Cyn Smith

Cyn Smith

Las Vegas based Master Cosmetologist from Detroit. She specializes in natural hair,color This is a face and name to lock in!

Growing up in Detroit,Michigan,Cyn LaTrice Smith always stood out with her passion for hair. Enthusiastically, she easily became the go to person in her town, it didnt take long, of course. She relished in the opportunity to service all of her colleagues and their family, while producing extraordinary results... at a very young age . This shall be the beginning of the longterm desire to not only s


If there was a reward for speaking truth more people would. Our industry gets rewarded for lies and Scientist like me are shamed for telling the truth. Most don’t reward truth until it’s too late. My reward comes from within so it’s different. I’ve been standing on this mountain alone for over a decade and women are finally taking the blinders off. We’re just getting started.‼️❤️‼️

Photos from Cyn Smith's post 08/05/2024

🛢️‼️I end Scalp inflammation, Scalp disorders LIKE CCCA FAST. You can too.❤️ Lose the brainwash and keep it ❤️‼️❤️


‼️🚨My husband’s aunt is 104 and thriving. I’m 34, IAM DOING A GREAT JOB. I’m exactly where I need to be, I have everything I need and all things are working for my good. Even the things that feel negative hold the greatest value. I’m here to learn, there is no rush. There is no comparison. There will never be anyone else like me. Only two people will come close and they are my children.❤️👏🏾‼️ Speak life into yourself today‼️ Around this time of year they pump us full of worry, fear, death, politics, debt, war and so many other things in your face to distract you! What if you looked the other way and gave something else your joy and attention. Do your work in the physical and in the spirit realm and then trust creation. ALL IS WELL, YOUR SAFE, YOU ARE LOVED BEYOND COMPREHENSION.‼️❤️‼️❤️‼️

Photos from Cyn Smith's post 07/31/2024

🚨‼️We’re in the upside down where professionals are the bad guys while you trust women who put fruits and vegetables in your hair. The majority of curly girls are fruit salads and veggie rice bowls with guacamole from chipotle . You will put anything in your hair except A HAIR PRODUCT! There has never been a shortage on hair products for black women. There have always been amazing products you could use but you wanted SEGREGATION! Now you have it, the team natural girls have a scalp inflammation on a level doctors have never seen. The bacteria on the scalp has gotten strong and the drugs they currently have can’t kill the new forms of bacteria you all have grown in your homemade oil filled products. 🚨 So excuse me if I sound annoyed sometimes. IAM.‼️ On this planet we make the most simplistic things complicated for absolutely no reason! When others work with me they at the same thing everytime. I can’t believe o e been spending all this money and spending 9 hours in my hair. Now I’m done in a hour. It’s always been easy but our way doesn’t sell millions worth of hair products. Keep it simple and stop talking about things you have no formal education on. Your highest level of education is high school but your going back and forth with a dermatologist because BLACK WOMEN needs oil after they tell you to stop oiling the scalp?



Photos from Cyn Smith's post 07/20/2024

‼️🚨‼️Listen Sinai Grace In Detroit Michigan had two of theee coldest born on the same day July 20th! My husband was first but I was still busy you know so I was born 2 years later ! Earth has never been the same, YOUR WELCOME ‼️‼️‼️‼️👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 OK IM DONE SORRY‼️😂😂‼️‼️😂It’s my BIRTHDAY AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY AMAZING HUSBAND‼️‼️‼️


Most of you think you have dandruff but it’s really scalp maceration! Do you know what Maceration is, i teach it on my channel. Your wash n go’s, wet styling, other styles or products that leave the scalp/har wet/damp is your biggest enemy! It’s not a product line, the stylist, the industry or the media it’s you! Learn your science and you’ll never fall for it!


