Al, "I was nuts, and th...


Beautiful destinations

How do I feel...if I had a choice..would I send you the music, to touch you with voice?

Would I, touch another's soul? as If it were your own?

Would you let your heart, sing you my favorite poem?

A melody at last, a shadow so clear,
Like a frosty glass on summers night here.

With breezes you sing, like wind-chimes I hear,
let a melody beat, like a drummer in ear.

Let the heartbeats pander, the stirring of Love, as whispering wings, in the flock of the dove.

Allow it to keep, you forever, so tight , Let these words speak to you, in loneliness nights.

Now hear, rhythms and flows, between heart beat and toes,
as the music familiar, does like fresh snow.

Allow your heart a favorite instruments song,
And you’ll come full circle, to rhythm with song. favorite, the harp, notes vibrate and sing, to fill the loneliest of nights, the nights with a sting.

Now the beautiful sound, thats expelled in the air, can be sung through the darkness, alone in your fear.

Hold on to the flow, that you wished to the air, and hope it plants seeds of fruit to you bear.

So follow the course, and reach to the hope, for a taste of this moment, your emotions will show.

Only the ones, who carry this news, shall be free from Eruptions of fear and great blues.

So wishing, oh wishing, its familiar song, to land unintended as a beautiful gown.

Destinations, Less traveled to search and to roam, rest your heart in these hands, your already home….


I really hate to ask, and have been helped by so many of you guys. I am having trouble walking. I have another surgery coming up in a week or two. 1 get $1375.00 a month… I’m out of fuel.. from all these drs appointments.
I usually have about 5 drs appointments a week and it cost me almost $400 a month in fuel, out of my disability benefits. They take almost $175 out for my medical, I pay about $200 for insurance for the Truck. $100 for the bike (gas saver) $225 for space rent for the Rv and $45 for my phone, and that leaves me after bill with about $ 100 to eat on. It’s impossible…. My sister helped me is the only way I made it this month and still have to go til the second Wednesday of the month to get paid. I’ve cut everything I can… I’ve sold everything I have! and now I’m out of Gas and I have a fibroscan tomorrow. Very important because I had liver cancer and I’m showing scar tissue, in the ultrasounds. The break in my back is causing both my systems to shut down. And I have everything approved for this surgery and waiting for the insurance approval. Every day I talk myself out of giving up. My dog who has kept me alive, is out of food because when I moved the RV (which I had no help doing and shouldn’t have done so myself) Ants destroyed his food, so I have been Sharing mine. I had another friend help me with 55 dollars and it went to pay my bank that was overdrawn, 45 so left me 10 physically it gets rougher every day. Every day I have to keep telling myself to trust God. I have almost 5000 friends on here and I know y’all are going through tough times too. I’ve cried out and asked everyone who has said to me. “Ask!” Well I’m asking because I really need help from some brothers and sisters…. If I go into a care facility I will give up!! I have just been trying to get through all these surgeries (31 now) and get out of expensive California… help please help…


Working harder brings results


Before John Wayne passed away! Most of you know John Wayne as an actor.You may not know what happened to him before he died. This is that story!
Robert Schuller’s teenage daughter, Cindy, was in a motorcycle accident and had to have her leg amputated. John Wayne is a big fan of Robert Schuller. He heard Dr. Schuller say on one of his programs that his daughter had been in an accident and had to have her leg amputated.

John Wayne wrote a note to her saying: Dear Cindy, sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you will be all right. Signed, John Wayne. The note was delivered to her and she decided she wanted to write John Wayne a note in reply.

She wrote: Dear Mr. Wayne, I got your note. Thanks for writing to me. I like you very much. I am going to be all right because Jesus is going to help me. Mr. Wayne, do you know Jesus? I sure hope you know Jesus, Mr. Wayne, because I cannot imagine heaven being complete without John Wayne being there. I hope, if you don’t know Jesus, that you will give your heart to Jesus right now. See you in heaven. And she signed her name.

