NorthRidge Farms, Lewiston, NY Videos

Videos by NorthRidge Farms in Lewiston. Welcome to NorthRidge Farm! Home to miniature dairy goats Registered with ADGA, Disease-tested herd

I think someone is about to pop.. First freshener NorthRidge Farms GM Raisin who's due today is looking absolutely gorgeous! I never imagined having such a beautiful crop of first fresheners this year ❤️

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I think someone is about to pop.. First freshener NorthRidge Farms GM Raisin who's due today is looking absolutely gorgeous! I never imagined having such a beautiful crop of first fresheners this year ❤️

And We're off to an early start! Raffi kidded with a single polled & moonspotted doeling on the 15th! I'm starting to think I might've gotten a few of the due dates wrong on some of these does, Looking like two more might go in the next couple of days 🤔 It's always a surprise here at our farm 😂