Safe Space Life Consulting, Lansing, MI Videos

Videos by Safe Space Life Consulting in Lansing. Our mission is providing a safe atmosphere where you can share your story and be met with compassion.

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Happy Monday! I’m hoping you had a lovely weekend and are enjoying the first glimmers of Spring coming- I know I am. Just taking time this morning to soak in some sunshine and warmth, reminding myself that the ability to slow my breathing is always available. I can take time and slow down, sink into my body, and just be. I can start my week there. I don’t have to rush off to the next thing just because it’s Monday. So I hope you can take a moment to ground with me, to notice what you’re bringing into the week, and take a minute to just be. Happy Monday! #grounding #Monday #mondaymomentofgrounding #sunshine #breathe #slowdown #Spring #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #safespace #lifeconsulting

#gratituesday! Today I’m grateful for furniture 😆 but really, I’m grateful for the resource of something else being able to hold me together. I can rest in not having to be the one holding me and everything else. Who else needs that reminder that they can be perfectly held? 🙋🏽‍♀️ You’re allowed to let go, you are loved and seen and perfectly held. If you need help with that reminder, take an extra moment and focus your mind on how you’re being help by the chair/couch you’re sitting in, and if you need more time still, shoot me a message and we’ll set a time for me to help you regulate in resource. Sending you perfectly held wishes 💚 #resource #regulation #safety #perfectlyheld #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #safespace #lifeconsulting

A snow day in the life of a busy mom! I was remembering one of the heart check ins last week, I was just struck by the profound feeling I had thinking: I have breath in my lungs. My heart is so strong that it pumps blood to all of my body. My leg muscles are strong enough to hold my weight and allow me to walk. My hands are nimble enough to hold my daughter’s hands. My arms work to hold my partner in a warm hug. I want to get used to this feeling of gratitude in my body. This light, warm, fuzzy, magnetic feeling. I want this feeling to perpetuate my whole year and beyond. Not toxic positivity or denial, but pure gratitude. So in this interrupted day with my kiddos home, I’ll press into this feeling where, when the circumstances are out of my control, I can control my gratitude and make more extraordinary moments. Comment below what gratitude feels like to you and/or how you’re pressing into gratitude today. 💚 #gratituesday #gratitude #warmfuzzyfeeling #nimble #strong #imgladimalive #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #safespace #lifeconsulting

Happy #gratituesday! Listening to a @jjhellermusic song this morning (I get to be the one) and the lyrics helped remind me how excited I am to share this moment of gratitude today. It feels like a small moment in the grand scheme of things, but for my heart it was so profound. After shoveling the aftermath of the first snow dump of 2024 (and really the whole winter season for Michigan so far), we had a short little dance party as a family. My husband and I traded off dancing with our older two and our littlest crawled around and watched on. A little while after the dance party, I was washing dishes and listening to the conversation between my daughters and was instantaneously struck with this sense that “I was picked to be their mother. I was picked to guide them, nurture them, love them. I was picked to be my husband’s wife. Something about me was specifically chosen for these beautiful, brilliant, curious, kind, and incredible beings.” Little Jessica could never have dreamed of such a beautiful life that can feel so ordinary at times, and yet in this moment (and honestly most), it’s truly more amazing than I could have ever hoped for. I wept. I haven’t had many experiences where I’ve been moved to tears by gratitude, but I hope it happens more this year because it was such a beautiful feeling that overcame me. My hope for you is that as you choose into or press into gratitude that it moves your heart in a way that almost catches you off guard and increases your capacity for gratitude, hope, joy, and love. #gratitude #grateful #igettobetheone #movedtotears #betterthanidreamed #grounding #dancing #shoveling #ordinarylife #snow #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #safespace #lifeconsulting

Happy Tuesday! On the go #gratituesday with Jessica! Haha. Sometimes in the hustle and bustle it can be super helpful to pause and notice the things right in front of us that we’re grateful for. Hoping your Tuesday is warm, safe, and full of light and life! #grounding #gratitude #grateful #authentic #snow #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #safespace #lifeconsulting

#HappyNewYear! As one year closes, and a new one is on the horizon, there are SO MANY EMOTIONS that can come up: hope and excitement of new possibilities, anxiety of potential hard things coming, disappointment and sadness of missed opportunities or hardships or lost loved ones over the last year, frustration over another illness dropping in our home, and so much more. In this #mondaymomentofgrounding (on a Tuesday) I am choosing to step into gratitude and authenticity. I am realizing that gratitude can completely change my demeanor and focus. It realigns my heart with hope and expectancy as o focus on the things that are FOR me. So my hope for you in the New Year is that you would be able to be more present in your own heart, that you can connect to gratitude and authentic expression of your own stories. Sending you love today! #gratitude #groundingingratitude #hope #expectancy #newpossibilities #grounding #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #safespace #lifeconsulting #newyear

Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 Today’s #mondaymomentofgrounding is a little different as the world looks different than a normal Monday. You may be surrounded by family and friends, you may be missing someone, you may be in a new place or season. In any of those scenarios, and more, I am sending you peace and love from Safe Space Life Consulting. As we celebrate the Gift of a King who came as a baby and gave us the ultimate Gift - Love and life eternal with Him, I hope you get all the deep breaths you need, and pray your Christmas is full of cheer, laughter, hugs, and most of all, love. #monday #merrychristmas #hope #joy #love #gifts #blessings #grounding #womanownedbusiness #safespace #emotionalhealth #lifeconsulting #mentalhealth

Happy Monday! One more week until Christmas! It can feel like the pressure is on. “So much to do, so little time.” And with great pressure can come great emotional stress. In general, it can be hard to know why you’re bouncing your leg at work more often, or snapping at your kids out of the blue (🙋🏽‍♀️😬), or shutting down when your partner asks you what time you want to have Christmas dinner. Around the holidays, sometimes it can be all the more difficult because there can be so many subconscious beliefs and expectations around the family gatherings and travel. It can feel like a lot! Whatever the scenario- in your body, your emotions, your brain - You make sense. There are pieces to the puzzles that you may not know yet, but they matter. They make up parts of you and pieces of you that are still lovable and worthy of being seen. So take a moment when you feel something come up. Give yourself a moment to breathe and let your heart be seen. Remind yourself: “I make sense.” You don’t have to figure it all out right now. It can be enough to just notice. You’re worth it. #monday #mondaymomentofgrounding #grounding #breathe #imakesense #connection #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #safespace #lifeconsulting

It’s a new Monday! We’re in the middle of Hanukkah, almost halfway to Christmas and Kwanza, and winter is fast approaching. People are feeling the rush (the excitement AND pressure of preparation … and traffic 😆) of the Holidays, and it can be difficult to remember to make space for ourselves. Taking one to two minutes to just breathe and calm your nervous system can set you up to be more present and available than anxiously running to the next thing. It feels counter culture to what we’ve been taught, but you’re worthy of taking that time for yourself. So this week’s intention: “I give myself permission to breathe, just be and take up space when I feel my emotions rise up.” Pair it with deep breathing and a hug and feel the connection to yourself. Take time to notice whether you feel your shoulders drop, or tension in your neck or back ease, or maybe the butterflies in your stomach pass. Remember: Your heart and body are worth taking time for. It’s gonna be a good day! #mondaymomentofgrounding #mondaymonday #breathe #grounding #selflove #selfcare #intention #takeupspace #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #safespace #lifeconsulting

I have been on a journey of growing in intentionality. So I came up with the idea to set an intention for the week. For the month of December, I am going to bring you along in my journey of how I want to start my week: with a moment of grounding and intention. This week’s #mondaymomentofgrounding is set with the intention, “Whether by my strength or the help of others, I am fully capable of handling whatever comes my way.” I’ll be writing this on my mirror and meditating on it this week. We are powerful people who are also designed for community. I fully believe we weren’t designed to go through life alone, and that life doesn’t just happen TO us, it happens FOR us. So, wherever your Monday may be headed, I hope you can take a moment for yourself and remind your heart you are capable and strong 💚 Happy Monday! #Monday #iamcapable #breathe #breathwork #Mondaymoment #mondaymomentofgrounding #grounding #intentional #safespace #lifeconsulting #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth

My assistant 😍 and I have some fun news! I’m offering a Holiday Promotion to Book 3 sessions and get 1 free! The holiday season can be wonderful and hard and I wanted to extend the invitation to help you be present in your holiday season. Whether you’re experiencing grief with the loss of loved ones, anxiety around finances or hanging with family, or even just a ton of work stress- you’re worthy of having someone to lean on in this season. So if you’d like to take advantage of this promotion, go to and fill out the form. Or click the link in my bio. Sending you warm wishes and laughter and love.

Happy Friday! Coming at ya with a Safe Space update! Safe Space has existed for just about a year now and there’s some slight changes coming in the immediate future. I’m grateful for the year we’ve had and looking forward to seeing how #SafeSpace can be there for you in the future!