Bertrand Law Firm, PC

Providing honest and reliable legal services for 30 years. Estate planning, probate, real estate and business transactions.

Bertrand Law Firm has been serving the citizens of the DFW area since 1997. I am the President and owner and have been engaged in the practice of law since 1992. I have an MBA in Business and a JD in Law from Texas Tech University. I have a busy estate planning and probate practice as well as real estate and business transactions. Our firm handles a wide variety of legal matters including the foll


I wanted to take a moment to thank all of my clients for their trust in me, their friendship and the opportunity to help them with their most important life decisions. I have been an attorney for 31 years now. I don't advertise and I rely on referrals from friends and clients. I am at a point in my career where I limit the amount of business I take on each month because it would be too overwhelming otherwise. That is a wonderful problem to have. Thank you for those who have referred me their friends, family and colleagues. I appreciate it more than you can know. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy new year. --Greg


Temperatures are rising and summer is here. If you have unfinished New Years' Resolutions to update your estate planning (Wills, Powers of Attorney and/or Trust), now is the perfect time. I have been drafting Wills and Trusts for 30 +years and I would appreciate the opportunity to help you plan for the future. Give me a call and I can make the process easy and stress free.


Spring Cleaning Time. Blue Bonnets. I want to add one more season to the mix-Estate Planning Season. If you do not have a current Will, Health Care Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney (for financial matters) and a Living Will, you need to get them done. It is important that you plan for the worst case situation to ensure that your family is not left with an expensive legal mess. If you have minor children or have been previously married with children, things can get really complicated. We make it easy to get these things done. You can simply call our office and we will email you an questionnaire you can complete and email back to us at your convenience. I'll review your responses, draft your documents for review and once we get it just right, you can execute and be done. Or we'll schedule an office visit just like the old days.


Hints of fall weather are in the air and soon it will be here. If you have unfinished New Years' Resolutions to update your estate planning (Wills, Powers of Attorney and/or Trust), now is the perfect time. I have been drafting Wills and Trusts for almost 30 years and I would appreciate the opportunity to help you plan for the future. Give me a call and I can make the process easy and stress free.


Spring Cleaning Time. Blue Bonnets. I want to add one more season to the mix-Estate Planning Season. If you do not have a current Will, Health Care Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney (for financial matters) and a Living Will, you need to get them done. It is important that you plan for the worst case situation to insure that your family is not left with an expensive legal mess. If you have minor children or have been previously married with children, things can get really complicated. We make it easy to get these things done. You can simply call our office and we will email you a questionnaire you can complete and email back to us at your convenience. I'll review your responses, draft your documents for review and once we make any changes you require, you can execute and be done. I've been drafting estate documents for almost 30 years. Call today or send me an email at: [email protected].


We are all cooped up at home and going stir crazy. You can still work on your New Year's Resolutions. If you have been meaning to get your Will updated, now is the perfect time to start the process. I make the process as easy as it can be. I will E-mail to you a Will Information Sheet for your completion on your schedule. In fact, in most cases, we can do most of our work by E-mail so you only have to come in when you sign your estate documents. Call or email me to get started. I have been preparing Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney for 28 years.


Everyone please stay home and stay safe. This too shall pass.


It's that time of year. Resolutions! Time to mark a resolution off of your list-Estate Planning. Whether a Will, Health Care Power of Attorney, Financial Power of Attorney, Living Will or Trust, now is the time to get it done. I make the process as easy as it can be. You can come in to meet with me first or most of my clients prefer that we E-mail to you a Will Information Sheet for your completion on your schedule. In fact, in most cases, we can do most of our work by E-mail so you only have to come in when you sign your estate documents. Call or email me to get started. I have been preparing Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney for 28 years.


It's the time of year again when I get the chance to wish all of my friends, family and clients a wonderful holiday season and a happy, safe and prosperous new year. Merry Christmas and thank you for making 2019 a great year.


Have you covered all of your bases? Baseball season is in full swing, summer is officially over and fall is here. It’s never too late to check off one of your New Year’s Resolutions from January. If you haven’t taken care of your estate planning needs, it’s time. Whether you need a simple Will, Health Care Power of Attorney or Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney, Living Will or a Living Trust, I can help you. Our process is easy and you move at your pace. I’ll send you a questionnaire to complete and when you’re ready, you return the questionnaire and I draft your documents for review. The only time you need to visit my office is when we execute your final documents. If you have children, if you are re-married or you just want to insure your property is distributed according to your wishes, then now is the time to get it done. I have been preparing estate planning documents for 27 years and I can help. [email protected]; 972-317-9999


Have you covered all of your bases? Spring is here-that means warmer weather, spring cleaning plans and . . . a review of your New Year's Resolutions. If you haven’t taken care of your estate planning needs, now's the time. Whether you need a simple Will, Health Care Power of Attorney or Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney, Living Will or a Living Trust, I can help you. Our process is easy and you move at your pace. I’ll send you a questionnaire to complete and when you’re ready, you return the questionnaire and I draft your documents for review. The only time you need to visit my office is when we execute your final documents. If you have children, if you are re-married or you just want to insure your property is distributed according to your wishes, then now is the time to get your affairs in order and off your mind. I have been preparing estate planning documents for 25 years and I can help. I give discounts to police officers and teachers. 972-317-9999 or [email protected]


