Caitlin Jane

"Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in th


Photos from Caitlin Jane's post 07/02/2023

Such a great day at SimplyBe Coffee ! Thank you to all the sweet friends and folks who came out, what a joy it was to spend the afternoon with you all enjoying coffee and music together šŸ˜„šŸŽ¹ā˜•ļø


This Saturday! July 1st! Iā€™ll be at SimplyBe Coffee (208 Church St. SE, Leesburg, VA)
doing live music from 12 noon-2 pm šŸŽ¤šŸŽ¹ I love this coffee shop with the most beautiful cause! SimplyBe employs adults with special needs and gives them a place in our community of value and worth, because every life does have intrinsic value and worth! Every person is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, and we are all differently, uniquely abled- abled to bring glory to God by using our skills and talents and personalities in special ways. Come out for some amazing coffee, enjoy a few songs while you pop in or stay for a while and relax, and when you leave, be sure to hop downstairs to check out The Clothing Closet (my favorite little thrifty boutique downtown Leesburg!) Bring family, bring a friend, bring kiddos. All are welcome! See you Saturday ā˜ŗļøšŸ‘šŸ¼

Photos from Caitlin Jane's post 06/24/2023

Celebrating a very special day today- the One Year Anniversary from when Roe was overturned! Our family ran Miles for Life to support Mosaic Virginia, our local pregnancy resource center! Team Pro-Life Kids raised over $1,700, praise God for amazing donors and supporters! We had such an amazing day with friends and so many people in our community who love life and want to make a difference! While we celebrate that Roe was overturned, we still have so much work to do to change this culture and nation for life. Millions of precious babiesā€™ lives are still hanging in the balance each and every day. But we will never give up advocating for and defending human life. Iā€™m so proud to be raising three little pro-life warriors who know the truth that every person is made in the image of God with immeasurable, intrinsic worth and value. My kiddos are passionate about saving as many babies as they can while supporting mamas with tangible resources and hope. Itā€™s such a joy to literally run this pro-life race with my sweet familyā€¦today and every day.


Next Saturday, April 29th!! Iā€™ll be singing in downtown Leesburg at one of my favorite live music venues! Itā€™s been quite a few years since Iā€™ve sung at Trinity House CafĆ©, but Iā€™m delighted to be back and have another concert there! Come by for a latte and a little music out on the patio. Kids are welcome too- family friendly Saturday afternoon event! Trinity House CafĆ©

Miracle Twins Born Four Months Premature - Guinness World Records 03/19/2023

Life begins at conception ā¤ļø Guinness World Record Twins show ā€œviabilityā€ is far younger than doctors sayā€¦Life is beautiful. Life is a miracle.

Miracle Twins Born Four Months Premature - Guinness World Records Subscribe || || most premature twins are Adiah Laelynn and Adrial Luka Nadarajah (both Canada), who ...


Iā€™m excited to be leading worship for the RAW Womenā€™s Conference again this year! Save the date! October 21st!


8 years ago today was my brain surgery! I had a great neuro check-up after my MRI this past week. Thank you God for another year of life, every day is a sweet gift! And thereā€™s no one Iā€™d rather do life with than this incredible man next to me, my best friend. What a story God has written and continues to write, thank you Jesus! Philippians 1:20 ā€œFor I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die.ā€ Letā€™s make every day count for eternity, my friends! We serve a King and belong to a Kingdom not of this world.


For about 15 years(?) this sweet friend has inspired me to advocate for the sanctity of human life and to work tirelessly to protect unborn children. Thank you, Delia, for your constant example of love and truth. Itā€™s a joy to run this race with you. Itā€™s a spiritual war zone, and we put on the armor of our Lord Jesus Christ ā¤ļø These babies and their mamas are worth defending and empowering!
ā€œFor we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of Godā€™s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of TRUTH and the body armor of Godā€™s RIGHTEOUSNESS. For shoes, put on the PEACE that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of FAITH to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on SALVATION as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD OF GOD. PRAY in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. STAY ALERT and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.ā€ Ephesiansā€¬ ā€­6ā€¬:ā€­12ā€¬-ā€­18ā€¬


Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023! I thank God for the many blessings, experiences, moments, and lessons of this past year. Now itā€™s time to step into a new year with anticipation, adventure, and faith. ā€œNever be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.ā€ -Corrie ten Boom
ā€œIn his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.ā€ -Proverbs 16:9

Photos from Caitlin Jane's post 12/23/2022

Another little latergram šŸ˜†šŸŽ„šŸŒŸ Just thinking about how much fun it was at the Christmas event earlier this month! Beautiful night of worship and testimony with hundreds of women there to be together in Godā€™s presence. A fun bonus was the many amazing Christmas craft vendors! It was an honor to have a table with my books and music thereā€¦and I want to say thank you to all the sweet ladies who purchased books & CDsā€¦the sales that night at my table made it possible for me to get a piano this Christmas šŸŽ¹šŸŽ„A real dream come true and answer to prayer! Iā€™m still in awe of how God made it all happen ā˜ŗļø


SHE IS SHE is here!!! Eliana is so excited for her new book by her favorite authors, Bethany and Ryan Bomberger!

