
For all your Digital Marketing needs


How are you currently marketing and how is it working so far?

These are the main questions we ask the agents we work with. The first thing we want to do is make sure that our services will be of help.

Check out our website to schedule your free strategy call. Lets find out if we can help you take your marketing to that next level.



We pride ourselves on sharing daily tips on how to maximize your outreach in this extremely competitive market. Find a way to separate yourself from the rest of the pack.

Our tip of the day:
Use visual content. Images and videos are more engaging on social media platforms. Invest in high-quality visuals to capture attention.

Check out our website to schedule your free strategy session.


There are many ways to get your name out there in your target market. One that is not utilized enough is in person conversations and meetings. Try and do this more often:

-Attend local events consistently. Build relationships with community members, other businesses, and local influencers to increase visibility. Get out there and show people who you are in person not just over the internet.
Check out our website to schedule your free strategy call.


As a self employed agent one of the most important things that you need to do is time block. We know that life comes up and things change but if you don't have a daily plan in front of you, you will always be running around like a chicken with your head cut off.

Use time-blocking techniques. Dedicate specific blocks of time to tasks like lead generation, client meetings, and administrative work to enhance productivity.

Feel free to visit our website IBCMarketing.net to schedule a free strategy call.


Marketing these days can be daunting. Whether it be door knocking to social media ads. There are so many ways we can reach out to potential clients. At IBCMarketing and most of the nation right now though social media marketing is one of the only ways we can prospect 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

As an agent you really should start by,
Prioritize building a strong online presence. Optimize your website, utilize social media, and engage in online communities to attract leads.

Message us to find out how IBCMarketing can get you the highest quality leads so you stop wasting your time calling dead ends.

Or Visit our website at IBCMarketing.net


Thank you to all of our new followers. We really appreciate the support. We are here to make your life as a real estate agent easier by sharing tips that will help you along your advertising journey.

Message us for a free strategy session, we could possibly help you fill some gaps in your marketing you may have not considered.


There are many hurdles that you have to overcome being a real estate agent these days. One is Struggling to secure new listings in this competitive market. Let's tackle one common challenge: Limited Seller Leads.

šŸš€ Solution: Elevate your listing game with targeted paid advertising. Reach potential sellers actively looking to make a move, ensuring a steady flow of quality listings.

Ready for your free strategy call to see how IBCMarketing can help? Let's chat! šŸ“©


There are many ways to optimize your paid advertisements for optimal reach. One very important way that can be overlooked sometimes is the copy. Here are 3 ways that you increase the chances of your prospects clicking on you instead of the other agent.

1.Emphasize Your Uniqueness:
Highlight what makes you stand outā€”local expertise, innovative strategies, or personalized service.

2.Show Real Success:
Feature quick success stories or testimonials to build trust and credibility with potential sellers.

3.Solve Seller Challenges:
Address common seller concerns directly, showing how your services ease their process.

Crafting copy with these elements will make your paid ads more compelling to potential sellers.

Copy can be a tricky thing send us a message to find out how IBCMarketing can help take your copy to the next level.


We've spoke to thousands of agents since we began and over the time we have seen three main obstacles agents run into. Here are 3 and how paid advertisements can help you solve those.

1. **Pain Point: Intense Competition**

- **Solution:** Paid ads allow you to stand out in a crowded market. Showcase your unique value and expertise to attract potential clients amidst the competition.

2. **Pain Point: Limited Sellers**

- **Solution:** Use paid advertisements to reach a broader audience of potential sellers. Expand your reach and connect with individuals who may not have considered selling or didn't know how to reach out to agents.

3. **Pain Point: Balancing Tasks**

- **Solution:** With paid ads, automate and streamline your prospecting efforts. While you're busy closing deals, your marketing continues to generate leads, ensuring a consistent flow of prospects.

Message us to find out how IBCMarketing can take the guess work out and you can get back to the most important part. Closing more deals.


Here at IBCMarketing we have one thing in mind. Help agents get to their highest potential. Ad copy is one of the most important parts of getting people to choose you through a paid advertisement.
Here are 3 ways to improve yours when running and managing your own ads:

Key Message Clarity: Clearly convey your unique selling points. Make it easy for your audience to understand why they should choose you.

Audience-Centric Language: Tailor your copy to resonate with your target audience. Speak their language and address their pain points or aspirations.

Compelling Call-to-Action (CTA): End with a strong, clear CTA. Guide your audience on the specific action you want them to take, whether it's filling a form, calling, or visiting your website.
Remember, impactful ad copy can be the game-changer! Follow us to find out how we can take all the guess work when running your paid ads so you can prospect while you close.


