Vintage Church

Vintage Church

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A Stained Glass Heart
A Stained Glass Heart
Sundays @ 10:00am Sundays @ 10:00am


Join us for Vintage Church’s 2024 Summer on a Mission, “Imagination Marketplace! 1st Century Stories for 21st Century Kids.”

Children are invited to experience a first-century marketplace on Friday, June 14, at Vintage Church, 1501 New Hampshire St., Lawrence.

Children will become acquainted with some of the crafts and tools that were important in that day, as they bake bread, make sandals, work with clay, and more!

They will learn about the important stories Jesus told and how they are relevant for them today.

Preschool children can participate in the morning, while children in kindergarten through 5th (2023-2024 school year) have activities from 8 am–5 pm.

Email Shannon ([email protected]) with questions and for registration forms.

Deadline for registering is Monday, June 10.
See you there!


Hi Vintage,

This Sunday is a big day in the life of our church family, and we would love to have you join us in person if you're able!

We will, of course, be honoring Mother's Day, as well as recognizing graduating seniors. We will also be celebrating the 20th anniversary of Vintage's existence, our 10th anniversary in our building, as well as praying for the summer ahead as I start my summer sabbatical on Monday, May 13. (And I'll be celebrating my 50th birthday! 🙂)

All in all, it's going to be a great day of singing, celebrating, laughing, and praying together as a community. Hope you can join us!




Hi all,

This is our week to "host" Family Promise, and we're specifically in need of one more person/family/group to provide dinner and hosting for TOMORROW NIGHT - Monday, May 6!

Here's the link to the Signup Genius; if you're able, just scroll down to the Monday night hosting slot to sign up: #/

Thank you so much!

deacon godsey



FPL is still in static site/pilot shelter mode. The current location is Grace House at 500 Missouri St, but

the new shelter – Mt. Hope Court – is coming soon!

There are a variety of options for your volunteering enjoyment:

Dinner/evening hosts Monday and Wednesday of our week

The sign up says to “Provide a nutritious meal, eat together, help with clean up, play with kids, perhaps plan a fun activity such as games”. The kids of the current families are enjoying outdoor games like soccer and basketball

The number of families, size, and any allergies and access code will be shared with volunteers. Currently there are 2 families, 7 people.

There are no more food “themes” for each night – you can bring whatever you’d like

Overnight hosts (NOTE: all overnight slots are filled, but we need a “back up” overnight host in case the scheduled paid host is unable for whatever reason. If you’re interested in being the backup, please email me directly!

Overall, a pretty small ask/lift for us this month! The signup sheet is here: #/

My contact info is listed below for any questions!

Thanks, friends!

Ellen Keefer


Hi all,

After posting our year end giving update yesterday, I received a private message on Facebook from someone who has a great reputation in our community, and has great respect for Vintage and our role in the city. As such, they're sending us a check for $5,000, trusting we will use it well to extend God's kingdom of love here in Lawrence. Absolutely incredible...

We also had some additional gifts process overnight. Combining all the gifts we have "in-hand," along with $10,000 worth of gifts that won't officially process until after 1.1.24, we have received, as of today - Saturday, December 30 - a grand total of $86,345!!! That is $8,167 OVER our original goal!!!

Again...absolutely incredible!

We're so grateful to God, and each of those who've been able to give, and have chosen Vintage as the recipient of that generosity. Thank you so much for your gifts, no matter how small, and peace to all who were/are unable to give this year.

One more reminder: we don't have service tomorrow, but I will be available to receive - or come get - any last minute gifts anyone has to offer and needs/wants them to apply towards their 2023 taxes.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




Hi all,

Writing with another exciting update re: our year end giving progress!

So far, as of today - Friday, December 29 - we have received $67,533, which means we now have $10,645 left to go to meet our 2023 budget!

If you're still able to give, we're able to receive gifts through 11:59PM on Sunday, December 31. You can process gifts online, hand deliver them to myself (if that's your preference), or hand deliver them to the mailbox on the back/west door of the building!)




Hi all,

Some exciting news to share about current year end giving numbers! We still have a way to go yet, but we received word today about a $12,000* gift towards the effort!

This all means that so far, as of today - Thursday, December 28 - we have received $58,702 (woohoo!), leaving a balance of $19,476 left. That means we're roughly 75% of the way there!

Please keep praying along these lines!



*NOTE: due to some banking logistics, $5,000 will be processed before 12.31, the other $7,000 after 1.1.24. The donor's intention is for it to go towards year-end giving, so we're counting it in the totals we're gathering, but our Office Manager, Trustee Team, and accounting firm will make sure everything gets accounted for accurately on the back end!


