Next Step Intervervention

Drug & Alcohol Interverventions with Referals to High Quality Treatments Programs. Immediate Help! Don’t Wait till it’s too late! �


Interventions don’t just get an addict into treatment, but brings solutions for the family in the form of healthy boundaries, the end of enmeshed lives! Interventions work. Tap Here:


Professional Drug Interventionist at Your Service! 🤝
Need help staging an addiction intervention? Our team of professional drug interventionists is here to assist you. We offer top-rated alcohol abuse intervention services and holistic substance abuse interventions. Let us help you create a successful intervention plan tailored to your loved one's needs. Take the next step towards recovery and contact us today!


People who consider intervention services have a loved one who is suffering from some form of addiction, be it alcohol addiction, drug addiction, food addiction, s*x and love addiction or another form. This addiction has taken a physical, mental, financial and spiritual toll not only on the addict but on family, friends and co-workers as well. When there have been several attempts at trying to help the addicted loved one to no avail, intervention services for substance abuse are often necessary. An intervention is defined as having a neutral person who is an expert in addiction and recovery intervene upon the addict and their family to bring the addiction and its harmful impacts to the surface so that recovery and healing can begin. An interventionist is therefore a mediator and necessary component to getting the loved one into a suitable drug and alcohol treatment program. Often, this is too great of a feat for the family and loved ones to do on their own because they are too emotionally involved with and impacted by the addict’s behaviors and despair. Interventionists provide knowledge where there is confusion, clarity where there is fog, solution where there is dismay and hope where there is despair. The Intervention Process The process begins by having a conversation about the loved one you would like to help. Because of professional experience in the field of addiction and recovery, the interventionist has heard it all – there are no stories or situations that haven’t already been heard and no story or situation will be judged, it will all be kept with the utmost level of confidentiality. Although it seems trifling to tell personal details to someone you don’t know, upon sharing your situation your reservation will be met with warmth and understanding and the weight you feel will begin to lift as solutions are proposed. The interventionist will then derive a treatment action plan that can be executed immediately. The immediacy of getting a loved one the help they need is well understood and the interventionist will act with the same immediacy to fulfill the treatment action plan, which will consist of the following:
A determination of the need for an intervention – sometimes when the loved one has already agreed on receiving treatment, a recommendation will be made that don’t involve an intervention.
Arrangements to execute the intervention (travel, timing, special needs and considerations for the time, place and type of intervention)
Pre-intervention counseling and advisement – thorough determination of what families need to prepare such as verbal or written statements to the loved one and what to expect emotionally during an intervention.
The Intervention
Transport to treatment, either with the interventionist, family, sober companion or via scheduled travel arrangements to the recommended treatment center.
This process highlights that in challenging and emotionally vulnerable situations, we can’t do things alone. Just as people need support groups and spiritual practice to lessen their burdens, loved ones of addicts need professionals to guide them through the process of getting addiction help – it reduces the stress and turmoil and turns out to be the best investment to make in the life of a loved one. If you would like to consider a treatment action plan for a loved one, please contact us to learn more about the next steps to take or to learn about the success rates of our certified Interventionists. Call Now! (949) 545-3438


Immediate help is available for your loved one!

Help doesn’t need to wait! Immediate help! Click Here:


Truth be told..

Next Step Intervention | California Drug Interventionists 02/12/2024

If your loved one is struggling with drug or alcohol abuse, holding an intervention can be a powerful way to help them realize they need help and to get clean or sober. At the same time, an intervention is a big step. It’s not something that you should just do without a significant amount of preparation and knowledge. Here, an intervention specialist can be especially valuable.

An intervention specialist is someone who can help you to research, organize, plan, and stage your intervention. They provide the guidance, support, and resources you need to take your idea of holding an intervention and making it a reality, in an as safe, comfortable, and effective manner as possible for everyone involved.

Today, more than 48.7 million Americans struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. Just 11% get the treatment they need to get better. Asking for professional help ensures you have the tools to work towards getting your loved one into treatment and recovery.