Working closely with real estate professionals, we've identified 3 main pain points and how digital marketing can help:

1.Stand Out: In a competitive market, paid marketing showcases your uniqueness amid a sea of agents.

2.Find Sellers: Paid advertisements connect you with potential sellers who may not know how to reach agents.

3.Balance Tasks: With paid ads, keep prospecting while closing deals.

Ready to level up your marketing? Message us to explore IBCMarketing's solutions!


In today's competitive real estate market, relying solely on organic reach might not cut it. The secret? Embrace the new era! Here are 3 ways to stand out:

1.Cold calling - a forgotten gem.
2.Strategic Paid Advertisements.
3.Door knocking - a lost art making a comeback.

Let's talk about how IBCMarketing can elevate your game with effective paid ads and maximize your marketing ROI.


Tip of the day:

The importance of copy in a paid real estate ad can't be overstated. While your image or video grabs attention, it's the copy that convinces clients to take the next step. Keep it short, sweet, and highlight what sets you apart from the other 1000 agents in your area. Ready to stand out? Let's chat


As a real estate agent if you are in control of your own digital marketing. Here are the 3 subjects that we focus on when it comes to running ads for our clients depending on their desired clientele.

1.High-Quality Property Photos:
Showcase professional, well-lit images of the featured property's exterior and interior. Highlight key selling points and unique features to capture attention.

2.Lifestyle Shots:
Include images that convey the lifestyle associated with the property and its surroundings. This could involve nearby amenities, local attractions, or the community atmosphere to help potential buyers envision themselves in the space.

3.Before-and-After Transformations:
If applicable, showcase the transformation of a property. Before-and-after photos can be compelling and demonstrate the potential of a property, making it more appealing to prospective buyers.

Message me to find out how IBCMarketing can handle all of your marketing needs so you can focus on what really matters.... Closing more deals.


Cold calling?

There are many reasons people dislike it, but the biggest excuse I hear from everyone is.... Cold calling is dead.
Here are 3 reasons cold calling will never truly die.

1. You get to actually talk to someone. Hear their voice and they can hear yours. We all know those texts that get lost in an emotion that wasn't conveyed. Cold calling by passes that because of the tone of your voice.

2. It's easy to forget a text or an email, but when you give someone your time and energy in most cases I've realized that people respect that and tend to remember you.

3. Messages in most cases sound salesy. No matter the context they usually come off like oh this guy is trying to sell me something. Cold calling you can convey a message of I am here to help you. We are in this together.

Message me to find out how IBCMarketing can change they way you market online and you can get back on the phones.


We all have the thought in our head of how can I be more efficient.
Here are three tips to help you with your efficiency with your day to day projects.

1.Prioritize Tasks with the 4 D's:
Do: Complete tasks that require immediate attention.
Delegate: Assign tasks that others can handle efficiently.
Delay: Postpone tasks that aren't urgent or crucial.
Delete: Eliminate tasks that don't contribute significantly to your goals. Streamlining your to-do list helps focus on what truly matters.

2.Time Blocking for Efficiency:
Organize your day into blocks of time dedicated to specific activities, such as prospecting, client meetings, paperwork, and marketing. This structured approach minimizes multitasking and enhances focus, allowing you to accomplish more in less time.

3.Utilize Technology:
Leverage technology tools and apps to streamline processes. Use customer relationship management (CRM) software to manage leads, schedule appointments, and automate follow-ups. Explore time-tracking apps to monitor where your time is going and identify areas for improvement.

Message me now to find out how IBCMarketing can take the stress out of getting new leads off your shoulders.


Welcome back...

Hope everyone had a great Holiday. To all my grinders who kept pushing through those days. Congrats on making it to Monday.

Here are three tips to help you get more leads through strategic marketing.

Community Engagement:
-Strengthen your presence by actively engaging with the local community. Sponsor local events, collaborate with neighboring businesses, and participate in community initiatives. A visible community presence enhances trust and connection.

-Client Success Stories:
Showcase success stories from satisfied clients. Share testimonials, before-and-after photos, or anecdotes that highlight your team's success in helping clients find their dream homes. Positive experiences build credibility and attract new clients.

-Strategic Partnerships:
Form strategic partnerships with local businesses related to real estate, such as mortgage brokers, interior designers, or home improvement services. Cross-promotions and referrals can mutually benefit all parties involved and expand your network.

Message me to find out how IBCMarketing can start bringing the leads to you.


My Two Cents Tuesday:

We all know I love a good cold call. Even when I hate them. Here are 3 tips that will help your day to day calls.

1. Craft an Effective Script:
Develop a concise, natural script. Practice addressing objections and be well-informed about local properties.