Hi all,

Just writing to keep you updated on our December giving numbers...

At the beginning of the month we found ourselves needing $78,178 to meet our 2023 budget and move forward with current staffing levels and ongoing ministry opportunities

So far, as of today - Tuesday, December 26 - we have received $43,197 (woohoo!), leaving a balance of $34,981 left. That means we're roughly 54% of the way there.

No fear or manipulation intended, but we need to acknowledge the urgency of our year-end scenario. We've had such a great year, with some really good ministry momentum...we want to be able to keep that going in 2024, and financial support is one of the primary ways we can make that happen!

NOTE: All gifts delivered to Vintage by 11:59pm on 12.31.23 apply to 2023 taxes.

If you've already given, thank you so much! If you're not able to this year, please be at peace. If you haven't given yet, and are able to do so, please be praying about what that looks like for you this year, and pray for God's provision for us heading in 2024.


deacon godsey


Hi Vintage - sorry for any miscommunication from our Livestream software...we're going live tonight at 5:55pm! 🙂


Hi all,

Just writing to keep you updated on our December giving numbers...

At the beginning of the month we found ourselves needing $78,178 to meet our 2023 budget and move forward with current staffing levels and ongoing ministry opportunities.

So far, as of today - Thursday, December 21 - we have received $35,453 (woohoo!), leaving a balance of $42,725 left! That means we're just under 50% of the way there!

We don't send out these updates with any fear or manipulation intended, but we need to acknowledge the urgency of our year-end scenario. We've had such a great year, with some really good ministry momentum...we want to be able to keep that going in 2024, and financial support is one of the primary ways we can make that happen!

If you've already given, thank you so much! If you're not able to this year, please be at peace. If you haven't given yet, and are able to do so, please be praying about what that looks like for you this year, and pray for God's provision for us heading in 2024.


deacon godsey

Advent (2023) - Week 3: Joy 12/20/2023

Hi Vintage - my apologies for the lateness of the post, but here's last Sunday's message on Joy finding us even in the midst of grief and sorrow. Jill Godsey did a great job sharing her perspective that's both encouraging and challenging. Give it a listen if you weren't able to be there!

Advent (2023) - Week 3: Joy


Hi all,

As promised, I'm writing to share our current financial scenario with you as we approach the end of 2023. Everything given on/before 12.31.23 will go towards the 2023 fiscal year, and towards your 2023 taxes.

Based on the approved budget for ‘23, we anticipated $250,000 in giving.

In December we need $78,178 to make up our current budget shortfall.

So far in December, as of today - Tuesday, 12.19 - we have received $23,082.

That means we still need $55,096 to meet this year's budget, maintain current staffing levels, and continue our current ministry opportunities.

Please be pray/give as the Spirit leads.

Happy Advent and Merry Christmas!



Vintage Church - Upcoming Events 12/19/2023

Hi Vintage! Hope to see you tonight for our 2nd annual Music of Christmas - should be a great night for music and mayhem, with a cookie reception to follow! 6:30pm @ Vintage Church

Vintage Church - Upcoming Events


Happy Holidays, neighbors and friends. Here at Vintage Church, at the corner of 15th St. and New Hampshire, we are pleased to present our second annual Music of Christmas program. Our great worship team will bring you seasonal favorites in song and video, our kids will sing some songs, and afterwards you are all invited to join us in our basement for cookies and cider, courtesy of the folks in our church who bake their amazing cookies. There will be gluten free options as well. So bring your kids, your extended family and join us in an evening of celebrating Christmas with music of all kinds. When we say all are welcome, that means you! Hope to see you there!


Hi Vintage.

As a pastor, navigating current social issues - especially those that stem from decades or centuries long realities - is always tricky. This is especially true right now re: the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Our own Mendy Hutson recently shared with me some incredibly helpful tips for how she and other educators try to handle this in a public school setting, and I want to retrofit it here for our church family setting...

1. Model empathy for those who are struggling, and actively look for the image of God in every human being, regardless of their background or perspective.

2. Acknowledge the complexity and sensitivity of this topic and remember: it is ok to say "I don't know..."

3. Avoid dehumanizing language; never refer to other human beings as "animals" or "savages."

4. Challenge Islamophobia & Antisemitism; it's possible to process our thoughts and questions without demeaning entire groups of people (Ie. all Israelis, all Palestinians, etc.)

5. Remember: both Jewish and Palestinian people are not their respective governments or authorities; both have complex thoughts and feelings about their leaders' and government's policies and actions.

6. Finally, listen: encourage people to ask questions and process their thoughts on the issue, and actively listen as they do; this is a huge part of what it means to model civility in a pluralistic world.