Photos from Caitlin Jane's post 12/23/2022

Our family loves treasure hunts, and the greatest treasure our hearts can search for and find is baby Jesus. This past week, our family celebrated Advent and Christmas through the Leesburg Nativity Tour put on by . It was so special! We searched all over historic downtown Leesburg to find the nativity scenes placed in shops, restaurants, and businesses. The kids loved how each nativity was so different. Thereā€™s something powerful about taking time to slow down during this busy season and just look at the nativity scene, to pause and remember the miracle of our Saviorā€™s birth, and to be reminded of the wonder that our Messiah would enter into the mess of our worldā€¦because God so loved you and me. The end of our tour commenced with a free hot chocolate at our favorite spot, ! We love our town and we love that these businesses were willing to give Jesus a spot of honor this Christmas. Because He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the one and only hope our hearts long for- the One who brings joy and peace into this weary world. I hope this becomes a family tradition for us, I look forward to the nativity tour next year!

Photos from Caitlin Jane's post 12/22/2022

This Christmas, music fills our home! Iā€™m overwhelmed by this sweet gift that the Lord has brought to our family. This circa 1934 piano now resides in our family room, and will be cherished as an instrument for worship. Thank you, Lord, for this unexpected Christmas blessing. You know the desires of our hearts, and you are a good Father. I pray that the songs will just overflow from these keys and be lifted up in praise to Heaven. I pray that my little ones will grow to love music more and more, and use their creativity and talents for your glory. šŸŽ„šŸŽ¹šŸŒŸ


One year ago on December 1st, I gathered with an amazing group of women from church and we prayed outside the United States Supreme Court as the Justices heard the testimonies for ā€¦Thank you Jesus that the barbaric and unconstitutional ruling of Roe was overturned in 2022! We rejoice in this victory that will be remembered as one of the greatest moments in our nationā€™s history. I pray that 2023 will have a fresh wave of hope and life sweep across this nation through personal and national repentance and hearts of revival. This Christmas, we celebrate the sweet babe in the manger over 2000 years ago, yet we also remember how Herod horrifically set out to massacre all the babies at that timeā€¦may we pray in earnest for the babies now who are endangered every day in our nation, in the many states that still allow and promote the murder of unborn (an even born alive) children. May our hearts weep over this modern-day child sacrifice and may we never stop pursuing peace for all humanity, especially the most vulnerable and small among us. We seek the face of the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, and know that He is the One who redeems even the greatest tragedies and can use what is evil and turn it for good. Lord, may we never forget the 63+ million babies weā€™ve lost. You know each one of their names and these precious souls are in your presence in Heaven now. A choir singing the most glorious praise. May we never stop our work to end abortion until every baby is safe in his or her motherā€™s womb. We will not stop, for you call us to not grow weary in this work. We fix our eyes on Christ!


Happy Advent! āœØIā€™m so thankful for .liberty and helping me prepare my heart to make room for HIM this season. Iā€™m thankful for milk and honey, jingle bells and twinkling stars, candles and coffee, hymnals and hearts of prayerā€¦and all the promises of Jesus made yes and amen, because Emmanuel came and God is with us. Yes, He is here with us, now and forever. Hope has come. The Word made flesh. And so even in all the bustle of the season, we can take time to be still and know that He is God.


ā€œI will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.ā€ Psalm 69:30

Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg,VA | 7:00 PM Service 11/24/2022

Two of my friends (Melodie Mandanis and Joanna Heiser) shared their testimonies tonight at our Thanksgiving Eve service. Stories of miracles and healings and Godā€™s ever-present help in time of trouble. Stories thatā€¦if you donā€™t yet believe in Godā€¦you will have a hard time not believing after you hear what He has done in their lives! So I dare you- go ahead, listen. ā¤ļø

Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg,VA | 7:00 PM Service Thanks for being with us! You're watching the Wednesday Evening service of Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg,VA. Join us every Wednesday Night at 7:00 PM EST a...

Photos from Caitlin Jane's post 11/21/2022

Iā€™m not very instant these daysā€¦so hereā€™s a little ā€œlater gramā€ to remember the amazing night that the Mosaic Virginia Gala wasā€¦ ā¤ļø So many friends coming together to celebrate and support the incredible work of this Pregnancy Resource Center! Praising God for all He is doing in the lives of the moms, dads, babies, and children! Praising God for the staff and volunteers who keep the ministry of Mosaic running so beautifully! Praising God for the new maternity home they are opening! Praising God for Pastor Gary and the new ministries of Safe Haven and Interwoven at Cornerstone Chapel! Praising God for Ryan Bomberger and the vast-reaching work of the Radiance Foundation! What a night! God is good!


