Temple of Peace / Kriya Yoga Institute

Temple of Peace / Kriya Yoga Institute

May we create a spiritual environment of love, compassion, cooperation, and service. May we be dedica

The Temple of Peace welcomes spiritual seekers from all religious (Non Sectarian) & all disciplines to practice Kriya Yoga, an Ancient, Scientific Meditation technique that helps all to discipline themselves and to progress more deeply on their own spiritual path.


Early bird sale live now! Book your tickets using the link below!


Dear Divine Ones,

Please save the date for the upcoming free public lecture and Kriya Yoga Initiation happening in Bozeman, MT soon🙏

Thank You!


Dear Divine Ones,
Please save the dates for Kriya Yoga Initiation and Public Talks coming up in and around Aspen from June 6-12, 2022.
Also, please feel free to check out our website for more information at https://kriya.org/


Pranams Dear Ones,

Kriya Yoga Initiation and Free Public Talks coming up soon from June 2nd to 5th, 2022. Please check out the flyer for more details and visit Kriya yoga website for detailed additional information.

— in Grand Junction.


Kriya Yoga Initiation is coming up soon at Grandjuntion, CO from June 3-5, 2022. Please save the date and try not to miss this golden opportunity.

For more information, check out our website at



Free Public Talk coming up on June 2nd, 2022 in Delta, CO. Please check out the flyer and also visit our website for more information


Timeline photos 02/03/2022

Think of a tree. When you see an apple tree in season, bending down under the
weight of its own fruit, your heart is filled with joy and wonder. If one asked the
apple tree why it is giving so much, while taking the risk of breaking in half, the
tree would probably say, “Have you never given anything to anyone Have you
not experienced the joy of giving? This is fulfillment. I have only transformed
what I got from the soil below, and the wind and the sun above, into beautiful fruit.
I am only an instrument of God.”

~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Timeline photos 01/31/2022

We should never allow the law of karma to create fear and anxiety in us. We should never look back on our lives and wonder, "What will happen to me?" Do not worry; instead, understand this philosophy, this theory, a little more; then we can live better lives. With this deeper understanding, we can improve the quality of out lives, our thinking, and our interactions, while decreasing our reactions, our emotions, and our fears. A spiritual person should not have fear.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 01/24/2022

Just as the potter's wheel continues revolving after being set in motion, even after the connection with the potter is cut off, a realized person continues to enjoy the fruit of prarabdha. Realized ones' actions cannot produce a seed of sanchita karma because of their non-attachment and the absence of craving. Enjoying the fruit of prarabdha results in future destiny by the force of prarabdha, but realized people are free from desire, so their enjoyment will not in any way affect their destiny. If they experience happiness and misery, due to their non-attachment, the seeds of sanchita karma cannot be produced, just as roasted seeds are impotent to germinate and produce crops.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 01/17/2022

PRESENT ACTION MAKES OUR FUTURE In human life, which is more powerful: destiny or present action? People's answer to this question vary. One day a resident brahmachari came to Gurudev's room and asked, "Baba, what is my future?" Gurudev replied smilingly, "Your future is in your hands based on your present efforts. If you use the present moments skillfully and intelligently, your past, present, and future will be good. Do not waste the present opportunity." Present action shapes future destiny as well.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 01/10/2022

The second part of karma is effort, how much effort do we exert or how much work do we do with a particular goal. This is the action part of karma. Effort is the real key to success. Without effort goals in life are mere dreams. The third part is the intensity of the action. Repeatedly, we must use effort to reach the destination; the effort is the intensity of the action. It shows our commitment to any action. Lastly, the forth part is the ego involved in the action. Ego becomes the propelling force in most activities. It produces satisfaction in action. Ego is a great binding factor in the play of karma in our lives. In any work we undertake, motivation comes first, action second, third is intensity, and forth is ego. Each and every karma has these four aspects.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 01/03/2022

