Southside Church - Lakeland Florida

Thank you for checking out Southside Church's page! So, look around the page, feel the difference, and grow with us!

We are an Assemblies of God affiliated church located in Lakeland, Florida, dedicated to providing you with weekly updates on our ministries as well as our gospel filled weekly live streams. Our desire is to be a "whosoever" church (John 3:16), and we are eager to have you feel at home with us here on this channel. We strive to be relevant in the way we present ministry without compromising the message of the Gospel. We are located at 4750 Cleveland Heights Blvd, Lakeland, FL.


Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in 1 Corinthians 5:9-11(CSB):
“I wrote to you in a letter not to associate with sexually immoral people. I did not mean the immoral people of this world or the greedy and swindlers or idolaters; otherwise you would have to leave the world. But actually, I wrote you not to associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister and is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or verbally abusive, a drunkard or a swindler. Do not even eat with such a person.”

“Paul did not want the Corinthian Christians to expect godly behavior from ungodly people. To disassociate from sinners in a sinful world would mean we would need to leave the world. Instead, without approving the sin of sinners in this world, we should expect that they would be sinners. It should not surprise or offend us that those who do not yet know Jesus are sexually immoral, greedy, swindlers or idolaters! But the Corinthian Christians were to expect Christian behavior from their fellow Christians, and they were not doing this! Instead, Paul commands that they were not even to eat with such a person!”(Guzik)

Bottom Line!
Unfortunately, too many Christians are busy judging those outside of the church (which is God’s job only) and are neglecting purity within the church. The Corinthian Christians were failing to judge where they should have made judgment. They should not have “winked” at the notorious sinner among them, and they should not have considered themselves “loving” for doing so. Why? For the sake of purity in the church AND most importantly- for the sake of the man’s own salvation! Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!


30 Days of Prayer | Day Seven

Today, we pray for healing in our bodies. Heart disease, cancer and strokes are among the leading causes of death in our country. Many Americans suffer chronic illnesses and injuries. Remember when we pray that Jesus also died and was resurrected for our physical healing. (Isaiah 53:5)



"FAITHFUL, servant, managers!"

Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in 1Corinthians 4:1-2(CSB):
A person should think of us in this way: as servants of Christ and managers of the mysteries of God. In this regard, it is required that managers be found faithful.

How do you see or think of the leaders in your church? The Apostle Paul wanted the Corinthians who gave Paul a hard time, to see him and the other Apostles as servants of Christ and managers of the mysteries of God! But neither of those titles mean anything if they are not proven over time through faithfulness!

Bottom Line!
Paul exemplified the heart of a servant of Christ and wonderfully managed the mysteries of God! Namely, He preserved, protected and dispensed the truth of the Word of God! And just like Jesus- he did it oh so FAITHFULLY! In essence, Paul was saying Christians should all be regarded, by others(based off of the fruit they produce in their daily lives) as FAITHFUL SERVANT MANAGERS of Gods will! Because that's who Jesus was and is! Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!


30 Days of Prayer | Day Six

Before the day is over, let’s pray healing over minds and emotions. Loneliness is an epidemic in the u.s and the topic of mental health can lead to condemnation and shame. As psalm 34:18 says, “the lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Pray for understanding and compassion within the church and proper treatment.



"TESTED by fire!"
Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in 1 Corinthians 3:12-13(CSB)
If anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, or straw, each one’s work will become obvious. For the day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire; the fire will test the quality of each one’s work.

"Paul had established the church at Corinth on the foundation of Christ. gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw: These building materials refer to the quality of work done by the Corinthians, and possibly also to their motivations or the kinds of doctrines they taught. The Day speaks of the time when Christ will judge the merits of His servants’ work (see 2 Cor. 5:10), not whether they receive forgiveness of sin. Likewise, fire does not refer to the “eternal fire” of damnation (see Rev. 20:10) but to the evaluation of believers’ works (see Rev. 2:18, 19; 3:18; 22:12). Fire proves the quality of gold, but it consumes wood, hay, and stubble. Some “good work” is actually self-centered aggrandizement. The true value of such “service” will become obvious to all in the day of God’s judgment (see Rev. 3:17, 18)."(Word of Promise)

Bottom Line!
Jesus said it as directly and plainly as it can be said in Mark 4:22 when He said, "For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be brought to light." Which absolutely includes WHY, we as His sons and daughters, everyone who is and was a part of the family of God- WHY? Why we each serve Him the way we do. What exactly our true motive is and was- will be revealed by the purifying fire of the Lord and then that will reveal the true quality of all we have done! WOW! Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!


