
As technology continues to develop, the 21st Century will continue to change, placing public safety personnel under greater scrutiny and stress.

BlueEQ™ is the world’s most applicable, thorough, and impactful emotional intelligence organization and specializes in leadership development, consulting, facilitation, training, and comprehensive assessment. We live in a new age of radical transparency, and when you add the transformational changes that are taking place in an already high hazard/high stress/high stakes environment results are oft


Are you ready for the headwinds? [email protected]


Leaders play a crucial role in shaping organizational culture. To fix a toxic culture by fostering emotional intelligence and psychological safety, they can implement the following strategies:

1) Lead by example: Leaders should model emotional intelligence and psychological safety in their own behavior, demonstrating empathy, self-awareness, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. This will set the tone for the entire organization.

2) Encourage open communication: Establish a culture where employees feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of retribution. This can be achieved by promoting active listening, constructive feedback, and regular check-ins.

3) Provide training and resources: Offer training programs and workshops that focus on emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and psychological safety. Encourage employees to develop these skills and provide them with the necessary resources to do so.

4) Foster a supportive environment: Create a work environment that encourages collaboration, inclusivity, and mutual support. This includes celebrating successes, recognizing individual contributions, and providing opportunities for team-building activities.

5) Address toxic behavior: Confront and address toxic behavior, such as bullying, harassment, or discrimination, swiftly and decisively. Implement clear policies and consequences for such behavior, and make sure everyone in the organization understands them. [email protected]

6) Empower employees: Encourage employees to take ownership of their work and provide them with the autonomy to make decisions. This can improve their sense of psychological safety and increase their engagement and job satisfaction.

7) Measure and monitor progress: Regularly assess the state of the organization's culture and track improvements in emotional intelligence and psychological safety. Use surveys, focus groups, or other tools to gather employee feedback and adjust strategies as needed. By demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement, senior leaders can create a culture that is emotionally intelligent and psychologically safe for all employees.


Don't miss out on this webinar where you'll gain insights on utilizing emotional intelligence from a remarkable individual who has raised 12 kids, 8 of whom were adopted at once. This is a story that you won't want to miss, taught by a truly inspiring man. Sign up now: [email protected]


10 Ways to Create Psychological Safety a Home. Start this Weekend [email protected]

1. Set aside dedicated time for open and honest communication, where each family member can express their thoughts and feelings without interruption or judgment.

2. Practice active listening by fully engaging with what the other person is saying, making eye contact, and asking clarifying questions.

3. Show empathy and understanding by putting yourself in the other person's shoes and acknowledging their perspective.

4. Establish clear boundaries and expectations for behavior, communication, and decision-making within the household.

5. Encourage individuality and personal growth by allowing each family member to pursue their own interests and passions.

6. Create opportunities for family members to share their thoughts and feelings, such as through regular family meetings or through a shared journal.

7. Acknowledge and validate the emotions of others by showing that you understand and accept their feelings, even if you don't agree with them.

8. Show appreciation and gratitude towards each other by regularly expressing your gratitude for the other person's presence and contributions.

9. Take responsibility for your actions and apologize when necessary, acknowledging and making amends for any hurt caused.

10. Encourage and support healthy problem-solving and conflict resolution by teaching effective communication skills, such as "I" statements and active listening, and by modeling these skills in your own interactions with others.


Do you think inclusion is a behavior rooted in your Emotional Intelligence?


Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Safety are the best kept secrets to creating well-being in the workplace. Benefits: Lower turnover, higher engagement, greater profits, and happy employees! .com


7 Ways to Reduce Stress when Flying with a Group

Communicate: If you are traveling with a group or family, make sure everyone is on the same page about the itinerary, travel plans, and any other important details. This can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.

Set expectations: If you are traveling with children, make sure they know what to expect during the flight, such as sitting in their seats, using quiet voices, and following the rules of the airline.