2. Build Rapport and Listen:
Establish a genuine connection. Ask open-ended questions, listen actively, and tailor your pitch to the prospect's needs.

3. Strategic Follow-Up:
Send timely follow-up messages to express appreciation and reiterate key points. Use a CRM system for organized lead tracking.

Remember you are calling them to help out. Not sell them something. That is what will get you far. Helping people and the money will come.

If you want to find out how IBCMarketing can take the stress out of your online marketing so you can focus on the calls, Message me here.


Everyone needs a CRM in any industry.. especially being a real estate professional.

When it comes to organizing your leads and managing them there are what seems like limitless options. Here are the 3 that I advise my real estate clients to use. Don't forget this is just "MY TWO CENTS"

1.HubSpot CRM:
Reason: HubSpot CRM is known for its user-friendly interface and robust features. It offers a free version with powerful lead management tools, integrates well with other marketing and sales software, and provides valuable insights into lead interactions.

2. Zoho CRM:
Reason: Zoho CRM is a comprehensive solution that caters to the specific needs of real estate agents. It provides automation features, lead tracking, and integrates seamlessly with other Zoho applications. Its customization options make it adaptable to various real estate workflows.

3.Top Producer:
Reason: Top Producer is designed specifically for real estate professionals. It offers lead management, contact organization, and marketing automation tools. The system is tailored to the unique needs of real estate agents, making it a specialized and efficient choice for lead management.

Shoot me a DM to find learn more about how IBCMarketing can set up your Facebook leads to go directly to your CRM where we can help manage them.


Marketing isn't hard but it's hard to perfect.

There is so much competition out there in every business as well as every niche in those businesses.

Here are three ways you as a real estate expert can separate yourself from the pack in your day to day marketing efforts.

1.Personal Branding and Storytelling:
Develop a compelling personal brand that reflects their unique strengths, values, and expertise. Share their personal story through various channels, such as a professional website, social media, or even blog posts. People connect with stories, and a well-crafted narrative can make an agent more memorable and relatable.

2.High-Quality Visual Content:
Leverage the power of high-quality visual content, including professional photos and videos of properties, to showcase your listings. Use virtual tours, drone footage, and eye-catching images to make properties stand out. Additionally, feature the agent in some of the content to humanize the brand and build trust with potential clients.

3.Educational Content and Thought Leadership:
Establish yourself as an authority in the industry by creating and sharing educational content. This can include blog posts, videos, or webinars covering topics like market trends, home-buying tips, or investment strategies. Providing valuable information positions the yourself as a knowledgeable and trustworthy resource, attracting clients who appreciate expertise.

Message me here to find out how IBCMarketing can take the advertisements off your plate.


My two Cents:

Lets get straight to the point here.
Productivity and busy are not the same thing.

In my life and work I have found my self being extremely busy but not being productive. This is something I have worked and spent hours finding ways to help with this process.

Here are 2 tips that helped me differentiate the two:

1.Outcome-Focused vs. Activity-Focused:
Productive Task: It contributes directly to a specific goal or outcome. The completion of the task brings measurable progress toward achieving a larger objective.

Busy Work: It involves activity without significant impact or progress. Even if the task feels like work, it doesn't move the needle on your overall goals.

2.Strategic Importance:
Productive Task: It aligns with your strategic priorities and directly contributes to the success of your project, team, or business. It often involves critical thinking and decision-making.

Busy Work: It might feel urgent but lacks strategic importance. These tasks are often repetitive, don't require much thought, and don't contribute substantially to long-term objectives.


The end of the day two cents from yours truly:

There are 2 ways to market.

Cold leads
Hot leads

That is it. The people either know you or they don't. Always remember it is easier to help people with their problems if they know you.

Start on the hot leads build your business then go into cold leads.

Cold leads are exactly that A cold and lonely world until you learn how to thrive in it. Once you have a track record you can use that leverage to convince the cold leads to even listen to you.

Message me to find out how IBCMarketing can bring the leads to you through targeted ads through the worlds biggest platforms.


Running ads, It isn't a direct science.

Here are my two cents on three ways that you can optimize your lead management once those ads start working their magic.

1ļøāƒ£ Speed is Everything: Respond to leads swiftly for higher conversions. Set up automated responses to stay ahead.

2ļøāƒ£ Segmentation Works Wonders: Tailor your approach by segmenting leads based on demographics and behavior. Personalization is key!

3ļøāƒ£ Data-Driven Decisions: Regularly analyze Facebook ad performance and lead data. Optimize your strategy for continuous success.

Send us a message to find out how IBCMarketing can handle all of your ad management and lead management.