Next Step Intervention | California Drug Interventionists Next Step Intervention's drug and alcohol addiction interventionists have a 99% success rate of getting loved ones into treatment.


Help doesn’t need to wait! Immediate help! Click Here:


Immediate Help! Call Now (949) 545-3438

Next Step Intervention | California Drug Interventionists 10/29/2023

Interventions save families & save lives! Addiction is a family disease & the entire family suffers. Click here:

Next Step Intervention | California Drug Interventionists Next Step Intervention's drug and alcohol addiction interventionists have a 99% success rate of getting loved ones into treatment.

Next Step Intervention | California Drug Interventionists 08/17/2023

Substance Abuse Interventions
Call Now! (949) 545-3438
It is common for those addicted to street drugs, prescription drugs, or alcohol to deny or fail to recognize the seriousness of their chemical dependency. When your friend or loved one refuses to seek treatment for a substance abuse problem, a formal intervention may be recommended. Substance abuse interventions are a surprise opportunity to confront the addicted individual in the presence of friends, family, and possibly clergy—with the hope of convincing them to agree to enter a drug and alcohol addiction treatment program. Substance abuse interventions should be carefully planned and facilitated by a licensed counselor, social worker, or experienced interventionist. The meeting is typically held in a private, neutral location where participants feel comfortable sharing their feelings and concerns. It is critical that the group present a united front in the form of rehearsed, straightforward messages about the facts of the problem and its impact on others. An intervention is no place for guilt trips. Instead, it is designed to compassionately and firmly convey the consequences that have resulted from addiction and share the group’s desire for the addicted individual to make positive changes. During an intervention, each member of the group should also clarify the action they will take if the addict refuses to comply with treatment protocols. Call Now (949) 545-3438

Next Step Intervention | California Drug Interventionists Next Step Intervention's drug and alcohol addiction interventionists have a 99% success rate of getting loved ones into treatment.


How does a typical intervention work?
An intervention usually includes the following steps:

Make a plan. A family member or friend proposes an intervention and forms a planning group. It's best if you consult with a qualified professional counselor, an addiction professional, a psychologist, a mental health counselor, a social worker or an interventionist to help you organize an effective intervention. An intervention is a highly charged situation with the potential to cause anger, resentment or a sense of betrayal.
Gather information. The group members find out about the extent of your loved one's problem and research the condition and treatment programs. The group may initiate arrangements to enroll your loved one in a specific treatment program.
Form the intervention team. The planning group forms a team that will personally participate in the intervention. Team members set a date and location and work together to present a consistent, rehearsed message and a structured plan. Often, nonfamily members of the team help keep the discussion focused on the facts of the problem and shared solutions rather than strong emotional responses. Don't let your loved one know what you're doing until the day of the intervention.
Decide on specific consequences. If your loved one doesn't accept treatment, each person on the team needs to decide what action he or she will take. For example, you may decide to ask your loved one to move out.
Make notes on what to say. Each team member describes specific incidents where the addiction caused problems, such as emotional or financial issues. Discuss the toll of your loved one's behavior while still expressing care and the expectation that he or she can change. Your loved one can't argue with facts or with your emotional response to the problem. For example begin by saying "I was upset and hurt when you drank …"
Hold the intervention meeting. Without revealing the reason, your loved one with the addiction is asked to the intervention site. Members of the team then take turns expressing their concerns and feelings. Your loved one is presented with a treatment option and asked to accept that option on the spot. Each team member will say what specific changes he or she will make if your loved one doesn't accept the plan. Don't threaten a consequence unless you're ready to follow through with it.
Follow up. Involving a spouse, family members or others is critical to help someone with an addiction stay in treatment and avoid relapsing. This can include changing patterns of everyday living to make it easier to avoid destructive behavior, offering to participate in counseling with your loved one, seeking your own therapist and recovery support, and knowing what to do if relapse occurs.
A successful intervention must be planned carefully to work as intended. A poorly planned intervention can worsen the situation — your loved one may feel attacked and become isolated or more resistant to treatment.