Divide and conquer: If you are traveling with a group, consider dividing up tasks, such as checking in, going through security, and carrying luggage. This can help reduce the workload for any one person and make the process go more smoothly.

Be flexible: Things don't always go as planned when traveling, so try to be flexible and go with the flow. This can help reduce stress and make the experience more enjoyable for everyone.

Practice patience: Flights can be frustrating, especially when things don't go as planned. Try to stay patient and remember that everyone is in the same situation.

Take breaks: If you are traveling with small children, make sure to take breaks and give them a chance to stretch their legs and get some fresh air. This can help prevent meltdowns and keep everyone feeling more relaxed.

Seek help: If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, don't be afraid to ask for help. Flight attendants and other airport staff are there to assist you and make your travel experience as smooth as possible.


Listening and practicing empathetic leadership will increase your influence as a leader and garner loyalty from your employees. If your interested in developing your skills as a leader visit and sign up to attend one of our virtual workshops today.

Modernize Your Safety Incentive Program -- Occupational Health & Safety 04/12/2022

Psychological Safety is not just a concept for white collar, office jobs. Some of the earliest studies into psychological safety were done on oil rigs where it was shown after psychological safety training the levels of work related accidents went down significantly. This was due to workers feeling more comfortable reporting hazards and oversights they saw while working. When operating in a high risk job, such as oil rigs, feeling empowered to report something you see could save a life. If your interested in exploring how psychological safety training could benefit your business give us a call at 435-222-4425 or visit

Modernize Your Safety Incentive Program -- Occupational Health & Safety New advancements in gamification, automation, and behavior rewarding deliver stronger accident reduction.

Top 3: Psychological Safety Is Needed To Make Your DEI Initiatives Work 04/06/2022

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is the hottest new HR initiative. However, DEI is more then just a trend - it is a movement that is vital to the health of our economy and the success of your business. The key to get the most our of your diverse teams is to add psychological safety training, like that offered through, into your DEI initiative. Read our blog below for more information on how this works!

Top 3: Psychological Safety Is Needed To Make Your DEI Initiatives Work In theory the greater the diversity of people on a team, the increase of unique ideas and differences in points of view – ultimately leading to a world class team of innovators. However, what people don’t like to talk about is often these teams of highly qualified, yet truly diverse people tend ...


If your striving to create an employee culture that cultivates innovative products and solutions you need to ensure your employees feel safe to take risks. It is your leadership’s responsibility to create a psychologically safe work environment where their teams feel safe to take risks, collaborate and ask questions. If you think your company could use help improving in the area of psychological safety visit today.

Harnessing the Power of Age Diversity 04/04/2022

Are tensions between different generations escalating? In organizations, lack of trust between older and younger workers often yields a culture of competition and resentment that leads to real productivity losses. If you feel this is an issue in your place of work may have some solutions for you! Give us a call at 435-222-4425 to start improving productivity at your company today.

Harnessing the Power of Age Diversity Generational identity should be a source of learning, not division.


IT'S NOT TOO LATE! Join Michael Gillespie the founder of BlueEQ, a world leader on developing Emotional Intelligence in the workplace, as he presents new research on how Emotional Intelligence is emerging as the key driver of well-being at work and at home. This is a free 1 hour webinar TODAY at 11:00AM (MST).
Register Here:

The 1-hour webinar will address these three areas:

1. Current research on the 7 key behaviors that diminish emotional intelligence in the workplace.
2. New thoughts on the 5 behaviors that accelerate workplace well-being.
3. Practical strategies leaders can implement immediately.

This webinar qualifies for 1 hour of SHRM and HRCI credit.

