Melani Sue Digital Marketing

Melani Sue Digital Marketing

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Grafica Willy

Digital marketing agency specializing in FB™ & IG™ ads, funnel strategist, and copywriting. Hello, I'm Mel! VOILA! My boutique ad agency was born.

The lead strategist and owner of Melani Sue Digital Marketing Ad Agency. After several years as an auditor/accountant for large public companies, and several years coaching hundreds of people as a health coach, I realized there was something more I wanted to do to serve others. Reflecting on my past experience as a coach and entrepreneur who wanted nothing more than to get out there and save the w

Photos from Melani Sue Digital Marketing's post 03/29/2023

I gotta talk about this because I'm not seeing a lot of discussion around this...and it's crucial! 🔥

If you have never properly created FB™ ads (I’m not talking about boosted posts, my friends), are just getting started advertising and have messed around a bit with FB™ ads, OR even have been in the thick of the process…

It’s important that your pixel is given time to learn, is installed correctly, and the events are placed where it makes sense.

This data is so valuable! With this data we can actually track and see people’s behavior from seeing your ad in their scroll allll the way through opting into your offer.

If installed incorrectly...the data is unreliable. This can cost ya and is a waste of time and moola....and we aren't here for that.

If you are:

🤔 Curious about FB™ ads and want to learn more
🤘🏼 Have a page/funnel with pixel’s already installed and want another set of eyes 👀 on your set up with a FREE audit.

Shoot me a DM or comment “interested” below. ⚡


🥳 Celebrated my birthday with 2 blueberry cookies with lemon icing (drool) from …immediately in the car… all over. 🍪


Digital marketing is about connection. ⚡️

Advertising is about connection.

Connecting with your ideal client in a way that aligns with you both.

Broken down, it's a conversation.

🌈 Where you are being REAL. Authentically you, with the goods to solve a problem.

No cookie cutter.

When done right, marketing doesn’t FEEL like marketing, it's a natural attraction that just flows.

Connection is made. You leave an impression. Problems are solved. 💁🏻‍♀️


Guess what?❗️I took a day (okay a few days off) because I NEEDED it.

🙅🏻‍♀️ Did NOTHING.

Well, I did watch an embarrassing amount of shows on Netflix and took myself out to dinner.

It's hard for me to take a day off.

I'm driven. Have goals. Helping people achieve their goals LIGHTS me up.⚡️

I went to a restaurant to chill and enjoy the best Prime Rib French dip I've ever had. (Was recommended by the servers so of course I had to try.)

Started chatting with a man about business and life and he shared a great mantra that has stuck with me.

✨Faith, courage, enthusiasm. ✨

Whether you're an entrepreneur, just starting your business, or need a little boost for whatever is going on in your life...reach for faith, courage, and enthusiasm.

Repeat the words and see what happens.

Also, here's your permission to go treat yourself and take a break! You never know what will follow, who you'll meet, or realize the gift you've given yourself. ❤️

🌈 Have a peaceful day!


Funny for the day! 😂 “You’re on mute…you’re frozen…” IYKYK


This quote is one of my favorites. Let's just stop at "Success is peace of mind."

✨Success can happen daily. ✨

Make it a peaceful, successful day! ❤️


⚠ WARNING ⚠ I’m about to NERD out. 🤓

Ads manager here and I love me some pixels! 💁🏻‍♀️

When I am reviewing a landing page or website and I see that little green box light up (I have a pixel detector) that tells me a pixel has been installed. 💃🏻 Happy dance!

Granted they aren’t always installed correctly (no worries! that’s my job to figure that out), however it tells me that there could be some valuable data that I can geek out on and truly add value to a potential client around what is going right, what’s going wrong, what can be optimized to get results, and create a winning marketing campaign start to finish.

👉🏼 I’m not talking just about ads….this includes landing page, website, creatives, copy, audience, offer, positioning, etc.

I will pause 🙏🏼 I’m realizing some of you may be wondering what the heck is a pixel so I’m going to break it down.

