Nevada Donor Network

One heroic donor can save up to eight lives through the gift of organ donation and heal 75 more through the gift of tissue donation. What can YOU make possible?

Nevada Donor Network is a federally designated 501(c)3 not-for-profit organ procurement organization (OPO) also responsible for facilitating tissue and cornea donation statewide. Founded in 1987, our core purpose is to provide hope strength and life to more than 2 million people in the state of Nevada and thousands of potential transplant recipients across the country. Our primary functions as an


We would like to invite you to join the Nevada Donor Network Foundation for a fun-filled day with the Henderson Silver Knights! 2024 Swing for Hope Golf Tournament will take place on October 15, 2024, at The Revere Golf Club with a shotgun start at 8:00 A.M. Learn more here:

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 09/13/2024

It was another amazing experience at the Association for Multicultural Affairs in Transplantation's (AMAT) annual conference! Learning more about diversity in donation and transplantation is invaluable to our team.

Tuvimos una vez más una experiencia increíble en la conferencia anual de la Asociación para Asuntos Multiculturales en Trasplantes (AMAT). Aprender más sobre la diversidad en la donación y el trasplante es invaluable para nuestro equipo.


Don't forget to vote for us in the Las Vegas Review-Journal's Best of Las Vegas. Help us shine a light of hope in Las Vegas and inspire others to become a hero. In order to WIN the ‘Best of Las Vegas – Nonprofit Organization,’ please vote now (and every day) until 9/12/24! Follow these simple steps:

1. Visit:
2. Click the ‘SERVICES’ category
3. Click ‘NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION’ subcategory
4. Scroll down to find ‘Nevada Donor Network'
5. Click ‘Review and Cast My Ballot’
6. Hit ‘Submit Ballot’ at the bottom of the page
7. Vote EVERY DAY until 9/12/24!


In honor of National DMV Appreciation Month, we were honored to recognize Nevada DMV's Deputy Director, Angela Smith-Lamb! She threw the honorary first pitch at a Reno Aces' game earlier this month. We truly appreciate your support of our mission!


Don't forget to vote for us in the Las Vegas Review-Journal's Best of Las Vegas for the next four days! Help us shine a light of hope in Las Vegas and inspire others to become a hero. In order to WIN the ‘Best of Las Vegas – Nonprofit Organization,’ please vote now (and every day) until 9/12/24. Follow these simple steps:
1. Visit:
2. Click the ‘SERVICES’ category
3. Click ‘NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION’ subcategory
4. Scroll down to find ‘Nevada Donor Network'
5. Click ‘Review and Cast My Ballot’
6. Hit ‘Submit Ballot’ at the bottom of the page
7. Vote EVERY DAY until 9/12/24!


Viva Lights! Our ‘Donate Life Match’ with the Las Vegas Lights Football Club is on 9/21/24. We are grateful to honor the individuals we serve by saving and healing lives through organ, eye and tissue donation. Will you be joining us? Purchase your tickets here:
P.S. If you would like to get $1 off your ticket purchase, head to the Cashman Field ticket office and show you are a registered donor by bringing your license.

¡Viva Lights! Nuestro 'Juego de Done Vida' con Las Vegas Lights Football Club es el 09/21/2024 Estamos agradecidos de honrar a las personas a las que servimos al salvar y sanar vidas a través de la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos. ¿Te unirás a nosotros? Compra tus entradas aquí:

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 09/05/2024

We had a wonderful morning at the Vegas Golden Knights Foundation’s Charity Golf Classic hosted by Wynn Las Vegas at their golf club!


We are grateful to Reno Aces for allowing us to honor Advocate for Life and heroic donor mother, Karen Weiss! Her son, Hunter, gave the gift of sight to two others and left behind a legacy of hope. His motto was a line from one of his favorite songs by the artist Illenium, “We are all beautiful creatures,” because he believed we all are. Hunter absolutely loved his family and friends, especially his twin brother and would do anything for them. He was a beautiful cr .


