Stivers Strength
SSW is a private training facility in Lexington, Ky dedicated to empowering its members through strength training. We believe "Strength is for Everyone."
"Train for Life"
Ever seen a 90-year old bench press?
Thinking you can be too old to build muscle is garbage.
Research shows you can build muscle at ANY age.
And I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
We regularly work with people in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and even into their 80’s.
If you didn’t see my post from Monday about Linda, check it out. She’s the badass that reversed her bone loss.
If it’s been ages since you’ve worked out…
or decades since you’ve been in a gym…
And you wish you had more energy to enjoy retirement…
This is the place for you.
Drop me a DM to talk.
Here’s exactly what to EAT to lose weight:
1). Write down everything you eat for 5-7 days. Research shows people that write down what they eat start losing weight simply by writing it down.
2). Weigh yourself every morning on an empty stomach (or at least 3x per week). Research shows that people who weigh themselves lose weight more successfully than those who don’t.
3). After the initial 5-7 days, start making adjustments to your eating:
>>Protein: Eat 0.8-1 gram per pound of bodyweight. A 200lb person would eat 160-200 grams per day.
>>Calories: Multiply your body weight x 11 to 12. A 200lb person would eat 2200-2400 calories per day. This starting # for calories is a guesstimate and we’ll adjust it after 7-10 days of tracking.
4). Aim for 1% bodyweight lost per week but as low as 0.5 lbs per week is still worth your time… especially if you have less to lose or are a smaller person.
If you’re losing weight week to week - cool. Don’t change anything.
If you aren’t losing weight, then you’ll either increase your activity, or decrease your calories by 1x bodyweight.
Curious what activities you should be doing? Check out yesterday’s post.
Here’s exactly what to DO to lose weight:
1). Lift weights 3x per week to build/retain muscle and bone density
2). Walk, hike, bike, swim etc 150-300 minutes per week for heart health, digestion, better mood, better blood pressure, etc. Plus, it boosts your calorie burn.
If it’s been a while, start by walking 20 min per day.
Movement is key. You can amp up intensity over time.
If you’re losing weight week to week - cool. Don’t change anything.
If you aren’t losing weight, then you’ll either increase your activity, or decrease your calories.
I really like to increase activity as much as possible before reducing calories.
Curious what exactly to eat?
I’ll break that down for you tomorrow.
In the meantime, drop me a note below and LMK what you did for movement today.
In addition to owning a gym and offering in person strength coaching I also offer 1:1 online coaching.
However, not everyone can afford to train with us in person or do 1:1 coaching.
So, I’ve decided to launch an online group strength and health coaching program for a fraction of the cost.
If you’re ready to lose fat, build strength and improve your cardiovascular and mental health then this is the sustainable path for you.
You’ll receive:
🏋️ Home workout plan OR Gym workout plan
🥩 Nutritional Guidance to lose fat and build muscle
🤝 Accountability so you follow through on your goals
💻 Access to private Facebook group for questions, guidance and camaraderie
🧑💻 Live zoom meetings for mindset, support and lifestyle coaching
I’ve packaged everything together that’s made our 1:1 training successful and put it into an affordable group option that anyone can afford.
AND the first 20 people will get an even better rate for being early adopters.
Don’t sleep on this offer. This program will be easily double the price by early next year.
DM me if you’ve been on the fence about working with me but simply can’t afford our $299 individual plan at the gym or online.
We’ll be open for sign ups until August 15th and then we’ll close it down until October.
Get in now at the lowest rate 💪
Can ya’ll show Linda some love?
This woman went from osteoporotic to having normal bone density. 💪
Listen, she could have taken a back seat to her health and “settled” for continued bone loss...
But she didn’t.
She came to the gym and put in the work.
Plus she was nice enough to send us a note; which is too good not to share with you:
“My biggest plus using your program has been my bone density… by intentionally challenging my muscles & putting more stress on my bones, I was able to reverse my osteopenia & now have normal bone density!”
Linda is a testament to the power of strength training.
By consistently challenging her muscles and putting the right stress on her bones, she didn’t just slow down bone loss – she reversed it.
When I say strength training is for everyone, I mean it.
We’re here to help you achieve your health goals, no matter your starting point and age.