A pixel simply is:

🤌🏽 A little piece of code we attach to your site so we can ensure we can track all the activity that goes down. How it’s impacting not only your advertising campaign, but also all the pieces that are essential to growing your business.

This includes:

✨ How many people land on your landing page or website
✨ What your audience resonated (or didn’t resonate) with
✨ If your audience needs tweaking
✨ Whether or not copy is speaking to your ideal client
✨ Are the images used in your ads scroll stopping and getting people’s attention
✨ Do you have an irresistible offer
✨ The list goes on

In a nutshell - the pixel allows us to optimize, scale, and make sure money isn't being wasted or left on the table.

Annnnd it's my job to pinpoint, pivot, tweak, and move everything towards your business growth. 🕵🏻‍♀️

Long story short…if you are running FB™ ads it’s essential you have pixels in place!

I’m here for you if you’d like a free review of your website/landing page if pixels are already installed or want more information about how you can prepare your sites to be FB™ ad ready. 🤘🏼 Just DM me!


Lil’ tea from a cute teapot with porcelain tea cup and saucer does a body and mind good. Enjoying the little things.


Photos from Melani Sue Digital Marketing's post 03/12/2023

I'm going to be straight up....☝🏼

🤨 I'm an over thinker.

Gah! I said it. It's out there. I can't take it back.

I am aware of it. I know when I'm going down that rabbit hole.

It can be SO frustrating, especially when you know you are in the midst of overthinking and can observe what's going on.

You have things to do and you just 👏🏼 HAVE 👏🏼 to 👏🏼 think 👏🏼 things 👏🏼 to 👏🏼 death 👏🏼

There's absolutely NO shame in being an over thinker. However, it can hold you back from just doing the damn thing!

We are told, just take action! I've said it before how taking action gets the momentum going. It's true. Yet, us over thinkers have to practice mindfulness when we are in the throws of perfectionism, wanting to be accepted, and our brain just wanting to do everything "right." (um...I'll go out there and say "we want the love!" )

There's no "right" only "is". Perfect doesn't exist.

I know you know this and I'm not saying anything new.

Annnd I definitely don't always practice these myself.

That's just's a practice and we always can press the reset button.

We all need reminders! This post is MY reminder and maybe a reminder for someone else out there. ❤️

✨ It takes mindfulness and having something in your back pocket that you can pull out in the moment to meet yourself where you are at with compassion only.

Photos from Melani Sue Digital Marketing's post 03/02/2023

👽 Let's talk Avatar's AKA your ideal client and how to break it down!

Without talking to one person, you're talking to no one.

To run successful FB™ ad campaigns it's super important to identify and fully understand who you're selling detail.

Having clarity around your Avatar will help:

🎯 Create a program/offer that fills a TRUE need with a REAL solution
✍🏽 Create tailored copywriting and content that converts
✨ Gain high-quality people to your offer
🔥 Allows you to deep dive with the exact clients you want to reach and keeps you on track

Below is a quick reference with 12 questions to ask when mapping out your Avatar. Put yourself in their shoes and get as detailed as possible.

Create their story! 😊


Hey! I'm Mel...your friendly ads manager and partner in success! 💁🏻‍♀️

I have not formally introduced myself and would love to have some fun and share a few facts about me!

🤩 My favorite state of being - EXCITED and ENERGIZED! Let's goooo!

🥗 I can eat the same thing every single day.

🦢 I attract wild animals. I have been attacked by a goose, a Magpie bird in Australia, mobbed by kangaroos at a petting zoo, and stung by a sting ray. Needless to say, I enjoy animals and sea life at a distance.

🤣 I laugh A LOT and can find humor in just about anything.

✨ I get excited over the little things.

☕️ My favorite coffee (right now) is a Dirty Chai.

🎉 I LOVE trying new things and am always up for an adventure...even if I'm by myself!

Hope you're having a killer day! ⚡️😊


Hot quote coming in. 🔥 Everything is made possible simply by continuing to take action.