Don't forget to vote for us in the Las Vegas Review-Journal's Best of Las Vegas! Help us shine a light of hope in Las Vegas and inspire others to become a hero. In order to WIN the ‘Best of Las Vegas – Nonprofit Organization,’ please vote now (and every day) until 9/12/24! Follow these simple steps:

1. Visit:

2. Click the ‘SERVICES’ category

3. Click ‘NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION’ subcategory

4. Scroll down to find ‘Nevada Donor Network'

5. Click ‘Review and Cast My Ballot’

6. Hit ‘Submit Ballot’ at the bottom of the page

7. Vote EVERY DAY until 9/12/24!


Every September, we celebrate National DMV Appreciation Month which is a great time to share our gratitude with the Nevada DMV for their important role in saving and healing lives through donation. Do you have a red heart on your license? Then YOU are a Hero! On the day you made that choice, you also sat across from a hero (working on our front line). We simply cannot serve our mission without them and are grateful for their support. Help us share gratitude with these unsung heroes by telling them ‘THANK YOU’ next time you are at one of their offices!

Cada septiembre celebramos el Mes Nacional de Apreciación del DMV. Este es el momento perfecto para expresar nuestra gratitud al DMV de Nevada por su gran labor en apoyar nuestra misión de salvar y sanar vidas a través de la donación. ¿Tienes un corazón rojo en tu licencia? ¡Entonces TÚ eres un héroe! El día en que tomaste esa decisión, también conociste a un héroe (la persona que te ayudó con tu trámite). Simplemente no podemos cumplir nuestra misión sin su apoyo y estamos completamente agradecidos por ello. Ayúdanos a expandir esta gratitud diciéndoles ‘GRACIAS’ la próxima vez que estés en una de sus oficinas.

Quality Matters- Why High Standards Are Necessary 08/31/2024

This month, the Accreditation Committee of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) awarded Accreditation to our Immunogenetics Laboratory based in Las Vegas. Learn more about why these quality standards matter:

Quality Matters- Why High Standards Are Necessary Our team is proud to consistently grow our quality standards. Learn more about why receiving an accreditation from the Accreditation Committee of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) was so important to us.

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 08/30/2024

We were honored to be invited to SIX different National Night Out events in northern Nevada! Shout out to Carson City Sheriff's Office, Fallon Police Department, Humboldt County, Nevada Sheriff's Office, Lyon County Sheriff's Office - Nevada, Story County Sheriff's Office (Lockwood) and Storey County Sheriff’s Office (Virginia City) for having us.


We are proud to announce our partnership with the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District to bring awareness to organ, eye and tissue donation along with the impact that heroic donors can have on others. They will be providing education to adults and children about donation. We will also be donating 1000+ books in honor of National Minority Donor Awareness Month (NMDAM). The books will be distributed to 25 library branches across the valley! Stay tuned for more about this amazing partnership.


We are proud to announce that we have been named a Top Workplace by the Las Vegas Review-Journal! A big shout out of gratitude to our entire team for making this possible. Want to join them in saving and healing lives? Apply now:

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 08/27/2024

In 2023, more than 23,000 organ transplants were received by a multicultural community member. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common illnesses that lead to kidney failure, which happens to be the most waited for organ. 86% of patients on the waiting list need a kidney transplant and the average waiting time for a kidney from a heroic deceased donor is three to five years. Transplants of all types renew the lives of patients and their loved ones. Help us to end the wait by becoming a registered donor hero at

En 2023, más de 23,000 miembros de comunidades multiculturales recibieron trasplantes de órganos. ¿Sabías que la diabetes y la hipertensión son las enfermedades más comunes que llevan a la insuficiencia renal, que es el órgano más esperado? El 86% de los pacientes en la lista de espera necesitan un trasplante de riñón y el tiempo promedio de espera para un riñón de un donante fallecido es de tres a cinco años. Los trasplantes de todos los tipos renuevan las vidas de los pacientes y sus seres queridos. Ayúdennos a poner fin a la espera y conviértete en un héroe donante registrándote en