Consult an addiction professional
Consulting an addiction professional, such as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, a social worker, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or an interventionist, can help you organize an effective intervention. An addiction professional will take into account your loved one's particular circumstances, suggest the best approach, and help guide you in what type of treatment and follow-up plan is likely to work best.

Often interventions are conducted without an intervention professional, but having expert help may be preferable. Sometimes the intervention occurs at the professional's office. It may be especially important to have the professional attend the actual intervention to help you stay on track if your loved one:

Has a history of serious mental illness
Has a history of violence
Has shown suicidal behavior or recently talked about su***de
May be taking several mood-altering substances
It's very important to consult an intervention professional if you suspect your loved one may react violently or self-destructively.

Next Step Intervention | California Drug Interventionists 07/06/2023

How to Stage an Alcohol or Drug Abuse Intervention
An intervention is an important event, created by family and friends of a person struggling with addiction, to help the person realize they have a problem, they need help, and they have support. While reality television shows have popularized interventionist recent years, these depictions often offer a false sense of how an intervention should be conducted. While interventions should always provide encouragement and incentive for the person struggling with addiction to seek help, they come in more forms than the classic family meeting frequently displayed in popular media. look at

Next Step Intervention | California Drug Interventionists Next Step Intervention's drug and alcohol addiction interventionists have a 99% success rate of getting loved ones into treatment.


The Role of an Addiction Intervention Specialist
It is simply not possible for a family to conduct a real intervention without assistance from professionals in the field of addiction intervention and treatment. There is a tendency for some people to want to get opinions or assessments from other professionals such as doctors, therapists or lawyers. But when it comes to dealing with addiction, including drug and alcohol interventions, detox, treatment and aftercare, the people whose opinions should matter most are the professionals working directly in the field with people in that situation each and every day.
Call Now (949) 545-3438


Addiction is extremely difficult to handle, and facing your addiction head-on requires a strong network of support. Counseling, meetings, and rehabilitation centers can all help treat your addiction issues, but nothing compares to community-based addiction treatment. Having the support of your community when seeking treatment can be a beneficial asset that may help you get clean and stay clean.

How to Recognize Active Addiction
When it comes to substance abuse and addiction, it's important to remember that people using addictive substances don't choose to develop dependencies. Because of how certain drugs affect brain activity, addiction can happen unexpectedly and quickly. Addiction can be almost unavoidable and take years of therapy and recovery efforts to reverse. Active addiction is the term used by medical professionals to describe the period of time in which someone is suffering through chronic substance addiction while using drugs and or alcohol, as well as short stints of sobriety followed by quick relapses.
Get help for your loved one today, call now (949) 545-3438


Substance Abuse Interventions
Call Now (949) 545-3438
It is common for those addicted to street drugs, prescription drugs, or alcohol to deny or fail to recognize the seriousness of their chemical dependency. When your friend or loved one refuses to seek treatment for a substance abuse problem, a formal intervention may be recommended. Substance abuse interventions are a surprise opportunity to confront the addicted individual in the presence of friends, family, and possibly clergy—with the hope of convincing them to agree to enter a drug and alcohol addiction treatment program. Substance abuse interventions should be carefully planned and facilitated by a licensed counselor, social worker, or experienced interventionist. The meeting is typically held in a private, neutral location where participants feel comfortable sharing their feelings and concerns. It is critical that the group present a united front in the form of rehearsed, straightforward messages about the facts of the problem and its impact on others. An intervention is no place for guilt trips. Instead, it is designed to compassionately and firmly convey the consequences that have resulted from addiction and share the group’s desire for the addicted individual to make positive changes. During an intervention, each member of the group should also clarify the action they will take if the addict refuses to comply with treatment protocols. Call Now (949) 545-3438


8 Steps to a Successful Interventions
You may be longing for a friend or family member to admit that they need help, but the most successful stories about overcoming addiction often begin with a professional intervention. Our Certified National Alcohol & Drug Interventionists have a 99% success rate, and our caring team helps you navigate getting a loved one help when your family is in crisis mode.