Whether you’re looking to improve bone density like Linda, build muscle, or simply feel better as you age, you know where to find me.
And remember: Strength is for Everyone.
Even people with osteopenia.
Lifting and Walking are the anchors to your mental health.
If you struggle with anxiety, depression, etc you absolutely must lean on these activities.
Cognition, digestion, circulation, lymphatic flow, mood, confidence and so much more improves when you move your body vigorously and frequently.
Even if you already exercise there seem to be no upper limits to the amount of movement that provides benefit.
It’s simply a matter of what you can fit into your schedule AND recover from.
For most folks this looks like 2-3 strength training sessions per week and at least 7-8k steps per day.
But, for some like myself, we simply need more.
I lift almost every day and I feel my absolute best at 15k+ steps per day.
In a perfect world we’d be outside almost all day tinkering around doing light activity with periodic more strenuous efforts.
You know, hunting and gathering.
However, that’s not the world we live in anymore.
Most of us lead relatively sedentary lives. We sit at a desk and do computer work.
But, our biology doesn’t thrive in this manner.
We must re-Wild ourselves and move our bodies more if we wish to feel good and be well mentally and physically.
If you struggle with mental health or if you simply want to see how it improves you then try adding MORE movement to your day and week.
If you train twice per week try three times.
Take phone calls on walks.
Get a treadmill pad for your standup desk.
Park as far away from the store as possible.
Take the stairs.
Meet a friend for coffee on a walk instead of sitting at a coffee shop.
For me, it’s an easy choice.
I was tired of feeling so down all the time and I had to find a way to do something about it.
I simply wanted to feel better.
I hope it does the same for you 💪
“Good morning, here’s a word of encouragement ❤️______ and I both just stopped on the farm to chat and we both said “man I feel great! “ thanks for putting up with us 🤣we’re doing what we can to try to be strong and healthy in this next season of life and you’re a huge part of it thank you!”
I love getting texts like this. It really lends fuel to the fire of helping people live better lives through strength training.
A lot of our in person gym members are in their 50s, 60s and 70s and their reasons for training have more to do with bone density, maintaining muscle mass, improving balance and maintaining quality of life and independence for as long as possible.
We may not be able to increase your years (although I would make an argument that we can) but we can definitely improve the quality of those years.
I always joke with them that our goal is to keep them out of the nursing home as long as possible, BUT if they do have to go at least they’ll be the best looking one there! 🤣
Seriously though, lifting weights is incredibly important as we age and if you aren’t lifting a couple times per week your later years are going to be a lot harder than they otherwise would have been.
If you or a parent needs guidance on how to safely train to improve strength, bone density and balance in order to maintain independence then please reach out.
Message me NOW to come check out the gym and see if we’re a good fit for you.
Conditioning for Adults over 50
"Once the foundational habit of strength training is built it must be complimented by appropriate conditioning so the person can use that strength to engage in meaningful physical activities outside the gym.
Strength is always necessary but it isn't always enough to ensure such activities are accessible and enjoyable.
Many modalities are excellent for developing cardiovascular fitness and endurance but are unnecessarily hard on the joints, tendons, and ligaments.
The ideal conditioning modality will force positive adaptations in cardiovascular function and work capacity while interfering minimally with recovery and causing as little injury and inflammation as possible.
A simple, stable, repetitive, low impact exercise that produces the least soreness will be the safest."
-The Barbell Prescription: Strength Training for Life After 40
At Stivers Strength we use sled pushes, drags, air bikes, ski erg, and c2 rower to give our clients the conditioning they need for the demands of life.
They're safe, low impact, can be done at a variety of intensities and intervals, don't require complex learning and are time efficient.
Walking isn't enough to ensure you have the cardiovascular capacity to chase a grandchild, shovel your snowy driveway or hike up a strenuous trail.
Life simply demands more at times.
And we'll prepare you for it 💪
Every strength training session is an investment in your body's 401k.
And the price you pay for not having enough invested in this account is frailty, weakness and a lower quality of life as you age.
The same people consumed with investing enough money to last them through retirement will make zero investments into their strength and health.
This is an inversion of priorities.