30 Days of Prayer | Day Five

set aside time today to pray for unity in the family. The nuclear family has undergone tremendous change in recent decades. Families are broken, even among Christians. In Malachi 4:6, God promises to turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents. Please pray for restoration and wholeness in families.



"Supernatural revelation!"
Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in 1 Corinthians 2:9(CSB):
But as it is written, What no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart has conceived—God has prepared these things for those who love him.

"Most people wrongly take the things which God has prepared for those who love Him to mean the things which are waiting for us in heaven. While it is true that we cannot comprehend the greatness of heaven, that isn’t what Paul means here, because 1 Corinthians 2:10 tells us God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. This glorious thing has been revealed by the gospel."(Guzik)

Bottom Line!
ANYTHING that we as humans cannot see with our eyes, hear with our ears and conceive with our human hearts- can only be received through a supernatural revelation to us by the Holy Spirit! And God had indeed prepared for us to receive supernatural revelation knowledge of Himself starting with the truth of the incredible grace of God in and through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary and His supernatural resurrection from the dead! And once by faith we place our trust in Jesus as both Lord and Savior we enter into an eternal journey of loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength! Which in turn keeps us connected to the supernatural realm where God has prepared even more revelation knowledge for us to receive from the Holy Spirit! Believe it and receive it today! Love and Blessings Forever Guaranteed!


30 Days of Prayer | Day Four

Today we pray for unity in our communities. It is in local communities that we can truly demonstrate loving our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). Find out the needs in the community surrounding your church, and work to meet those needs.become the vessel god can use to answer prayers. 


Hazardous Hunger | Pastor Rich Gorgone 08/04/2024

Hazardous Hunger | Pastor Rich Gorgone Welcome to Southside AG Church YouTubeOur Vision is to have a thriving Holy Spirit led multicultural, multigenerational church of authentic disciples of Chri...


30 Days of Prayer | Day Three

Today let’s time time to pray for unity in local fellowships. The local church is the beacon of hope for the community. It’s important that we foster a unified, welcoming spirit of love and support for one another, as praised in psalm 133:1. Allow your church to become a place of refuge and peace.



30 Days of Prayer | Day Two
Church, let us take time to truly pray for unity despite differing perspectives. In a world where everyone yells their opinion and no one listens, we need a common source of harmony. The Bible shows us a house divided cannot stand (Matthew 12:25) rather then focusing on our differences, let us strive to be better representatives of christ, operating in love.



Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in Romans 16:17-18(CSB)
Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who create divisions and obstacles contrary to the teaching that you learned. Avoid them, because such people do not serve our Lord Christ but their own appetites. They deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting with smooth talk and flattering words.

"This has in mind both those who would divide God’s people (cause divisions) and those who would deceive Gods people (obstacles... contrary to the doctrine you have learned). Once these have been noted (marked), they are to be avoided. Dividers and deceivers never want to appear selfish. Typically they perceive themselves as noble crusaders for a great cause. Nevertheless, however they may appear on the outside, their motives are essentially selfish and fleshly."(Guzik)

Bottom Line!
Even in the family of God there will be troublemakers who will reveal themselves as such by the division and obstacles they cause! Therefore we must not be surprised when this happens and when it does happen and these people are revealed to us the proper biblical response is to avoid them! Ofcourse we should pray for them but from a distance until they repent and are restored! Believe it and receive it today! Love and Blessings forever guaranteed!


30 Days of Prayer | Day One
Here at Southside, we strongly encourage anyone and everyone to join us in praying for our nation for 30 days. Christianity Today predicted that “Christian America” will soon be more divided than ever before. Is the Church’s priority reaching the lost or dogma? “For we are baptized by One Spirit so as to form one body” (1 Corinthians 12:13). We must focus on our shared purpose to bring the lost to Christ.



Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in 2 Chronicles 32:7-8(CSB)
“Be strong and courageous! Don’t be afraid or discouraged before the king of Assyria or before the large army that is with him, for there are more with us than with him. He has only human strength, but we have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.” So the people relied on the words of King Hezekiah of Judah.

