Videos by WELLadjusted: a chiropractic wellness center in Lexington. Life Is Better When You're WELL ADJUSTED.
We’re back in the office today! I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve had my fill of snow for the year! ❄️ Hope everyone stayed safe and warm.
We’re back in the office today! I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve had my fill of snow for the year! ❄️ Hope everyone stayed safe and warm.
Come to Nutrition Workshop tonight! This NUTRiBULLET could be yours! We start at 6:15pm! You don't have to be a patient to attend--come hang out and learn a thing or two about nutrition! 🍆🥑🍅🥕🥒
🚨 Hey guys! 🚨 WELLadjusted is hosting a Nutrition Workshop tomorrow evening at 6:15! Dr. Williams will be talking about nutrition basics, supplements, myths and fads! Come join us for a fun evening, complete with snacks (Dr. approved, of course!) and a raffle! Let's make nutrition less confusing!