All things work out for my greatest good. The GOOD is for me and the BAD highlights my weakness so I can be the Master Alchemist IAM‼️‼️ See nothing scares me because nothing can stop me. Stay in your lane , lock in on your focus and remove anyone and anything out of alignment‼️ When you ask creation to show you all letting nothing sneak up on you be careful. You will see everyone and everything for what they really are. Don’t sit in your pain or disappointment YOU ARE THE ALCHEMIST! Change your focus, you keep pulling in the same s**t because that’s your focus‼️ Forget what they say, LET PEOPLE TALK EVERY TREE BARES ITS OWN FRUIT‼️ We are made in the imagine of the creator of ALL! Not just this earth but the billions of galaxies we can only dream about! I CREATE WITH MY FOCUS & WORDS GATHERED IN FOCUS‼️ ANYTHING I CREATE IN MY MIND I HOLD IN MY HAND NO QUESTIONS ASKED‼️ Views ,likes,followers mean nothing IAM‼️ THIS IS WHY YOUR SO DISTRACTED‼️ THE THINGS THAT ARE COMING OUT HAVE BEEN KNOWN‼️ The election happens as your in chaos about taxes and bills. No one can focus on becoming and alignment because we’re all in fight or flight! Calm down, see your desire in your mind! Picture yourself in that moment, who are you around , what conversations are you having? Are you stressed about things or do you have everything you need? Once you find that peace hold it and remove anyone that doesn’t align‼️ YOU ARE IN CONTROL THATS WHY THEY WANT YOU FOCUSED ON BU****IT, YOUR CREATING MORE WITH YOUR FOCUS‼️ Know who tf you are and add tax! I am not apart of any man made religion, IAM one with my creator I HAVE NO MIDDLE MAN‼️ change your focus and watch your life reverse, don’t worry about the nay sayers, I’m telling you what I know‼️ People who come against you always regret it, let them watch you BECOME‼️‼️‼️ MAKE IT NASTTTYYYY‼️❤️❤️❤️❤️🤣🖤🖤🧬🧬🧬🧬 AS THE OLD FALLS WHO IS STRONG ENOUGB IN SELF TO CREATE THE NEW‼️????

New Product alert 06/20/2024

New Product Alert, New Blog Post !

New Product alert Elderberry & Rose! The immune powerhouse!!

GOING LIVE! 06/10/2024



Photos from Cyn Smith's post 06/09/2024

🚨OILS,BUTTERS AND GREASE DO NOT ADD MOISTURE OR HYDRATION!!!! Oils and butters are HYDROPHOBIC!!! Hydrophobic products don’t add moisture or hydration they create a barrier. Not only do these properties block water from leaving they also lock in the many forms of colonizing yeast and bacteria that lives on the scalp! This is why black women are leading in scalp and follicle infections! Wet humid environments are the best for yeast and bacteria and the lipids that live in oils grease and butter feed the yeast and bacteria on the scalp! When you add all these things up together it’s bald head city. Stop buying products from people who don’t even know what the word hydrophobic means! Oils and butter go in the hair in very very small amounts from midst to ends! You’re adding no moisture or hydration and that’s a fact!!!! 🚨You hydrate your body by drinking water and eating hydrating foods. You moisturize by having a clean scalp allowing your NATURAL MOISTURIZER SEBUM TO FLOW FREELY! Learn a lil something babyyyyy!


Unlock the Secrets of Clove Water: Promote Hair Growth and Heal Your Scalp


Blue Butterfly Pea Tea: Natural Hair Healer

Discover the natural wonders of Blue Butterfly Pea Tea for hair health. Packed with potent antioxidants and bioflavonoids, this vibrant tea can help combat alopecia and promote healthy hair growth. By improving scalp circulation and strengthening hair follicles, it addresses common hair issues and supports overall hair vitality. Sip daily for a nourishing boost from within and embrace healthier, fuller hair naturally.


