Idlewyld Bed & Breakfast

Your home away from home!


Idlewyld Bed & Breakfast is open for the 2020 season! Now accepting reservations through October. Please call 216-970-4552 to make your reservation today! (Please see Lakeside Chautauqua’s FB page for current information regarding gate fees and available recreation)


Just realized that it’s only six weeks now until we get out the cleaning supplies, restock the cupboards and frig and open the doors to our first Group (the fun crowd of fantastic women).

It’s Sit & Knit or NOT weekend. If you want to come relax and chat or close your eyes and rock, or walk and talk, or knit or whatever other craft you love, we are that and always more from these inventive ladies. We still have some rooms for someone who is adventuresome and would like a weekend with no requirements except to get there. 216-970-4552 (you’ll get Dan). He either will be charming or tired, when he answers, but he will answer any questions, or simply turn the phone over to me.

Blessings all!


Just got a cancellation for the Amy Grant weekend. Phone now to assure a room for a very popular weekend. June 21 and 22.


The Disney cruise (four generations of us) was wonderful and rejuvenating. We’ve already booked staterooms on a Disney cruise for 2019.

Now that we’re back, it’s Idlewyld on our minds. Just weeks away from turning the water on and readying the “old” house for guests. Our first guests will be our Sit & Knit or Not. It’s mostly “not” these days. We have branched into quilting and card making and just relaxing and doing whatever strikes our fancy. It’s women only and we still have some rooms available. The dates are April 6-7-8. If you need a breath of fresh air and some wonderful “girl’s banter” and would like to add some new friends to your list, think about joining us.

Something very unusual has happened. We have a few entire open weekends in April and May. If you have a group that has been thinking of a get-away, let me know ([email protected]). Right now, the plan is to open the weekends to regular guests, so even if you are just one or two, we can accommodate you.

And, just want to let you know that we have our early-birds making reservations for their favorite rooms and to be here for their favorite programs, so if you have been procrastinating, you might want to check Lakeside’s brochure or website ( now.

Looking forward to seeing our many time, some time or brand new guests. 216-970-4552.


Yesterday we said goodbye to our last guests of 2017, packed up stuff that seems to make it’s “home away from home” at Idlewyld. Now the stuff is home, and I️ have to deal with it. Have been trying for the last year to unstuff “stuff.” I’m apparently not good at it.

I️ will soon be sending confirmations to those of you who have secured the “room(s) of your choice” for 2018. The schedule of entertainment is beginning to fall into place.

We are going on a Disney cruise with the grands and the greats in February. Dan is in recovery mode from his knee replacement surgery a month ago, and I️, who was to be his nurse, am also in recovery mode after an emergency trip to the hospital, from which I️ returned, much worse for the wear, after a four-day stay. We are quite the pair right now. Have some frazzled family picking up the pieces. But we are STANDING. And soon to be back to our old selves again.

Both Dan and I️ have physical therapy sessions (for different reasons) during December and January.

The B&B has been “put to bed” for the next four months, and we reopen in April for our 30th year of Idlewyld.

Last summer, everyone enjoyed the fabulous new pool, especially our greats who forgot about the new paddle boards we got them in 2016.

I️ am looking forward to the fitness center. We went by the area on our way home, and it looks soo inviting.

Would love to hear from you over the next few months. It’s way too quiet. Way way too quiet. Used to having guests in and out and everywhere. Visit in person or by phone: 216-970-4552 (unless you’re selling something).

Have a splendid winter. See you in 2018. In warmer weather.


It's been a busy season, which is always a good thing. I've been forgetting to connect on FB.

Fall Watercolor Workshops:

For my watercolor friends (or anyone wanting to learn): .

Bob Moyer will be back beginning the day after Labor Day, September 5 and 6.

Cathy Welner in mid-September, 19 and 20,

Clela Neale, early October, 4 and 5.

Porch storytelling in Lakeside (If you've seen Moth Stories on PBS, it is the same):

For anyone who is interested in the storytelling phenomena, here is an opportunity to listen to some interesting personal stories told by our Lakeside friends.

I've been to the first two. Next one is August 7.

Four people tell a personal story at each session. The rest of the people who attend are listeners. I will be telling my story on Idlewyld's porch on August 21 at 7:30 pm.

And last:
We have some rooms left for Lakeside's Fall Festival. October 14. Always a good end of summer event.

It's been a great summer weather-wise. And Lakeside's new pool has opened. Our little great-grandchildren spend most of their stay up there now. The water slides are great and the adults are having fun being a kid again.

If you haven't been to Lakeside, or even if you have, there is lots of summer still left. Think about Lakeside and Idlewyld and the "calm" of both.