FROM ACTON TO IMPRESSION Every karma that we perform leaves an impression on us, which is stored in our subtle body. Any karma we do, any activity we undertake, leaves an impression on the memory. So every karma, even just a thought, creates a mark on the brain, on the memory. The human memory is an infinite storehouse of the impression of myriad lifetimes. It does not just store memories from this life; the memories of all past lives are recorded. Sometimes children are born who remember a past life, and much research has been done on this topic. Many times a little investigating reveals that everything the child said was true. Many spiritual masters recollect past lives.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 12/27/2021

Human memory has tremendous power; unfortunately, we are confused about what we should remember and what we should forget. Ego causes us to remember negative things and not give priority to what we should remember. Memory causes suffering, memory of the past. When past events resurface they make us emotional. Impressions of past karma that reappear in the present moment as memories steal our present time, peace, love, joy. Most importantly, they waste our precious time.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 12/20/2021

FILTERING THOUGHTS, MEMORY, AND SKILLFUL COMMUNICATION Do not entertain thoughts that cause pain, unhappiness, sorrow, and anger either in others or in you. Why suffer? Why spoil the peace? Unfortunately, we do not just contaminate our own minds with negative thoughts, we also contaminate the minds of others. Man is a talking animal, a communicating animal. We want to communicate with others, and we always want to tell others what we are thinking. We look at the world with our own eyes, but we forget that our world is different from someone else's.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 12/13/2021

K**a, Fulfillment of Desires
The second goal is k**a, which means pleasure, enjoyment, or satisfying our unsatisfied wishes. For example, the eyes always want to see something beautiful. Just as the ears like to hear, the nose likes to smell. What does it want to smell? It wants to smell something fragrant and aromatic like the fragrance of a flower, or the comforting smell of a newborn baby, a smell that mothers relish. To smell or taste things that are pleasant is know as k**a.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 12/06/2021

The final aspect of karma is moksha, liberation, to be free from everything. Many are not aware of this aspect. Moksha is the highest goal of karma, because it is through our karma that we achieve liberation. As previously stated, most people are preoccupied with artha and k**a, which only accumulates karma. It is interesting to note that all karma has two distinct sides, good and bad. Suppose we want to plant a tree. Is planting a tree good karma or bad karma? It is good karma. However, while digging a hole to plant the tree, a lot of grass and weeds have to be removed. So for the grass and weeds, it is not good; it is bad. Also while digging up the dirt, many insects are killed, many earthworms, are cut. Thus, for insects and the earthworms, are our actions good or bad? Consequently, although it is good karma to plant tree, negative karma is associated with it. Remember, we live in a world of duality; therefore, every karma we perform as a positive and negative aspect.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 11/29/2021

Nowadays, scientists are busy trying to discover new medicines. This is a good karma, because the karma of developing new medicine will heal many people. However, to test the medicine before it is given to humans, it is often tested on animals. Hence, developing this medicine to help those who are suffering is good karma; but to first experiment with it on helpless animals, perhaps even killing them, is not good karma. There is no work, no karma that you do in this world that is completely good; there is nothing free from duality.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 10/25/2021
Timeline photos 10/07/2021

Valavat prarabdha (forceful destiny) is very difficult to avoid, and it arises even when we try to avoid it. For a good person, it comes as a public honor or recognition. For a person with bad habits, it might come as bad company, which might create a tempting environment that is difficult to overcome. But cultivating willpower and humility can help us face forceful destiny.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.

Seen at Kriya Yoga Institute

Timeline photos 09/27/2021

PLAY OF KARMA Life is a journey along a series of karmas, a journey where we learn and grow. Why was I born in a particular country? Because of my karma, nothing else. Why was I born in this family? Because of some common karma that I share with them. In this life those we meet are not met by accident. There is no such thing as an accident. That which has to happen, happens, but we do not accept it. Why do two people come together? Because they have common karma, like two intersecting circles. Common karma brings us together, and when that karma is exhausted, we part. Karma brings us together; karma pulls us apart. Life is a play of karma. Out of ignorance, ego, and arrogance we are mere puppets. If we are a little more conscious of our thoughts, words, and deeds and of the eternal and inevitable law of karma, we can enjoy the drama of life and be free from karma's trap.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma

Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 09/06/2021

Through ego and ignorance we believe; "I am an individual, I am young, I am old." Ego and ignorance create the bo***ge that imprisons us. Although we are individual spirits and essentially free, we are not free, because we cannot remain in our original state. We cannot think of our existence without believing that we are bodies and minds. Our bo***ge is the result of associating purusha with ego and ignorance and action. The scriptures say, avidya k**a karmeti hrdayagranthih:" Ignorance, ego, and action are the bonds that bind the heart."
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma

Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 09/06/2021

Neither science nor material prosperity are obstacles in spiritual life. The human being is a complex combination of body, mind, intellect, and soul. Science has been a blessing for the body, mind, and intellect, but without spirituality and the manifestation of the soul, life is not compelete. Science and spirituality complement each other. Science in Sanskrit, is vijnana, and spiritual life and realization is Prajnana. Without science, spirituality is lame, and without spirituality, science is blind. While science makes our daily labors easier, spirituality gives us inner strength and fulfilment. Kriya Yoga is a beautiful combination of science and spirituality.

~ ~ ~ Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji Maharaj - - -

Timeline photos 08/30/2021

TWO FORCES All creation, all that we perceive and feel, is a play between two aspects, like two wires making an electric current or the two poles of a magnet. The two aspects are prakriti and purusha---nature and the indwelling spirit. To understand the law of karma we must look closely at the meanings of these two words. Prakriti is a compound word made from pra and kriti. Pra means "perfectly" or "beautifully" and "kriti" means "creation" or "manifestation." Thus, prakriti is beauty manifested. Nature brings forth beauty. The changing of the seasons is due to the play of prakriti. Prakriti is defined as prakrstena kriyate kaaryadikam anaya iti: One who is efficiently active in creativity and creating many things." It refers to that which has the ability to do things in a perfect, beautiful way. Prakriti is considered the feminine aspect of divinity, and purusha's presence is needed in all aspects of creation, during every step of creation.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 08/23/2021

When describing karma, the rishis of India often use the example of a hunter with a bow and arrows. There are three possibilities: an arrow has been shot ; it is aimed and ready to be released ; or it is still in the quiver. The arrow already shot that is in the air on its way to the target is prarabdha (destiny) ; it will produce a result. Once an arrow is released, the hunter has no control over it, it is not easy to change the arrow's direction. The arrow will surely hit and destroy the target, creating new karma. Consequently, a person must live through a result of previous actions. Prarabdha karma has already been initiated and is difficult to stop.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma

Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


Timeline photos 08/16/2021

FUNCTION AND ACTION The sun shines; this is the function of the sun. The moon gives cool bright light; this is the function of the moon. The eyes see; this is the function of the eyes. The heart beats; this is the function of the heart. The mouth speaks; this is the function of the mouth. Every day the body digests food, which is also a function. A delicious meal is assimilated in the stomach and eventually evacuated. The entire process is the function of the digestive system. With impeccable precision, nature functions day and night. The body also functions; the movement of the hands and the legs walking are functions of the body.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda

Excerpt from Law of Karma
Over the past few decades, the word “karma” quietly made its way into the mainstream vernacular of modern Western culture. Once considered an Eastern concept, the karmic law is now generally accepted by both religious and non-religious masses as a universal and systematic law that automatically delivers the consequences of good or bad actions. Although the concept of karma is no longer foreign in the West, its intricate workings remain elusive.

Are there different kinds of karma? How do our actions create karma? How is karma carried to the next life? Can we be free from the bo***ge of karma? The fascinating subject of karma opens the door to an infinite number of unanswered questions. But take heart! In this rare and essential handbook, The Law of Karma, the Kriya Yoga master, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, skillfully explains the often misunderstood inner workings of this dynamic law. He gives us the tools we need to break free from the karmic prison.


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5925 W 1st Avenue
Lakewood, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 7pm
Tuesday 6am - 7pm
Wednesday 6am - 7pm
Thursday 6am - 7pm
Friday 6am - 7pm
Saturday 6am - 7pm
Sunday 6am - 7pm
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