She had just put that letter in an envelope, sealed it, and written across the front of it “John Wayne” when a visitor came into her room to see her. He said to her: What are you doing? She said: I just wrote a letter to John Wayne, but I don’t know how to get it to him. He said: That’s funny, I am going to have dinner with John Wayne tonight at the Newport Club down at Newport Beach. Give it to me and I will give it to him. She gave him the letter and he put it in his coat pocket. There were twelve of them that night sitting around the table for dinner. They were laughing and cutting up and the guy happened to reach in his pocket and felt that letter and

John Wayne was seated at the end of the table and the guy took the letter out and said: Hey, Duke, I was in Schuller’s daughter’s room today and she wrote you a letter and wanted me to give it to you. Here it is.

They passed it down to John Wayne and he opened it. They kept on laughing and cutting up and someone happened to look down at John Wayne. He was crying. One of them said: Hey, Duke, what is the matter? He said (and can’t you hear him saying it?): I want to read you this letter. He read the letter.

Then he began to weep. He folded it, put it in his pocket, and he pointed to the man who delivered it to him and said: You go tell that little girl that right now, in this restaurant, right here, John Wayne gives his heart to Jesus Christ and I will see her in heaven. Three weeks later John Wayne died!

You never know how your witness to another will effect their eternity!

Ryan Ellis - NEVER SURRENDER (Music Video) 08/04/2023

Ryan Ellis - NEVER SURRENDER (Music Video) Music video by Ryan Ellis performing NEVER SURRENDER (Music Video). (P) 2023 Provident Label Group LLC, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Photos from SoCal Rider Coalition - SCRC's post 07/29/2023

Get a shirt for the event

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Lake Elsinore, CA

Other Lake Elsinore government services (show all)
The Field Of Screams The Haunted Stadium The Field Of Screams The Haunted Stadium
500 Diamond Drive
Lake Elsinore, 92530

Inland Empire's #1 Halloween tradition comes screaming back for yet another year of new attractions, new scenes, new characters, and more!

Lake Elsinore Unified School District Lake Elsinore Unified School District
545 Chaney Street
Lake Elsinore, 92530

Lake Elsinore Library Lake Elsinore Library
600 W Graham Avenue
Lake Elsinore, 92530

We provide the public with fast and courteous customer service & excellent children's programming.

Mayor Steve Manos Lake Elsinore, District 2 Mayor Steve Manos Lake Elsinore, District 2
130 S. Main Street
Lake Elsinore, 92530

Elected representative for the residents of Lake Elsinore since 2012.

Earl Warren Elementary PTA Earl Warren Elementary PTA
41221 Rosetta Canyon Drive
Lake Elsinore, 92532

Visit our web page at

Vick Knight Lakeside Library Vick Knight Lakeside Library
32593 Riverside Dr
Lake Elsinore, 92530

SouthBay Notary Services SouthBay Notary Services
Lake Elsinore, 92532

National Notary Association Certified Loan Signing Agent. Spanish speaking. Serving Murrieta, Ca.

Kim's Foundation Inc. Kim's Foundation Inc.
485 BIRCH Street SUITE N7
Lake Elsinore, 92530

We use the valuable donated resources to support homeless, low-income households. We are trying to use more than 90% of donations to help by minimizing operating funds.

Lake Elsinore Tropical Oasis Pool & Spa Lake Elsinore Tropical Oasis Pool & Spa
Dauben Court
Lake Elsinore, 92532

Our saltwater pool is a backyard paradise for your group to enjoy with a waterfall, grotto, & slide.

The Duck Sanctuary The Duck Sanctuary
Lake Elsinore, 92530

Domestic Aquarian Avian Sanctuary 501c3 organization Formerly the Duck Pond of Lake Elsinore

Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District
31315 Chaney Street
Lake Elsinore, 92530

Official page of Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District. See for full policy.

Visas Para Mayores de 60 años Visas Para Mayores de 60 años
Lake Elsinore, 92530