If it were only that easy right?

We don't always FEEL like taking action whatever that may be.

Everyday looks different. Some days we are super productive and flying high....and others it can take everything we got to push through.

And that's OKAY.

However, no matter how small or big the actions - We are never standing still.

Movement is movement.

Ultimately it's about aligning our actions with what's truly important in our lives.

What lights us up and what we NEED in the moment.

Have an amazing day courageous friends! ✨


⚡️3 Easy Tips to reduce the cost of FB(TM) ads⚡️ The last tip may be a stretch for some people and really take them out of their comfort zones BIG time. How do you feel about it?
Leave a comment below. Would love to hear what your experience has been like! 🤗


What's on my mind? LEAD MAGNETS! One of my FAVE things! In this video I'll tell you why. ❤️

Today I'm talking about the 4 main components of a bada$$ lead magnet that prospects cannot WAIT to opt into. ✨

If you have a lead magnet that's falling flat or working on creating one for your coaching business and want another set of eyes on it 👀 ...DM me or comment below!

Have a LOVE-ly day! 💕


Gah! I CRINGE when I think of what it looked like when I tried to DIY my ads back in the day. 🫠

Had NO idea what I was doing, BUT I don't mind getting my hands dirty. Annnd I’ll give myself mad credit for trying!

As business owners we do what we can and many of us want to be able to DO IT ALL.

✋🏼 I know I did.

However, at some point I had to come to terms that I can’t do it all.

Confession: I’m still working on that. 🙃

So in light of wishing I had someone like me (friendly ads manager and partner in success 💁🏻‍♀️) to help me back then …

Here are the basics of a great ad:

🌈 Scroll stopping image that is bright, interesting, or has pops of color.
..then eyes move to...

🫰🏼 A snappy headline that POPS at the bottom to catch people’s attention and speaks to something they need in their lives.
..and stops at...

🧐 Gripping first sentence to seal the deal enticing the reader to want to read more!

That’s all there is to it.

Ta ta! Have a fun and creative day! 🤩

Photos from Melani Sue Digital Marketing's post 02/12/2023

Want to step up your lead magnet game? Here’s the recipe for a lead magnet. 💥

Following this recipe can help you create an irresistible offer to get people in the door, start building relationships, and re-engage.

Just a few tips from your friendly ads manager and partner in success! 💁🏻‍♀️

Have a beautiful day! ☀️


Happy Sunday!

I just love this quote. 😍 We are ever evolving as we move with the changes life brings. While change is always constant...we can ALWAYS reinvent ourselves at any time in our lives, moving towards what brings us peace and joy. Shifting through the unsteadiness as best we can. Unapologetically authentic as our true selves!

Live like no one is watching today! ✨


Sending cheery vibes in case you're needing a boost today! 🌈 ☀️


🍝“It’s like throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks...”

Quick chat before picking up the kiddos about boosting posts vs paid ads and why you could be leaving money on the table…and wasting it. 🙈


⚡️ The hip hop on boosted posts vs paid ads. ⚡️

Boosting posts and not getting the results you want (LEADS & SALES!) ? 😩

While boosting posts is a marketing strategy, there’s a significant difference between boosting posts and paid FB™ & IG™ ad campaigns.

Read 👉🏼 Money left on the table.

Getting your brand/service seen and hope for engagement VS strategically getting your amazing offer in front of your ideal client and landing leads.

Check out the difference. 👇🏼

Boosting posts is like throwing a net out and seeing what sticks…hoping something will stick without the additional customization to achieve specific outcomes (LEADS & SALES).

Pros for boosting ads:

👉🏼 Super simple to create
👉🏼 It’s an easy way to get your content and brand in front of people
👉🏼 They are cheap
👉🏼 May increase engagement on your page

However, they are limited in:

🛑 Customizability in creating your target audience to get in front of your cold audience
🛑 Do not allow you to select an objective for a specific outcome (LEADS!)
🛑 Lack creative marketing tools to attract and draw your ideal client in

FB™ ads, on the other hand, is like shooting a laser where you can customize your advertising, setting specific objectives for outcomes and hand deliver them to prospects who WANT your services/program/product. 🚀

Aww yeah!