Step 1. Call the our Christian Intervention Hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at (949) 545-3438. Your phone call is private and confidential and is answered by a trained interventionist who will determine whether an intervention is appropriate.

Step 2. Allow us to work as an advocate on your behalf: helping you choose a facility and treatment protocol, assisting you with financial planning, requesting insurance authorization, and explaining self-payment options. Once a facility has been selected, our team can take care of all necessary admissions details, travel plans, and other logistics.

Step 3. Meet with your interventionist over the phone or in person to discuss the intervention process, including timing, location, and participant selection.

Step 4. Invite significant people—family members, friends, or clergy—to participate in the intervention team. Participants should demonstrate love and respect for the addicted person, and should be trusted to keep all details confidential. Make sure that they understand the urgency of the situation and are willing to dedicate several hours to pre-intervention planning and the intervention meeting, itself. In some cases, a family member or friend may participate via Skype if they cannot be present at the meetings. Ask attendees to review our website to gain a better understanding of the intervention process and the services offered by our Christian Intervention Service.

Step 5. Meet your interventionist for the pre-intervention meeting. This meeting typically lasts several hours and is designed to provide disease education, discuss the recommended treatment course, and prepare verbal or written statements that will be shared the day of the intervention. These statements are written out of love and concern rather than blame, and contain insight about changes in behavior and the impact of your loved one’s addiction. Under the guidance of our certified interventionists, you will have the opportunity to refine the statement and prepare emotionally for the intervention meeting.

Step 6. Select a location for the intervention, such as a conference room, church classroom, therapy office, or another neutral spot. Choose a time when your family member is likely to be sober and controlled, and arrange for their transport to the meeting. While you may be tempted to have the intervention at home where the addict feels comfortable, it is best to remove them from an environment where they might be tempted to avoid the participants by retreating to a bedroom or private area.

Step 7. Hold the intervention. Gather together with the goal of being non-judgmental and solutions-focused. Your interventionist will maintain the structure of the meeting and help participants share feelings in a constructive manner. Have realistic expectations. The addicted individual is likely to become frustrated and emotional, and may temporarily shut down or have an outburst. While there is a chance that the intervention is not successful, or that more than one meeting is required, this is unlikely. Our Christian Intervention team has a 99% success rate and has years of experience guiding addicted individuals toward treatment programs that will change their lives.

Step 8. If your family member accepts help, they will be escorted from the intervention locale to the selected Christian drug and alcohol treatment facility. The interventionist will remain available to answer questions, discuss the treatment process, or recommend family therapy options so you can begin your own journey to recovery. Call Now (949) 545-3438


Honey won’t do list or me

Timeline photos 01/12/2023

Amen 🙏

PRAYERS ANSWERED: The Damar Hamlin story has pushed faith into a loving light on a popular stage, says Lyndsay Keith.


Immediate help with Professional Interventions. Call now (949) 874-8469


Immediate Help with interventions!
Call now (949) 874-8469


If you need “help”with an Intervention,
just call (949) 874-8469


Immediate help! Call Now (949) 874-8469


Immediate Intervention Help!
Call Now! (949) 874-8469


Interventions save lives! Call Now! (949) 874-8469


Interventions save lives! Help Cant Wait! Call Now
(949) 874-8469

Celebrate A New Life

Our Christian drug rehab program guides you through the process of reconnecting with God. The root of the problem of addiction is spiritual in nature. Separation from God causes deep feelings of emptiness. Drug abuse and alcoholism are often a misguided attempt to numb that feeling. Once your relationship with God is restored, the hole you have been trying to fill is made complete. You discover the healing available in Christ on the road to recovery.

Our program is made up of pastors, doctors and Christian therapists with many years of experience in addiction treatment. Pastoral counseling, prayer, worship and bible based alcohol and drug treatment are provided. Our caring staff will help you break the chains of addiction and teach you how to maintain that freedom.