Timeline photos 05/31/2017

June. We're now going into full gear. Claudia will be here this weekend with her Word Lovers writers; next the two Methodist Conferences; and then the Lakeside Chautauqua season. We just finished a watercolor workshop with Cathy Welner, and it appears she will be back in mid September for an encore. I painted two of the best I've ever done; the third is in the waste basket (where it belongs).

The photo is our great grandson Dayten. We call it The Official Lakeside Shuffleboard Line Checker. It's worth a little chuckle. He obviously takes the game and score very seriously.

Today is one of those most perfect weather days that makes our current guests very happy - Red Hat ladies from Unity in Westlake. 05/21/2017

The 2017 season is roaring into gear. This week brings a watercolor workshop presented by Cathy Welner. Then comes the Memorial Day weekend, followed by the Red Hat ladies of Unity, followed by Claudia Taller's most popular Writer's Weekend (Word Lovers), followed by two weeks of Methodist conferences, and then we are ready for Week One of the Lakeside Chautauqua season. To view the entertainment at Hoover and everything else Lakeside has to offer, Google lakesideohio.

This year the major addition to everyone's delight in Lakeside will be the addition of a huge outdoor pool (and fitness center) up the hill by the clay tennis courts. We understand it is scheduled to open by the Fourth of July.

Idlewyld got a new roof this spring, and we (Dan that is) has planted some grass seed in the side yard, after the installation of the roof caused some havoc to the yard. Hoping for rain to entice the seeds to sprout. We'll see how it looks in a few weeks.

Many of you have thought ahead and made reservations. Some weekends are sold out, or almost sold out, so if you are only in the thinking stage about visiting Lakeside/Idlewyld, you might want to take some action so you aren't disappointed.

As always, the last two weeks of August are largely open. Room galore. For those of you who are retired, and would like a quieter, gentler time to be peaceful and gear down, we hope you will think of Idlewyld.

Check our website for more information.

Hope to see you in 2017. Dan and Joan Enjoy a breakfast that includes an array of fresh fruit, an assortment of home-baked delicacies, and specialty breads for toasting.


Welcome to Season 2017. We are two months away from reopening. Our first weekend will be a weekend of yoga led by Claudia Taller and my niece Gail Johnson--two very enthusiastic teachers. Second weekend is Sit and Knit or NOT (meaning do whatever brings you happiness - sitting and staring, among the options). Lakeside's brochure is out, and there are many wonderful offerings on their entertainment calendar: Jack Hanna, Gary Puckett, Chubby Checker, Jefferson Starship and much more. Add Antique Show, and a new swimming pool. So many reasons to visit Lakeside (and Idlewyld). Contact us at [email protected].


There are things that make my heart sing. Yesterday when one of the guests was leaving, her parting words were: "This place is so magical," going on to say how much enjoyment she got from her stay with us. We've been here in Lakeside now for an incredible twenty-seven years, and that's the first ever accolade using that word. I just felt like sharing uplifting moment with all of you. Yes, this sweet young woman made my day.


I learned something today: How to put through a gift card on the credit card unit. Now that I have this wonderful knowledge, guess what you can do with your gift cards. The thing is . . . I'm missing one step. How to determine the amount remaining on the card. I'm relatively sure someone will fill me in . . . eventually.

Days are slipping away. If you haven't gotten your Lakeside "fix," you might want to make a phone call to 216-970-4552 and we can help remedy the problem.

We have some guests in the house, who may be writing a blog about their adventures with their rooms. Five nights, five moves from room to room. Gotta love these folks.

Timeline photos 06/19/2016

Opps. I wrote something about Pavlo (last night's entertainment). I think it's buried somewhere here. Probably need to scroll down. I have not mastered Facebook. I'd love to begin again. So, my Facebook Friends: Is that possible? A new beginning?

Photo Pavlo and his beautiful wife.


Thinking ahead to fall. Idlewyld will again be the site of two watercolor workshops. Bob Moyer (a regular at Rhein Center) on September 13-14 (Tuesday/Wednesday) and Cathy Welner on October 6-7 (Thursday/Friday. Saturday October 8 is the Lighthouse Festival. Please contact me (Joan) at [email protected] for more information.


The Game weekend was a big success. The weekend was not over before the guests were talking about 2017. So stay tuned for the date for next year. We are already at weekend five of the season. We have been treated to Ohio weather, including snow, and almost summer, and everything in between.

There will be a few new additions this year. A new planter box in by the deck in the back yard, and a wee bit of outside painting (when the weather is warmer).

Our phone has already been ringing with guests getting their favorite room. And my e-mail as well.

We are off and running with the 2016 season. It's good to see familiar faces, and to introduce Idlewyld to some new guests. People always ask how hard it must be and all the work to run a B&B. The honest answer is that it's not really that hard (we have a wonderful cleaning staff), and we don't arise in the a.m. all that early. How many people have a job that is so rewarding - with wonderful guests, memories, and fun along the way?