My father taught me people never have power to hurt or disappoint me. It’s only me and my own expectations of people. Sometimes based on who we are and how we move we EXPECT family and friends especially family to move a certain way. To love the way you love, support the way you support, uplift the way you do etc. When your not met there you get your feelings hurt and your mad at them. They hurt you and they need to pay. Change the way you think, its was your expectations not them. You’re disappointed that they didn’t met you where you are but the truth is we’re not all built the same. I don’t know who this is for other than me but family does not get automatic access to you. It’s ok to choose peace losing all expectations that’s where you find your power! I had an experience with family after over a decade of peace that reminded me why I keep my family separate. Gaslighting by people ten years my senior until I remembered what my father told me. “Every tree bares its own fruit! Look at their fruit and look at yours. If you step out of peace you’re a dummy too!” ‼️We are here to LEARN! Our families and friends are here to help us learn the things we came here to master. Everyone doesn’t gain access and having boundaries keeps peace following. Know who you are, stand your ground and create your own world and don’t feel bad about having a strict guess list. Creation I thank you for protecting me and keeping me from people, places and things that no longer serve me. Most closed doors should remain closed. Phase two starts now!!!!


💙🚨💙Reviews never lie! Keep it Cynple honey.


It could all be so simple. You should never have a handful of hair every time you comb your hair. When you comb regularly you have lil to no hair in the brush when you finish. The 55 -100 strands you loose daily happens through out the day not in clumps when you comb your hair. Keep learning the information is out here.❤️

Photos from Cyn Smith's post 02/02/2024

I just give you the truth and let the chips fall wherever you allow them to fall based on your focus and point of attraction. I will not go back and forth. As I create my world I make room for those in alignment with me and I block those out of alignment. Been there done that it holds you back.
The days of back and forth are over. Truth is truth and the veil is off. First I’ll break down all your distractions and hair and its growth and care is the biggest distraction black women have. Once the old bottles are destroyed phase 2 begins.
Now I’m not coming for anyone or group. I don’t think about any of you ever someone has to tag me and I only look at the thumbnail and smile because I know why I’m here and I have a plan that I’ve been laying the foundation for about 15 years. All I’ll say is this, run your race. Sell your products, do your thing but my purpose is so much bigger than hair so stay out my way because nothing will stop me. Those who are ready open their minds and master their hair growth cycle ending scalp disorders in days not months! I’m building a LEGION of Goddesses that know who they are needing NOTHING OR NO ONE from outside of themselves for anything. After a while they won’t even need me. Wake up and know who you are or stay sleep and stay out of my way!

Photos from Cyn Smith's post 01/24/2024

Thanks so much lovely! I really appreciate you!!! I would do it all over again!!!!!! 5-6 years is no time when you live forever! Spread the word! Let’s flip the script! You better stop the team natural hacks and misinformation for product pushing. People are opening their eyes and learning for themselves! Soon they will know how to separate lies from truth with ease! YOU BETTER DECIDE WHICH REALM YOU WANT TO LIVE IN. Time is up! REAL SCIENTISTS! REAL COSMETOLOGIST THEY ARE LOOKING FOR YOU! You betta stop playing! ITS SO MUCH DEEPER THAN HAIR! Once you’re not debating and focusing on HAIR you have nothing to do but shift!

Photos from Cyn Smith's post 01/24/2024

‼️🚨Results they see and feel fast. Dont take my word for it. Hair has never been hard! Laziness and accountability! Your lazy natural days are over and I’m tearing it down brick by brick!


💙🚨In 2024 I can show you better than i can tell you. This is one of my beauties from my 7 day challenge where we reset the hair growth cycle in 7 days or less! Just imagine where she will be by the end of the year. Keep debating and arguing in comments and on blogs about natural hair. You’re just making brands and influencers PAPERRR!🤣💙🖤We’re getting results fast using NO OILS OR BUTTERS! NO SECRET HAIR GROWTH OIL OR GREASE JUST SCIENCE! You have so many opinions. You are so free that you choose chains. The things you deal with are manifestations of your bad habits,routines and the things you THINK you know about curly hair that need to change , or don’t. In Cyn Doll land we keep it really Cynple and we get FAST RESULTS! You’re the problem sis!