"Hezekiah understood that the defense of Israel did not depend only on walls and towers and shields and water supplies; it also depended on the strength, courage, and determination of their soldiers."(Guzik)

Bottom Line!
WHOS words are we relying on? Our enemies taunts? WHOS power are we relying on? Our own? Do we know our God is our help in the middle of our battles? And He is all powerful and all knowing? Do we believe we can be strong and courageous, unafraid and not discouraged only WHEN and IF we surrender our battles into the hands of the Lord of Angel Armies and trust Him for victory In Jesus name?

Ultimate Truth!
When we place our faith in a daily personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit we will ALWAYS HAVE MORE than our enemies! ALWAYS! Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!


"The responsibility of STRENGTH!"
Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in Romans 15:1-3(CSB)
Now we who are strong have an obligation to bear the weaknesses of those without strength, and not to please ourselves. Each one of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For even Christ did not please himself. On the contrary, as it is written, The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.

"This goes against the whole tenor of our times, which counsels people to “look out for number 1” and despises those who live lives of real sacrifice for the sake of others. Yet, undeniably Paul points the way to true happiness and fulfillment in life — get your eyes off of yourself, start building up others and you will find yourself built up."(Guzik)

Bottom Line!
"Christ is the ultimate model for the strong believer. He renounced self-gratification so that He could clearly represent God and His cause (see Phil. 2:5–8)."(Word of Promise) That's WHY, for one- we follow Him alone! Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!


"WHAT are you pursuing?"
Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in Romans 14:17-19(CSB)..for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whoever serves Christ in this way is acceptable to God and receives human approval. So then, let us pursue what promotes peace and what builds up one another.

"We must study mutual peace. Many wish for peace, and talk loudly for it, that do not follow the things that make for peace, but the contrary. Liberty in things indifferent, condescension to those that are weak and tender, zeal in the great things of God wherein we are all agreed; these are things that make for peace. Meekness, humility, self-denial, and love, are the springs of peace, the things that make for our peace. We are not always so happy as to obtain peace; there are so many that delight in war: but the God of peace will accept us if we follow after the things that make for peace, that is, if we do our endeavour."(Henry)

Bottom Line!
What are you pursuing every single day? That which promotes peace or that which promotes your point of view? “It is the devil who is a troublemaker; it is God who loves reconciliation and who now through his children, as formerly through his only begotten Son, is bent on making peace.” (Stott) Which is why Jesus in the greatest sermon ever preached said in Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Believe it and receive it today! Love and Blessings forever guaranteed!


"Gods Plan!"
Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in Romans 13:1-2(CSB):
Let everyone submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted by God. So then, the one who resists the authority is opposing God’s command, and those who oppose it will bring judgment on themselves.

"We subject ourselves to governing authorities because they are appointed by God and serve a purpose in His plan. God appoints a nation’s leaders, but not always to bless the people. Sometimes it is to judge the people or to ripen the nation for judgment."(Guzik)

Bottom Line!
God is the Sovereign supreme ruler over all and since governments have authority from God, we are bound to obey them — unless, of course, they order us to do something in contradiction to God’s law. Then, we are commanded to obey God before man (as in Acts 4:19). Which means: most of the time we must submit to and obey the governing authorities simply because as Gods children we are obeying God Him which signifies we love Him(John 14:15)! Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!

The Proof is in The Fruit | pt.5 Gentleness & Self Control 07/28/2024

The Proof is in The Fruit | pt.5 Gentleness & Self Control Welcome to Southside AG Church YouTubeOur Vision is to have a thriving Holy Spirit led multicultural, multigenerational church of authentic disciples of Chri...


Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in Romans 10:14-15(CSB)
How, then, can they call on him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about him? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.

"Conceivably, God could have chosen any means for the message of salvation to come, such as angelic messengers or directly working without a human preacher. Nevertheless God’s “normal” way of bringing people to Jesus Christ is through the preaching of the gospel."(Guzik)

Bottom Line!
God desires everyone to believe in Jesus Christ and call on Him! And His preferred method to do so is through humans with the gift of preaching(teaching, evangelism, pastoral ministry)! Ephesians 4:11 And he himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers,...Which are rightfully considered to have beautiful feet because of the really GOOD NEWS they bring! Does this mean I can preach in flip flops? Probably not...but it does mean I have a responsibility to fan into flame the gift God has given me(2Tim1:6) Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!


Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in Romans 10:9-13(CSB)
9 If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, Everyone who believes on him will not be put to shame, 12 since there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, because the same Lord of all richly blesses all who call on him. 13 For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

"It is not even enough to believe in him, as being the Son of God, and the anointed of the Lord; but we must believe on him... The faith that saves is not believing certain truths, nor even believing that Jesus is a Savior; but it is resting on him, depending on him, lying with all your weight on Christ as the foundation of your hope. Believe that he can save you; believe that he will save you; at any rate leave the whole matter of your salvation with him in unquestioning confidence. Depend upon him without fear as to your present and eternal salvation. This is the faith which saves the soul.” (Spurgeon)

Bottom Line:
EVERYONE who calls on, believes on, confesses Jesus as Lord in their hearts and with their mouths will be saved! EVERYONE and ANYONE! Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!!


"EARN mercy?"
Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in Romans 9:14-16(CSB)
What should we say then? Is there injustice with God? Absolutely not! For he tells Moses, I will show mercy to whom I will show mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then, it does not depend on human will or effort but on God who shows mercy.

"We are in a dangerous place when we regard God’s mercy towards us as our right. If God is obliged to show mercy, then it is not mercy — it is obligation. No one is ever unfair for not giving mercy."(Guzik)

Bottom Line!
Remember what mercy is. Mercy is not getting what we do deserve. God is never less than fair with anyone, but fully reserves the right to be more-than fair with individuals as He chooses. Therefore, the basis of God’s sovereign choice is not a person’s conduct, but God’s compassion. In other words- we can't earn Gods mercy! We can only pray and hope to receive it from the God of great compassion! Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!


"WHO is for you?"
Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in Romans 8:31-32
What, then, are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He did not even spare his own Son but gave him up for us all. How will he not also with him grant us everything?

“Our weak hearts, prone to legalism and unbelief, receive these words with great difficulty: God is for us... They have failed Him; but He is for them. They are ignorant; but He is for them. They have not yet brought forth much fruit; but He is for them.” (Newell)

Bottom Line!
God gave us all the ultimate eternal gift- His very own Son! Which means God is- without a shadow of a doubt-100% FOR US ALL!! And when we choose to believe this and accept this incredible undeserved Gift- His Son Jesus Christ- as our personal Lord and Savior from our very own sins...we have on our side the ALL POWERFUL, ALL KNOWING, EVER PRESENT- KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS TRULY on our side!! THEREFORE- Whoever is against us is SIMPLY no match! For the SOVEREIGN GREAT "I AM"- IS UNDENIABLY FOR US!! Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!

The Proof is in the Fruit | Pt 4. Goodness and Faithfulness | Pastor Rich Gorgone 07/21/2024

The Proof is in the Fruit | Pt 4. Goodness and Faithfulness | Pastor Rich Gorgone Welcome to Southside AG Church YouTubeOur Vision is to have a thriving Holy Spirit led multicultural, multigenerational church of authentic disciples of Chri...


With National Fine Arts being a couple weeks away, we want to remind everyone, if you haven’t and would like to- there’s still time! You can find this paper in the lobby tomorrow morning. Thank you to everyone who has donated towards it already, God bless!


"NEED proof?"
Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in Romans 5:6-8(CSB):
For while we were still helpless, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly. For rarely will someone die for a just person—though for a good person perhaps someone might even dare to die. But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

THIS IS THE NATURE OF GODS LOVE! We were- Helpless and ungodly -and still God loved us so much He sent His Son to die for us. God loves us just the way we are, but He loves us too much to leave us the way we are (see John 15:16; Phil. 1:6).(Word of Promise)

Bottom Line!
If you have any doubt about Gods love for you- the Bible says that while we were Gods enemies- actively disobeying God and encouraging others to do the same- Jesus Christ still willingly gave up His very own life for us! Jesus on God the Fathers orders used His human body as a bridge for us to walk over to return to God our Heavenly Father and be relationally restored(forgiven) even before we even knew we wanted to return to God! WOW! How's that for proof of Gods love for you and me? Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!


"AMAZING teiumphant benefits!"
Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in Romans 5:1-2(CSB):
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We have also obtained access through him by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we boast in the hope of the glory of God.

There are amazing triumphant benefits when we BELIEVE in Jesus Christ for our salvation! #1- Peace with God! Because the price is paid in full by the work of Jesus on the cross, God’s justice towards us is eternally satisfied. This is not the peace of God spoken of in other places. This is peace with God; the battle between God and our self is finished — and He won, winning us. #2 GRACE in which we stand — we have a standing in grace — in God’s unmerited favor. This grace is given through Jesus and gained by faith. It is not only the beginning principle of the Christian life, it is also the continuing principle of the Christian life.(Guzik)

Bottom Line!
These are just 2 of the amazing triumphant benefits that result from our faith in Jesus Christ! Almighty God is our friend and He is our provider and protector and generous eternal benefactor!! WOW! Knowing that Ofcourse leads us to BOAST in the HOPE of the GLORY of God! Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!!