Marketing is key.
Here are two ways that we have chosen at IBCMarketing to spread the word and market our services. We feel like these have given us the most bang for our buck "TIME", but once again this is just my two cents.
1. Cold Calling - I hate that I love cold calling, but I have noticed that even though its called cold calling it is the warmest of cold out reach. Yeah you may be interrupting their day, but they can feel your emotions once the convo gets past first intro.
2. Cold DMS - LinkedIn has showed me how many messages I can send to the right prospects in the least amount of time with the greatest return on my time. It also gives you the chance to show them who you are through your posts and free information you put out there.
That's just my two cents. Let me know your thoughts and how you connect with your clients.
Message me to find out how IBCMarketing can take all the guess work out of running paid ads on the biggest social media platforms.


My two Cents:

Short story time. I woke up this morning after a long restless night. Not too sure why but it was one of those nights. As soon as I got out of bed I was already thinking...

Today is going to be a long day....

Then I looked into my daily planner and realized, it is going to be the same tasks I complete every day. The same length and the same possible issues.

Do yourself a favor and ORGANIZE YOUR DAY BEFORE YOUR DAY.

This has saved me from the sitting around waiting to figure out what needs to be done.

If you want to know more on how my company IBCMarketing can help you organize and build all of your digital marketing ads feel free to reach out.


My Two Cents:
Everyone wants a weekend, most people actually do have them. If you are a business owner why not utilize everyday that ends with a Y?

We all wake up everyday and want something, why do we sit there on the weekends and not continually work for that thing?

What if someone told you working on a Saturday could increase your output by 14%, why would you not take that?

I know for a long time I didn't, but in all honesty I haven't earned my weekends yet. It's time to work people. Use the days you have to chase your goals.

Message me here to find out how IBCMarketing can help you reach your marketing goals.


Most people think they can watch one Youtube video and be a marketing expert. (I am guilty of this myself). It's taken me hours of researching and back testing.

Here are 3 tips that I've seen increase the outreach in our marketing endeavors with IBCMarketing:

1.Visually Captivate:
Invest in high-quality visualsā€”professional photos, virtual tours, and drone footageā€”to make property listings stand out. Leverage platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to tell a compelling visual story about each property.

2.Precision in Social Media Advertising:
Utilize advanced targeting on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to tailor ads to specific demographics and locations. Create buyer personas and employ retargeting strategies to maximize engagement and stay top-of-mind with potential clients.

3.Educate and Lead:
Establish your real estate clients as industry thought leaders by creating educational content. Develop blog posts, webinars, and downloadable resources covering home buying tips, market trends, and neighborhood insights. Optimize content for search engines to attract organic traffic and position your clients as trusted advisors.

Message me here to find out how IBCMarketing increase your ROAS (Return on ad spend).


Having trouble getting the results from your paid ads?

Here are 3 tips to get you in front of the future clients you are seeking.

1. Target Audience Clarity:
-Define detailed buyer personas.
-Utilize platform targeting options.
-Regularly refine based on performance data.

2. Compelling Ad Content:
-Craft tailored ad copy and highlight USPs.
-Use high-quality, property-focused visuals.
-Include a clear call-to-action (CTA).

3. Mobile Optimization:
-Ensure mobile-friendly ad design.
-Optimize landing pages for mobile.
-Analyze performance across devices.

Message me for details on how IBCMarketing can run and manage all of your ads so you can get to what matters most. Closing deals.


My two cents:

We all get lost in the automation of one of our tasks, but that will never take away the effectiveness of putting in the work to get to that point. There is no easy click button and win options. There will never be no matter what the people say.

Here are 3 ways I keep it personal with our Marketing:

1. Anyone who follows me knows this already .... Cold calling. I love it because they hear your voice. They know the kind of person you are. They know it's not a robot they are speaking to over the internet.

2. Effective emails: Yes these days it is simple to go out and pull a list of a million prospects to send cold emails to, but do yourself a favor make that list smaller. Do some research on them. The area and what problem you think they have that your product could solve. One good email is worth 50 non personal ones.

3. Automated cold dms. How many cold dms do all of you get that you look at and say " well that's great but I didn't ask". If you connect with someone start a conversation before you start slanging products at them they might not even need nor want.

Well thats just My Two Cents.

Ready to take your social media marketing to new heights?

Message me to find out.



3 tips to online marketing
#1: Be consistent, too many agents think its going to happen over night.
#2: Make it visually appealing. Show who you are in your ads.
#3: Understand the market you are going for. Too many people think its better hit the broad net instead of a niche.

Follow me for more tips on how to build paid ads that actually work, or message us to find out how we can build and manage it all for you.

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