Photos from Cyn Smith's post 01/24/2024

🚨Hey, say whatever you want to say about me. Make sure you end with “SHE KNOWS WHAT SHES TALKING ABOUT THOUGH!”
I don’t entertain hacks , product pushing , curl typing, viral products hacks or styles. Ive been doing this for over a decade and my clients get results in weeks not months or years. THEY USE NOTHING ON THE SCALP! OUR FIGHT IS ALWAYS FROM THE INSIDE OUT! Spirit moves inside out not outside in so that’s how we tackle hair loss.
Team natural broke the hair industry now I’m breaking it. People have alopecia and so do their children following team natural. I get them to stop oiling and greasing their scalp and so many other things and here are the results. I’m not going back and forth with anyone im just blocking people!
This is from one hour long consultation and a few products from Cynple Apothecary NOTHING ON RHE SCALP BUT SHAMPOO! I’m telling you what I know but do your thing!


❤️💙Embrace the stillness, it’s where the magic is! ❤️💙🖤


Oh it’s already done. What’s for me is mine. It comes to me easily and effortlessly. I don’t chase I attract, you should try it my baby!


‼️🚨Oh how I love what I do! I can’t make it up! My reviews don’t lie. Haircare is not complicated at all!

In my 7 day challenge I teach you how to break down old foundations while giving you everything you need to build your new one!

Start now! ACCOUNTABILITY IS OUR WAY OUT! Let’s go ladies!!!


‼️🚨‼️Reviews never lie! Join my 7 day challenge and put your old patterns to rest! Haircare is so EASY! Influencers made it hard!

Photos from Cyn Smith's post 12/15/2023

‼️❤️❤️🚨Oh how I love the transparency and accountability these women display! To all that make millions off the ignorance that leads to chaos your time is coming to a end. Since 2012 I’ve been preaching against the community and all their teachings!
They give you made up hacks that cause bacterial growth, follicle death, hair shaft /follicle disorders then they sell you products that cover them up will making big bags! They turned you against the REAL professionals and only have you listening to one’s with no formal education on the human body since 2011!! I know a lot of stylist are dusty but most don’t even have a license now days. Most of you are going to Braider’s that’s why you have to wash your hair before you come.
Since 2012 I’ve been screaming no grease no butters no oils on the scalp unless your treating a infection with something from a doctor or washing it out with a detox shampoo after 20 mins.
Wash n gos, wetting the hair, twist outs all drive me crazy. As the SO CALLED NEW fad comes out “no oils, no butters) just know it’s not NEW!!! Now YouTubers are seeing all their suggestions cause massive scalp and hairshaft disorders so they are stealing what PROFESSIONALS have been saying this whole time and calling it a HACK! Wake up and take accountability! We breaking down old foundations all 2024!


♋️I don’t slap people no more I’m just saying. Hey I’m Cyn nice to meet you.❤️❤️♋️💙💙


🚨🚨‼️TODAY MARKS 14 YEARS!!! We were young 22 and 20! They told us we were crazy then but they are trying to figure out HOW we did it today 14 years later! 15 years together but 14 married were not the same but we’ve changed together. In the spaces I come up short you show up strong and I do the same for you. We don’t take a lot of photos ( not ones you can post🤣) and I think that’s one of our secrets. We live in the now and our experiences are for us. I love the world we’ve created together. Thank you for loving me when I didn’t love myself. For putting me back together when I’m broken. For protecting me, for the amazing father you are! I can keep going but I can’t see cause I’m crying. I love you in this life and the next! There is no death so when we come back in our next life you still mine sir! happy anniversary my love! 14 years and counting!!!!

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Videos (show all)

Team natural hacks cause scalp inflammation.❤️‼️
Stop using conditioner like this!
Olaplex Explained: Can Olaplex Repair Damaged hair bonds?
Unlock the Secrets of Clove Water: Can Clove Water Heal Your Scalp???
Blue Butterfly Pea Tea: Natural Hair HealerDiscover the natural wonders of Blue Butterfly Pea Tea for hair health. Packe...
Butterfly Blue Pea Tea for Healing your hair properties
There is one other factor, genetics. The larger the hair follicle the looser the curl pattern. Asian (round follicle) Ca...
Seborrhoeic dermatitis. It’s not as bad as you think. You can fix this on your own! Let’s talk. #Seborrhoeicdermatitis #...
STOP THE WASH N GO N WASH N SET!!!Do your own research on the “Hydrogen bond” in hair.Hygral fatigue is damage to your h...


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