The Mission of our Christian Addiction Treatment Program
Immediate Help! Call Now! (949) 874-8469

Christian addiction specialists teach that there is a God-shaped void in our lives. As an addict tries to fill this void with drugs, alcohol, gambling, s*x, or other harmful habits, they become chemically dependent and behave in ways that lead to guilt, depression, and emotional trauma. Christian rehab facilities use Biblical teaching, counseling, and conventional addiction therapies to help clients break free from substance abuse and restore their walk with God and their relationships with family and friends.

Will I Be Shunned by My Congregation After Rehab? - Christian Drug Rehab 03/13/2020

Immediate Help! Click Here:

Will I Be Shunned by My Congregation After Rehab? - Christian Drug Rehab Your congregation is unlikely to shun you after rehab, but some members may be surprised by your revelation. But you can rebuild your standing in the church


You may be longing for a friend or family member to admit that they need help, but the most successful stories about overcoming addiction often begin with a professional intervention. Our Certified National Alcohol & Drug Interventionists have a 99% success rate, and our caring team helps you navigate getting a loved one help when your family is in crisis mode.

Step 1.
Call the our Christian Intervention Hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at (844) 577-1234. Your phone call is private and confidential and is answered by a trained interventionist who will determine whether an intervention is appropriate.

Step 2.
Allow us to work as an advocate on your behalf: helping you choose a facility and treatment protocol, assisting you with financial planning, requesting insurance authorization, and explaining self-payment options. Once a facility has been selected, our team can take care of all necessary admissions details, travel plans, and other logistics.

Step 3.
Meet with your interventionist over the phone or in person to discuss the intervention process, including timing, location, and participant selection.

Step 4.
Invite significant people—family members, friends, or clergy—to participate in the intervention team. Participants should demonstrate love and respect for the addicted person, and should be trusted to keep all details confidential. Make sure that they understand the urgency of the situation and are willing to dedicate several hours to pre-intervention planning and the intervention meeting, itself. In some cases, a family member or friend may participate via Skype if they cannot be present at the meetings. Ask attendees to review our website to gain a better understanding of the intervention process and the services offered by our Christian Intervention Service.

Step 5.
Meet your interventionist for the pre-intervention meeting. This meeting typically lasts several hours and is designed to provide disease education, discuss the recommended treatment course, and prepare verbal or written statements that will be shared the day of the intervention. These statements are written out of love and concern rather than blame, and contain insight about changes in behavior and the impact of your loved one’s addiction. Under the guidance of our certified interventionists, you will have the opportunity to refine the statement and prepare emotionally for the intervention meeting.

Step 6.
Select a location for the intervention, such as a conference room, church classroom, therapy office, or another neutral spot. Choose a time when your family member is likely to be sober and controlled, and arrange for their transport to the meeting. While you may be tempted to have the intervention at home where the addict feels comfortable, it is best to remove them from an environment where they might be tempted to avoid the participants by retreating to a bedroom or private area.

Step 7.
Hold the intervention. Gather together with the goal of being non-judgmental and solutions-focused. Your interventionist will maintain the structure of the meeting and help participants share feelings in a constructive manner. Have realistic expectations. The addicted individual is likely to become frustrated and emotional, and may temporarily shut down or have an outburst. While there is a chance that the intervention is not successful, or that more than one meeting is required, this is unlikely. Our Christian Intervention team has a 99% success rate and has years of experience guiding addicted individuals toward treatment programs that will change their lives.

Step 8.
If your family member accepts help, they will be escorted from the intervention locale to the selected Christian drug and alcohol treatment facility. The interventionist will remain available to answer questions, discuss the treatment process, or recommend family therapy options so you can begin your own journey to recovery.

HELP CAN'T WAIT, CALL NOW (844) 577-1234

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There are circumstances where families and loved ones of addicts need additional support to coax them into seeking addiction treatment. This is especially true when an addict is in the denial phase of addiction, unwilling to recognize they have a substance abuse problem and need help. In other circumstances an addict may realize they need help, but they are wary about entering an addiction treatment facility out of fear of being outside of their comfort zone. They may need the extra encouragement from a professional on the life changing benefits of addiction treatment away from home.



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