3 Reasons Employee Wellbeing Matters 03/29/2022

Wellbeing is becoming more important to the employee experience. With mental health and social wellbeing being pulled to the forefront of workplace culture in relation to job satisfaction it's imperative to have a substantial employee wellbeing strategy focused on overall wellbeing to ensure employee retention. Wellbeing initiatives and workplace training that focus on emotional intelligence are shown to lower staff turnover, increase employee mental wellbeing and decrease burnout. If you want more information on how Emotional Intelligence can help to improve employee wellbeing at your company join Michael Gillespie the founder of BlueEQ, a world leader on developing Emotional Intelligence in the workplace, as he presents new research on how Emotional Intelligence is emerging as the key driver of well-being at work and at home. This is a free 1 hour webinar on March 31 at 11:00AM (MST). Register Here:

The 1-hour webinar will address these three areas:

1. Current research on the 7 key behaviors that diminish emotional intelligence in the workplace.
2. New thoughts on the 5 behaviors that accelerate workplace well-being.
3. Practical strategies leaders can implement immediately.

This webinar qualifies for 1 hour of SHRM and HRCI credit.

3 Reasons Employee Wellbeing Matters Wellbeing is the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy – a concept that was previously not associated with work. Slowly people’s expectations of what a job should provide them has increased and this shift has been accelerated by 2020 pandemic.

Trust Built on Employee Wellbeing: 3 Phrases management can use to build a positive culture. 03/23/2022

Building a positive culture at work doesn't have to be complicated. Sometimes it's as easy as just knowing the right thing to say. If your looking to dig deeper and start creating sustainable change within your company visit!

Trust Built on Employee Wellbeing: 3 Phrases management can use to build a positive culture. As a leader building trust with your team is imperative. Without trust your social effectiveness, influence and relationship management are all compromised.


Do you have unhappy employees in your workplace? Have you considered the implications this could be having on your company profits? If you recognize this as a problem but are not sure how to begin addressing it I invite you to join Michael Gillespie the founder of BlueEQ, a world leader on developing Emotional Intelligence in the workplace, as he presents new research on how Emotional Intelligence is emerging as the key driver of well-being at work and at home. This is a free 1 hour webinar on March 31 at 11:00AM (MST). Register Here:

The 1-hour webinar will address these three areas:

1. Current research on the 7 key behaviors that diminish emotional intelligence in the workplace.
2. New thoughts on the 5 behaviors that accelerate workplace well-being.
3. Practical strategies leaders can implement immediately.

This webinar qualifies for 1 hour of SHRM and HRCI credit.


Free 1 hour webinar on March 31 at 11:00AM (MST).
Register Here:
On Mar 31, 2022 11:00 AM (MST) join Michael Gillespie the founder of BlueEQ, a world leader on developing Emotional Intelligence in the workplace, as he presents new research on how Emotional Intelligence is emerging as the key driver of well-being at work and at home.

The 1-hour webinar will address these three areas:

1. Current research on the 7 key behaviors that diminish emotional intelligence in the workplace.
2. New thoughts on the 5 behaviors that accelerate workplace well-being.
3. Practical strategies leaders can implement immediately.

This webinar qualifies for 1 hour of SHRM and HRCI credit.

BlueEQ™ on LinkedIn: Top 5 Quickest Ways to Increase Workplace Wellbeing 03/16/2022

Workplace wellbeing is on track to become 2022’s HR buzzword. Since 2016 research has been pouring out supporting the benefits of enhanced employee wellbeing at the office; from lower healthcare costs, better job satisfaction to improved company reputation – the benefits seem to be endless and rewarding. These are some quick ways to improve your workplace wellbeing right now. If your interested in creating sustainable change within your organization visit to discover the industry leading solutions.

BlueEQ™ on LinkedIn: Top 5 Quickest Ways to Increase Workplace Wellbeing Workplace wellbeing is on track to become 2022’s HR buzzword. Since 2016 research has been pouring out supporting the benefits of enhanced employee wellbeing...