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 08/26/2024

We appreciate the Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce for having us at their luncheon this month to celebrate National Multicultural Donor Awareness Month (NMDAM)! 💚💙

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 08/23/2024

Congratulations to Dee, Karen, Tiffany and Troy, who are our team members of the quarter! We are lucky to call you a part of the Nevada Donor Network family and recognize your commitment to our mission. Our team is full of amazing people just like them! Apply now to join them in saving and healing lives:


In honor of National Multicultural Donor Awareness Month (NMDAM), we are honored to share the stories of the heroic donors we serve. Meet Gerardo. His loved ones shared… En el brillo del sol y bajo la luna, we honor the memory of Gerardo Gutierrez Pena. The hardest working father whose sacrifice and love, forever we will miss. His journey was one of resilience, sacrifice and unwavering determination. He left his homeland in search of a better life for his family, and through his sheer perseverance, he carved a path of opportunity for his children to thrive. En tierras extrañas, él encontró su hogar. He was a man of few words, but his actions spoke loud. His hands, weathered by hard work, bore witness to the sacrifices he made to provide for those he loved. Su amor incondicional, en cada acto, se mostró. Por sus sueños y sacrificios, we give thanks today. His spirit lives on in each of his children and grandchildren, inspiring us to embrace life with resilience, compassion and gratitude. Nuestro amor es eterno. Are you inspired to give the ultimate gift of life like Gerardo? Register now and be a hero:


We are proud to announce we have been chosen as a finalist for Las Vegas Review Journal's Best of Las Vegas! Help us shine a light of hope in Las Vegas and inspire others to become a hero. In order to WIN the ‘Best of Las Vegas – Nonprofit Organization,’ please vote now (and every day) until 9/12/24! Follow these simple steps:
1. Visit:
2. Click the ‘SERVICES’ category
3. Click ‘NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION’ subcategory
4. Scroll down to find ‘Nevada Donor Network'
5. Click ‘Review and Cast My Ballot’
6. Hit ‘Submit Ballot’ at the bottom of the page
7. Vote EVERY DAY until 9/12/24!

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 08/21/2024

We were pleased to support the Nevada Police Foundation at their 23rd Annual Thin Blue Line Memorial Golf Classic at Red Hawk Golf and Resort!

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 08/19/2024

Shout out to the Latin Chamber of Commerce Nevada for hosting ‘La Oportunidad Expo,’ a premier business event in southern Nevada for our Hispanic, Latino and Latinx communities. This was the perfect way for local businesses and entrepreneurs to highlight their products and services to thousands of attendees. Thanks for allowing us to share more about our mission!

Felicidades a la Latin Chamber of Commerce Nevada por organizar ‘La Oportunidad Expo’, un evento empresarial de primer nivel en el sur de Nevada para nuestras comunidades hispanas, latinas y latinx. Esta fue la manera perfecta para que las empresas y emprendedores locales destacaran sus productos y servicios a miles de asistentes. Disfrutamos haber podido compartir con la comunidad la importancia de nuestra misión.

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 08/18/2024

While the United Network for Organ Sharing states that transplants can be successful regardless of the ethnicity or race of a heroic donor and recipient, the chance of longer-term survival may be greater if the donor and recipient are closely matched in terms of their shared genetic background. It is extremely important for everyone to become registered organ, eye and tissue donors. Bring hope to those waiting by saying ‘YES’ at

Aunque la Unidad de Red de Intercambio de Órganos (UNOS) afirma que los trasplantes pueden tener éxito independientemente de la etnia o raza del donante y del beneficiario, la probabilidad de supervivencia a largo plazo puede ser mayor si el donante y el beneficiario son compatibles en términos de sus antecedentes genéticos. Es extremadamente importante que personas de todas las edades, etnias y razas se registren como donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos (especialmente de comunidades multiculturales) y brinden esperanza a aquellos que esperan una segunda oportunidad en la vida. Digamos ‘SÍ’ a la donación en:

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 08/17/2024

A special shout out of gratitude goes to our Advocate for Life and living kidney donor, Angelique! She hosted a paint and wine party which honored National Multicultural Donor Awareness Month and her five-year kidney-versary! Thanks for giving back to support our foundation’s mission to ‘End the Wait.’