And all this in beautiful Lakeside, Ohio.


Launching the 2016 Pre-Season at Idlewyld:

Have some openings for pre-season events:
Game Weekend (April 1-2-3);
Clela's Watercolor Workshop (April 7-8);
Sit & Knit or Not (April 22-23-24);
Bob Moyer's Watercolor Workshop (May 5-6);
Writer's Workshop with Claudia Taller (May 7).

Phone me at 216-402-8517 for more information on these events.


We're getting reservations for the "first ever" Game weekend (April 1-2_. Are you ready for Pictionary? or a game of cards? The Lakeside brochures are out. Lots of good things this season. Among them John Tesh on July 9 and Herman's Hermits (Peter Noone) on June 25. We are likely sold out for the Tour of Homes date.

Back home, we're doing some redecorating. Wallpaper removal. Worse that going to the dentist for root canal. The sun is shining today. Feels good to look out the window and be inside.

Hope when we pick up the phone, it's you on the other end making your 2016 reservation. Oh, yes, a hint.

Have a splendid day, my friends.



Our two-days watercolor workshops for spring will be held on

April 7-8 (Clela Stelnicki teacher/artist)

and May 5-6 (Bob Moyer teacher/artist).

If you want me to send you a flyer with more information, contact me at [email protected].


I'm excited! Idlewyld is offering something new and fun this spring. On opening weekend, April 1-2, we will have "game time in the Gathering Room (it's for adults only) with bargain prices of $140-$175 for the entire weekend. Bring your spouse, your friends, meet new people. Play games like Pictionary, Scrabble, etc. And Happy New Year. Many blessings to all.


We're one week from water turn-off, and from getting the 2016 season in gear.

As long as I have your attention. Think about bringing Mom to Idlewyld/Lakeside for Mother's Day 2016. A wonderful gift and a wonderful brunch at Lakeside Hotel for mom and the family. Telling you this now to give you time to think ahead.

And the other holidays too. We have openings for Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day. Just trying to get you to think ahead.

We are open on weekdays in May, September and October. Found out that many people didn't know that.

Many blessings.


The wonderful watercolor workshops haven't ended. We have three more spaces for someone to join us on October 8 and 9 with Clela Stelnicki as instructor. Classes at Fountain Inn. It's more than watercolor. It's a fun gathering. Phone Joan at 216-402-8517 or e-mail [email protected]


If you haven't seen the updates upgrades we've done to the house, you are in for a big surprise. And the little faery garden that Amelia created. Summer's flying by. Don't let it get away without a visit to Lakeside/Idlewyld. All things good.


Season is flying by. Just to let you know that there is a discount on the rooms during "weekdays only" during the last two weeks leading up to Labor Day. Good time to come. Quiet. Peaceful. Good time for Home Schoolers too. There are classes they can take. 216-970-4552


25th Anniversary Special:

Idlewyld is offering a $10 reduction in the rate for all rooms during the weekdays between August 17 and August 28. Additional discount on admission week 10.

This is the perfect time those of you looking for a quiet, tranquil time in Lakeside or a wrap-up for summer.

Lakeside offers Civil War lectures and events (week 9, and Lakeside Unverisity (week 10).

Week 10 also has reduced admission charges: $10/adults; $7/youth.


We are one month away from opening on April 1. We have few rooms left for each of the Idlewyld-sponsored spring special events: Sit 'n Knit on April 4-5-6 and the two watercolor workshops (May 8-9 and 20-21 with Clela and Bob respectively, and Jacki Green's Writer's Workshop. We've done some really fantastic upgrades to the house for its 25th Anniversary present. And our phone is ringing with people thinking ahead for their Lakeside fix for 2014. Check Lakeside's website to see when you'd like to be visit. We're waiting to hear from you.


With people coming out of hibernation from the long cold Ohio winter, our phone is beginning to ring. Summer vacation planning. Don't be disappointed because your favorite room is taken. Check Lakeside's website to see what's happening, and we're ready to take reservations now. I ordered something new for the dining room today. Come see what it is.


We're ready for year 25 at Idlewyld. Lakeside's brochures are printed and ready. We're doing some sprucing up. You'll be surprised when you return. Have some watercolor workshops, sit and knit (or not), Sharing Our Gifts, and Betsy and Claudia with their wonderful workshops returning again. See the Special Events Page.

Timeline photos 01/08/2014

My birthday present - Polish Pottery (my heritage). Ready for tea time at the inn from time to time.


Did you know we have a virtual tour on our website?


We are finally doing something that needed doing for a long time. I will let you know how well it turns out. Yes, a mystery. Stay tuned.


Cori and Jacob Snowberger and friends take over Idlewyld this weekend.

Timeline photos 11/02/2013

This will give you an idea.

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350 Walnut Avenue
Lakeside Marblehead, OH

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