Empathy Is The Most Important Leadership Skill According To Research 03/15/2022

Empathy 💙 has always been a critical skill for leaders, but it is taking on a new level of meaning and priority. Far from a soft approach it can drive significant business results. BlueEQ Workshops are designed specifically for leaders and managers at all levels to learn how to improve core skills necessary in leadership roles, including empathy. If your a leader or have aspirations to move higher up in your organizations BlueEQ offers virtual workshops across all time zones. Check out our schedule here:
Visit for more info!

Empathy Is The Most Important Leadership Skill According To Research You always knew demonstrating empathy is positive for people, but new research demonstrates its importance for everything from innovation to retention.


To build a successful company you need to hire people with integrity! BlueEQ offers the most comprehensive emotional intelligence assessment in the industry. This assessment can provide insight into new hires and help ensure your hiring the right people for your team. To learn how BlueEQ can help with your hiring practices visit!

Council Post: Psychological Safety At Work: Why It Matters And How To Create It 03/09/2022

Psychological Safety can be the difference between your company move forward or falling behind. Here are 6 ways to create psychological safety in your organization:
1. Be open with your team.
2. Encourage and reward conscientious dissent.
3. Practice active listening and emotional agility.
4. Clarify expectations to build an accountability culture.
5. Develop mutual trust.
6. Focus on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging initiatives.

If your ready to get serious about Psychological Safety visit to discover practical solutions for your organization.

Council Post: Psychological Safety At Work: Why It Matters And How To Create It Here are six common practices and approaches that can help enhance psychological safety in your workplace.

55 Inspiring Quotes That Show the Importance of Emotional Intelligence 03/03/2022

Sometimes we forget that some of history's most inspiring leaders implored the use of emotional intelligence (before it was a THING). Take some time to feel inspired with these 55 quotes highlighting the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership & success. Visit if your ready to start incorporating emotional intelligence into your work culture!

55 Inspiring Quotes That Show the Importance of Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is a major factor in our success.


The devastating developments in Ukraine will have far-reaching consequences for many beyond its’ borders. The safety of our Ukrainian partners, colleagues, friends and their families are of utmost concern. Our hearts go out to all of the innocent people of Ukraine and surrounding communities. We encourage all people in the world to keep the people of Ukraine in your thoughts, prayers and actions. Please help anyway you can no matter how big or small it may be.


You have 1 more week to register! Next week you have the opportunity to join Michael Gillespie the founder of BlueEQ, a world leader on developing Emotional Intelligence in the workplace, as he presents new research on how Psychological Safety is a main promoter in well-being in the workplace.
When: March 3, 2022 11:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this webinar:

It's Time to Synchronize Your DEI and Wellbeing Strategies 02/23/2022

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and wellbeing are top priorities as leaders navigate the disclosure economy, the "Great Resignation" and a competitive talent market. Training your leaders to create psychologically safe spaces is key to promoting both of these workplace elements. Visit or give us a call at 435-222-4425 for more info on how we can help your company succeed!

It's Time to Synchronize Your DEI and Wellbeing Strategies Wellbeing and DEI stagnate when treated as separate initiatives. Read why -- and how -- the two must work together for your organization to thrive.

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Our Story

We live in a new age of radical transparency, and when you add the transformational changes that are taking place in an already high hazard/high stress/high stakes environment results are often fatigue and burnout. As technology continues to develop, the 21st Century will continue to change, placing all personnel under greater scrutiny and stress. The need to understand and develop your emotional intelligence has never been greater.

BlueEQ includes five skills. Each skill is comprised of five dimensions. To improve a skill, focus on developing the dimensions within that skill. For each skill and dimension, BlueEQ generates your score as an average rating for a set of questions. This comprehensive approach allows the participant to identify and isolate behaviors and skills in very specific ways. Once areas of weakness and blind spots are identified, participants can develop a plan of improvement.

Videos (show all)

Build Resilience with BlueEQ
Manage you ego with BlueEQ
*insert sigh of relief* We are halfway through the work week! What better time then now to start improving our mindfulne...
BlueEQ 3 Simple Steps


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