We always enjoy visits to our local pregnancy centers šŸ’™ Thank you Birthright of Loudoun for all you do! All the workers and volunteers are amazing!!! #


Homeschool Lesson for the day: Exercising our amazing freedom to vote here in this great nation! It was a joy getting to meet Suzanne Fox, who, Lord willing, will be the next Mayor of Leesburg, VA! She was so sweet with our kids, got down on their level and really cared about getting to know them. Thatā€™s the kind of leadership I hope our sweet historic town has in this coming seasonā€¦leadership that cares about this next generation! We also got to meet Mike Rivera running for Loudoun County School Board (what a hero!) and we are so excited for Hung Cao who will hopefully be our next representative in U.S. Congress! Great things ahead! Itā€™s a great day to be an American and remember how beautiful this country really is. May we never take freedom for granted.


My little superheroes spending their Saturday morning praying for the moms and babies going into that abortion mill behind them. My plan was to go shopping at a rummage sale or do the county farm tour this morning, but my 3-year-old told me at bedtime, ā€œI want to pray outside the abortion clinicā€¦because I want to help save the babies.ā€ Itā€™s not that itā€™s fun for her, she gets tired and antsy being out on the sidewalk praying, and she tells me ā€œitā€™s hard work saving babies,ā€ but her little heart is so convicted and compassionate that she wants to do it anyway. If we let them, the little children will lead us. They will set an example for usā€¦in speech, in life, in conduct, in faith, and in purity. Jesus said to become like children to enter into His kingdom. I feel like as a mom Iā€™m always weary trying to shape them, correct them, instruct them, admonish themā€¦but then sometimes I realize I need to sit back for a moment and let them lead me by their beautiful example of faith. Their precious hearts that simply love Jesus and simply love life. They love all that is good and true and beautiful. Thank you, sweet little ones, for leading by your example.

Photos from Caitlin Jane's post 10/11/2022

We had such a special day at the National Zoo! When my kids started memorizing the Bible verses from my BELIEVING BUTTERFLY book, I asked Joey what he wanted as a prize if he memorized all 26, and he answered ā€œgo to the National Zoo!ā€ So we have been working on this and waiting for this special day for quite a while. The fun part while we were there was going on a scavenger hunt with our book! We found so many of the animalsā€¦šŸ˜Encouraging Elephant, šŸ¼Patient Panda, šŸŠAlert Alligator, šŸ¦ŽImaginative Iguana, šŸ¢Thankful Turtle, šŸ„Courageous Cow, and šŸ Forgiving Fish. We also saw (not pictured) a šŸ¦“Zealous Zebra, šŸ“Honest Horse, šŸYoung Yellowjacket, and šŸ¦Loyal Lion. We missed thešŸ¦‰Obedient Owl and šŸ¦­Strong Seal. I hope other families will use this idea for motivation to memorize the Bible verses together from the book and have a fun zoo scavenger hunt day! ā€œRemember my words in your hearts and souls. Write them downā€¦Teach them well to your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road. Talk about them when you lie down and when you get up.ā€(Deuteronomy 11:18-19) You can remember and talk about Godā€™s Word even on an zoo adventure day! (Find the book ā€œBelieving Butterflyā€ on Amazon or at ā˜ŗļø)

P.S. full disclaimerā€¦while going over the verses on the way to the zoo, mama realized we need to brush up on the early alphabet verses šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve been slacking!

Photos from Caitlin Jane's post 09/30/2022

Our family loves pregnancy resource centers. We love the work they do. We love getting to know the staff, board, donors and volunteers. We love being a part of the local community here in NOVA that supports Mosaic Virginia ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøThe folks that keep this ministry going day in and day out with their overflowing hearts of love and service and compassion are the true heroes in this world. If you arenā€™t involved with a local pregnancy center in your area- now, more than ever, they need you! Find one in your hometown and ask to take a tour. Ask about what they do to support women and children. Ask what needs they have. I promise, if you get involved, you will never regret it. It may just change your life as you step up to help save lives. Great seeing a few Mosaic friends tonight as we are all looking forward to the Gala in November when will be keynoting (get ready for one amazing night!)


For my local NOVA friendsā€¦they need 10 more folks to make this blood drive happen šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ Sign up and come out Saturday if youā€™re eligible and willing!