"How's your credit?"
Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ! Today we read in Romans 4:4-5(CSB):
Now to the one who works, pay is not credited as a gift, but as something owed. But to the one who does not work, but believes on him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited for righteousness.

Righteousness can never be accounted(credited) to the one who approaches God on the principle of works. The person who does not work, who comes to God by faith alone without having performed rituals or followed Jewish laws—that person will be counted(credited as) righteous.

Bottom Line!
The only GOOD CREDIT in Gods Kingdom is FAITH(believing) in Jesus Christ alone! Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!


"ALL qualified, ALL welcome!"
Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in Romans 3:22-24:
The righteousness of God is through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe, since there is no distinction. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; they are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

"Christ Jesus died to provide redemption, which means He died to pay the price required to ransom sinners. By paying the penalty of their sin through His death, Jesus can free people from their sin and transfer His righteousness to those who believe in Him. On the basis of Christ’s righteousness alone, believers can approach God’s throne with praise. Through God’s initiative, they have been restored to a proper relationship with Him."(Word of Promise)

Bottom Line!
Because ALL are sinners and therefore ALL fall short- God made a way for ALL to be saved! Made a way for ALL to be restored in their personal relationship to God their Heavenly Father! By His Amazing GRACE through our individual FAITH in Jesus Christ ALL who choose to believe in Jesus Christ are welcome, redeemed and restored! Believe it and receive it today! Love and blessings forever guaranteed!

The Proof is in the Fruit | Pt 3 | Pastor Rich Gorgone 07/14/2024

Have a blessed day 😊

The Proof is in the Fruit | Pt 3 | Pastor Rich Gorgone Welcome to Southside AG Church YouTubeOur Vision is to have a thriving Holy Spirit led multicultural, multigenerational church of authentic disciples of Chri...


Good morning my brothers and sisters In Christ!
Today we read in Romans 1:20-21(CSB)
For his(Gods) invisible attributes, that is, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what he has made. As a result, people are without excuse. For though they knew God, they did not glorify him as God or show gratitude. Instead, their thinking became worthless, and their senseless hearts were darkened.

“Will you kindly notice, that, according to my text, knowledge is of no use if it does not lead to holy practice? ‘They knew God.’ It was no good to them to know God, for ‘they glorified him not as God.’ So my theological friend over there, who knows so much that he can split hairs over doctrines, it does not matter what you think, or what you know, unless it leads you to glorify God, and to be thankful.” (Spurgeon)

Bottom Line!
"Excuses are made. They are fashioned for convenience and are clung to in desperation. Hope doesn’t begin until excuses end. “Excuses are curses, and when you have no excuses left there will be hope for you.” (Spurgeon) Believe it and receive it! Love and Blessings forever guaranteed!

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Videos (show all)

“Proof is in the Fruit” series continues! Our Lead Pastor Rich touched on “Gentleness and Self Control” this past Sunday...
We have freedom that has been granted through Gods grace! 🙏🏼#southsidelakeland #southsideag #southsidechurchlakeland #la...
John 8:34 📖#southsideag #southsidelakelandfl #thesonwillsetyoufree #biblescripture #bibleverse #dailybibleverse #dailybr...
Choose to remain in God 🙏🏼#sundaysermon #choosegod #weneedgod #southsideag #southsidelakeland #lakelandflorida #visitsou...
John 12:23 📖 #FollowJesus #bibleverse #honorGod #southsidechurchag #lakelandfl #southsideassemblyofgod #christianlife
“Sin will take you farther then you ever wanted to go, keep you longer then you ever wanted to drag and cost you more th...
Family Connections Game Night 5.24
BGMC This Sunday!🤝 🪣 🙏🏼#southsideag #southsidelakeland #bgmc
In James 1:22 it says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.Anyone who listens ...
Our lead Pastor Rich explains to us what true worship really means! If you missed this past Sundays message on “Worship”...
What we believe will become our foundation on how we are to live our lives! #lkld #lkldtoday #lkldnow #southsideag #sout...


4750 Cleveland Heights Boulevard
Lakeland, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
7pm - 8:30pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 9:30am - 12:30pm

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