Pros for FB™ ads are:
👉🏼 You can choose where your ad will be placed (FB™ newsfeed, IG™, Messenger™)
👉🏼 Choose an objective (ie conversion, traffic, etc.) that aligns with your business goals
👉🏼 Get super creative ads creating carousel ads, dynamic, images, videos, etc.
👉🏼 More options to identify who your audience is
👉🏼 Annnd the metrics! With sophisticated tracking we can see what’s working and what isn’t (super important to optimize and scale!)


😵‍💫 They are complicated because of the customization tools available (THIS is why I specialize in FB™ ad campaigns! 🔥)
💪🏼 You pay to play so they are not as cheap as boosted posts

You want your money to be spent most effectively! Getting super clear on your goals and the outcome you want to achieve specific to your business will help you decide what type of strategy is best for you.

✨ Annnnd I can help! ✨


"The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

I want to add to that....

⚡️"The only way to do great work is to love what you do AND HAVE FUN DOING IT!" - Mel with a sprinkle of Steve Jobs

Being a business owner is HARD.

Especially when it comes to knowing how to advertise strategically for your business.

There are a lot of variables in play and I learned the hard way.

Yep. DIY'ing it.

😩 Total and complete roadblock when I wanted to launch my own coaching program back in 2017.

It was stressful, overwhelming, and just another learning curve I didn't have the energy for.

From that experience, a lightbulb went off. 💡

I decided to become completely obsessed with learning and understanding the ins and outs of successful FB™ & IG™ advertising campaigns, online advertising, funnels, strategies that work (numbers don’t lie), what is required to grow a business to get more leads and sales so business owners do not have to go through what I went through.

💥And I have a BLAST doing it. 💥

My Christmas present from my son. 🥰 Everyone should have a HUGE mug…

Let's focus and love what we do today! ❤️


I could not believe what I read this morning. 👀

Scrolling through the emails in my “catch all” email account.

You know.

The one that accumulates emails from every place you have ever dropped your email and you are blasted with a zillion ads, opt-ins…ACT NOW‼️ .... that it requires you to block out a time in your schedule just to delete them all?

If you do at all??

I don’t. I have 28,744 emails in the “catch all”….the virtual junk drawer. 🤷🏻‍♀️

💯 By the time you read this, that number will be higher.

I digress.

As I’m reading an email from a webinar I opted in (btw, I can’t count how many webinar’s I’ve opted in…all I know is they suck me in and when done well & strategically they are effective!)

….the email was all about how we don’t have to nurture our audience, we just have to SELL to them.


🐿 I was bright eyed and bushy tailed then because my brain screamed “You’re leaving MONEY on the table!” Please don’t say that!

(What’s ironic is I was being nurtured by this email and that also had me in a tizzy.)

Here’s the deal.

A very small percentage of people who see your ads and see your offer for the first time will actually pull the trigger.

I’m talking 3%. That’s it. That’s your cold audience.

There’s more audiences to speak to.

Conversions and sales can happen anytime!

This is still on the table:

☕️ Warm audience = interested

🔥 HOT audience = ready for action AKA buy

A majority of the people NEED nurturing! They want to know more about you, your story, how your service/product will fulfill their DESIRE, learn more, and understand.

Retargeting is a way for you to build rapport and trust.

Sales are emotional.

You're building a relationship.

Part of the nurturing process is you painting a picture of how your ideal client's life will be changed and your amazing solution will hand deliver.

Nurturing keeps YOU in your ideal client’s mind…and in their feed.

Without nurturing you could be leaving at least 4%+ sales on the table.

Ya, no.

That’s too many people whose lives can change or be enriched...

⚡️By YOU⚡️

I deleted the email.