May we all be able to "walk and chew gum at the same time," calling out evil and injustice where necessary, and honoring the dignity of everyone's humanity in the process.



Hi all,

As promised, I'm writing with this month's weekly update on our year end giving progress.

As of December 1 we were in the position of needing $78,178 in order to meet our 2023 budget, and maintain current staffing levels and ministry opportunities.

Between Dec. 1 - Dec. 9 we have received $7,166, leaving a remaining balance of $71,012 needed between now and Dec. 31.

For those who have already given, thank you so much for your generosity! For those who aren't able to this year, be at peace. For those who are able to give but haven't had a chance to do so yet, please be praying and give in whatever way, and at whatever level the Spirit leads.

Happy Advent to each of you!



Advent (2023) - Week 2: Peace 12/11/2023

Hi Vintage - here's today's message on Peace from this year's Advent series.

Advent (2023) - Week 2: Peace


Be a light in a dark and uncertain world


Hi Vintage,

As promised, here's this week's year end giving update.

Based on the approved budget for 2023, anticipating $250,000 in giving, we need $20,833/month on average. Over the last three months giving has looked as follows:

SEP income: $16,220 -$4,613 ($2,635 > Sep ’22)

OCT income: $14,054 -$6,779 (-$593 < Oct ’22)

NOV income: $ 21,727 $894 ($131 > Nov ’22)

2023 income: -$57,341 off pace (-$450 off pace from this time '22

This means we need to receive $78,178 in December giving in order to meet our 2023 budget and maintain current staffing levels and ministry opportunities.

The good news is that last December was the biggest giving month in the history of Vintage Church, with $72,961 in giving! So...this year is poised to set a NEW, even BIGGER record! :-)

This is the invitation + challenge towards generosity we face this month. Please be praying and give as the Spirit leads!





Due to scheduling conflicts, we have moved this year's The Music of Christmas concert to Tuesday, December 19 @ 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend! No children's ministry will be provided. Christmas cookie + beverage reception to follow.


Due to unforeseen circumstances, there won't be a December potluck held this Sunday. We thought about rescheduling, but with the busyness of the holiday season, and with The Music of Christmas concert + reception mentioned above, we thought it best not to add another thing to the schedule.

We really hope you can join us on December 19! :-)


As of the beginning of November, we had a budget shortfall of -$53,399 for the first 10 months of the year. This Sunday we will announce giving numbers for November, and clarify what we'll need by December 31 if we are to meet budget for 2023. We will also be providing weekly updates in December so we're all aware of the financial realities involved.

For those of you who have been giving, or have a specific plan to do so before the end of the year, thank you so much! If you haven't made such a plan yet, please be praying and give as the Spirit leads.

We believe in the mission of Vintage Church. We are proud for the role we play in our city, and of the kind of church culture we offer our community. If you feel the same, and are able to give to support that mission - no matter how large or small the gift - we would be extremely grateful for your financial support!

Christ the King Sunday 11/26/2023

Hi Vintage - here's today's message from Christ the King Sunday.

Christ the King Sunday

The Story and History of Exodus - Part 9: It's Time to Talk About the Tabernacle...Again! 11/19/2023

Well, we've finally come to the end of our series on the book of Exodus. Here's the last message, along with an end-of-ordinary-time summary to transition towards Advent.

The Story and History of Exodus - Part 9: It's Time to Talk About the Tabernacle...Again!

The Story and History of Exodus - Part 8: Moses, the Mountain, and 11/12/2023

Hi all - here's today's message on "The Ten Commandments" - how to use them, and how NOT to use them! Just one more week in Exodus...depending on who you are: I'm sorry, or, You're welcome!

The Story and History of Exodus - Part 8: Moses, the Mountain, and

Photos from Vintage Church's post 11/05/2023

Hi all - with today being liturgy day, we don't have a message podcast, but I'm sharing a brief essay I wrote for the end of today's service.

It's called Reflecting On the Slippery Slope. I hope it's helpful.

NOTE: it's long, so...enjoy at your own pace :-)

Vintage Church - Home 11/05/2023

Hi Vintage - remember, no more Zoom as of today. Just go to the homepage of our website, look for the banner at the top of the page, and follow the click prompts from there!

Vintage Church - Home


Just another friendly reminder for Saturday 🙂


Turn those clocks back Saturday night while you ponder Linda’s discussion prompt…


Set those clocks back Saturday night while you ponder Linda’s discussion prompt…

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1501 New Hampshire Street
Lawrence, KS

Opening Hours

10am - 11:30am

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"St. Francis walked through the world like the pardon of God." ~G.K. Chesterton