I'd rather be broke, strong, fit and robust than rich, frail and weak.
You can in fact have both if you make wise investments both financially and physically.
In as little as 2 training sessions per week you can ensure you have a strong and capable body throughout your life.
The earlier you start the better but the important thing is that you begin to make regular investments.
If you have no idea where to begin or are concerned with getting injured let us take all the guesswork out of the equation so you can be certain you'll get a great return on this investment.
Message me the word "INVEST" to try out a FREE session
So far this week I've spoken to a woman who wants to strengthen her hip that's been bothering her during bowling and another woman who's about to be released from PT after a car accident who wants to continue strengthening without irritating her injuries.
This strength stuff is about more than just bigger muscles and smaller waistlines (although we do that too!)
For many people strength is the difference between being able to do the things they enjoy or not.
It's about quality of life.
If you're on the fence it's free to come try it out.
If you want to build muscle and bone density as you age you’re going to have to actually lift some weight!
It NEEDS to be challenging in order to change you.
But it shouldn’t be painful.
That’s where we come in!
We ensure you are lifting heavy enough and often enough to actually build strong bones and muscles while also making sure you aren’t performing exercises improperly or with TOO much weight.
If you are concerned with hurting yourself in the gym but you KNOW you need to be resistance training for your long term health then reach out and schedule a FREE consultation.
We’ll go over your goals, injury history, medical history, etc and formulate a plan specifically for you to work around any old injuries that may get in the way of you getting the results you want.
Everyone needs to lift weights.
Let us take the guesswork out of the equation so you can focus on getting stronger while not jacking yourself up in the gym!
If you’re over the age of 50 you can’t afford NOT to lift weights. Building bone density and muscle mass is going to be the thing that keeps you out of the nursing home and kickin’ @$$ for as long as possible.
Group training is by definition inappropriate for the individual.
And I don’t care how much you say you individualize it. It ain’t freaking happening.
It’s impossible to individualize workouts for a group of 20-30 people without having a conversion and getting medical & training history on every person in that room.
Everyone has a threshold of volume they can tolerate. A minimum effective dose and maximum recoverable volume.
It takes time to figure out these doses and they change over time with training.
Does a doctor prescribe the same dose of meds to every patient they see? Hell no.
You also have to account for past injuries and joint limitations. Not everyone has access to full joint range of motion.
Asking them to perform an overhead press, for example, when they lack the requisite humeral flexion is negligent at best.
At Stivers Strength, we gather full medical history, injury history and assess joint range of motion for each individual when they sign up.
Then, we begin with a conservative amount of lifting and assess the persons soreness and recovery.
The best coaching is reactive and we adjust the training stimulus week to week to account for the persons ability to recover and make progress.
If you want to lose fat and build muscle without jacking yourself up in the process, an individualized plan is the way to do so.
DM me to set up your FREE consultation
Incredibly proud of my client Jessica Vincent who's down 67lbs and stronger plus more energy!
"I have way more energy now and I can get down on the floor and play with my son without throwing my back out. I can hold him for an extended period of time rather than being exhausted after 30 seconds. We recently went to the zoo and I was able to walk several miles and just enjoy the day."
That's what it's all about.
Yes, people want to lose weight to look better but there are also other ways in which it significantly improves your quality of life to be stronger and more capable.
This is what is so gratifying about my work. Removing barriers to people living their lives the way they want to and not being limited by physical constraints.
Awesome work so far Jessica, super proud of you!
"My Hip Feels Better Already!"
My friend Jeff had been dealing with some hip discomfort for quite some time that's really been impeding his ability to exercise and do the activities he enjoys.
Pain really has a way of discouraging us and creating a barrier between us and exercise.
We know we should be active but we're frustrated and worried we're just making things worse.
This is where a coach can be incredibly helpful.
Not only were we able to get his hip feeling better almost right away but we've found a good number of exercises he can perform pain free to maintain and build strength and muscle mass.
If you've been having discomfort during exercise or just aren't even sure where to begin as far as putting together a training program then reach out and schedule a FREE session with us.
I will personally assess your movements and exercise technique and develop a plan for you to build strength, muscle and bone density despite any chronic pain you might be having.
Don't let pain and frustration hold you back. Start making progress today. Message me to book your FREE session today.