FBI SWAT Team Conducts Early-Morning Raid, Arrests Pro-Life Activist At Pennsylvania Home: Report 09/25/2022

Defend innocent babies being slaughtered, defend your son being harassed, and watch out, FBI comes and kidnaps you at gunpoint. What in the world is going on? And where is the main stream media? Silent.
Church, we cannot be silent as this administration wages an all out attack on the church. If we are silent, then our stance is to allow evil to prevail. If we are silent, then we bow down to the world instead of the Word. Please pray for this man and his wife and children. Please be bold in your witness for Christ, for truth, for the gospel, for life. We cannot live in fear, Jesus promised that He will be with us no matter what persecution or trials we face. Come what may, our God reigns.

FBI SWAT Team Conducts Early-Morning Raid, Arrests Pro-Life Activist At Pennsylvania Home: Report ā€” News ā€”FBI SWAT Team Conducts Early-Morning Raid, Arrests Pro-Life Activist At Pennsylvania Home:Ā ReportBy John Rigolizzoā€¢Sep 25, 2022 DailyWire.comā€¢FacebookTwitterMailNes/Getty Images FBI agents reportedly raided the home of a pro-life activist in Pennsylvania on Friday and arrested him.A...

Live Stream 09/21/2022

Watch Ryan Bomberger on Daystar live!

Live Stream Watch all your favorite Daystar programs liveā€”24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

September Sky - Caitlin Jane 09/12/2022

21 years ago todayā€¦

September Sky - Caitlin Jane Caitlin Jane's original song, "September Sky" written in 2001, right after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. www.caitlinjanetunes.comMay this song be a memorial...

Evening Special with John Amanchukwu | Cornerstone Chapel 08/21/2022

Every American needs to hear John K. Amanchukwu Sr. speak! Amazing message he gave at Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA this past Wednesday. Courageous truth exposing the evils of and .

Evening Special with John Amanchukwu | Cornerstone Chapel 2022/08/17ABOUT US: you made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior text "I have decided" to 703...


My prolife warriors singing and praying outside an abortion clinic ā¤ļø

Photos from Caitlin Jane's post 08/07/2022

A Saturday morning spent praying for moms and babies outside of an abortion clinic near DCā€¦Worshipping, singing, praying, loving, and spreading joy is how we fight the greatest and darkest spiritual battles. We continue to pray for moms we encountered and talked with in the parking lot yesterday. My heart especially aches for one who was being manipulated and seemingly forced to have an abortion by the man in her life (we see these stories time and time again- clearly no choice or empowerment for the woman). She was so excited to talk with us and wanted to go to the pregnancy center for help down the streetā€¦she wanted to make sure her baby was safe, she wanted helpā€¦but sadly she ended up in the abortion mill for hours and we didnā€™t see her again. The deception and manipulation of men to use women and force women to kill their children is unthinkable. Itā€™s also sickening and sad to see all the male volunteer ā€œescortsā€ who rush to walk the women into the abortion mills- a man escorting a woman to the death of her baby, and doing so proudly, as if to say ā€œYou women really arenā€™t strong. You arenā€™t capable. You arenā€™t good enough. You are trash. Your baby is worthless. We will tear your body apart today and take your baby in the process, then send you home alone to cry and bleed and feel the emptiness.ā€ Praise God that even in the midst of such horrific darkness, there is light: Jesus. Praise God that even in the absolute hopelessness, there is hope: Jesus. Praise God that no matter what pain, sin, suffering, abuse, lies, or loss someone may endureā€¦there is forgiveness and there is healing: Jesus.
In this dawn of Post-Roe, we celebrate, but we still have so much work to do. Please, friends, commit to pray for the unborn daily. Please friends, support your local pregnancy help center with your time and treasure. Please friends, if there is an abortion clinic anywhere near you, take even just one hour and go outside to pray. This is spiritual warfare and we conquer darkness when we pray in the name of Jesus!

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Videos (show all)

Join Pro-Life Kids Team on Saturday, June 24th for Mosaic Miles for Life! Walk/Run to support mamas and save babies in N...
#heartbeat !My prolife warriors singing and praying outside an abortion clinic ā¤ļø
ROE IS OVERTURNED! ā¤ļøForget the fancy meme I was about to postā€¦my little life-lovers wanted to share the news with the w...
Iā€™m finally posting this from last monthā€¦because my son wants the world to know something very important: that he is a f...
Doing a quick last minute practice before my concert tonight...and look who is my backup singer šŸ˜‚ I love this baby! #sin...
My little Beethoven! šŸ˜‚ I can't get enough of this kid...he makes us laugh so hard. He sure loves his little red piano! ā¤...
Getting ready for Friday!  Trinity House Cafe 7 pm start!
Tonight's concert, Hebrews cafe
Two years since miracle surgery!
Now this is what I call incredible music! šŸŽ¼#watermusic #amazingtalent #genius #beautiful #crystalmusic #crystalglasses #...



Leesburg, VA

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