HAPPY NEW YEAR to my friends and clients. In addition to working less, losing weight and avoiding a twitter battle with President Trump, it's time to add estate planning to your new year's resolutions. Whether you need a Will, Health Care Power of Attorney, Financial Power of Attorney, Living Will or Trust, now is the time to get it done. I make the process as easy as it can be. You can come in to meet with me first or most of my clients prefer that we E-mail to you a Will Information Sheet for your completion on your schedule. In fact, in most cases, we can do most of our work by E-mail so you only have to come in when you sign your estate documents. Call or email me to get started. I have been preparing Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney for 25 years. Don't let another year go by without having your estate planning done.


Thank you for making 2017 a great year for the Bertrand Law Firm. As we close out this year, we want to say how thankful we are for our wonderful friends and clients. We wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. See you in 2018.


Happy Thanksgiving to my FB friends and clients. May your day be spent with family and good friends. Be safe.


Small business owners have it tough. They work long hours, manage employees and try to keep their customers satisfied. But it's the unforeseen events that cause the most trouble. But you can cut down on unforeseen events by consulting an attorney before you sign any important contract, like a lease, employment agreement, purchase agreement or other major agreement. Even before firing key employees. I have been representing businesses for 25+ years and advising my clients on all aspects of their business, including their corporate maintenance, contractual and employment matters, such as terminations. Before you sign that long-term contract, consider consulting with an experienced business attorney. It can save you headaches and money in the future.


Like a tree, businesses don't get big overnight. You have to care for and nuture them so they continue to grow. As an owner, you put a lot of effort into building your business, finding the right pricing level and creating procedures and marketing plans to attract new businesses. And most importantly, you have built up a valuable client/customer list. The last thing you want is for an employee to leave your company and try to take your customers and confidential information to a competing business. That's why it's important for many businesses to have written employment agreements to protect the proprietary information of your business to the fullest extent available under Texas law. Employment agreements can be for key employees only or for all employees. The type of business you have will dictate your need. Contact a qualified business attorney to discuss your needs in detail.


It’s all about Trust. I hear a lot of financial planners offer advice that everyone should have a Living Trust. What I have found is that many people don’t need a Living Trust as part of their estate planning and paying $2000-$5000 for something most people don’t want or need is a waste of money. What is a Living Trust? It is a document which is created during your lifetime to hold assets, such as real estate, investments or other property. When do you need to consider a Living Trust? Some popular reasons include if you have substantial assets you want to protect from liability, if you want to avoid probate, if you want to lock up your estate upon your death and have specific instructions on how your estate will be distributed or used to support your beneficiaries for years. One mistake I hear financial planners make is to suggest that people place their homestead/residence in a Living Trust. In Texas, that’s a bad idea. You may very well lose the homestead protection in the event of personal liability that homeowners in Texas rely upon. There are many types of Trusts, including marital trusts, retirement trusts, special needs trusts and Irrevocable Trusts. If you decide a Trust is right for your situation, it should be done as a part of your Will preparation and overall estate planning and in consultation with your attorney. If I can help answer any questions, give me a call or email me: [email protected]


Elderly parents you care for, freak accidents, car crashes and unexpected illnesses-these are all reasons why you should have Powers of Attorney for Health Care and Finances in the event you are unable to make decisions for yourself for a temporary period of time. By having properly prepared Powers of Attorney, you are legally allowed to appoint one or more persons to make your health care decisions or financial decisions for you if you cannot do so yourself. You can list a primary agent(s) and as many alternate agents as you wish. These powers are only used when you can’t make the decisions, then once you are able to, the powers go away. And you can change, modify or revoke these powers at any time. The persons you appoint for your health care decisions may be different from the persons you appoint for your financial decisions. These powers are important and whoever you appoint should be carefully considered. While these documents are typically done when you prepare your last Will & Testament, I have found that many people do not have them. And if you have elderly parents you care for, these documents are a must as you navigate Medicare, medical insurance, prescriptions, doctor visits or simply help an elderly relative with paying their bills and managing their financial affairs. If I can help answer any questions, please call or email me: [email protected]


What one word is the most unromantic word in the English language? “Prenup”. As in Prenuptial or Premarital Agreement. The word has a bad connotation, but it is quite useful and legally appropriate in certain circumstances. And it’s not just for wealthy people. If you are getting re-married and you have assets from a previous marriage, such as a house or other real estate, stocks, bonds or other investments, then you should consider a Premarital Agreement. What is a Premarital Agreement? It’s not about distrust or divorce, it’s a legal document designed to clearly set forth what property is separate property acquired prior to remarriage and how to keep that property separate during the marriage. Premarital Agreements are often very useful in helping to protect separate assets for children and grandchildren in the event of death. If you are getting remarried and have questions about whether or not a Premarital Agreement is right for you and your circumstances, feel free to contact me at your convenience.