We truly appreciate 8 News Now for having us on to share more about Inspire Hope 2024! Only two days remaining until our fabulous, funky dinner show. Learn more:


Thanks to KOLO 8 News Now for having us on to speak more about National Multicultural Donor Awareness Month!

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 08/15/2024

A special sentiment of gratitude goes out to each sponsor who has decided to give back to the Nevada Donor Network Foundation’s mission to ‘End the Wait!’ We look forward to celebrating with you all in three days. Join us:

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 08/13/2024

A part of our outreach efforts during National Multicultural Donor Awareness Month (NMDAM) is meeting our community where they are. Thanks to the Christian Chamber of Commerce for having us at your ‘Alianza de Fe’ or business prayer breakfast to share more about our mission with your members!

Parte de nuestros esfuerzos de divulgación durante el Mes Nacional de Concientización de Donantes Multiculturales (NMDAM) es participar en eventos a los que nuestra comunidad asiste. ¡Gracias a la Christian Chamber of Commerce por recibirnos en su desayuno de oración empresarial 'Alianza de Fe' y por permitirnos compartir información sobre nuestra misión con sus miembros!

Photos from Nevada Donor Network's post 08/09/2024

Right now, more than 100,000 Americans are desperately waiting for their second chance at life through organ donation and nearly 700 of them are Nevadans. The reason we observe National Multicultural Donor Awareness Month (NMDAM) is because 61% of the national organ transplant waiting list are people from multicultural communities. When it comes to saving lives through organ donation, a diverse community of registered heroes are important. Encourage those you care about to join you:

Actualmente, más de 100,000 estadounidenses esperan desesperadamente su segunda oportunidad en la vida a través de la donación de órganos, y casi 700 de ellos son de Nevada. Observamos el Mes Nacional de Concientización de Donantes Multiculturales (NMDAM) porque el 61% de la lista nacional de espera para trasplantes de órganos proviene de comunidades multiculturales. Cuando se trata de salvar vidas a través de la donación de órganos, una comunidad diversa de héroes registrados es crucial. Incentiva a tus seres queridos a unirse:


We would like to take a moment to shout out our 2024 Inspire Hope ‘Strength Sponsor,’ Global Transplant Solutions! Would you like to attend? There is still time to join us! Learn more here:

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Videos (show all)

In honor of National DMV Appreciation Month, we were honored to recognize Nevada DMV's Deputy Director, Angela Smith-Lam...
2024 Reno Aces First Pitch- Heroic Donor Mom Karen
Thanks to KOLO 8 News Now for having us on to speak more about National Multicultural Donor Awareness Month! . . . . #Do...
Thanks to KTNV Channel 13 Las Vegas for having us on The Morning Blend to share more about Raquel’s ultimate gift and ho...
We had an incredible night supporting our Reno Aces and highlighting an Advocate for Life who received the ultimate gift...
We were honored to recognize Commander Ortiz with Lyon County Sheriff's Office - Nevada as the Reno Aces hero of the gam...
The 2024 Transplant Games of America have officially KICKED OFF! 💙💚 Team Nevada is so excited to win some medals.
2024 Pride Month- Meet Eric Abram
Raquel Colucci & The Ultimate Gift- Part One
National Police Week comes to an end today and we would like to honor the winner of our ‘Silver State Heroes’ competitio...
As we celebrate National Police Week, we want to continue to highlight the real-life heroes who protect and serve our co...
As we continue to celebrate National Police Week, we would like to highlight the real-life heroes who not only protect a...


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Las Vegas, NV

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