A little story why I am so passionate about being an ads manager! 🤩


When you're an entrepreneur working from home and have been working for what seems like hours. 🤪
Here's our permission to take a break! 🙌🏼


⭐️ 7 FB™ marketing trends for 2023 ⭐️

1. Defining your brand and content mission
2. Researching keywords and queries among your target market
3. Analyzing your competitors and their approaches
4. Discovering where to reach your audience
5. Algorithm and how it amplifies content in the app
6. Posting best practices
7. Engagement process

Check out the deets in this awesome article!


Happy New Year! 🎉 Wishing everyone a year filled with joy, health, happiness, and prosperity!


YES! Oh my, who read this and thought...whoa?! 💥

This quote hit just right, at least for me.

You know those moments where you read or hear something that brings so much clarity. You have to take a beat and let it sink in?

And it seems to show up right when you need it? ✨

If you're anything like me, you can be really hard on yourself.

Focus on what you don't know, or feel like you can't do. (I need to know, and learn everything!) Not possible.

It can be a frustrating roadblock! 😤

And many times we don't even know we're doing it.

A quick pause, redirect, reminder of what our strengths are is a little hack that turns things around in the moment.

When we think we can't - focus on what we CAN.

And skip on forward.

Let's focus on our strengths today! 💪🏼


SO many ads just want an opt-in of some sort AND there’s rarely follow-up (or if there IS followup they’re spamming you to death with things you don’t care about).

Then you get retargeting with another ad of “look at my shiny stuff!” (that you don’t really care about).

We all know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of that:

Eye roll.


But if you’ve watched any number of trainings for marketing, it can be confusing because that’s the GOLDEN rule, right?!

✔️ Give the lead magnet/freebie!
✔️ Get the email!
Make 🤑💰

This WORKS they say! (Maybe in 2016?)

But here’s what REALLY wrong with the whole Facebook™ ads marketing approach taught in 99% of courses… It’s all about take, take, take.

The vast majority of ads TAKE from their potential customers and don’t give back.

They want you to opt in to their amazing and generous lead magnet, but c'mon we know the purpose.

The REAL problem with ads campaigns these days is they all WANT something (AKA “look at my stuff!”).

(This is aside from the obvious problem of the fantastical story-telling of how this person made x number of $$$ in x number of days while walking on a beach—you KNOW why those don’t work).

⚡️ Newsflash: Nobody cares about your stuff.

Nobody is even that impressed with your lead magnet.

🤘🏼 unless it REALLY speaks to them.

What MATTERS is: The relationship you build with people.

How OFTEN you show up for them. How much you CARE about responding to then and interacting with them (and if you’re too busy, hire a VA to help you do that!).

The problem with ad campaigns is they’re not designed with the customer journey in mind.

They are aggressive and try to push you through a funnel you may not care about.

They’re not designed to BUILD relationships.

They’re designed to make a quick sale.

The good news? The Facebook™ advertising platform makes it REALLY easy to run “Ads that don’t FEEL like ads” (my favorite saying!).

To run ads that provide VALUE and build relationships without asking for anything in return until your customer comes to you.

Annnnnd then it’s THEIR idea! 💡

If there’s ONE shift you’ll make this year, make it more human ad campaigns (AKA relationship-building campaigns).

📹 Make a lot of videos.
✍🏽 Write a lot of posts.
✨ Let people into your life.

Then make those retargeting "ads".

Trust that THIS will be far more effective at helping with sales than anything else.

Ads that don’t feel like ads. 💥


"I'm possible" in impossible. Let's make the "impossible" happen today! ✨

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Videos (show all)

⚡️3 Easy Tips to reduce the cost of FB(TM) ads⚡️ The last tip may be a stretch for some people and really take them out ...
What's on my mind? LEAD MAGNETS! One of my FAVE things! In this video I'll tell you why. ❤️Today I'm talking about the 4...
🍝“It’s like throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks...” Quick chat before picking up the kiddos about boosting...
A little story why I am so passionate about being an ads manager! 🤩



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