Have you covered all of your bases? Baseball season is in full swing, summer is almost over and fall is right around the corner. It’s never too late to check off one of your New Year’s Resolutions. If you haven’t taken care of your estate planning needs, it’s time. Whether you need a simple Will, Health Care Power of Attorney or Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney, Living Will or a Living Trust, I can help you. Our process is easy and you move at your pace. I’ll send you a questionnaire to complete and when you’re ready, you return the questionnaire and I draft your documents for review. The only time you need to visit my office is when we execute your final documents. If you have children, if you are re-married or you just want to insure your property is distributed according to your wishes, then now is the time to get your affairs in order. I have been preparing estate planning documents for 25 years and I can help. Have a great rest of your summer! [email protected]

Timeline photos 01/04/2017

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my friends, family and clients. In addition to working less, losing weight and avoiding a twitter battle with President Trump, it's time to add estate planning to your new years' resolutions. Whether you need a Will, Health Care Power of Attorney, Financial/Durable Power of Attorney, Living Will, Living Trust or all of the above, keep me in mind. I make the process as easy as it can be. You can come in to meet with me first or I can email to you a Will Information Sheet you can complete and we can do most of the work by email so you only have to come in when you sign your documents. Call or email me to get started. Our rates are competitive and I've been preparing Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney for 25 years. I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017.

Timeline photos 11/21/2016

I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you are able to spend time with family and friends and enjoy the day off from work. I also want to thank the first responders who are required to work on holidays so that police, fire and ambulance services are available to those who need it. And finally, a special hearfelt thanks to the proud men and women serving in locations all over the world who are sacrificing their own time with family during the holidays to keep our country safe and secure.

Timeline photos 11/07/2016

The Cubs have won the world series. What comes next could be hell freezing over. Just to be safe, you need to make sure you have your estate planning in order. It's never too late to fulfill your 2016 new year's resolution to get your Will completed. Whether you need a Will, Health Care Power of Attorney, Financial/Durable Power of Attorney, Living Will, Living Trust or all of the above, keep me in mind. We can get your documents done before the end of the month. Call or email me to get started. Have a great weekend my friends.

Timeline photos 11/04/2016

55% of Business Owners work 50 or more hours each week. But you already know that. If you're like me, 50 hours would be a short week. It's not easy building a business from scratch. Finding time to manage the business, manage employees, keep the finances in order, advertise the business--all while trying to provide the best product and service to the customer. Well every business owner needs a business attorney they can trust. Before you sign that lease, before you sign an important contract, before you hire or fire a key employee, you should consult a business attorney to make sure you have considered all of your legal options and potential liability. I have been representing small and medium-sized businesses for 25+ years. I have been advising my clients on all aspects of their business, including their corporate maintenance, contractual and employment matters and, in many cases, the exciting process of selling your business to an interested buyer. If you need a business attorney, I would be honored to have the opportunity to work with you. Now you have my permission to take a long lunch!


Football has started; leaves are falling and the weather is beginning to turn cooler. That can only mean one thing-there are only three months left for you to fulfill that New Year's promise to get your estate in order. If you do not have a current Will, Health Care Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney (for financial matters) and a Living Wil, you shouldn't put it off any longer. If you have minor children or have been previously married with children, things can get really complicated. We make it easy to get these things done. You can simply call our office and we will email you a questionnaire you can complete and email back to us at your convenience. I'll review your responses, draft your documents for review and once we make any changes you require, you can execute and be done. You can fulfill that promise from January and give yourself peace of mind in the process.


When you buy a house, you use a real estate agent to help you nagivate the process. One of the things people often don't think about is hiring an attorney to review your closing documents to insure your interests are being protected. Even though houses are one of the biggest investments you will ever make. There are two main issues that I see when I review closing documents. One is errors in the deed or restrictions in the deed that should not be there. These deeds are drafted by title companies and may contain items that are not favorable to you or necessary in your deed. I reviewed one several weeks ago that had to be entirely redrafted. The second item is to insure that the promissory note you sign accurately reflects the terms and conditions of the mortgage loan you were promised, including the interest rate and length of payment. And finally, you need someone on your side to review your Title Comittment to verify that there are no impediments to you obtaining clear title to the property you are buying. Reviewing closing documents is normally a flat fee rate for many attorneys. Protect your investment. After you sign, it's too late.


Spring CleaningTime. Also Tax Season. I want to add one more season to the mix-Estate Planning Season. If you do not have a current Will, Health Care Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney (for financial matters) and a Living Wil, you need to get them done. It is important that you plan for the worst case situation to insure that your family is not left with an expensive legal mess. If you have minor children or have been previously married with children, things can get really complicated. We make it easy to get these things done. You can simply call our office and we will email you an questionnaire you can complete and email back to us at your convenience. I'll review your responses, draft your documents for review and once we make any changes you require, you can execute and be done. You have heard the expression, "tomorrow is promised to no one." Don't put off your planning responsibilities for too many tomorrows.

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1278 FM-407, Ste 109
Lewisville, TX

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