"There's no way I could have done this a couple months ago!
At 63 years old, Peggy came to see us when she realized she couldn’t even get up off the floor by herself anymore…
This is terrifying for a lot of people. The realization that you’re losing your strength and independence.
Struggling with day to day living activities can be extremely disheartening and challenging.
Carrying your groceries, getting up off of the floor and even playing with your grandkids can become extremely difficult as you age.
But it doesn’t have to be this way!
Regular strength training can increase bone density, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, improve muscle mass, balance, and connective tissue strength.
Peggy’s been training consistently for the past several months and she can now get up off the floor unassisted AND she’s crushing sets of 10-15 on box squats on the regular.
If you’ve found that you’ve lost strength and you’re having trouble getting in and out of your car, going up stairs or enjoying your favorite activities let us help you train safely and effectively and get you back to living life on your own terms.
Message me to set up a FREE consultation 💪
It is estimated that up to 84 percent of adults have low back pain at some time in their lives.
And from stories I've heard over the years I've found a large number of back pain cases come from people bending over to pick something up and "throwing out" their back.
Anytime you ask your body to do something it isn't prepared to do you run the risk of pain and injury.
But instead of avoiding bending over completely it's best to improve your tolerance to it.
Don't be scared, be prepared.
You wanna be able to pick up more than you'd need to in any given day by at least double.
Being able to deadlift well over 150+ pounds means that 30lb bag of mulch or 40lb grandkid won't be a back injury waiting to happen.
At Stivers Strength, all of our members learn how to deadlift safely and effectively for that very reason.
You WILL need to pick things up off the ground.
Weakness and frailty creep up on you until one day you realize you don't have the strength to shovel your driveway in winter, get up out of a chair without blowing a gasket or helping your grandchild out of a tree.
Start investing in your strength and health now so your 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond are full of vitality and life.
Contact us today to schedule your FREE session to get comfortable with the gym, meet your coaches and learn how to lift properly 💪
Aging Strong!
We work with a lot of people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond.
I love this crew as they typically have awesome stories to tell and great insights on life and living well.
They’re also fun to train because their WHY is very meaningful to them AND me.
Simply put, most of them are trying to maintain their independence for as long as possible.
Death looms before us all but we don’t have to sit on the couch and let it creep up on us.
We can get busy LIVING in the meantime!
There are two main situations people are in when they come see us at this age.
Weak and overweight or weak and underweight.
For the overweight individual a healthy dose of 2-3 sessions of strength training, as much walking as they can tolerate and a mild calorie DEFICIT are in order.
For the underweight (and usually under muscled as well) it’s a healthy dose of 2-3 sessions per week of strength training, lots of walking and a MILD calorie SURPLUS.
Both types need to eat high protein to ensure they’re building and retaining muscle as they gain or lose weight.
We also need to make sure they are lifting progressively heavier weights over time with good technique.
Lifting weights is one of the most important things to do as you age if you want to build strong bones, stay out of the nursing home as long as possible and enjoy life to the fullest.
You don’t have to accept frailty as a natural part of aging, you can fight to keep your strength and independence with the things you do now.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
"If you would've told me I'd be in here lifting weights at 75 I'd have told you hell had frozen over" 🤣
Strength training is essential for healthy aging in the modern era.
The earlier you begin the better off you'll be but it is NEVER too late to begin reaping the benefits on bone density, muscle mass, balance, mobility and quality of life.
Give us 2 sessions a week and we'll change your life 💪
Strength Training for Health & Longevity
Even if your goal is simply to maintain health, mobility, strength etc as you age you still want to try to increase strength over time.
More often than not, when someone tries to maintain something they lose it.
However, those that try to improve, even slowly, will maintain and even increase over time.
So, it's still important for you to perform enough work and with enough intensity to cause your body to adapt.
My favorite template for most people is a 3 day total body program.
Each day you perform one exercise from each of the following categories.
Push: Push-ups, DB presses, barbell presses, machine presses etc
Pull: Barbell rows, Dumbbell rows, pulldowns, pull-ups etc
Hinge: Deadlift, Romanian Deadlift, Kettlebell Deadlift, Barbell Glute Bridge, 45 degree hip extension etc
Squat: Barbell Squats, Goblet Squats, Hack Squats, Leg Presses, Step Ups, Lunges etc
The rep range for each exercise depends on the implement used but in general you can get strong/build muscle anywhere in the 6-30 rep range provided you go 1-3 reps from failure on your sets.
For Barbell stuff I like 6-12 reps, dumbbells, 8-15, and machines/cables 8-20+
Hit a couple warmup sets and then 2-4 work sets on each exercise and you're good to go.
After you perform 1 exercise from each category you can do 2-3 smaller movements/muscle groups like biceps, triceps, abs, calves, side delts, rear delts etc or you can do some conditioning work. It really just depends on your goals.
Strength is for Everyone 💪
"Thank you all so much! The training is working! I was able to shoot six races one day and 8 races the next day squatting up and down in the dirt repeatedly and my knee I injured several years ago did great!" Wendy, 59
This right here is why we do what we do. Improving people lives through strength.
🏋️♂️ Just Because You Lift Weights Doesn't Mean You're Building Bone Density 🩻
Recently, we had one of our female members reach out to let us know that her bone density was now in the normal range after being told she was osteoporotic in 2020 at her last scan.
Needless to say, she was pretty excited.
But she was also a little perplexed.
You see, she had been working with a trainer prior to 2020 for several years. And her bone scan showed she was osteoporotic nonetheless.
This didn't surprise me as much because I knew all too well what the issue was.
Most people simply don't train heavy enough (relative to their ability) to actually induce strength, muscle and bone density improvements.
And furthermore, a lot of trainers are afraid of loading older clients down enough to actually cause their bodies to change.
In order for your body to build bone density you need to induce a significant enough stress to the system for it to adapt.
Lifting little pink dumbbells for millions of reps ain't gonna cut it.
So, you can in fact be resistance training but see no meaningful change in your body or bone density because the training is simply not heavy or hard enough.
This is where Stivers Strength comes in.
We make sure you are lifting heavy enough to see the changes you are after while also making sure we're building slowly enough to not cause injuries.
Because getting injured will prevent you from seeing progress as well.
So, invest in yourself, hire us to coach you and stop wasting your valuable time lifting little ass weights that aren't going to change you.
Want to see meaningful changes at your next bone scan?
Send me a message to schedule your FREE consultation
Basic Meal Structure if you don't want to track calories/macros
Tracking calories and protein is the best way to ensure that you're in a caloric deficit to lose weight.
However, a lot of people find it tedious and don't want to track all the time or at all.
So, a basic meal structure to follow is the following:
•Palm size protein source
•Fist size carbohydrate source
•Unlimited veggies
•Thumb size fat source
If you can stick to this as consistently as possible (80%+ of the time) you should see a change in your body composition if you are lifting weights and getting general activity in.
Here's a short list of food options for each macronutrient.
Lean ground beef
Lean cuts of Steak
Greek Yogurt
Whey Protein
Eggs/egg whites
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Sweet potatoes
Diet Drinks
Seltzer waters
Do this for 3-4 meals per day and then assess weight loss progress with the scale, pictures and how your clothes are fitting.
For more individualized help please reach out!
If you were gonna do this on your own you would've done it already...
You're human.
You were wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain.
To store bodyfat and save energy.
This is what was necessary for us to survive for the vast majority of human history.
Calories were hard to come by and we needed to be able to survive through longer periods of time without them.
Now, calories are damn near unlimited availability and we store bodyfat for a winter scarcity that never comes.
On top of that companies figure out the exact ratio of sugar, salt & fat to make you over consume their foods so you'll buy more and they'll turn a bigger profit.
It's not just your genetic wiring but the deck is actively stacked against you getting fit and healthy.
You need help and there's no shame in it.
Guidance from someone who has navigated this issue already is one of the smartest things you can leverage for your own benefit.
We can save you valuable time, energy and frustration you'd experience trying to go it alone.
We overestimate our own willpower.
If you want to get anywhere in life it's best to find a guide and surround yourself with others trying to accomplish the same thing.
Don't keep putting this off thinking you know what to do, you just aren't doing it...
If you were gonna get fit & healthy on your own you would've done it by now.
You need a workout plan customized to you and your goals and limitations.
You need a nutritional plan you can actually adhere to.
You need accountability from someone who knows what you're going through and can be equally empathetic and challenging.
You need help, and that's ok.
The sooner you accept that the sooner you can actually accomplish your goals.
I'll be here when you're ready 💪
You looked in the mirror one day and it hit you like slap in the face.
The realization that you sacrificed your health on the path to building a career and family is staring back at you.
It's not just the extra bodyweight you've accumulated but the lack of energy and drive is starting to catch up with you as well.
You can't keep this up, something needs to be done.
You're tired of feeling like s**t.
You want to respect what you see in the mirror.
You want a body you can be proud of and others respect.
You want your wife to want you and your kids to look up to you.
But you're not 20 anymore.
You've got obligations and achy joints.
You need an exercise plan that's customized to your busy schedule and old injuries.
You need an eating plan that's realistic and doesn't cut out everything you enjoy.
You need accountability and guidance to keep you on track while you build these new habits into your life.
I help busy men like you lose fat, build muscle and improve their fitness so they can be better fathers, husbands and men for themselves and their families.
Men like:
Adam who lost over 40lbs in his first 4 months
Michael who's down exactly 40lbs as of today
Jordan who's dropped 20lbs and is stronger than ever
And numerous other men who've shed fat and built strength, muscle and confidence in their bodies.
If you're sick and tired of living life overweight and unhealthy and are ready to build a strong, healthy, and fit body then DM the word READY and we'll have a no pressure conversation to see if our program is the right fit for you.
Lookin' forward to hearing from ya
-Nathan Stivers
If you want to truly be happy then you need to constantly earn your own admiration.
Take the action you would be proud of.
Earn your own self respect.
Decrease the distance between your actual self and your ideal self.
Men don't need to be told they are fine just the way they are.
We know that's bulls**t.
You don't have to hate yourself if you're not where you want to be or living up to what you know is within you, but you can't stay where you are.
Men need direction, purpose, & meaning.
Men need to serve others.
Why are you alive?
For what would you be willing to die for?
15 years ago I didn't have the answers to these questions.
I'd lost all hope and reason for being.
Today, on my 38th birthday, I know why I'm here and I love my life.
I wasn't just handed meaning. I wasn't just given purpose.
I built it.
One action, one decision at a time.
And you can do the same.
No matter how bleak your situation you can build a life of great purpose and meaning.
And it all starts with simply taking the next right action that you know you'd be proud of.
Earn your own self respect and admiration.
Your family and your own soul demands it.
I'm joking but I'm not...
Training for Busy Parents
A lot of the remote coaching clients I train are busy parents working a job AND trying to raise a family.
It's a season of life where it seems like there is almost no time for yourself much less time to take care of your body/health.
One of the first things I do with these folks is identify big rocks vs small rocks.
When it comes to their exercise this looks like having primary, secondary and tertiary exercises in their plan.
The primary exercises gotta get done.
The secondary exercises are still important but you'll live if you get busy and can't fit them in.
Tertiary exercises are nice to have but in no way necessary for health.
This helps remove the tendency for people to not even start a workout because they aren't sure they have time to finish everything.
We don't have time for perfection around here, we live in the real world.
Got your deadlifts in? Awesome.
Deadlifts AND Lunges? Sweet
Deadlifts, lunges, planks and glute bridges? Well aren't you bougie with all your leisure time 🤣
Seriously though. You need to be ok with something vs nothing.
You need to be ok with good enough.
Do not wait for the right time, perfect conditions etc.
Take imperfect action and move forward in the direction you want to go.
For a one time consultation or ongoing help, I'm here for ya 💪
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356 Longview Plaza Suite 150A
Lexington, KY
Opening Hours
Monday | 9am - 1pm |
4pm - 7:30pm | |
Tuesday | 9am - 1pm |
4pm - 7:30pm | |
Wednesday | 9am - 1pm |
4pm - 7:30pm | |
Thursday | 9am - 1pm |
4pm - 7:30pm | |
Friday | 9am - 1pm |
4pm - 7:30pm | |
Saturday | 9am - 12pm |
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